Obsession: Loving An Alpha Male (27 page)

BOOK: Obsession: Loving An Alpha Male
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“We do…just lay here with me. I just need a minute…” was all he said before she heard him breathing deeply behind her.


Chapter 17

It was my turn to crawl out of the bed without him knowing. I was tired still, but I couldn’t sleep in bed all day. I had so much to think about, so much to process. I still needed to ask him questions, but hopefully we could get to those without tearing our clothes off.

I showered slowly and carefully, washing my womanly parts. I was definitely sore and probably bruised. I couldn’t tell you what had gotten into him, but I will tell you I enjoyed every moment of it. I loved when he was aggressive with me, demanding my body to give him every bit and part of me, and I did it willingly.

When I got out of the shower, I got dressed, putting on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve t–shirt that I left here and walked out to the kitchen. It was almost one o’clock, so I made both of us a turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes on wheat. I grabbed both of us a water, placed it on the tray and headed to the bedroom. As I passed the office though, I stopped and went in. In our bouts of pleasures, I seemed to have destroyed his office. So I went in to quickly pick up everything I pushed to the floor.

After doing so, I eyed the safe and decided to open it again.

You know, just to see if I could do it without him.

Yeah okay, so I wanted to see those freaking diamonds again. They were so freaking awesome. I saw yellow diamonds, chocolate diamonds, large ones and small ones. I dared not ask how he got a hold of them, but I did remember he had this thing about keeping what you find. So maybe he found them on someone he captured, or um... got rid of… and took them because hell, the person that had them didn’t need them anymore.

I put the tray down and followed the steps to the letter to open the safe. As I reached for the diamond pouch, I saw a few papers that caught my eye. I pulled them out instead and started reading.

I couldn’t tell you how long I was reading, but I managed to eat my sandwich and drink my water while reading Josh’s stock portfolio. I also didn’t know I wasn’t alone anymore.

I heard someone clear their throat, which made me jump. Josh stood there with just a pair of shorts on and damp hair, upon which I assumed he just stepped out of the shower. My eyes drifted down his bare chest to his hips, passing some spectacular set of pectorals and pack of stellar abs too. That muscle shaped like a V that only led to one rather large…

“Was that supposed to be for me?”

My eyes jumped from his crotch back to his face.

Mouth dry, I managed to croak, “I’m sorry?”

Josh’s smirk on his face grew as he leaned in the doorway.

“That sandwich on the tray, was that for me?”

I looked over at that tray and honestly had to remember how it got there. I was so engrossed in what I was looking at that I completely forgot I made it.

I shook out of my trance. “Oh yes… I’m sorry, Josh. I was on my way to bring it to you, but then I got distracted and…”

Josh moved into the room and sat in front of the desk.

“You wanted to see the diamonds again?”

I closed my eyes ashamed and nodded. “Yes.”

He chuckled. “I figured as much. I don’t blame you. They are beautiful stones.”

I moved his desk chair closer to the desk.

“Yes, but I never got to them. I stumbled on your portfolio of investments, and I have to say you definitely have an impressive diversified portfolio.”

“Yeah, you think so.”

Josh reached for the tray and picked up the sandwich. He started eating as I rambled on.

“Yeah, I do, but I also think you could stand to take a few more risks. I mean, from what I can see here, you can afford it.” I told him, looking back over the papers in front of me.

“You think I’m investing soft?” he asked me, clearly amused by my excitement.

I rolled my eyes, but I answered, “Not soft but safe. As a matter of fact, I know a few business ventures that you could invest in that would give you a great ROI that could double your net worth.”

When I looked at the plate in front of him, the sandwich was already devoured.

Josh said, after he wiped his mouth, “Well, when I get back maybe you can show me how I need to beef up my investment portfolio.”

And… the elephant has just entered the room. I leaned back in my chair and watched him closely.

I asked, “How long will you be gone?”

Josh shrugged again and leaned back in the chair he was sitting in.

“I could be gone at least one week, but at the most about two months.”

“Wow, that seems like a long time,” I said softly.

I didn’t meet Josh’s eyes, but I still felt them on me, studying me. I kept looking at the papers in front of me so he wouldn’t be able to completely read me. I was trying to stay brave. I mean, the performance I put on last night almost forced me to show no weakness, right?

I heard him shifting, but I refused to look up.

He sighed and then said, “Are we going to make eye contact while we talk about this?”

I reluctantly looked up and met his eyes. I knew the moment our eyes met he knew what I was feeling.

I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with his scrutiny, so I started shuffling papers and said, “Are you going to talk or just stare at me?”

“Sweets,” he started voice soft, “this will probably be the longest time I’ll be away from you.”

I shook my head. “I’m not concerned about the length of time. I mean, I am, but that’s not what worries me.”

“So what worries you?”

I looked at his chest then back at his eyes, “I’m worried about you not coming home in the same manner in which you leave.”

Josh nodded. “I know you are, and I can’t make any guarantees to make you feel better. All I can say is that I’ll do my best to take care of myself and get home in one piece. I’ll try and contact you as much as I can, and I’ll send word with Junior too. And God forbid, if something were to happen to me, you’ll see one of my brothers at this doorstep for you.”

“One of your brothers?”

“Yes, my brothers will be the one to tell you if something has happened to me. They will tell you the truth and not some crazy messed up story that you might hear.”

“Okay, but how do you know that they would be willing to do that? I mean, your family doesn’t even know me.”

“Believe me, they know enough about you from Ma. And you’re family, Sweets… You’re my family, and we take care of family.”

I sighed because quite frankly I didn’t know anything about that at all.

“Come here, Sweets.”

I stood and walked around the desk. Josh stood and gathered me in his arms and hugged me tight against him.

“Don’t worry about anything, okay? I’ll be home before you know it, and I’ll be in one piece. Trust me, okay?”

“I do,” I mumbled in his bare chest.


We stayed like that for a minute, him swaying us lightly from side to side.

Then he said, “Now go put the paperwork back in the safe. Because of you, we are running behind.”


He smacked my ass and laughed. I put the items back in the safe and closed it properly.

I then turned and said, “So are you going to tell me what we’re doing today?”

“Oh yeah, you’re moving.”

I paused and just stared at him. “I’m sorry what?”

“You heard me. We can pick up some boxes on the way to your apartment, but I would like to have you packed and moved out by Wednesday. You think you can do that?”

“And where am I moving to?” I asked him.

“Here, of course.”

He is insane…

I said to him, “I think you’re taking this bossiness you possess to the head. Who said I was moving and in here no doubt.”

“Do you want me to come back to you in one piece?”

“Yes…” I answered hesitantly.

“Okay, then it’s settled.”

Josh walked out of the room without saying another word. So you know this isn’t flying with me, right?

I followed, saying, “How does that make any sense?”

Josh was pulling up his boxer briefs when I walked in the room then grabbed a t–shirt from his drawer.

He sighed dramatically. “Sweets, it’s quite simple. There is no way I can concentrate if you’re not safe. So in order for you to be safe, you have to be here.”

“Okay, so I can stay here most nights, but I can’t just move in with you…”

Josh walked up to me and placed his hands on my upper arm.

“Would you like me to ask you first then?”


“Sweets, keep up with me. If you want to make it official, here you go… Sweets, I want you to move in with me. I want you here every day and night until I leave, I want to know you’re here and safe with twenty–four hour guards watching over you when you’re home, and I want you here when I get back as well as every day after… Is that official enough for you?”

He then kissed me and headed toward the closet.

I have to be honest with you, I was hooked when he told me the first time that I was moving in with him. And quite honestly, I shouldn’t be okay with this. After all, I left a controlling father at home and a horrible situation with an ex. How was it that I found myself with a bossy controlling boyfriend again? I mean hell, he didn’t do anything traditional. He should have asked me if I wanted a relationship with him first and foremost. And yes, he should have asked me properly to move in with him.

I was about to say this very thing to him when he appeared in front of me, wearing a long sleeved Yankees t–shirt and dark jeans.

“Baby, I know I’m being a bit too pushy, and I apologize, and you’re right. I should have asked if you even wanted to move in with me. How about this… Let’s just move your things in here while I’m gone. I really want you out of that apartment you’re currently in baby… it will really help me concentrate and not worry about your safety… And when I get back, we can talk about this moving in thing. We can go find an apartment together, one that we both like. Or maybe we can look for a bigger apartment in this building; whatever you want to do I’m okay with.”

Uh… Wow!

He leaned in and captured my mouth softly.

When he pulled away, he asked, “Is that okay?”

I was completely speechless, so all I did was nod.

“Great, let’s get going then.” He playfully smacked my ass again and grinned broadly.

He took my hand in his, and we grabbed our things and left his apartment.

Moving my things into his apartment took next to no time at all. I didn’t really take anything with me but my clothes, and hell, Josh barely let me walk out of the apartment with those. He helped me clean, and we emptied the cabinets and refrigerator of food. We packed up some old clothes and pots and pans, silverware, cups, and plates to give to the Salvation Army. I packed up sheets and comforters for pickup too.

We had to take a few trips back and forth to his apartment, but by Wednesday I had everything I owned packed up in the office of Josh’s apartment.

Thursday the Salvation Army was scheduled to pick up everything, so Josh and I headed to my apartment to say goodbye to my old second life and hello to the start of my third.

Third time’s a charm, right?

When we returned to the apartment, Josh and I started packing for our trip the next day. As I packed, my mind kept going back to something that I felt was missing. I actually felt like I was forgetting something this whole week, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. When I told Josh I had forgot something in the apartment, he reminded me that we went through every room in that place and it was empty when we left.

“Sweets, there’s no need for you to go anywhere near that building again, so don’t even think about it.”

“Was my apartment that bad?” I asked him, hearing something in his tone other than caution.

“No, it’s not that. I just don’t want you going back there without anyone, okay?”

I put my hand on my hips. “Don’t you think you’re overreacting? I mean, what are you worried about? If you think someone in my past will come here, no one knows where I am, and I doubt if they knew I was in Pittsburgh that they would find me in that apartment.”

Josh went in the bathroom and came back out with our toiletries.

“Sweets, my gut has gotten me out of a lot of shit, and right now I feel like you need to stay away from your apartment; even when I leave. You can go to work but don’t leave without Ivan walking you to the car and keep that Taser out and ready when you walk from the car to the elevator in the garage.”

Yes, Josh bought me a taser and showed me how to use it. He wanted to get me a gun, but I refused to carry one around the city. Besides, the time it would take for him to get a permit for the gun and show me how to use it, would take more time than he had. So the taser it was.

Josh also felt the need to make sure I knew how to get away from an attacker if I was not able to use the Taser for some reason. I knew some things from Joy, but he figured he’d show me quicker ways to incapacitate someone. I thought at first this could be fun. You know, grappling around with him on the floor has its advantages, but I was dead wrong. It seemed Josh was very serious when it came to training, and the drill sergeant Cooper made an appearance, and I have to tell you, I was not that fond of him.

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