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Will could answer, the room went dark and silent. He sat in the dark listening

gasp of breath which was immediately followed by… “Fuck…my paper… goddammit.”

had a backup plan.” Will reached for the beer
bottle he’d left on the table right in front of him. A chewed up pen hit him on
the side of the head.

Jude said after Will yelped, “serves you right.”
Will had to give the man props for making the
hit in the dark.

dim light came on next to him. Jude held up his cell phone as he went over to
the built-in entertainment unit. A couple of minutes later soft candle light
filled the room, and Jude stood over his dark computer playing with the power
cord. “I guess my battery is completely fried. I don’t want a new computer.

buy a new battery.” Will picked up his food mess and stacked up their dishes on
the tray. His legs ached from sitting on the hard floor too long. Standing up
he stretched as the wind whistled and moaned outside. A chill blasted from the
old windows across his bare chest. “Damn, it’s going to be fuck loads of cold
if the electricity…” the lights flickered on and stayed on as he spoke. “Okay,
why does that happen every single time?”

laughed as he restarted his computer. “Seems like it, doesn’t it? But it does
bring up the question of how to heat this place if we really do lose power
since the fireplaces are all closed up.”

heat didn’t immediately come back on. But it was still warm enough inside that
Will didn’t worry too much. There were plenty of blankets tucked away in the
bedroom closets, and the stove was gas. They could camp out in the kitchen if
need be. Maybe share body heat…he froze at that thought, and refused to let it
mean anything. “Did your computer come back up?” He settled on the couch with
the remote control. The television came on, but the cable was a different

flicked his mouse with practiced ease. “YES! Well, mostly yes. I lost a couple
of paragraphs. Nothing I can’t rewrite.” He clicked “Save” and closed the
document. “But there’s no internet.”

satellite must have taken a hit.” Will shrugged. It didn’t really matter, there
was nothing on anyway, and he wasn’t much of a computer person. “I’m surprised
it lasted this long in this storm.”

is that.” Jude closed his computer down completely and took his text book and
legal pad onto the sofa where he wrapped up in a blanket and went back to
taking notes. The ornate clock on top of the entertainment unit ticked in the
quiet of the room. It wasn’t even seven o’clock yet and he had nothing in his
room to keep him occupied through the night— except his thoughts and his hand.
“It’s just too freaking quiet, and that wind is going to get on my last damned
nerve. I’m going to see what Levi has in his video collection.”

would be wonderful.” Jude didn’t look up. His glasses were on the coffee table,
his shoes under the table. He sat with his legs tucked up and the blanket
falling off one shoulder. His hair a shaggy mess that fell into his eyes, he
looked completely different than during the week when he was polished and
primped for going out in public. He liked this Jude better. Will had to look
away because parts of his body were doing strange things. The willow-thin,
leggy body would be just his type, if it had boobs.

kept his videos in the lower cabinets, in haphazard stacks. Considering the
rest of his house was almost painfully neat, the things Will found in cabinets
and storage areas were usually a mess. The little psychology he’d had in
college would most likely tell him there was a reason for that. And just
knowing the man he’d have to agree— Levi was all about appearance.

going on sixteen years, the Levi he knew was very much like his brother. Quiet,
cold, almost calculating in his calm persona, and then there was that bit on
the evening news back in the summer. Levi, obviously aroused, wearing little
more than smeared lip gloss and eyeliner, being…nothing like the Levi he knew.
His eyes were alive with a fire Will had never seen before. His smile… real.
For the first time ever, he’d seen Levi smile a real goddamned smile. For a
moment he wondered if Jude was hiding away the part of him that made him human.
He wondered if Jude had ever come out of his cold shell with some woman who did
to him what Tracy did for Levi.

listened to the wind howl and the man on the couch tap a pen. The silence and
his thoughts unnerved him. Levi’s taste in movies was incredibly bad…chick
flicks, the man had chick flicks for fuck sake. Will rifled through Levi’s
collection. Nothing but stupid chick flicks and weepy dramas. There was even
season of
hell no! “Levi, man, where did you hide the guy movies?” But at least his mind
stopped wandering to things that didn’t concern him, like what Jude would look
like after sex, if he would go back to his text book and pen tapping as if it
had never happened in the first place.

heard Jude chuckle and determined to stop the images from dancing in his mind
he dug ever deeper into the piles of movies. Some still had shrink wrap on
them. But Will knew that way of life too, he didn’t judge. He had several
unopened packages in his house—movies, wines, whatever—things he was holding
until the offseason. Now it was the offseason, and he had nothing left.

found a paper bag stuffed in the very back corner, completely hidden by movies.
His skin prickled. “Now we’re cooking with gas. No one goes to that much
trouble to hide movies unless it’s porn.” He pulled one of the cases out. There
was no label, just a disk inside with the ubiquitous
titles that only porn was capable of producing. He laughed, and without a
second thought, he popped the disk into the player and went back to the couch.

pressed play and grabbed a throw pillow. Jude hogged the only blanket in the
room, but the heat came back on just as the legal disclaimers appeared on

you seriously going to watch that right now?” Jude didn’t look up from his
book. He wrote in blue ink on the yellow paper, the cheap pointy cap on his pen
already a chewed mess.

“You watched Jeopardy and I didn’t say
anything. You have your porn. I have mine.” A really fit, really young man
strolled on camera, no shirt, jeans hugging his hips. He had a towel over his
head as if he were drying his hair. The acting was about par for the course,
the scene being one he’d seen a million times. He predicted a surprised naked
girl on the other side in a long coat and very little else. Except… “Are you
shitting me?”

laughed. He looked up from his notes, his eyes narrowed into a squint to see
the screen in the distance. “What? Did you think Levi was hiding straight porn?
Seriously, he likes dick, or didn’t you get that memo?”

ignored the dig, he fingered the remote his thumb hovering over the eject
button but he didn’t press it. Almost as if he were mesmerized Will continued
to watch as the pizza delivery guy on the screen dropped the pizzas and pushed
the younger guy up against the wall when the kid said he had no cash to tip
him. Pizza guy had the smaller man on his knees. Cocks were out. Jesus, the
pretty boy could take that monster cock All. The. Fucking. Way. Down. His.

The heat was set too high, sweat beaded under his arms, he couldn’t seem to
remember how to breathe correctly.

turn it off.” Jude was back at his note-taking now, but Will could hear the
amusement in his voice. “I won’t tell anyone that a little gay porn got you all
hot and bothered.”

it too much for you to handle?” Will had to clear his throat. The pizza guy
took his shirt off to reveal a tatted up muscular body and darker skin than the
blond on his knees. The pale hands on Pizza Guy’s hips would look like Jude’s
hands on Will’s body. He tucked the pillow tight.

snorted and kept his nose in the book. “I can handle it if you can.”

was a direct challenge. “Are you saying I’m not man enough to sit through a
couple of fags sucking each other off?”

, I believe that was you
who said that.”

pizza guy made a groaning growl and shoved his dick down the twink’s throat
“Take that big cock, take it bitch, next time remember the tip…oh yeah, bitch,
you like that big dick don’t you?” The twink looked up at the pizza guy and
nodded, his red lips wet and full around the engorged cock. He swallowed
compulsively as he bobbed his head. The pizza guy lovingly held his chin while
he fucked his mouth. “You want my big cock inside you, bitch, don’t you?” The
twink nodded again, this time he whimpered and tugged at his cock.

like the kid is going to get it. You think you’re up for that?
fucking and all?” Jude commented his
voice dripping with sarcasm, his attention still on his notes.

had forgotten Jude was in the room, he jumped and pulled the pillow tighter in
to hide the growing discomfort in his sweats. “I’m not the one who needs to
worry about it being genetic or something. Like the apple falling far from the

is five years older than me, barely five years older than me, I’m pretty sure I
didn’t fall from his apple tree.”

your daddy was a fag and that’s where he gets it. Maybe it runs in the family.”

pizza guy had the twink naked on his back on the floor, legs back until his
toes were even with his ears, moaning like a bitch in heat while the pizza guy
licked his ass. And Will had to fight hard not to reach under the pillow and
adjust his dick.

pretty sure our father was anything but gay. And you’re the one sitting here
with a boner. Maybe that makes you the fag.” Jude did that smirk thing that
drove Will insane.

guy covered twink boy, dragging his hands above his head while he humped him on
the floor. Twink boy’s moans went straight to Will’s dick. The asshole sitting
next to him calling him a faggot, well, that was just not acceptable.

tossed the pillow to the floor and was on his knees moving across the couch
before he could tamp down the reaction button in his brain. Challenge issued. And
Will accepted. He tackled Jude and flipped him onto his back, dragging him down
and under him until the man lay still, breathing heavy, and wide eyed. One leg
on the floor, the other trapped beneath Will’s thigh.

the fuck are you doing? Get off me.” He shoved at Will’s shoulders, but Will
caught his hands, and just like Pizza Guy, he dragged Jude’s hands above his
head and held him down. “Get off me, Slater.”

called me a fag. I’m just wondering if maybe that’s big talk from another
closet case.” He shifted both of Jude’s wrists into one hand and closed his
fingers around the fine bones. Jude’s eyes flashed golden fire, his nostrils
flared as he struggled beneath Will, while bringing his body into contact with
Will’s barely dressed body.

this is a challenge. First one with a boner is the fag, and then what? Gets to
fuck the other? That’s called rape, Slater.” But all Will could hear was the
pretty twink begging the brute of a pizza guy to fuck him harder.

not rape if you beg for it.” He grabbed the knee tucked beneath him and dragged
it to his side.

says you won’t be the one begging?” Jude lay surprisingly still now, his long
lean body seeming to fit nicely against Will’s. “Who says I won’t roll you over
and rape you when all is said and done?”

need an army, little man. A whole big damn army to ever get it in my ass.” Will
spread his knees on the couch forcing Jude’s thighs wider apart, and Jude
surprised him by shifting until he lay in a more comfortable position. “You
seem to be enjoying this.”

not the one who’s hard. And I’m not breathing like I’ve just run a marathon.

is all you, big boy. And you’re failing your own test.” Jude lifted his hips
off the couch to rub his bony groin into Will’s, his flaccid dick soft against
Will’s raging, begging, hard-as-hell-and-probably-leaking-through-his-sweats
dick. “And that was you that moaned. Not me.”

didn’t like being challenged. He leaned over his nemesis and sneered into his

flatter yourself. You’re not pretty enough to make me moan. And I wouldn’t fuck
you if you were the last person left on this earth.” He ground Jude’s pelvis
into the couch and rolled his hips. Sweat chilled his back. He bit his tongue
to keep the groan trapped in his throat. The ridge that swelled beneath him
made him smile. “Pretty boy likes that, huh?” He arched his back and humped
against the ridge feeling it fill and grow harder with each thrust against the

haven’t had sex in so long a soft breeze would get me hard.” Jude refused to
break eye contact, his voice cracked on the last word which made Will smile.
“You’re an ugly asshole, Slater.”

explains why you watch me like a hawk. I’m so damned ugly, I might beg you for
a pity fuck. Sorry, buddy, my fuck card is all filled up, and you’re not on
it.” Jude moved beneath him, his long body as sensual as a cat in heat. He
rubbed Will all over, undulating and grinding until Will couldn’t remember why
he started this. “Fuck that feels good. How do you move like that?”

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