On Lavender Lane

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Authors: Joann Ross

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One Summer

“Ross has a wonderful knack for creating a story so lovely that readers want to stay immersed in it forever.
One Summer
pulls readers into the wonderful world of Shelter Bay and holds them close, like family.”

Romantic Times

The Homecoming

“Family and passion [are] Ms. Ross’s trademark[s].…Filled with captivating characters, humor, and an enduring love story.”

—Fresh Fiction

“Race to Shelter Bay as fast as possible. You won’t be disappointed.”

—Once Upon a Romance

“A charming story of family, old friendships, and new love.…I eagerly await the next Shelter Bay novel.”

—Joyfully Reviewed

“One of the best books I’ve read this summer.…Ms. Ross penned such emotion into her story line and created characters that you easily fall in love with.”

—Night Owl Romance

“The Oregon coast has no better publicist than JoAnn Ross, and starting over can be as invigorating as a breeze coming off the ocean bringing the love of our life.”


“It isn’t often readers find characters they’re willing to spend a weekend with. However, that’s exactly what Ross accomplishes…enveloping the reader in the lives of two endearing, albeit flawed, characters…an entertaining stay in Shelter Bay.”

Romantic Times


“This is probably the best book I’ve read this early summer. This hot novel has everything a reader might want in romantic suspense, from sexy, complex characters, to a fascinating setting and intense intimacy.”

—The Romance Readers Connection



“The plot is riveting, the characters sizzle, and the ending will blow you away. Trust me, you do not want to miss
. But keep in mind, once you pick it up, it’s impossible to put down.”

—Fresh Fiction

“[A] can’t-put-down-forget-the-housework-cereal-for-dinner book. The chemistry between Quinn and Cait screams off the page and practically singes your fingers.”

—Romance Junkies


“A page-turning mix of danger, suspense, and passion.”

New York Times
bestselling author Iris Johansen

“A romantic thriller that sizzles with passion and danger…a page-turner leading up to an ending you must read to believe. What an incredible story!”

—Fresh Fiction

“An intense thriller…the perfect edge-of-your-seat mystery. JoAnn Ross is one author who delivers and will most definitely blow you away.”

—Romance Reviews Today

No Safe Place

“Sizzles with the sensuality and danger fans of her romantic thrillers have come to expect.”

Publishers Weekly

“A page-turner.…Hop on the Ross Express for a lightning ride.”

New York Times
bestselling author Linda Howard

“A spellbinding read.…I was blown away. An amazing author and this latest story proves it once again.”

—Fresh Fiction


“Spine-chilling.…a good mix of suspense and romance.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Richly drawn characters, a powerful story, and a heart-stopping ending.”

—Fresh Fiction


“Seamlessly plotted.…Ross keeps the heat on right to the last page.”

Publishers Weekly

“Dynamic.…fast-paced, utterly engrossing.”

—Romance Reviews Today

Out of the Storm

Out of the Storm
sizzles! A captivating and entertaining blend of romance, mystery, and suspense.”

—Romance Reviews Today

Out of the Blue

“[An] adventurous, exhilarating story. Danger and intrigue are a constant presence. Highly passionate.…outstanding.”

—Romance Junkies

“The best kind of romantic suspense: heart-stopping terror and a heart-tugging romance.”

—Romance Reviews Today

River Road

“Skillful and satisfying.…With its emotional depth, Ross’s tale will appeal to Nora Roberts fans.”


“The romance.…crackles and the verbal sparring keeps the narrative moving along at an energetic clip.…delightful.”

Publishers Weekly


“[A] hot, steamy.…page-turner.”

—A Little Romance

“Touches of humor nicely relieve the suspenseful nature of the intriguing and intricately plotted tale. Bravo!”

The Paperback Forum

Also by JoAnn Ross


Shelter Bay Novels
The Homecoming


One Summer


High Risk Novels









JoAnn Ross




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Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

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