On the Road with Francis of Assisi (34 page)

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10. T

“Go find your pigs . . .”: Quoted in Englebert,
St. Francis of Assisi,
p. 63.

“Fearful that the holy man . . .”: Celano, 1C-33,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 212.

“Their greatest joy . . .”: Englebert,
St. Francis of Assisi,
p. 65.

“My dear young sons . . .”: Legend of the Three Companions, no. 49,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 96.

“When he awoke, stunned and shaken . . .”: Ibid., no. 51, p. 97.

“nudged her with its horns . . .”: Bonaventure, Major Legend, no. 8-7,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 591.

“the green things of the gardens”: 1C-81,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 73.

11. D

“a great multitude of birds . . .”: Celano, 1C-58,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 234.

“He gave you feathers to wear . . .”: Ibid.

“he carefully exhorted all birds . . .”: Ibid.

“place near the city of Orte”: Celano, 1C-14,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 213.

forty days there: Julian of Speyer,
Life of St. Francis,
vol. 1, p. 384.

“with gratitude and joyful hearts”: Celano, 1C-14,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 214.

“the size of a large loaf of bread”: Celano, 3C-179,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 462.

“only move his tongue . . .”: 3C-176, ibid., p. 461.

“The blessed Francis preferred . . .”: Celano, 1C-25,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 241.

“twisting miserably and screaming . . .”: Ibid., p. 242.

“At the taste of it . . .”: Bonaventure, Minor Legend, 2nd lesson,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 704.

one of his modern biographers suggests: Green,
God’s Fool,
p. 103.

“might have hope of sprouting again,” et cetera:
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 270.

“He spoke as compelled . . . ,” et cetera: Sabatier,
Road to Assisi,
p. 58.

Little Flowers of St. Francis
Little Flowers,
ch. 12, p. 66.

“so absorbed in God . . . ,” et cetera:
Little Flowers,
ch. 30, p. 115.

12. C

“brothers, who were holding . . .”: Celano,
Life of Saint Clare Virgin,
no. 8, p. 22.

“tonsured” et cetera: Ibid., p. 23.

“united to Christ”: Celano,
Life of Saint Clare Virgin,
no.8, p. 23.

in his biography
Francis of Assisi
: Englebert, p. 110.

“with violence, venomous counsel”: Celano,
Life of Saint Clare Virgin,
no. 2C-284, p. 24.

Celano reports that: Ibid.

“It seems as if . . .”: Bargellini,
Little Flowers of St. Clare,
pp. 39–41.

“little flower” or his “little plant”: Bonaventure, Major Legend, ch. 4, vol. 2, p. 554.

“I do not want anyone to offer . . .”: 2C-205,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 301.

“rebuke him very severely . . .”: 2C-206, ibid., p. 301.

“walk several miles naked . . .”: Ibid., p. 302.

“honeyed poison”: Celano, 2C-112,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 321.

“All of us must keep close watch . . .”: Rule of 1221, ch. 12, “Impure Glances and Frequent Association with Women,”
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works,
p. 120.

“He declared that all conversation . . .”: Celano, 2C-114,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 322.

“in a loud voice . . . ,” et cetera: 2C-112, ibid., p. 321.

“inappropriate chattering”: Ibid., p. 322.

“God has taken away . . .”: Quoted in Erikson,
Saint Francis and His Four Ladies,
p. 84.

“Brother Leo, what do you think . . .”: Ibid., p. 85.

“Blessed Francis,” et cetera: Celano,
Life of Saint Clare Virgin,
no. 10, p. 26.

“daughters and servants . . .”:
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works,
p. 44.

“the riches and pomp . . . ,” et cetera:
Little Flowers,
ch. 15, pp. 72, 73.

“in such a sweet and holy . . .”: Ibid., p. 73.

“a heavenly and not material fire,” et cetera: Ibid.

“Francis, when will we see . . .”: Bodo,
Clare: A Light in the Garden,
p. 47.

“agony of doubt,” et cetera:
Little Flowers,
ch. 16, p. 74.

13. E

“during the night before . . .”: Deeds of Blessed Francis and His Companions, 6-3,
Early Documents,
vol. 3, p. 448.

“Since there was no shelter . . . ,” et cetera: 6-6, ibid.

“It is believed . . .”: 6-9, ibid.

“even when he was burning . . .”: 1C-51,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 227.

“hand it over to anyone . . . ,” et cetera: Assisi Compilation [33],
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 140.

“offer to others things . . .”: [89], ibid., p. 193.

“promoted study . . .”: Englebert,
St. Francis of Assisi,
p. 188.

“Hurry, and clothe them all . . .”: 2C-117,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 234.

“He often chose solitary places . . .”: 1C-28,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 243.

Rule for Hermitages:
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works,
p. 146.

14. S

“My sister swallows . . .”: Celano, 3C-4,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 412.

“they wanted to follow him . . . ,” et cetera:
Little Flowers,
ch. 16,
English Omnibus,
p. 1335.

“Many of the people . . .”: 1C-37,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 36.

“Thus through Blessed Francis’s perfect devotion . . .”: Legend of the Three Companions, no. 60,
English Omnibus,
p. 944.

“It is an historical fact . . .”: G. G. Messerman, quoted in Pazzelli,
St. Francis and the Third Order,
p. 102.

“Oh, how happy and blessed . . . ,” et cetera: First Version of the Letter to the Faithful or Exhortation to Brothers and Sisters of Penance,
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works,
p. 63.

Approved orally by Pope Honorius II: Secular Franciscan Q and A, www.members.cox.net/sfobro/page.

“He sometimes feared . . .”: Legend of Perugia, no. 93,
English Omnibus,
p. 1070.

15. T

“to preach the Christian faith . . . ,” et cetera: Bonaventure, Major Legend, ch. 9, 5,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 600.

“to take him with them . . . ,” et cetera: Ibid.

“great storm,” et cetera: Celano, 1C-55,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 230.

“multiplied so much . . . ,” et cetera: Bonaventure, Major Legend, ch. 9, 5,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 601.

“began to walk the earth . . . ,” et cetera: Ch. 9, 6, ibid.

“many good and suitable men . . .”: Celano, 1C-56,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 230.

“would run as if drunk . . .”:
Little Flowers,
ch. 49,
Early Documents,
vol. 3, p. 649.

“Do you see that sheep . . .”: Celano, 1C-77,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 248.

“touched in his heart . . . ,” et cetera: 1C-78, ibid., p. 249.

“as a great gift from God,” et cetera: Ibid.

“very vain youth,” et cetera:
Deeds of Blessed Francis and His Companions,
vol. 3, p. 539.

“Stunned at once . . .”: Bonaventure, Major Legend, ch. 4, 9,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 556.

“He is entering the city . . .”: Versified Life of St. Francis by Henri d’Avranches, bk. 9, ll. 74–81,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 493.

“There he spoke the word . . .”: Celano, 1C-62,
Early Documents,
vol. 1, p. 236.

“Let’s go up to that festival . . .”: Pt. 2, Considerations on the Holy Stigmata, First Consideration,
Little Flowers,
p. 172.

“And in fervor of spirit . . . ,” et cetera: Ibid.

“great and wealthy Count . . .”: Ibid.

“Brother Francis, . . . I have a mountain . . .”: Ibid., p. 173.

“as though they were angels of God”: Ibid.

Deed of La Verna, related documents:
Early Documents,
vol. 3, pp. 801–803.

16. F

“pseudo-prophet,” et cetera: Hoeberichts,
Francis and Islam,
p. 10.

“suitable” men: Ibid., p. 12.

“Innocent no longer insisted . . .”: Ibid.

“Granada as we know it . . .”: Green,
God’s Fool,
p. 200.

with blackened skin: Runciman,
History of the Crusades,
vol. 3, p. 156.

as many as ten thousand Christians: House,
Francis of Assisi,
p. 207.

“The Lord has showed me . . . ,” et cetera: 2C-30,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 163.

“And behold . . .”: Ibid.

“especially over the Spaniards . . .”: Ibid., p. 164.

beheading fifty knights: House,
Francis of Assisi,
p. 209.

“there was no way of passing . . . ,” et cetera: Bonaventure, Major Legend, ch. 9, 7,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 602.

“like wolves”: Ibid.

“When that ruler inquired . . .”: 8, ibid.

“enormous fire,” et cetera: Ibid., p. 603.

“When, during his stay among the Muslims . . .”: Hoeberichts,
Francis and Islam,
p. 196.

“many precious gifts”: Bonaventure, Major Legend, ch. 9, vol. 2, p. 603.

“The Saracens gladly listened . . .”: Jacques de Vitry, History of the Orient,
English Omnibus,
p. 1612.

The annual Nile flood: Maalouf,
Crusades Through Arab Eyes,
p. 226.

“He had also observed . . .”: House,
Francis of Assisi,
p. 218.

“life of the primitive church”: Jacques de Vitry, Letter 1,
English Omnibus,
p. 1688.

17. C

“maintaining he was a most holy man . . .”: Kinship of St. Francis, ch. 1, 4a,
Early Documents,
vol. 3, p. 681.

very sick on the voyage home: Spoto,
Reluctant Saint,
p. 166.

“marshes of Venice . . . ,” et cetera: Bonaventure, Major Legend, ch. 8, 9,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 592.

“I, little Brother Francis . . .”: Quoted in Green,
God’s Fool,
p. 210.

“the house of the brothers”: Celano, 2C-58,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 286.

“They pulled his capuche . . . ,” et cetera: Little Flowers, ch. 5,
Early Documents,
vol. 3, p. 575.

“After you have a psalter . . .”: Mirror of the Perfection, vol. 3, ch. 4, ibid., p. 258.

“a fiery drop of sulfur . . .”: Kinship of St. Francis, vol. 3 11:21, ibid., p. 706.

“plain man . . . ,” et cetera: Thomas of Spalato, quoted in Sabatier,
Road to Assisi,
p. 108.

“The era of sweet evangelical anarchy . . .”: Green,
God’s Fool,
p. 211.

“From now on . . .”: Ibid., p. 212.

18. P

One of his biographers: Green,
God’s Fool,
p. 215.

“desiring by divine inspiration . . .”: Earlier Rule,
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works,
p. 110.

“only the books necessary . . .”: Ibid., p. 111.

“whatever is placed before them”: Ibid.

“content with one tunic . . .”: 1C-39,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 37.

“carry nothing with you . . .”: Earlier Rule,
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works,
p. 120.

“The brothers should beware . . .”: Ibid., p. 115.

“In his whole life . . .”: Green,
God’s Fool,
p. 215.

19. F

“near Bari,” et cetera: Celano, 2C-68,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 292.

“rushed upon him . . .”: Bonaventure, Major Legend, 12:6, ibid., p. 625.

“By you, most holy Lord . . .”: Celano, 2C-156, ibid., p. 348.

“construction of the church . . .”: 3C-59, ibid., p. 429.

20. T

“Who are these brothers? . . . ,” et cetera: Mirror of the Perfection, Introduction The Sabatier Edition,
Early Documents,
vol. 3, p. 254.

“forced by necessity . . . ,” et cetera: Rule of 1223,
English Omnibus,
pp. 57–64.

“to relax or tarry”: Legend of Perugia, no. 34,
English Omnibus,
p. 1011.

“Now, it seems to me . . .”: Assisi Compilation [74],
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 176.

“From that moment . . .”: Celano, 3C-18,
Early Documents,
vol. 2, p. 411.

“I believe there’s a devil . . . ,” et cetera: Assisi Compilation, [119], ibid., p. 227.

“will recall to memory . . .”: 1C-84,
St. Francis of Assisi by Thomas of Celano,
p. 76.

“The woods rang . . .”: 1C-85, ibid.

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