One Black Rose (26 page)

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Authors: Maddy Edwards

BOOK: One Black Rose
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“What now?” I asked. Now that my world had been turned upside down I wanted to do my best to deal with my new reality. And my new reality seemed to involve Fairy Princes and Queens. In the little town of Castleton.

“Now,” said Samuel, “we take time to figure it out.”

“Your family is furious,” I warned him.

Samuel almost laughed. “Don’t worry,” he said. “My mother is the Queen. It’s not like I can never speak to her again, but she has to know this is wrong. As Heir I have to stand up for what I believe in and I believe that you and I can work this out without her attacking you or the Roths. That goes for Lydia and Leslie as well. I’m sorry about them.” He sounded so serious and he looked so worried that I had to believe him. I knew that he’d been cold to me all summer, but somehow it made more sense now. Somehow it almost sounded like he had been trying to protect me.

After Samuel left, I sat on the porch for a long time. I found myself wishing that I could have seen him in action. I knew it was silly, but I had it in my head that Samuel was a powerful Fairy and it would have been interesting to see him challenge his mother. I figured that for members of their own Court it would have been terrifying, but there was something graceful and strong about Samuel that I liked. It was probably because according to Fairy lore, I was destined for him.

But destiny or not, I couldn’t help thinking about Holt.


The summer night was warm and the sky was every beautiful pink and purple and blue you could imagine. I was enjoying the evening when a familiar silver car came into view. Holt was at the wheel. I felt my heart skip. Just seeing him made me smile, even more so that I knew what had happened with the Winter Queen.

As usual, all the flowers around Carley’s house reached for him. I could feel their excited humming whisper past my skin as he came closer. They were happy to see him. He was like the sun shinning, all warm goodness, feeding their life.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, coming towards me. Instead of sitting in the place where Samuel had been, he perched on a lower step. I wanted him next to me, but I kept my seat. There was something sad about him. He wasn’t the same bright Holt I’d gotten used to, but I stopped noticing that while we talked in our usual lively way.

“I’m good,” I told him honestly. I’d been feeling fine all day. I knew that tomorrow I’d feel back to normal, as if I’d never gotten into a fight with Fairies.

He reached his hand out to me. I took it, then scooted down a couple of steps until I was sitting next to him. He put his free arm around my shoulders, and I found myself smiling. I knew without a doubt that it would be easy to get used to this, to get lost in his touch. I already had several times, like at the Solstice Party when I’d danced with him all night. I’d forgotten that anyone else was even there, let alone watching.

Now, remembering it, I felt a twinge of guilt. Of course that had been what had set Mrs. Cheshire off. She’d been angry that Holt and I hadn’t listened to her and left each other alone. It was just that I found being with Holt intoxicating. I was left a little uneasy at the thought of my reaction whenever I saw Samuel, but when I was with Holt I quickly forgot it.

“Holt,” I asked, looking up at the stars, “would the Roths have lost that battle if it hadn’t been stopped?”

He was quiet for a long time. Finally he said, “I don’t know. Not in the summer. In the summer we are more powerful than the Cheshires. We are in our element, with the warmth and the flowers. Plus, we were at home. The Winter Queen was foolish to attack us at our own home.”

I felt like there was a but coming, but it took him a long time to say anything else.

“But, if the circumstances had been different? If they’d been more even....” he stopped again and shifted him arm so that he held me more tightly against his side. “Yes, I think there’s a good chance we would have lost.”

I inhaled sharply. “Was she trying to kill you?” I didn’t think I could take being responsible for anyone else’s death, particularly Holt’s. Even if I didn’t have any control over what was happening, no one should die because of me. “Because Holt, if you’re in danger, maybe we should…”

Holt shook his head. “I wasn’t one of the ones in danger,” he said bitterly.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “You were one of the ones fighting.” I remembered walking out the front door and seeing the chaos. Involuntarily I shuttered. He squeezed my shoulders reassuringly.

“I just mean she wouldn’t have tried to kill me, since I’m the Heir to the Summer Kingdom. She would have tried to kill you or Susan if she tried to kill anyone.”

I felt cold. It had been all well and good talking to Samuel about the attack as if it hadn’t been very serious, but now, listening to Holt, it finally came home to me that real damage could have been done, damage that might even have been fatal.

“We were all lucky,” I said. “I’m glad it won’t happen again.”

Holt didn’t say anything at all. The next day I realized that had been a sign, that if I hadn’t been so happy in the circle of his arm I would have noticed how quiet and troubled he was.

But at the time, I didn’t. He stayed for a long time with me, just sitting on the porch. We chatted. I’d called home that day and talked to my mom for a long time. She’d been in good spirits, planning a visit to see me with Dad. Apparently the two of them were doing well, which had put me in a better mood. Even though I knew nothing would ever be normal again, I didn’t mind. Despite the stress of the past couple of weeks I was happier than I’d ever been. Besides, it seemed like I might just get my first boyfriend soon. In fact, I thought I might already have one.

“How are your mom and Susan?” I asked, realizing that we hadn’t talked about them.

“They’re fine,” he said, smiling a little. “Mom’s trying to figure out how to best spend the rest of the summer.”

“What are her options?” I asked.

“Well,” said Holt thoughtfully, “she wants to avoid anymore trouble with the Cheshires, so she’s thinking of more ways to make peace. She has to work in the garden and she calls both of my brothers little hellions and thinks they need to be closely looked after.”

I laughed. “Logan definitely could cause trouble.”

Holt snorted. “He already does.”

“Susan is going to spend this summer like she spends every summer: shopping.”

We talked until well on into the night. After Holt walked me to the door and drove away I went up to bed. I fell asleep smiling.


Carley woke me the next morning. She was yelling up the stairs, telling me to come down. I threw off my covers and hurried downstairs. It was already warm out and it looked like it was going to be a brilliantly sunny day.

“Hey,” she said, grinning. “Feel better?”

“Yeah,” I answered. I could smell bacon simmering on the stove. My stomach rumbled.

“My parents are coming home today,” Carley commented. She said it very carefully, glancing at me sidelong.

“Does that mean we have to spend this gorgeous day cleaning the house?” I asked, grinning.

Carley smiled at me and threw her arms around my neck. “I knew you’d understand.”

“What about Nick?” I asked. “Does he want to spend the whole day cleaning?”

Carley scoffed. “Nick will do whatever we want,” she informed me. “He knows you’re supposed to let the ladies choose.”

I helped Carley finish making breakfast. She already had most of it done, so all I really had to do was set the table. Right when we were sitting down to eat, Nick showed up. As soon as he walked into the kitchen he grabbed a plate and started piling it with food.

“It’s a good thing I made extra,” Carley muttered. “Didn’t you eat breakfast before you came over here?” she demanded.

Nick grinned at her as he sat down. “Of course, but I’m a growing boy. I can eat twice.”

Carley was so surprised, she laughed. I laughed too. I looked from one of my friends to the other. I was really looking forward to the rest of the summer.






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