One More Night (6 page)

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Authors: Mysty McPartland

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: One More Night
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Lost for words,
Nate could only stare at the glorious sexy siren before him. Her lacy bra and wisp of panties might match the exact color of her dress, but they were most undeniably a turn on
and o'boy was he turned on
. With a roar of animal satisfaction, he swept her up in his arms and raced up the stairs and into her room. Gently, he placed her down on the bed and with clumsy haste ripped off his clothes.

Every part of her body thrummed with excitement, Cooper lay supine on the bed and watched from beneath her lashes as he stripped. Each inch of his glorious body that he bared, sent heated moisture gathering between her thighs and her nipples were pebbled hard against her bra. Her breathing grew ragged when he shoved his satin boxers down.
Seeing the length of his arousal sent her heart palpitating

Thick, long and glorious and she couldn't wait to have it inside her again, her breath hitched when he slipped on the bed next to her, gathered her in his arms and kissed her with such potency that she could no longer think,
only feel

It didn't take him long to dispose of the few scraps of material she still wore and now lying flesh to flesh with her, Nate was driven mad with his need for her. No longer satisfied with just kissing her, he moved his mouth down the column of her neck. Sliding it down, he captured the pert nipple in his mouth and suckled the tight bud ravenously.

His hand slipped between her thighs and suckling at her breast, he growled with satisfaction. He pulled free from her clutching hands and reached for one of the condoms he placed on the bedside table. Ripping it open with his teeth, he rolled it one and moved between her thighs. “
Next time baby.
I promise you next time won't be so rushed.”

On fire, Cooper didn't care, she spread her thighs further to accommodate him. “Yes next time. Please now Nate, now.”

Nate didn't need any further persuading; his mouth took possession of hers as he thrust forward with one powerful stroke and buried himself fully within her eager body. He let out a moan of immense satisfaction as she tightened around him, squeezing him securely with her inner muscles.

Oh it was wonderful, so glorious.
Cooper wrapped her legs around him drawing him deeper inside. Her hand slid over his slick damp back as she arched her hips to meet each of his strokes. This was heaven, she thought,
pure undulated heaven
, and she was going to make sure they spent what was left of the night doing exactly this again and again.

Supporting his weight on his elbows, Nate clenched his jaw against the driving need to climax. He dipped his head and caught the nipple between his teeth and nipped, before soothing it with his tongue. His arms slid under her, lifting her off the bed as he drove into her again. Another thrust and feeling her shuddering, he lifted his head and watched her face as she climaxed.

Her inner muscles gripped him and sent him over the edge, tossing his head back, screwed his eyes shut as he own orgasm detonated and sent his world spinning.

Tossed into a wild storm of rapture, Cooper clung tightly to the wide shoulders as it thundered through her veins. Her lashes flew up when she felt Nate tense and every inch of his body above hers trembled. She smiled knowingly and closed her eyes.

Completely undone
, Nate lightly collapsed on top of her, he was mindful of his own heavy weight and her slight delicate body. Nuzzling the side of her neck, he wondered why it was this one woman that could send him senseless. She wasn't even the type of woman he usually preferred, but he couldn't deny there was just something about her,
he couldn't resist.

Cooper let her legs fall to the bed and she lightly pushed at his shoulders to get his attention, and when he lifted his head to look at her grimaced. “I think it might be wise if you move.”

Nate leaned down and brushed his mouth across hers before he rolled of her, and lay beside her. He reached out and pulled her close. “That was amazing.” He murmured against the side of her head.

Oh, it was more than amazing alright, but Cooper wasn't going to stroke his ego by say such a thing. “I think I need a shower.”

“Wait a few moments and we can have one together.” Nate whispered, he needed a little more time to gather his strength before they made love again.

Cooper didn't mind waiting, she doubted if her legs would hold her anyway. She let her eyes drift shut and snuggled closer to the hard hot body beside her.

Nate could feel his strength returning and not wanting to waste what little time he had left with this woman, shifted her out of his arms and sat up. “Let's have that shower.” Not waiting for a reply, he moved off the bed, swept her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom. He placed her on her feet and when she switched on the light disposed of the condom while she turned on the shower.

Once she made sure the water was just right, Cooper stepped under the warm spray. She didn't have any doubt of what was going happen when Nate joined her, and just thinking about it her body was already preparing itself for him.

In the shower, Nate squirted some soap on his hands and cupped her pert little breasts and started to lather them up. The instant he touched her, the nipples beaded with anticipation for his mouth, and he started to grow heavy with his arousal.

Her eyes closed, Cooper's flesh tingled wherever Nate's hands or mouth touched her. She let out a throaty cry when his tongue twirled around her swollen clit, sending mindless rapture through her. Barely able to stand, she leaned against the tiled wall as he continued to drive her into madness with his tongue and mouth.

A twirl of his tongue, Nate drew the fleshy pulsating bud into his mouth and suckled, his fingers of one hand drew up the inside of her leg and when he reached the apex of her thighs, drove one, then two digits inside making her scream and undulate against his mouth. God she was so natural and giving, that her reaction just excited him even more.

He felt her body tremble before she stiffened and knew that once again he had brought her to the point of release. He lapped up the sweet honey juices until she sagged, and with a wide satisfied smile rose up to catch her chin between his fingers and give her a long gratifying kiss.

Oh Lordy me
, Cooper thought as she clutched Nate, she was a boneless mess, but she couldn't help her wide fulfilled smile. “That was incredible. Now it's my turn.” She finally managed to say when he finished kissing her, and poured soap into her hands. Seeing his eyes light up with anticipation, she leaned forward and brushed his mouth with hers as she started soaping up his magnificent chest.

Nate needed to brace his hands against the shower wall to keep himself standing and not ripping Cooper away and driving himself inside her.
But God help him
, it was starting to become nearly impossibly and his willpower finally snapped when she cupped his aching sack and gave a strong suck on his cock. With a growl, he straightened up, lifted her off her feet and ignoring her frustrated glare, he shifted her legs around his hips.

“That's not fair.” Cooper griped but a heartbeat later she let out a wild satisfied moan as he drove into her with one powerful thrust after another. Her head fell back as she rode him until they both shuddered at the same time, and she went limp in his arms.

Nate's climax rushed through him like a wild fire, when it was over his legs felt rubbery and his heart jack-hammered. He pressed her back against the wall while they both recovered. His brow leaning against the top of her head, he wondered if he would have anything left him after what he just experienced. When he felt his strength returning, he lifted his head and grinned,
no worries,
he thought he still could manage a few more times.

Reluctantly, he lowered her to his feet, and kissed her tenderly before he let her go. Grinning, he reached over and turned off the shower. “Let's get dry and return to bed.”

Only able to nod her head, Cooper stepped out of the shower before him and reached for a towel. She didn't complain when it was snatched out of her hand, and he tenderly and thoroughly patted her dry. By the end of his administrations, the fire of passion was singing through her veins and she didn't utter a word of protest when he picked her up, and carried her back to bed.

[Back to Table of Contents]


What an utterly delicious night
, Cooper thought as she sat at the scarred wooden table in the kitchen and sipped her coffee. Nate was such a superb lover, and also an inventive one. She smiled around the rim of her mug as she remembered one of the particular ways they had made loved. Shaking her head, she couldn't block out the memory.

They just returned to bed after their shower and he flipped her on her stomach, and lifted her up on her hands and knees by the waist. Her confusion didn't last long before she found out what he planned and glory be, it had been mind blowing. After that it had been a marathon love session and only ended an hour ago.

She left him sleeping needing this time to herself, and to plan how she would handle her sister when she arrived home. It was going to be tricky explaining to her that the man she thought she loved lied about himself, and she hoped like hell that she wouldn't argue about taking the pregnancy test.

The sooner they all found out if she was with child the quicker they could work out what would happen.
It would also mean the swifter she could get rid of Nate
. It frightened her a little that if she spent any more time around him, she just might find it impossible to send him away.

The man possessed too much potent power and sensuality, and she found it impossible to resist. Letting out a deep sigh, she placed her half full mug down. She just braced her palms on the table to push herself out of the chair, when the kitchen door swung about and he walked inside. Her eyes raced over his magnificent maleness, and once again she felt the desire curl in the pit of her stomach.

He had his shirt open and hanging out of his faded tight denim pants that hugged his groin and thighs and left nothing to the imagination. She forced her gaze away and reached for her cup, and wrapped her hands around it tightly. “Coffees just been made, help yourself.”

Disappointed when he woke up alone, Nate didn't waste time. He went in search of her and found her in the kitchen. He let a sensual smile play over his lips when he saw the heat sweep into her eyes. He strode into the room and over to the bench. He picked up an empty mug and the coffee pot. When he filled his cup, he turned back towards her, leaned against the counter and crossed one booted ankle over the other. “So, where's your sister?”

Before she could answer, Cooper heard the front door open and close. “Look I think it would be best if I handled this. Sandie is going to be upset when she learns the truth.” She saw him raise his dark brow and give a curt nod and she let out a relieved sigh. When her sister walked into the room, she turned her attention to her sister and hoped like hell that Sandie would co-operate.

“Oh, hi again,” Sandie smiled at the luscious man before she eyed her sister with interest. “I um... hope I'm not interrupting anything?”

Cooper felt the heat warm her cheeks and forced a casual shrug. “No nothing. Take a seat Sandie, there are a few things we need to talk about.” She watched her sister sit down warily. “Sandie I didn't tell you the truth last night because I didn't want to upset you. But sweetie the man you thought was Nate McGregor was lying to you. George here is the real Nate McGregor. I'm really sorry sweetie.”

Sandie glanced between her sister and the man standing motionless at the counter. Finally, she huffed a ragged breath and met her sister's concerned gaze. “Why would he lie to me Coop? He told me he loved me.” Sandie started to weep.

Cooper jumped out of her chair and rushing around the table took her sister in her arms. “Sh, there, there Sandie. We'll work everything out. Nate has come to help us. But honey, you have to take the pregnancy test so we know if you might have a baby growing inside you.” She moved her sister out of her arms and waited patiently for her to agree.

Tears still running down her face, Sandie's brow furrowed as she thought over what her sister wanted her to do. Five minutes passed before she gave a curt nod. “Okay Coop I'll take the test. I really hope there's a baby.”

Cooper caught Nate rolling his eyes and wanted to clout him for his insensitivity. She straightened up and waited for her sister to stand before she led the way out the room. She was relieved her sister would agree without any trouble, and she prayed like hell she wouldn't be carrying a child. It would be disastrous.

Nate watched the two women leave the room. What was it about Cooper's sister that set her apart? She was definitely an attractive woman and possessed an arousing body, but she did absolutely nothing to wake up his libido. Now her sister was a different matter altogether, and he forced himself to stop his thoughts right where they were.

What was it about Sandie that puzzled him?
He was still trying to work it out in his head when the door swung open, and one look of the devastation on Cooper's face answered the question that hovered on the tip of his tongue. “So, what do you want to do now?”

Shaken, Cooper collapsed onto the closest chair and rubbed at her brow. Nate's questions buzzing through her brain.
What to do?
She could help raise her sister's child, or she could get the lying snake to marry Sandie.
The only two possibilities were disastrous.
She could barely keep up with things now, what with her hours at the clinic and watching over Sandie, it left very little time to herself.

A snort ripped out of her as she thought of what a great job she did looking after Sandie.
She failed miserably and her shoulders sagged
. The second choice wasn't much better to her way of thinking. A man who lied to seduce an innocent young woman wasn't the type of man she wanted for her sister. Defeated, she could only shake her head. “I don't know. At the moment I don't have any idea how to handle this situation.”

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