One More Night (8 page)

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Authors: Mysty McPartland

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: One More Night
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If that didn't work, well he shrugged there was only one possibility left to him. He didn't like it, he didn't want to get involved with her. Hopefully, though, he wouldn't have to and with a grim smile on his face decided why not now. It wasn't that late, and he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep.
He would make a booty call
, he didn't do it very often, but this was an emergency. He dug out his phone from the pocket of his suit pants, and scrolled through the numbers until he stopped, and pursed his lips. Ah the delectable Helen, now there was a woman who knew how to turn a man on. Without hesitating, he pressed dial and while it rang hoped she wouldn't be otherwise occupied this evening.

“Helen my love, this is Nate. I don't suppose you would be interested in a visit.” There was no need to explain, Helen would know why he was calling.

“Nate, Nate McGregor of course darling. Do come over. You will be saving me from a very dreary evening.”

, “I'll be there shortly.” Without further conversation, he hung up shoved his phone back in his pocket, swooped up his suit jacket and headed for the lift. Now all he could hope for that he would be able to perform,
it'll be damn humiliating if he couldn't.
Nah, no problem, Helen could get a dead man to rise to the occasion
. When the elevator arrived, he stepped inside and punched the button to the parking bay. Just the thought of spending a few hours of mindless pleasure in bed with Helen was already making his body tingle with anticipation.

When the doors opened, he stepped out and headed for his car, once inside the vehicle and the motor running he drove out on to the busy street. It didn't take him long to reach Helen's apartment and it only took him a nanosecond to realize that he was not only wasting her time, but his own. One eye full of her over ripe charms, the scent of her suffocating perfume and he wanted out of there.
Damn it to hell, what in the devil was wrong with him?

After mumbling some pathetic excuse, he rushed to leave and was now driving aimlessly around the city, he knew he was going to have to come up with a plan. Cooper was very specific about not wanting a relationship, and he most definitely didn't want one. Nevertheless, if he wanted to get her out of his system it would be the only way. Yet, how could he convince her that it would be a terrific idea? He usually didn't do affairs, women grew too clingy when you dated them for more than a few months.

His usual habit was two or three dates and that was all, the women he went out with understood and accepted that it wouldn't be anything else.
No emotional trouble and that's the way he liked it.
Until now, and out of all the women it would have to be the smart mouth little vixen that had him unable to perform. A growl rumbled in his chest, damn it, he wasn't ready yet to concede defeat. No one more night and if he couldn't get a raise out of a certain part of his anatomy, he would concede and call her. His mind made up, he finally headed home. He just hoped he would be able to stop thinking about Cooper and the amazing sex they shared long enough to get some sleep.


The restaurant nearly full, the lights bright, Nate knew Melisa was angry with him for bringing her here.
She had every right to be he acknowledged.
It wasn't one of the usual expensive restaurants he escorted his women to. However, tonight he wasn't in the mood to wine and dine her the way that he should. His gaze leaving her disgruntled face, he swept a curious eye around the room, it abruptly stopped at the doorway.
No way, no way in hell could that sex goddess walking into the restaurant be Cooper

He took a quick shuddering breath, his heart raced and for the first time in weeks he was rock hard and wanting. He couldn't drag his eyes of her, she was poured into the champagne colored gown,
it hugged every sweet delicious curve like a second skin
. Her glorious hair hung loose and swished side to side as she gracefully made her way through the occupied tables and chairs. His eyes narrowed when she stopped and smiled brightly at a woman and two men.

It took an effort to remain seated when he watched a tall dark headed man rise to his feet, take her hand and kiss it.
Damn smooth operator
, he thought angrily. He noticed the shy inviting smile Cooper gave in return and he wanted to stalk over there, toss her over his shoulder and leave. He mumbled a curse when Melisa touched his arm and started talking to him, with great reluctance he turned his attention to her. He mumbled the right responses and tried to keep his focus on her, but throughout the whole disastrous evening it always shifted back to Cooper.

He nearly lost all sense when he had to watch her dancing in another man's arms, and when Melisa said she was going to powder her nose, he wasn't about to lose this opportunity. He rose to his feet, helped her out of the chair, and before she even left the restaurant, he was heading for the dance floor. “Mind if I cut in.”

Her head jerked up when she heard the all too familiar voice, Cooper wanted to scream in anger when her date didn't object.

Nate thought the other man a damn fool when he just gave a nod and walked away, but he didn't waste time considering it. He swept his arm around Cooper's waist and caught hold of her hand and grinned down at her. “Well this is a pleasant surprise.”

Pleasant, not likely
. More like torture Cooper admitted but only to herself.

“By the way you're dressed tonight I'd say you've got yourself a hot date. Pity the fool gave you up so easily.” Nate whipped the words out unable to help himself.
Jealousy was twisting the knife in his gut.

Cooper eyes widened in surprise at the anger in his voice, she turned away from his heated gaze, and tried not to squirm as heat pooled between her thighs.
Darn it, why does this man do this to me?
She'd been having a perfectly good time until he interfered, in fact she hadn't even noticed he was here. Her mouth tightening she swept her gaze back to his. “For a start McGregor there is nothing wrong with what I am wearing. Secondly, if I have a hot date as you put it, it’ none of your business.”

“Ha, if you hadn't noticed yet, every damn man in the place is imaging himself taking that damn dress off you with his teeth.” He hissed out at her and watched a blush sweep over her face. He cursed his run away mouth and drew her closer. “Where are you staying?” He whispered against her hair as his arousal grew and throbbed.

Unable to stop herself, Cooper pressed more firmly against him and moaned when she felt the length of his hard rigid arousal pressing against her. She wanted to refuse to answer him, but the words came tumbling out. “The Hermitage.”


Oh, hell. “705.”

“I'll be there in an hour, and darling, leave that dress on.” He just finished speaking when the music stopped, and he shifted her out of his arms and his gaze slipped over her in appreciation, when he finished he winked at her. “And those sexy shoes.”

Before she could form a reply the skunk walked away,
damn rat,
she mumbled and headed back to her table. Hopefully, she could make her excuses and leave. She didn't think she would be able to string a coherent sentence together without sounding like an idiot.

Before he even reached his table, Nate could see the anger shining in Melisa's eyes, and let out a sigh of annoyance. It was his own damn fault, but hell he never expected the little pocket Venus to turn up here of all places. “Sorry about that. Are you ready to go?” While she gathered her things, he waved for the check, fished in his suit pocket for his credit card and handed to the waiter. Shortly the man was back and with Melisa at his side, moved through the room. When he reached Cooper's table his gaze met hers and what he saw glittering in her gray eyes, knew without doubt that she would be waiting for him.

He gave a curt nod, and walked past. Now all he had to do was rid himself of Melisa, and hoped she wouldn't be too upset when she realized he had no intentions of ending the evening in her bed.
There was only one bed he wanted to be in
, and that was Cooper's and he was going to stay there until this damn infliction that had hold of him disappeared, and his life would be back to normal.

[Back to Table of Contents]


When he tried the handle the door was unlocked, Nate opened it, stepped inside, closed the door and locked it. He lifted his head and sucked in his breath when he saw Cooper standing in the middle of the dimly lit hotel room. His body already raging out of control, he crossed the distance between them and without a word swept her up in his arms, and locked his mouth to hers. She didn't hesitate in opening up for him, and his tongue swept around the inside and tangled with hers.

It wasn't long before he wanted more than her mouth and tearing himself free, his lips slipped and suckled down the column of her throat until they reached the top of her sinful gown. His fingers busy at the back of her dress, he eased down the zipper and with his teeth, snapped a mouth full of material and tugged it down. A growl rumbled in his chest when he realized she wasn't wearing a bra and her delectable breasts spilled free. He kept his gaze on hers as he dropped to his knees, and with the dress still clamped between his teeth, he drew it slow inch by slow inch down her body.

He could feel her trembling beneath his hands as they slid over her, he could smell the sweetness of her arousal as his cheek brushed against the lacy material of her thong. Letting go of her gown, he rubbed his face against the apex of her thighs, his fingers hooked under the small garment and drew it down. When she stepped out of them, he surged to his feet and swept her up in his arms, and carrying her to the bed placed on the clean white sheets. Slowly and reverently, he let his gaze move over her as he rushed to disrobe.

Near breathless the moment Nate stepped into her hotel room, Cooper nearly swooned from his overwhelming kisses. She whimpered softly when he clasped her gown between his teeth and drew it down her body. Moister pooled between her thighs, and now as she hungrily stared at him stripping of his clothes, she couldn't stop herself admiring his beautiful physic. When he dropped his boxers and stepped out of them, she lifted her arms and spread her thighs. She wanted him inside so badly, she couldn't wait another second to feel his hard body covering hers, and to feel his rigid flesh buried deeply inside her.

She hissed out a breath when his body slipped over hers, damp hot flesh covered hers, and clinging to the broad shoulders, she eagerly accepted his passionate kiss. She arched when his hand swept over her body, her tongue was aggressive as his, wanting more she drew her hand down and her fingers curled around the hard rigid length. When he tore his mouth free from hers and let out a growl of satisfaction, she lifted her lashes and the picture of pure bliss on his face made her heart race.

“Dear God woman, are you trying to kill me?” Nate strangled out, he removed her hand and settled between her open thighs. “I want you so damn bad Doc. I can't wait.” He watched the excitement and passion light up her eyes, and once more laying claim to her mouth he slipped inside her and moaned. It felt as if he'd been waiting a life time to be back in the hot welcoming sheath.

He wanted to take his time, enjoy every slow thrust, but the woman beneath him was making it impossible. Taking his mouth from hers, he let his lips slide down her neck, lifting himself up, he swept an arm underneath her raising her hips as he drove into her with one powerful plunge after another. He gritted his teeth as her nails clawed at his back and her teeth bit into his shoulder. His lips latched onto a tight tipped nipple, and sucked it into the heat of his mouth.

They were both out of control, but he didn't give a damn.
It was wild, sizzling hot and mind blowing.
Her raspy cries rang in his ears, the sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, and just when he knew he couldn't take anymore, her inner muscles squeezed him tightly and she shuddered beneath him. He let himself go, his whole body spasmed and trembled with his release. His hips jerked a few more times and he collapsed lightly on top of her. Now the only sounds in the room were their harsh raspy breaths and the smell of amazing sex.

Completely undone
, Cooper let the rapture spill through her. She had thought that when she had climaxed that it was over. But she'd been wrong. When Nate spilled himself inside her, it sent her toppling over into a world of paradise.
The ecstasy nearly washed her away in its intensity.
Drawing in a ragged breath, she let her fingers slide lightly over his sweat covered shoulders.

She smiled dreamily as she listened to his harsh breathing and the wild beat of his heart. At least she wasn't the only one that completely undone by the incredible sex. Her hands fell away when he rolled off her and when he reached for her, she snuggled against him and let out a sigh of contentment.

Nate was still shaken from the overwhelming experience, it scared him to frigging death and frightened him just how addictive he'd become to the sex with Cooper.
Yet he was unable to deny the truth,
he'd never shared anything like this with any other woman. Frowning, he realized that having a quick affair with her might not be the answer after all. However, he didn't see another alternative. Hopefully, after a few months this thing between them would burn itself out and this craving he had for her would die.

When she let out a sigh, his hand slid down her arm and back up again. “Are you alright sweetheart?”

Her contentment vanished over the endearment, Cooper frowned. “I'm fine.”

Something in her tone alerted him, he reached for her chin and raised her head so their gazes met. He noticed the worry in her eyes and wondered what she was concerned about, and then it hit him.
Once more he'd been reckless and hadn't used protection
. What was it about this woman that made him lose all common sense? He let out a long winded sigh. “Hell, we did it again didn't we?”

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