One to Protect (One to Hold Book 3) (20 page)

Read One to Protect (One to Hold Book 3) Online

Authors: Tia Louise

Tags: #One to Hold

BOOK: One to Protect (One to Hold Book 3)
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He blinks and whatever it was is gone, hidden behind the shield I know he’s learned to cultivate. We’ve only been together a few months, but already I’ve learned to hate that barrier that keeps me at a distance, away from what’s hurting him.

“Not a thing, darling, I’m excited.” Whatever just happened might bother me, but when he smiles at me that way, I melt. “I’m sorry I can’t feel him yet. When’s your next appointment?”

“Today, actually.” I push the side of his hair away from his cheek. “Dr. Mel works around my schedule. Want to tag along?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

The doctor’s exam room is warm, and I’m lying on the hard, leather table with my knees bent, turned so I can face Derek. He’s sitting at my head, elbow bent on the back of the table, smoothing my hair back.

“Seventeen weeks isn’t a particularly exciting visit.” I smile up at him, not wanting him to be disappointed.

“You forget. I haven’t been to as many of these as you have.” His touch is so comforting, I feel like I should’ve insisted on having him with me every time.

“I’ve only been coming once a month. You haven’t missed much.”

Just then Dr. Mel enters the room. She’s a bit older than me, with black hair and olive skin, and a personable disposition. We laughed at having the same nickname, even though her first name is Linda. Her last is Melendez, or Mel for short.

“I see you brought Daddy along this time.” She smiles, her dark eyes dancing as she shakes his hand. “Nice to see you again.”

“I was just saying it’s not such an exciting visit.” My voice is apologetic, and she snaps to business.

“We can move things up if you’d like. It’s early, but we can do the ultrasound, and I need to test for Down’s and other abnormalities.”

Now I’m sorry I said anything. “Why are you doing that? Do you think something’s wrong?”

She pats my arm in her confident way. “Not at all. It’s strictly routine. But we do have to draw blood.”

My nose wrinkles. “How much?”

“Three vials. We can save that part to the end. Let’s get started.”

She measures my stomach and takes my blood pressure, checks my hands and feet for swelling, and declares me fit as a fiddle. Then we’re off to the ultrasound room. The lights are dim, and Derek is close by my side as we prepare for the scan. We’ve opted for the 3D imaging, as it’s the most likely to show what we’re looking for.

“I’ve warmed the gel, so it shouldn’t be uncomfortable.” She spreads the clear medium across my belly and presses the probe against my skin.

We’re all quiet. I’m holding my breath waiting, and then it appears—his little face all beige on the screen.

“Oh!” My heart floods along with my eyes. His features are blurry, but I’m sure he looks just like Derek. Reaching over, I pull his daddy close. Derek’s eyes are shining, and he kisses me gently before turning back to the screen.

“Hang on and let me see what we can see here.” Dr. Mel moves the gun lower on my pelvis pushing against my skin and turning it to the side. The image on the screen shifts and wobbles, what looks like bananas pass rapidly in front of us.

“Legs… umbilical cord…” She studies the screen, brow creased, watching. We’re all fixed to the sepia-colored show. “Come on, baby…”

We’re waiting on the edge of our seats when she finally gets the view she wants. “All right! Here we are. Can you see this area?” She circles the screen with her pen, and we nod. “This is the spot.”

The probe moves almost imperceptibly against my skin and the doctor nods. “That’s it. Clear as a bell.”

Derek and I look at each other, and I hold my breath, waiting for his response. It’s not a word. He only catches my face in both hands and covers my mouth with his.

Dr. Mel laughs as our lips part, but just as fast, he’s kissing me deeply, again and again, and I can’t help laughing, too.

Elaine decided we
to celebrate. I didn’t tell her the sex—only that we knew, and she insisted on throwing a huge “Privates Unveiling” ceremony at her house. She even invited my mother.

By seven, the four of us are gathered in the Merritt-Knight kitchen raising glasses of sparkling wine in a toast. All except me, of course. I have my own personal bottle of sparkling apple cider.

“Take it easy on that stuff.” Patrick teases. “You know you’re a lightweight.”

“I’ll pace myself.” I wink as I toss back the glass and wince. It’s too sweet, and I’ll be switching to ginger ale for my next toast.

“Your mom said to start without her. She’d already scheduled a late appointment when I called her.” Elaine’s at the stove stirring fast, sautéing vegetables in a wok. We’re having her specialty Thai-fusion tonight because it’s my favorite.

“I’m surprised you’re doing all this. I thought you didn’t want to know.” I pick up a carrot and snap a bite off the end while I watch her work.

“No way! I have to know! How else will I plan the shower?”

“Are you feeling better? About your… situation?” I’d been afraid to say anything about the ultrasound since our sleepover and her big reveal. Of course, then I acknowledged she’d kill me if I stopped giving her my baby news.

“Actually, I am.” Her tone switches to controlled problem-solver, a.k.a., normal Lainey. “You were right. One month is way too soon to know anything. It’s also possible I was suffering from baby fever, between you and Kenny—”

“Did you say anything to Patrick?” My voice has dropped and I glance toward the living room, where Patrick and Derek seem to be having a serious conversation. They aren’t listening to us, and now I’m intensely curious to find out what they
saying. I want to know if it’s related to Derek’s mood this morning.

“He’s been busy wrapping up details from Baltimore, so we haven’t communicated much. Outside the bedroom.” She winks and lifts the wok, shaking the julienne-sliced vegetables onto a platter. Next in the wok go the long noodles.

I shake my head. “Has he told you anything about what happened?”

She stirs the noodles quickly in the vegetable stock. “He said it would be better not to tell me about it. We’re not married yet, so I’m not protected by any statues.”

“Lainey!” My voice is a cracked whisper. “That sounds really bad.”

She shrugs, continuing to stir. “We knew it wasn’t going to be good, right? They had to play dirty to find something to stick to your slimy ex.”

Closing my eyes, my chin drops. My brows clutch together. “I hate this so much. I can’t help feeling like it’s my fault. Derek was an honorable man before he met me, a hero—”

“Hey.” My friend catches my chin and lifts my eyes to hers. “You didn’t make Sloan hurt you. You didn’t send him to prostitutes. This is
your fault. And Derek
honorable. He’s so honorable he would never let some criminal get away with hurting you like that.”

Pulling my chin away, I turn back to the living room where the guys are still deep in conversation. “I was the one blind enough to marry him.”

“He tricked you just like he tricked the rest of us. It’s not your fault.” She spoons the noodles out on top of the vegetables. “You’re lucky you have a wonderful man now. One who won’t back down from doing what needs to be done.”

No words come to me, so I let it go. “Ready?”

“Help me set the table.”

Full stomachs, glasses of wine, we’re all in the living room lounging around the fire when my mother joins us. She takes a glass of red and sits on the couch next to Lainey. I’m standing in front of the warm, orange glow with Derek at my side beaming.

“So how shall we do this?” I look from one expectant face to the next.

Lainey pipes up. “How about two fingers it’s a girl, one finger it’s a boy?”

A quick look up at Derek and he grins, giving me a wink and a little nod.

“Okay… are you ready?” My hands go behind my back, and a huge smile spreads over my face.

“I think my heart is beating too fast.” Mom laughs and sets her wine glass on the end table.

“Just fucking tell us, dammit!” Patrick shouts, and then his eyebrows dart up. “Shit, I’m sorry, Mrs. Jones.”

“I was thinking that exact same thing, dammit!” Mom’s voice is a loud reply, and we all laugh then.

Derek leans close by my head. “On three?” I nod, and he counts.



… Elaine squeals when he pauses.


Squeezing my eyes closed, I shoot my hand out in front of me. The whole room explodes with screams, congratulations, shouts, and laughter, and Derek’s arms are fast around my waist in a hug.

My arm is straight in front of me, and I’m holding up one finger.

It’s a boy.



Elaine’s hands are pressed against the shelves in front of her, and she rocks her ass in a slow ride, sending my dick even deeper into her tight opening. She’s so wet and beautiful. I’m in fucking heaven.

The entire group is waiting back at our place, and she insisted I drive her to the only bakery in Wilmington to get a cake “because she’d had too much wine.”

Of course she knows the owner, who said we could help ourselves to the supply closet. Our excuse is needing more blue decorations. I should’ve known when I saw that wicked gleam in her eye it was a ruse. I didn’t expect it to be no panties under the skirt that’s now shoved over her backside.

Her ass is so gorgeous and soft. I span my hands over it as she rides my cock, wishing I was flexible enough to lean down and kiss it. Instead, I give her a pinch. She lets out a squeal, and I lean toward her ear.

“Shh…” I whisper, sliding my hands under her shirt to tease her nipples. “He’ll hear.”

She moans again, rocking faster when the bell on the front door sounds, and loud voices greet each other out front.

“I think we’ve got another minute.” Elaine’s voice is thick, and at this point, a minute might be all the control I’ve got left.

I brace the door shut with my foot, and Elaine bends forward, sending me even deeper inside her.

“Fuck me,” I groan, releasing my grip on the door in favor of her hips.

Seven days—you’d think it had been seven years as insatiable as we’ve been since I got back from Baltimore. We’ve done it six times, in every room of the house, in the shower… I’d forgotten how fucking shitty being separated was those few weeks we tried it. I don’t know how Derek and Mel have kept it up for so long.

God, Elaine is so beautiful riding my cock. She arches up against my chest, and her silky blonde hair spills all around me, surrounding me with the scent of little flowers. I slide my hands under her shirt again to circle my thumbs over her breasts, and we’re laughing and groaning at how risky and fucking hot this is.

One of Elaine’s long, gorgeous legs props on a shelf, and she groans. “Harder, Patrick…”

“Yes, ma’am.” I’m banging as hard and fast as I can, and she moans louder. I cup a hand over her mouth, because dammit, she’s too loud. And if she says
once more, I won’t be able to wait for her to finish. Her lips part, and my finger slips inside. She gives it a suck, and I almost shoot.

Her body begins to jerk, and I know from experience that’s the signal. She’s with me, and I can let go, ride this wave of pleasure all the way home. “Oh, god, Patrick, Oh, god!”

Both arms braced on the shelves in front of her, she pushes back, and I finish balls-deep in her hot pussy doing my best not to groan as loud as she’s been doing.

.” My voice is ragged as we collapse together. She’s giggling again, and I’ve got her hugged tight against my chest. One hand’s still clutching her breast.

“You’re insane.” She arches, turning her head to kiss me and shoving her tongue into my mouth. This fucking woman! I spin her around and kiss her good, her back is flat against the shelves now, and she’s got both hands on my neck, pulling me closer.

My fingers thread in the length of her hair, and I gently pull down, breaking our kiss. “Damn, I fucking love the shit out of you.”

Her green eyes sparkle. “Patrick Knight, you have a way with words.”

We both laugh quietly. Elaine covers my mouth, and I hear a loud voice from out front calling our names. The voice gets closer, and we both scramble to put our clothes back in place. It would not do to get caught fucking in the back of the Sugar Plum Bakery in Wilmington. Or hell, maybe it would.

“Are you having trouble finding it?” Franklin, the owner is opening the door and pulling the cord for the light just as we’re back to normal. Well, all except for the bright red marks on my fiancée’s cheeks and neck where my lack of shaving scuffed her skin.

Yeah, we’re pretty much busted, but Franklin pretends not to notice.

“Look, here they are.” He grabs a box off the shelf right in front of Elaine and then turns, heading back up the hall to the front of the store.

We duck and laugh, stealing another kiss before following him.

“Tell Melissa ‘Congratulations from Frank,’ okay?” He rings up the bag of blue flowers, blue mini presents, and little blue balloons, and just before he hits
, I grab two “It’s a Boy” cigars from a rack by the register.

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