One Week in Maine (8 page)

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Authors: Shayna Ryan

BOOK: One Week in Maine
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I grinned. “You’re not so bad yourself, from what I’ve seen,” I joked, referring to when I walked in on him in the bathroom the day before.

“I was kind of hoping you’d join me in there then, but you took me by surprise!”


“Calista, I wanted you the moment you stepped out of your car on the side of the road yesterday,” he said softly.

His admission surprised me and pleased me immensely. So he had been attracted to me from the start.

“The feeling was mutual, both on the side of the road and in the bathroom,” I breathed before leaning up and pressing my mouth back to his.

There was no more talk as his hungry mouth once again explored mine before he turned his attention to my bare skin. He brushed his lips over the tops of my breasts as I writhed beneath him, eager to move on to other things but trying to savor his touch even now nonetheless. Before I knew it my hands had found the buttons on his flannel shirt and
I undid them one by one until he was free to slip out of it. His flannel shirt joined my sweater on the floor and the sight of his naked torso moved me to grab him by the waist and shift him beneath me.

I straddled him in my jeans as it was my turn to explore his chest with my hands and mouth. As I planted kisses over his defined
pecs, his able hands reached around me and unclasped my bra. My breasts sprang free and he trailed his fingers up and down my naked back before they reached under me and found my hardened nipples. My breath caught in my throat at his touch as I nibbled my way up his neck to his earlobe. I gently pulled it between my teeth as he moaned beneath me and I eagerly anticipated more of his touch.

Apparently it was all too much for him, because before I could protest, he grabbed me and tossed me onto my back again. I lifted my hips to meet him as his nimb
le fingers urgently tugged at my fly and then slipped my jeans down over my slender hips, revealing the lacey red panties beneath.

His grinned at me triumphantly for a moment before sliding down to plant a trail of little kisses and nibbles up my left thigh.
I grabbed his head and anxiously urged him up, up to the place I most desired his kisses.

“Patience,” he grinned salaciously at me after du
cking out of my insistent grasp. He lightly licked my inner thigh as I struggled to wait for him.

“The hell with it,” I heard him murmur before he slid down my panties
. He slid out of his jeans and reached beside me for the box of condoms. I closed my eyes as I listened to him open the wrapper and a moment later I felt his hardness pressing against my inner thigh. I eagerly spread my legs for him and his fingers danced over me for a moment as I whined wordlessly beneath him and pressed myself against his fingers, eager for his entrance.

“You sure about this?” he asked me
once more as he loomed over me at the ready.

Yes!” I mewled, a little embarrassed by my eagerness, but I could wait no more.

He slid into me and I thrust to meet him. A small shudder of pleasure mingled with pain coursed through me as my long unused body adjusted to his meaty girth. The pain passed quickly as intense pleasure overrode my short-lived discomfort at the size of him.

We easily joined into a rhythm together as our bodies became one. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of him inside of me and the scent and feel of his body against mine. We started at a slower pace but it quickly turned into a pounding, frantic union as we allowed our mutual lust for each other to override anything holding us back. Without an emotional attachment between us, there was nothing but primal, animalistic need.

The pleasure within me built quickly and as the damn burst I arched my back to meet him and let out a wail of absolute pleasure. He finished a moment after I did, stifling his roar of ecstasy in the hollow of my neck.

We lay there for a moment, his body against mine, panting with exertion. I felt almost drunk from the sheer pleasure of one of the best orgasms in my life.

Presently, Will shifted off of me and
leaned up on one elbow, studying me. He gently stroked my hair away from my face as he gave me a satiated smile.

“That was okay?” he asked almost timidly. I could hardly believe this was the same man who was torturing me so during dinner. He was reserved and cordial again, not the untamed beast set free in the boudoir.

“Better than okay.”

He leaned over and kissed me gently. It was nothing like before. The pressing urgency and sheer need of his previous kisses was gone, replaced with tenderness and affection. The change in his demeanor
was unexpected, but I enjoyed his softer kisses just as much as his ardent ones.

“Good.” He rolled off of me and left to use the bathroom, leaving
me sprawled out, breathless and naked, on his bed. Suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious, I hastily covered myself up with the sheet and took a moment to look around his room.





Will’s room was neater than I expected, and clean like the rest of the place. The bedside table was bare save for his alarm clock and a small lamp, and the bed faced towards the huge picture window overlooking the overgrown back yard and the abutting forests. On a nearby desk sat a neat stack of paperwork, along with some official looking manuals.

My chest tightened when I spied a group of photographs
on the entertainment center across the room. Will was in some of them, smiling and laughing with a beautiful, petite blonde. She was lovely, and they looked very happy together. Some of the pictures were of her alone, and it didn’t take a genius to deduce that Will had once been in love with this woman, and she with him as well.

I quickly averted my eyes and checked out the rest of his room. Guilt surged through me, as if I had somehow pried into his private life, even if accidentally. It felt as though I
had seen something I shouldn’t have.

wanna get dressed, grab a glass of wine and watch that movie?” Will asked me as he sauntered back into the room. Even though we had just shared sexual encounter and I had seen him naked the day before, I averted my eyes as he stood there undressed before me. He noticed my sudden discomfort.

“Are you having regrets?” he asked me with a frown as he sat down beside me on the bed.

“No, not at all. I just…I don’t do stuff like that, you know?” I didn’t know how to put into words what I was feeling. I didn’t regret sleeping with him, not for one minute, but I still needed to come to grips with the fact that I had crossed some imaginary line in my life and slept with a man I wasn’t romantically involved with. Now that the deed was a done, a flurry of opposing emotions began to surface within me. I didn’t know what to think about him, or myself. There were no regrets in my head or in my heart, but this was a new Pandora’s Box for me. I didn’t know what to expect now.

He sighed and held his head in his hands, and for a moment I worried that he
was the one with regrets.

“No, I get it. To be honest, I don’t either. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a woman, and I’m sorry it was over so fast. I feel like I was a little
eager there.”

“Oh, no…don’t even worry about it!” It had been a bit of a race to the finish line for both of us, but I wasn’t worried about it. He had satisfied me far more than any of the other men I’d slept with, and lasted longer than some of them, too.

“So now what?” It was a loaded question, and I could only guess how he meant it. He could have been asking me what was next between us, or how I wanted to spend the rest of the evening together.

I opted for the coward’s way out. “Now we go get that wine and watch that movie.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Once more he reached over and gently swept my hair away from my face, then traced his thumb over my cheeks and softly across my lips. It was a tender, intimate move. For one fleeting second I found myself wishing that we didn’t live worlds apart, that he was a city dweller like me instead of a hick out in the woods of Maine. It was a ridiculous thought and I reminded myself that this was only short-term fun for the both of us. Great sex as a convenience and nothing more.

He removed his hand and grab
bed our clothing. “Here you go.”

I mumbled
a thanks and accepted my clothes from him. We dressed hastily, and I stood beside him as he finished buttoning up his flannel shirt.

I was dying to ask him about the bl
onde in the pictures, but I held my tongue. I suspected that she had broken his heart. My curiosity about it was killing me, but I wouldn’t pry. He had made it clear in the truck on the ride back from Janie’s that it wasn’t up for discussion. Now that I had a face to go with the mystery of his romantic past, not knowing the details was eating away at me. No matter how curious I was about his ex-girlfriend, it wasn’t my business, so I kept my mouth shut.

We crept quietly down to the kitchen and Will poured us each a glass of wine.

“Hey, you want to sit out back for a few?”

“Aren’t there wild animals out there?” I asked nervously. It was long past sundown, and not a hint of light shone out there except the stars
overhead and the sliver of a new moon. Where I lived, I never saw the raw dark of night because the city lights drowned it out.

Will chuckled. “I won’t let the bears get you–promise!”

His lack of concern put me instantly at ease. He was a game warden, after all, and if he said it was all right to sit outside after dark, I’d take his word on it.

He turned off the kitchen light on our way out the back door and flipped a second switch as well. As I followed him out into the inky evening I realized that it must have been the control to the motion sensing flood light out back, because no light switched on as we stepped outside.

I stuck close to Will’s side as he led me to the little patio set. It was deathly quiet out there, with only the sound of the wind rustling through the nearby woods. I found the silence more than a little creepy.

“Have a seat.” He pulled out a chair for me and I took it,
then scooted it closer to him when he sat down. I couldn’t read his expression in the dark.

“So you like this?
All this dark and quiet?” I asked incredulously. I didn’t understand his attraction to the silent, cold night.

“It’s not that dark, or quiet. You’ll see.”

We sat without speaking for a few minutes as we sipped our wine, and in time I began to understand what he meant by his reply. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the light cast into the night by the heavens above, and to my surprise, I could see more than I expected I would. Sounds I didn’t notice before were clear now, like the soft hooting of a nearby owl and the occasional sound of a vehicle on a faraway road.

Is it always like this? So still, so peaceful?”

“Most of the time.
You like it?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

It was different, that was for sure. While the quiet and dark had seemed eerie at first, I found myself enjoying the change of pace from the hustle and bustle of Hartford’s streets. Maybe the after-sex glow had something to do with it.

So this is just casual, right?” he began. “I mean, we haven’t really talked about it…guess I should have brought it up before we went ahead and slept together.”

Even though he shared my view on what was going on between us, heari
ng him say out loud that this wasn’t going anywhere irritated me immensely for some reason. Not that I wanted him to fall madly in love me over one quick roll in the hay, but still. It wasn’t exactly a confidence booster to hear that he was just using me for sex. Although to be fair, that’s exactly what I was using him for, so it’s not like I had a right to be upset about it. But I couldn’t help it any more than I could help wondering how much the blonde in the picture had hurt him.

Just casual.”

I heard him let out a small sigh of relief. “I figured as much, but I kind of got worried all of the sudden that maybe you might have thought this was all more than I intended
it to be.”

It meant nothing to me, really. We’re just two adults enjoying each other.” Somehow I managed to keep the edge of bitterness out of my tone.

“Good, we’re on the same page then.” He put down his glass of wine a placed his hand on my thigh. “Do you really want to watch that movie, or
do you want to go for round two?”

Damn him. I should have told him to forget the whole thing, or insisted on watching the movie, but the feeling of his fingers firmly kneading their way up my thigh was too distracting and I couldn’t think clearly. My irritation with him vanished as I once again yearned to feel those fingers all over me.

I tossed back the rest of my wine before answering him. “Round two sounds good to me.”

A palpable excitement was brewing between us as we made our way back inside. It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the bright lights of the kitchen again, but once they did I went to the sink to set down my empty wine glass. Will came up behind me and I giggled quietly, mindful
of Dottie in the next room, as he lifted me from behind and turned me before sitting me on the counter.

My giggling soon tapered
off as I leaned back and closed my eyes to fully enjoy the sensation of his lips on my neck. He nibbled and licked, teased and nipped, while I wound my hands under his shirt so I could feel the powerful ripple of his muscles beneath the flesh of his back. His hands roamed my body, exploring my curves as both of our breaths quickened. While this time lacked the urgency of our first coupling, I could still feel the lust radiating off of him. He was simply less hurried now that he had been recently satiated. Apparently that hadn’t lasted long.

“C’mon, let’s go upstairs,” he
quietly commanded. He lifted me gently off the counter but instead of putting me down, he shifted me so that he could carry me.

“Are you always this gallant?” I teased as he carried me up the stairs.

“Only when beautiful maidens are involved,” he shot back.

Back in his room, he laid me down on t
he bed once more and soon we were both naked. This time we took it slowly as we explored each other’s bodies inch by inch. Will was an expert with both his mouth and his fingers and he quickly caught on to what I liked. He was a skillful lover that took pleasure in pleasing me, and I pulsated with need as he tormented me with his expert tricks. I marveled at his physique as I ran my hands over his muscular torso again and again. He was simply beautiful, like no other I’d been with before.

I wanted to bring him as much pleasure as he brought me, and when I took him in my mouth I felt the shiver of enjoyment that ran through him as he groaned with delight. Excited by his response I continued on, gradually increasing my speed until he pushed my head away.

“Any more of that and I won’t make it much longer,” he warned me breathlessly. I grinned at him and pushed him onto his back before grabbing the box of condoms nearby and removing one.

When we were both ready, I eased myself onto him and lost myself in the feel of him beneath me. He grabbed my hips and raised his own to meet me, and together we lost ourselves in
our own natural rhythm. I closed my eyes as his roving hands moved off my hips and found my erect nipples once more, causing more twinges of bliss to course through me.

It felt as if I would break. As if at any moment the overwhelming pleasure would cause me to shatter into a million little tiny pieces. I wasn’t the only one feeling that way, because a moment later Will grabbed my hips again
and held me down onto him hard while he thrust frantically into me. With a shudder he roared out my name, and as I heard him call my name and twitch in the depths of me, my release came. I collapsed on top of him, breathing hard, and he kissed the top of my head.

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes as we lay there trying to regain our composure. I wanted to stay there forever, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath me while I listened to his gradually declining heartbeat. He wrapped on
e arm loosely around me and I felt safe in that moment, there in his arms. I felt like no matter what happened, I would be okay.

“I have to get up.” He gently moved me off of him and my heart sank when I realized the moment had passed.

“I should probably get to bed.” I wanted to stay there all night, safe in his strong arms, but our relationship just wasn’t that way and I didn’t want to push the boundaries of it by trying to turn it into something that it wasn’t.

“Hey, do you have any plans for tomorrow?” he asked me as he slipped on his boxers.
This time I watched him dress, my earlier shyness gone.


“I don’t know about you, but I’d like to sleep in. If you’d like, we can grab a late brunch at Ginger’s and then go for a hike. I mean, if you want to.”

I grinned so hard I thought my face would split in two.
We had just spent most of the day together, had sex twice, and he wanted to hang out tomorrow. I was bracing myself to spend a long day alone and then maybe meet up with him for another romp at the end of the day, but his offer was genuine.

“I’d love that.” I rose slowly off the bed and stretched lazily, aware of his eyes drinking in the sight of my naked form. The spark of lust still lingering there was hard to miss and I was delighted to see
that he was still turned on by the sight of me even though we had just finished.

I picked up my clothes and h
e gently grabbed my arm as I moved past him and pulled me into a slow, lingering kiss as he kneaded my bare ass. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any hotter.

““I’ll see you in the morning

“See you in the morning,” I replied as I slipped out his door. I made my way across the hall to my bedroom, where I promptly flopped down on my bed.

This was totally crazy. Here I was, stuck in the middle of nowhere, enjoying a hot tryst with a super sexy game warden. I wasn’t complaining about it, just in a state of shock that it was really, truly happening. I was having the best sex of my life with a guy I hardly knew in a place I couldn’t wait to get away from.

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