Only Love (The Atonement Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Only Love (The Atonement Series)
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Drake sat up as he straddled my body and undid the tie around the hotel robe I wore, exposing my naked flesh. My sex was on fire and in need of his touch while my breasts ached with desire and couldn’t wait to feel his hands and mouth on them.

He drank me in, slowly and deliberately as his fingers caressed my nipples and they turned rock hard under his natural and fluid expertise. I moaned out loud as he bent down and slipped the left nipple in his mouth. His tongue swirled around the peak before he bit it lightly and sent an ache through me I had no idea existed.

His touch was perfect as was his mouth when he switched nipples and applied the same direct and intense pleasure to the right nipple. I wanted to see him the way he saw me but when I reached for the tie of his robe, he grabbed both my wrists with one hand and held my arms over my head.

“In due time,” he whispered into my ear.

I laughed out loud and looked into his pale aquamarine eyes that were now heavy with longing and desire for me. “You are such a bad boy. I want you so much and yet you deny me.”

“Only for the time being…now, no more talk.”

Drake kissed his way down my body and my breath came in short bursts. Every part of my body sang when he touched me and caressed me deeply. His touch was perfect, and he excelled with his direction and timing.

As he spread my legs and observed my glistening sex, his fingers teased me. An index finger circled slowly around my clit before he took that finger away and sucked my juices off with his eager mouth. I spread my legs wider, wanting him to touch me anywhere below the waist just to ease the fury that had spread like fire through my body. I suddenly had a one track mind and there was nothing more important than him giving me the orgasm of my life.

He plunged two fingers inside me and worked them in and out, caressing my G-spot and my hips gyrated to meet his thrusts. As quickly as I could feel myself nearing a monster orgasm, he withdrew and this time he slipped his fingers out, slick and glistening wet from my juices and slid them into my mouth.

I sucked on his fingers eagerly and his breathing increased and got louder.

“Fuck, that is so hot to see you do that,” he murmured before he bent down and kissed me again. His mouth devoured my own before he suckled on my tongue and pulled away.

Drake crawled between my legs and his tongue teased my clit ever so softly, running it up and down the hard nub before he spread me open and tongued the opening of my sex. My head jerked from side to side as my arms gripped the pillow beneath my head.

“Please,” I whispered, “make me come.”

His expression was pure torture as he wore a crooked smile and responded, “Not until I say so.”

Again, his tongue and mouth worked on my aching sex and between his expert fingers and that delicious mouth, I was close to tumbling over into nothingness. An abyss of an orgasm which would leave me listless yet sated for hours. His tongue worked quicker and quicker as my hips gyrated to the motion and once one of his fingers ran up and down my perineum, it was all over.

The orgasm washed over me in waves, beginning at the tip of my nipples and spreading throughout my body like an out-of-control virus. I writhed and moaned underneath his touch and my clit became so sensitive, I wanted and needed to close my legs but he held them open and continued his delicious assault against my body.

The intense feelings passed but the orgasm stayed with me, filling me with a genuine feeling of warmth I thought no man would ever arouse in me again outside of Colin. The memory of him made my heart ache though I was in the middle of mind blowing foreplay with Drake but I quickly pushed him from my thoughts and out of
my mind.

Drake worked his way up my body and it was only then he allowed me to untie his robe. I discovered his cock was hard, painfully so, and swollen against his stomach in a slightly curved fashion.

He sat astride me and I finally sat up with him before I shed my robe and threw it on the carpeted floor. I maneuvered myself from underneath him and got on my knees before I shed his robe and threw it on the floor as well. My strength seemed inhuman as I threw him on his back and worked my way down his beautiful body with butterfly kisses and short, teasing stabs with my tongue. His stomach muscles were taut against his body as I licked his belly button.

“Mmm, someone has been working out,” I murmured in a sensual way.

“Well, I needed some toning. I have never been soft or pudgy but I want to be lean and hard
for you. You have such a beautiful body and I want you to be just as proud as mine. It hasn’t escaped me Colin’s body is perfect for a guy.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s not that perfect and besides, he has good genes. Yes, his body was immaculate but I didn’t fall in love with his body nor do I miss it particularly. I miss the Colin I knew before all the secrets and lies. I miss that man who I didn’t know murdered my father while high on Bath Salts. He can’t be that person again so talking about him is a moot point.”

My hands ran up and down his chest and stomach before he took a sharp inhale as I licked the underside of his cock like it was a Popsicle on a scorching hot day. I wrapped my fingers around the base and began to tickle the mushroom head of his manhood before I slipped it between my open lips and suckled on it.

His fingers drifted into my hair and caressed my scalp as I teased him over and over again, sliding my mouth down further and further before withdrawing. This went on for a while before I finally took his whole thick length into my mouth and deep throated him lovingly and in a controlled manner. I had to relax my throat muscles and that was no easy feat for someone like me with a sensitive gag reflex.

It was all about concentration, not on the task at hand but keeping my throat pliable and opened to his manhood before I eased it out of my mouth again. By this time, his breath had become raspy and ragged.

“Please,” he begged, “I need to be inside you.”

I worked my way up his body and kissed his stomach and his chest before we were finally face-to-face. He reached for me by the neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss only lovers would have shared before he slid his cock inside me to the hilt. It occurred to me he had not bothered to put on a condom but we both knew we were safe and it was no longer the first time.

Since my miscarriage, I had my OB-GYN insert an IUD and it was working out just fine. He’d only used a condom the first time because he didn’t want to scare me into thinking he was a promiscuous jerk who didn’t like to use anything—then again, I had yet to meet a man who used one because he truly enjoyed having one on—and we’d agreed condoms were no longer a necessity.

“Christ, you are so tight and warm and wet, maybe I should have used a rubber just so I could last a bit longer,” he murmured in my ear.

“Thanks. I’ll remember not to squeeze my vaginal muscles around you when in the throes of passion so you can hold out,” I whispered sarcastically in his ear.

“You little minx,” he said before he turned us over and he was on top of me though he balanced his weight with his hands.

Drake worked his way in and out of my body with steady precision and my fingernails grazed his back lightly. We had already worked ourselves into a frenzy as perspiration coated both our bodies and I met his thrusts with eager, gyrating hips which couldn’t help but move with him.

Our bodies were so in tune, we knew what inherently pleased one another and as our kisses became more and more urgent, I knew it was a matter of time before our passion consumed one another and ourselves.

I slid my arms around his neck and as he thrust into me again and again, my body felt as if he was controlling me and I absolutely loved the feeling of him being inside me. However, something was missing and I needed him to really own me and use me in a way that took me over the edge of the precipice.

“Hey, you want to get a little creative?” I wondered out loud though my voice was strained.

Drake stopped moving inside of me and stared into my eyes. “What do you mean exactly?”

“I mean I want to get on all fours and have you make love to me from behind.”

“You mean back-door style?”

“No, Mr. Pervert,” I responded in a sarcastic manner. “I’ve never had anal sex with anyone and I don’t intend to at the moment…I only meant I thought it would be fun to do it doggy style. It would give you that much more control and you could stroke my ‘love button’.”

He laughed out loud as he withdrew from my aching sex and I rolled onto my back before I got on all fours.

“Wow…” he trailed off and breathed deeply. “Looking at you like that is…so sexy. I don’t know if I will be able to control myself.”

I looked over my shoulder and faced him with a smirk on my face. “Then stop trying to and just go with the flow.”

Drake got into position and he entered me from behind with a force I wasn’t quite expecting but there was something so deliciously naughty about the position, I moaned out loud. He thrust into me, skin hitting skin with a slickness our sweat provided. It really was a lewd position to be in until he bent over me, his body covering my own and he kissed my neck as several fingers found my clit and began to rub it quite hard.

I knew I was close and so was he as we found a rhythm where I was able to participate while his thrusts became harder and faster yet just as sensual. I adored what he was doing to my body and when the orgasm hit me, I sighed deeply and gyrated my hips against his manhood while his fingers continued to milk the orgasm from my body. My vaginal muscles tightened against his cock and then he groaned loudly as he joined me in my satisfaction and we both rode our orgasms out until there was nothing left.

I barely had the energy to crawl underneath the covers before I collapsed and he did the same before he spooned me lovingly and we stayed like that, in one another’s arms, our fingers entwined for a very long time.

We must have fallen asleep for a while because when we awoke, it was only after one in the morning and both of us remembered the sushi still in the sitting room. Neither of us bothered to dress; instead, we got out of bed and walked into the sitting room. I sat on my knees on the floor with my feet cushioning my naked bottom while he did the same.

Together, Drake and I ate sushi in silence while drinking shots of sake in between and the food was heavenly. I had never remembered being so ravishingly hungry in my whole life but neither one of us spoke because we didn’t feel the need to converse about mindless bullshit to be comfortable in one another’s presence. We could enjoy our meal in the comforting silence of the night and were equally content with just being around each other.

Afterwards, I positioned myself in his lap though there was nothing sexual about my actions and we held one another.

“So, be honest with me. Do you miss it?” he whispered in my ear.

I leaned my head against his chest and before I inquired, “Miss

“Living here in Seattle? Being around your friends and family?”

I shook my head silently. “Not really. What is there to miss? The fabulous Northwestern weather where you can never wash your car because it drizzles here almost all the time? The coffee culture? Nature? To be honest, it’s just a place and I loved it here because my birthplace, my home…and my family was here. Now that my Dad is dead, it’s not the same. When I left, I pretty much said goodbye to this place too. I suppose I could make a life here but it isn’t a prerequisite.”

“It’s expensive and there are some really great restaurants here. I can live anywhere you know. I don’t have to stay in La Jolla and I think I am ready for a change. I wouldn’t want to raise a family there but here…it’s perfect. At least I have some family here because Drew lives here and I also have you,” he explained as he stroked my hair softly.

“What are you trying to say exactly? You want to move here to Seattle? It would be easy for us to find some place, especially if we sold both our condos. If you want to leave California then just say so but you don’t have to talk me into coming back home. I would live anywhere with you—then again, I think you already know that.”

BOOK: Only Love (The Atonement Series)
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