Oracle Rising (17 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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Not to mention, it wasn’t bad having two armed men there either. Nothing said safety like two people carrying sidearms. For a change, Juliett was going to start the day feeling like she was safe, and that was a rarity.

As she headed out to get some coffee, she found two of the team sitting at the small table. Avalon was daintily sipping a cup of tea, and the man she referred to as her ‘boyfriend’ was right by her side.

It was interesting to watch.

They were an unusual couple.

He was tall, dark, and handsome, and she reminded Juliett of some forest sprite. The tipped up nose, red hair, and fine boned features gave her a look of frailty.

The way the director doted on her was sweet. As they sat there, she noticed he was instructing her. Curiously, she squinted to read the spine of the book.

It was Braille.

He was teaching her to read.

As Avalon’s one hand scanned the pages, she was biting her bottom lip in frustration. Instead of being short tempered, Nathanial Carter was being gentle. With each incorrect word, he gave her a kiss.

Then he was just kissing her.

She felt the heat in the room rise.

She’d never been attached to anyone she ever dated before, but she could see true love when it crossed her path. While it eluded her, because she believed that she was too much of a freak to find happiness, it had obviously found them.

The man was smitten.

It was easily seen on his face and in his intimate actions, like brushing her hair from her cheek, whispering in her ear, and teaching her to read.

It made Juliett’s heart skip.

One day, she hoped she’d find someone to complete her too. Then again, who would want someone who helped people die? Avalon saved lives.

She stole them.

That was probably a red flag in any relationship, and she knew it.

It would be nice to have someone look at her the way Nathaniel Carter was staring at the petite redhead.

When he kissed her again, she longed for that kind of human interaction. She’d been locked away for so long, that any type of contact would be a good thing.

Juliett was feeling lost.

Yes, she was so accustomed to offering the dying comfort, but she’d neglected herself, and the basic needs she had in life for a long time.

Way too long.

She cleared her throat.

“I’m sorry, I just need coffee or my day will go downhill fast. It’s my addiction,” she offered, heading toward the coffee pot. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Nate watched the woman head past them. To say that he was wary would be an understatement. Anyone this close to Avalon was worrisome.

He couldn’t help it.

He needed to keep her safe.

“You’re not interrupting anything,” Avalon stated. “Nate is trying to teach me how to read.”

“How’s it going?” Juliett asked, trying to be friendly.

“She’s doing well,” Nate offered.

“Actually, I screw up so he’ll kiss me. I have him totally scammed.”

Nate laughed. “Oh, my pretty, I am wise to your scheme. I just happen to like that lip gloss. I’m easy.” When he kissed her again, she giggled.


That was what Juliett was talking about. That was the male/female interaction she craved.

It was love.

“How did you sleep?” Avalon asked, interrupting the woman’s thoughts.

She smiled in response, not saying a word.

Nate pointed toward his own eyes as a small reminder that Avalon couldn’t see simple gestures like shrugs or grins.

She understood, so she vocalized her happiness. “It was a great night. I slept like the dead. It was nothing short of pure heaven.”

Avalon patted the table beside her. “Have a seat. We’re just waiting on Jagger to get back. He should be on the way.”

“What’s he doing?” she asked, curious if the threesome had already begun working.

“He wanted baked goods,” Nathaniel stated. “He has a little quirk. He can’t stop eating. If he doesn’t get his dose of sugar, he’s bitchy. You don’t want a cranky Marine guarding your flank, so we humor him.”

She laughed. “I know how he feels. I’m a caffeine junkie.”

“As soon as he’s back, we’re going to get started. My sister sent the files, and we’re going to begin looking at the past victims.”

“What do you think that will tell us?” she asked. This was all new to her. She didn't even know a single cop, let alone how they processed information. Her job was relatively simple. Keep the dying comfortable for as long as possible.

It was a no brainer.

“Killers have a pattern,” Nate stated. “If he’s poaching them from a specific place, or because of a trait, we’ll be able to narrow down the list of potential victims.”

“If you say so. This is pretty new to me.”

Well, it wasn’t to him.

This was exactly what Nate’s life was like before Avalon. Only now, he was chasing more dangerous people. These killers didn't just have guns and knives, they had razor sharp mental skills and that was far worse.

They were calculating.

They were smart.

They could turn on the woman he loved.

He was going to have to be on his game, ready for just about anything. Now there was no way he could fail. If he did, it would be at a high cost.

“How did I sleep so well last night?” Juliett asked. “I can’t believe it’s just a coincidence. If I didn't know better, I’d say that you had something to do with it.”

Nate laughed sardonically. “You were
.” He knew because it had happened to him too.

Avalon smiled. “I stepped in and helped you out.”


Since the woman was curious, Avalon would explain. “I can dream walk. When you’re asleep, I can enter your dream and fix it. I put up my barriers to keep you safe.”

“So, he didn't try to kill anyone?”

Avalon hesitated.

“He did, didn't he?”

Lying wasn’t in Avalon’s nature, so she told Juliett everything she had seen. It still rattled her. Violence was scary, even if your whole life was about being someone’s weapon.

Nate’s hand went to her lap, and he gently squeezed her thigh.

“He was on the move last night. I saw it. If your dream was any indicator of our day, he’s already killed someone else.”

Nate knew that was bad.

This guy was moving fast. They were going to have to be on their game. He really wished Maura and Luke were back from their honeymoon.

In this case, the more protection the better.

“I’m so sorry, Avalon. I wouldn’t wish those dreams on my worst enemy, let alone someone who has been trying to help me. I really am sorry.”

She reached across the table and patted her hand. She could tell the woman was surprised. Apparently, she didn't think Avalon could find her hand. Juliett must not have understood how auras worked.

“Don’t worry. I can hold up. It’s not the first set of nightmares that I’ve had to manipulate. We all have our gifts, and this one is mine.”

Yeah, among the others in her psychic arsenal.

Nate kissed her on the cheek. He knew that it was his nightmares that she’d been walking in last. Without Avalon, he would have succumbed to the dreams months ago.

Thank God for her.

She was a blessing in his life.

“What did he do?” Juliett inquired. “I’m almost afraid to ask. I know how sick and depraved he is. He’s been haunting my head for weeks.”

Avalon knew how right she was.

This man was sick.

His gift had broken something in him, and he was twisted to the point everything was skewed. At some point, she’d have to tell the team that, and it meant one thing.

He was dangerous.

Very dangerous.

“He’s filled with hate. Yes, he found another woman. He took her to her place, tied her up, and burned her alive.”

There was no emotion in her voice, but Nate knew better. She’d come back to bed last night rattled, needing him to soothe the rough edges with sex.

It had to have been bad.

What the two women didn't know was that he had sent Jagger out to do some recon, hidden under the guise of a pastry run. If the killer struck again, Jagger would have the dirt. The man was truly excellent at his job.

Or he hoped that was the case.

“I don’t know what to say,” Juliett muttered. “I really want out of this craziness. I loved my job. I wanted to help people. I never thought my dirty little secret would get someone hurt. I don’t know how I’ll live with this.”

“It’s not your fault,” Avalon stated. “He would have been hunting people anyway. It’s not like your gift kicked something off in him. He’s twisted. This has nothing to do with you.”

“But he followed me here. For some reason, he’s chasing me. I’m getting people hurt.”

“We’ll figure out why he’s after you. It’s okay,” Nate stated. “We’ll catch him. This isn't my first serial killer case.”

“Have you worked a lot of them?”

He laughed sardonically. “There have been hundreds. In fifteen years, I’ve faced down quite a few. It’s like riding a bike. It’s always the same, so you never forget the basic skills.”

She relaxed when she heard the Hummer pulling in. “I can really use some sugar,” she stated. “I hope Jagger picked up some good donuts—none of those boring crueler ones. I need chocolate.”

“Me too. I think I’m falling in love with sugar,” Avalon offered, trying to build a friendship with the woman. It would make everything that was coming far easier—i
f she trusted someone
. It was best Juliett didn't know that Avalon could see the future.

It wasn’t going to be pretty.

“I’ll give you some sugar,” Nate offered, leaning over to kiss his girl. His mouth found hers, slowly pulling pleasure from both of them.

When Juliett giggled, he pulled away.

“I hope that was sweet enough for you.”

“Oh, it definitely was. Can I have some more?” she teased, running her hand further up his thigh. Avalon could feel his body react to her touch.

“Anytime you need a sugar fix, you just head my way, honey. I’ll give you all you need.”

Avalon loved when Nate was like this. It helped keep her calm, and she didn't doubt that was his plan all along. Someone was trying to distract her, and she’d bet it was because of what she saw last night.

Nathaniel Carter had his gifts too. He was excellent at calming people down.

“Are you two always like this?” Juliett asked, watching him nuzzle the woman’s cheek with his own.

“Yes,” they said together.

When Jagger entered the kitchen, he looked grim. It stopped Nate from trying to distract his girl. “Oh shit,” he muttered, knowing it wasn’t going to be good.

“Nate, can I talk to you alone?” he asked.

The man got up and pushed away from the table. “Sure thing, Jagger. Let’s head into the living room for a few minutes. Ladies, we’ll be right back. Sit tight.”

When they were gone, Juliett looked disappointed. “He didn't come in with donuts. I was really jonesing. It’s not nice to tease a girl when she’s addicted.”

“He probably left them in the vehicle. I’ll go get them,” Avalon offered, getting up from the chair.

“Uh, can you actually do that?” Juliett asked. “Should you be wandering around without someone to help you?”


She’d earned another inadvertent babysitter.

“I can do it if you take a stroll with me. I’m trying to learn to be more independent. I’m sure we can reach the Hummer, find some baked goods, and be back before the men even know what’s happening.”

She hesitated.

“Besides, I like to stir Nathaniel up. When I do, the sex is even better.”

Juliett laughed. “Well, who am I to stand in the way of someone getting some?”

Yeah, she wished it was her.

“Will you guide me?” Avalon asked, holding out her hand.

Juliett shrugged. “Sure. It works for me. I can use some fresh air. Besides, it’s a damn good day. I’m crazy free,” she offered, tapping her head.

When she stood, she took Avalon’s outstretched hand in hers. Gently, she placed it through her own arm. “What do I do?”

Avalon could tell she was a nurse. Her touch was gentle. “It’s simple. Just don’t let me walk into a wall. I like my nose unbroken. In fact, so does my boyfriend.”

“You’re something else,” Juliett stated, leading the woman to the door. “Thank you for last night. I know I already said it, but for the first time in a long while, I feel safe. That’s a precious gift you tend to take for granted until someone takes it away.”

Avalon understood.

“It’s no problem. What are friends for?”

Juliett’s eyes teared up. She didn't have a lot of those in her life. In fact, she had none.

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