Oracle Rising (34 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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He got it.

“I’m supposed to be handling this. It was my job to save her, and I did. Now you stepped in with your well-meaning plans, your superior attitudes, and now I have to fix this mess. I may not be able to get it back to what it was. This is like unraveling a spider web, not kicking a door in with guns a blazing. When will you stop seeing me like I’m a child? I have a voice! I have an opinion! I MATTER!”


“No, Nate. You screwed this up. I’m here to help. I promised the powers that be that if I got a second chance, and didn't die, I’d help those like me. This is not me helping. We just signed away her life. Juliett is going to die because of this.”

“You don’t want to be Oracle,” he stated. “You want to be Avalon, and I thought that I was doing what was best for her. I don’t want to see her hurt. I was just protecting you both. It’s for your own good.”

Maura looked over. Did he just tell an angry woman it ‘was for her own good’?”

Was he an idiot?

Nate had just treaded into relationship hell. He was about to get the brunt of the woman’s anger—even more so than before.

He was a dead man.

“Oh boy,” muttered Luke.

“I don’t want to be a lot of things, Nathaniel Christian Carter, but unfortunately, I don’t get a choice in the matter. We are here to save her, and you need to stop trying to be the boss, and let me do what I’m supposed to fucking do! The FBI isn't in charge here. You’re going to have to respect that I AM.”

He’d never heard her curse before.

“I’m not even going to address the last part of your statement. If you think long and hard about it, you’ll realize it’s best if you rethink what just came out of your mouth. Right now, I don’t want to even be in a relationship with you. If you can say that to me, then you aren’t ready to be in one either.”

His heart skipped. “Avalon.”

Luke put his hand on his arm. “Stop, Nate! Just stop before you dig the hole.”

He wanted to be sick. Avalon was the angriest he’d ever seen her. She was like a wild storm, and he didn't know if he was going to survive it.

She had a valid point, and he knew it.

This was all about Oracle, and the team didn't get that. They were still learning. Oracle was still rising into her power, and he’d hindered that. He’d caged her yet again.

He opened his mouth.

Maura shook her head. She didn't want to see a grown man cry, but he was playing with matches in a gasoline soaked room.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Luke and Maura both let out the breath they were holding.

“Sorry won’t make this better, Nathaniel. Sorry won’t bring her back. Now I’m going to fix this. Then, when I’m done, I’m going to fix this!” she said, pointing at the three of them. “I hope I’m much calmer by then.”

When she stormed away, Nate closed his eyes.

“Well, I’m glad I didn't buy that ring yet. It looks like I’m the first one up on the chopping block.”

They didn't know what to say.

They heard the other woman’s crying, and then the door to the bedroom slam. Nate was pretty sure this was far from over.

Avalon was pissed.


This was bad.


Really bad





Friday Evening



Jagger had his marching orders. Honestly, he didn't mind. There was nothing he liked better than a stakeout. He could sit there in the silence of the vehicle and think.

It beat doing it in a jungle or desert any day.

As he sat there, he watched all the people coming and going.

There were deputies, business men, and even some citizens of Crosspointe.

Then he saw him.

The sheriff was on the move.

Starting up the ‘borrowed’ vehicle, Jagger got ready to move. If Rhett was heading out, so was he.

As they moved down the street, and to the stop sign, he sent a text message back to the boss. They wanted him to keep tabs on the man, and he was going to do just that.

Rhett didn't head directly home.

He stopped at the local store and picked up some beer. Apparently, by the quantity, someone was going to tie one on.

That was curious.

Jagger was kind of glad. If he was drunk, he wasn’t leaving his house. That always made one of these jobs so much easier. An impaired suspect was a slow one.

As Rhett pulled into a driveway, not far from Juliett’s cabin, Jagger ditched the vehicle.

It looked like he was going to be hiding in the woods surrounding the house.

It was time to make himself invisible.

Heading into the trees, he found one that would work perfectly. When he watched a subject, he always liked to be high off the ground.

If the person ever came out, they seldom looked up and into the trees. They would always scan the lower area, thinking that any assault would come from that direction.

They were wrong. Marines liked a vantage point. It gave him the advantage.

Getting comfortable, he sent a text to his boss.



‘He’s at the house. I have him in my sights. It appears that he’s in for the night. Advise.’



Jagger waited for the reply.  He was curious how long he’d be hanging out there.



‘Keep tabs on him. We’re dealing with a situation here. Avalon is on a rampage. We screwed up. Let us know if he tries to leave.’



He was curious what the situation could possibly be, but he didn't ask any questions. He was a soldier. It was his job to follow commands and do his job.

So, he settled in. As he sat up in the tree, binoculars in his lap, Jagger started whittling a stick to keep busy. It appeared that it was going to be a long, uneventful night.







* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *






Juliett’s Cabin




It took a while to get the woman to calm down. Avalon let her cry, get angry, and vent. She understood what it felt like to get your heart handed to you. While she’d been mad at the people outside the room, she was calming down.

They didn't mean to muck this up.

It was Nate’s best intentions that got in the way, and she couldn’t fault him for that. When he was on the job, he was dedicated to it.

He was a Fed, and he thought like one. She couldn’t make him suffer for being himself. After she sorted out this mess, she was going to make sure that she fixed that one too.

“Juliett, you need to know the truth.”

“He told me the truth. He doesn’t want to be near me. He’s going to call me sometime. We all know what he meant,” she said, sobbing even more.

“Actually, I don’t know. I’m not good with social cues. I’m awkward in these kinds of situations. I’ve never been with anyone but Nate, and I never had a boyfriend before him. If he tells me he’s going to call, he generally does.”

Juliett glanced up. “Seriously? He’s the only man you’ve ever…well, you know.”

“Yes. He was my first and only.”

She wiped at her eyes.

“Maybe I can add some insight to this because I’m not accustomed to men playing games,” Avalon said. “The sheriff didn't send you that letter to hurt you.”

“Is that your psychic gift talking?”

“No. If you’d prefer it to, I can make that happen,” she offered. “I can turn it on and off when I want, and if you want the absolute truth, I can give it to you.”

“Please. I need the truth.”

Avalon closed her eyes and focused on the man they were discussing.

“He’s at his home, and his heart is broken,” she said, lifting her head.

Juliett listened to the woman, and she was intrigued. When she went into a trance like state, her eyes got this lost look to them. They clouded over with some emotion that Juliett didn't get.

“He’s devastated. He genuinely likes you, but he won’t risk your life. His fear is that if he lets you in, he’s going to get hurt again, or worse, you will. He feels like he’s a lost cause and not worthy of love. He’s never been able to hold onto it, and he thinks he doesn’t deserve it.”

She listened.

“At this moment, he wishes he had your cell phone number. He wants to call you. He’s desperate to hear your voice, to see your smile, and to listen to your laughter. It’s the only thing in this world that offers him peace. You give him that.”

Juliett’s hand went to the place over her heart. While she wouldn’t ever understand Avalon’s gift, she knew the woman was speaking the truth.

She could feel it.

“He’s dying inside without you. He was looking forward to this date. When the Feds told him to stay away, he wanted to ignore them. He wanted to find you, hold you, and make love to you.”

She gasped.

“He has fallen for you. He’s just afraid to see you hurt. He’d rather die inside than risk you. He’s the center of this case, and he’s afraid you’ll pay the price.”

“Why did they tell him to stay away? How can he hurt me?”

Avalon blindly stared at her.

“He’s hunted. You’re hunted. They fear you’ll die because of it. They made a mistake. You need to be with him. If you don’t go to him, you will die.”

She gasped again.

“Please tell me you’re yanking my chain.”

“It’s the truth. I don’t lie. Ever.”

Avalon closed her eyes and tried to shake free of the vision. Normally, she wouldn’t tell someone that. In this case, she had to get this back on track.

She had to save Juliett.

The woman had a long life ahead of her, and her gift mattered. She offered peace to the dying.

That was precious.

When she opened her eyes, they were calm. “Nate was trying to keep you safe. He told the sheriff to give you space. He didn't know that it would cause a million other potential issues.”

“So he likes me?”

“Nate? He better not.”

She laughed. “No, Rhett.”

“He feels something for you that he’s not had in a long time. If you choose to be with him, you’ll find happiness, Juliett. You just have to get through to him. He’s damaged too. You’re both broken, but you’re the key to put him, and you, back together again.”

She thought about the large man, and it made her sad to think that someone had kicked his heart around. She knew what that was like.

Now it made sense.

He’d been so sweet and gentle with her, and it was all because he knew what it was like to be disappointed by the opposite sex.

His caring sympathy was from experience.

She fell for him even more.

“He’s not going to hurt you,” Avalon stated. “I can promise it. If you go to him, you won’t get hurt. In fact, it’s the opposite. Fate is a bitch. She likes to screw with you. Take the risk, chance your heart, and you will find happiness. Play it safe, hide in fear, and it will find you.”

She thought about it.

“I don’t know how to find him. Plus, we have three people out there who will want to keep me here.”

She laughed. “You’re not a prisoner. I’ll be discussing this with them shortly. If you want to go, then do it.”

“How do I find him?”

Avalon closed her eyes.

“Four twenty five West Palm.” When she opened her eyes, the woman was staring at her.

“That’s handy. Here I have to Google things like that.”

Avalon laughed. “It has its moments. At least I don’t need to have four bars to connect,” she teased, tapping her head. “I have five G.”

The woman jumped up from her spot on the bed and began tearing around the room.

“I can call a cab and sneak out the window.”

Avalon smiled. “Yes, you can. That somehow makes it romantic and more special, doesn’t it?”

Juliett grinned. “Yes, it does.” Then she stopped. “Avalon?”


The woman hugged her. “I don’t have many friends, and I don’t know anyone else like me. So thank you for helping me. You could have left me to figure this out. Instead, you took a chance. I really appreciate it.”

She hugged her back.

“I don’t have many friends either, so thank you for offering me that. I think I will enjoy knowing that you’re happy.”

So, this was what her gift was all about.

She was never meant to give presidents advice, or find missing things. She was meant to help those who the cards were stacked against.

Avalon felt something…it was a sense of accomplishment.

It felt damn good too.

After Juliett dressed, she stood in front of the mirror. “I think I’m ready.”

“Call the cab and get going. I’ll stay in here for a while to keep them guessing out there. I’ll buy you some time. If they try to stop you, I’ll make their lives hell.”

She smiled. “Thank you!”

Avalon didn't mind.

As she closed her eyes, she saw the outcome. They were working their way back to the correct path.

Now it was up to Rhett and Juliett. If they were going to make it, survive what was coming, and find love in the end, they had to stay strong.


Oracle could only do so much.


Now she only hoped it was enough.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *





Thirty Minutes Later

425 West Palm




Jagger saw the lights approach, so he went on guard. Flicking open the holster on his thigh, he prepared for the worst. When he saw it was a cab, he relaxed.

Somehow, he doubted that the killer would show up in one. Although, from what Avalon had told them, this guy was nutty, so who knew what was going on in his head?

As he used his binoculars to watch the back door open, he nearly fell out of his tree.

It was Juliett.

And she was very alone.

“What the hell?” he muttered, watching her head toward the cabin. When she knocked on the door, he quickly rattled out a text to his boss.



‘You have another problem. You let one of the women out of the cabin. Juliett has broken free. She’s here, and exactly where you didn't want her, Nate. What do you want me to do? I can extract her. Give me my orders.’



He waited for the reply, and couldn’t help but be incredibly confused over the entire thing.



‘Keep them safe. Watch their backs. I’ll follow up when I figure out what to do.’



When it came in, he was shocked that the man seemed calm and not over the edge. Apparently, something had changed. They went from suspecting the sheriff to dangling the woman in his reach.

Again, it wasn’t his job to question it.

So, Jagger got comfortable again, and did nothing but wait.



Hopefully, the boss knew what he was doing.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *

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