Oracle Rising (37 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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Tonight, when the darkness came, he’d take her.

It was already decided.

She was the one.

He had his drink and enjoyed watching her slut around the room. After he added her to his list of dead, he’d be able to move on to the next one.

Someone had to pay.

Before long, the final one would be dead.

His payback would be enacted.

He would have the last laugh, while the sheriff took his turn weeping bitter tears.

He made his plan.

Time was running out for her, and him.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *






After dinner, they curled up on the couch to watch a movie together. This was the best date she’d ever had.

Dinner was delicious, his company was amazing, and she’d gotten to know the real man.

Now they were going to eat popcorn, watch a movie, and see where the night led.

Juliett knew what she wanted to happen. Only, it wasn’t all about her. The sexy sheriff had to make the move first. She’d noticed that his shyness held him back. Juliett couldn’t blame him. His wife broke him.

Now she’d fix him.

As they sat down, he glanced over.

“Are you sure you want to watch this movie?” he asked, holding the remote in his hand.

“Yes, why?”

“I didn't know you were coming over, and I picked something I’d like. I’m sure you would have picked something different.”

She smiled at him. “What did you pick?”

“A slasher flick. I was in a bad mood.”

She laughed. “You realize that’s a horrible choice in movies when your town has a serial killer, right?”

He didn't say anything.

“Hey! I was kidding, Rhett! I’ll be more than happy to watch this movie with you, if you’ll let me pick the next one.”

There was hope building. “You mean as in another date?”


He grinned. “It’s going to be some sappy chick flick, isn’t it?”

She laughed. “Oh, yes it will be. There will be ugly crying and some mushy love scenes that will make you wish you were somewhere else.”

“I wouldn’t bet on that. I’d do anything for you, Juliett, including a chick flick.”

Her heart skipped.

He hit the button on the remote and the movie started. There was popcorn balanced on his knee as they sat hip to hip. Together, they began watching the movie, munching popcorn.

No one spoke.

There was tension, just not between them.

Just as she reached for some more popcorn, the killer in the movie jumped out, killing its first victim.

Juliett screeched.

Rhett moved the popcorn and pulled her under his arm. “I’ll keep you safe,” he offered.

Suddenly, she felt it.

Fear ebbed away.

Juliett believed him.

As the movie continued, she closed her eyes and buried his face in Rhett’s big strong chest. As she peeked through her fingers, he pulled her closer.

When she looked over, he was watching her. The look on his face undid her. He wasn’t focused on the movie anymore.

Rhett was focused on her.

“I have a confession,” he said.

“What?” she asked, watching his lips move closer.

“I suggested this movie for one reason. I wanted you scared and in my arms. Does that make me a horrible person?” he asked, sharing the truth.

“Only if you waste the moment and don’t kiss me.”

He didn't hesitate. The bowl was discarded, and he moved closer to her. Juliett didn't look away from his eyes, since they were the window to the soul.

There was heat there.

He wanted her, and she wanted him.

As he pressed her back into the couch, she wrapped her arms around his neck. His scent was a mix of woods and popcorn, and she’d never smelled anything better.

As their lips met, once more, life exploded around them. He took his time, making sure to show her what lived in him. It had been dormant for a long time, but now it was here to stay.

He wasn’t backing away.

He wasn’t running.

Rhett was going to trust the woman beneath him.

As he pressed her into the cushions of his couch, her hands wandered down his back. He’d never felt anything quite like it.

For so long, he’d missed being touched, but now he knew why he’d waited.

It was for this woman.

She was special.

She was a miracle, and he couldn’t help but be elated that she’d found him.

“Rhett,” she whispered, as his mouth trailed across her throat.

He couldn’t stop.

If she asked him too, he didn't think he’d have the strength to do it. His brain was a puddle of mush, and his heart was in control.

His body was on autopilot.

Here was a sexy woman, and she wanted him.

It was time to take that step back into the world of the living, and it would be with her.

“Juliett,” he whispered, his teeth nibbling their way across her collarbone.

When he felt her fingers working on the buttons of his shirt, there was a chorus of hallelujahs going off in his head. Rhett wanted to beg her to go faster, but he was enjoying the slow teasing feel of her hands.

“I want you,” he whispered. “I’ve never wanted anyone more,” he vowed. “Please let me have you.”

She answered with stroking him through his jeans.

Rhett moaned. “Jesus. This is going to be one hell of a night.”

She swooned with the control she had over this man. His body reacted to her touch, and she never thought she’d find someone who wanted her like this.

“Bedroom?” he asked, wanting desperately to see her naked in his personal space.

“Yes,” she replied, wrapping her legs around his hips.

Easily, he stood from the couch, holding her to his torso. There was something to be said about his size. She was like a fragile piece of glass in his hands.

He was beyond gentle.

He was reverent.

As he climbed the stairs, she made love to his mouth. As he stumbled a few times, she simply giggled.

It turned him on even more.

With his ex, sex was always serious, quick, and then she would roll over to go to sleep.

Now he was dying to see what Juliett would be like in bed. He was worried he couldn’t please her.

Wasn’t that one of the reasons his ex had slept with someone else? She told him daily that he was terrible in bed.

As they approached his room, Rhett carried her inside. “I can’t believe you’re here with me,” he admitted. “This is like a dream come true.”

He lowered her to the soft mattress.

“I can’t believe it either.” Juliett was astounded by the man before her. He was stripping out of his shirt, and she almost wanted to drool. His simple plaid shirt hid another treasure.

From the strong arms, to the broad chest, she was lost in what she saw.

“Holy shit,” she muttered.

He stopped and looked up at her. “I can turn the light off, if you want.”

She didn't understand.

Juliett watched the sexy blush creep up his chest to his throat. As she watched it, he looked worried.

“If you don’t want to do this, Rhett, it’s okay.”

He looked at her like she was crazy. “I absolutely need to do this. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

She laughed. “Oh, Rhett, the only way that could happen is if we stopped now. I love your body. You’re beyond my wildest dreams.”

His heart kicked.

When she moved toward him, she pushed his shirt from his shoulders. “Let me help.”

He wouldn’t say no. This was something he was dying to experience. It had been a long time since anyone wanted him like this. True, he had women hit on him, but he didn't want to get entangled in one night stands.

He wanted love.

He couldn’t believe that he’d found it.

It staggered him.

When her fingers went to the button on his jeans, Rhett couldn’t help but watch. There was something so enthralling about the way she slowly slid his zipper down, setting him free.

When she tugged his jeans down, along with his boxers, he was prepared to help her undress.

Only, that’s not what happened.

“Wait,” she said, when he reached for her.

Immediately, his hand froze inches from his prize. His heart quaked, as he fully expected her to stop what was happening.

“What?” he asked, silently praying.

“I want to touch you first.”

She took him in her mouth.

The wet warm sensation nearly brought him to his knees. He couldn’t recall the last time anyone did this to him. He’d been a monk, and this was one hell of a
‘welcome back to your manhood’

She worked him slowly in and out of her mouth. The sheriff was a big man, and she wanted to make sure she gave him the ultimate pleasure. God knew when he buried himself in her, she was going to enjoy it.

His hands found her hair, and he moaned in response to her hand siding up and down his erection along with her mouth.

“Juliett,” he whispered.

She kept moving, teasing his body closer and closer to release.

“Honey, if you keep that up, I’m going to cum,” he whispered, as he watched his slick erection sliding in and out of her mouth. “It’s been a while. I need…”

She did something with her tongue, and he nearly lost it. “Holy hell,” he moaned, dropping his head back.

As she continued worshipping his body, he was craving something too.

He wanted to share this with her.

Rhett wanted Juliett to feel everything he was, and then some. He wanted to offer her so much pleasure.

Pulling away, he tugged her to her feet. Without hesitation, he yanked the sweater from her body. As she stood there in a pink bra, he almost wanted to weep.

She was lovely.

He’d never seen a more beautiful woman.

“I’ll never forget this night,” he admitted, flicking open the button on her jeans. Gently, he pushed them down, and then swept her up in his arms.

“I won’t either,” she replied, holding onto him. Juliett loved that this man could carry her around. His strength astounded her.

As he placed her in the center of the large bed, he stared down at her. “Thank you for tonight.”

She was staggered by his sweetness.

“It was my pleasure.”

He grinned. It was about to be.

Slowly, he left a trail of kisses to her breasts. Sliding his hands beneath her, he unclasped the bra and tugged it from her body. When she fell out of it, baring everything, his body hardened in response.

With the tip of his tongue, he flicked it over the peaks. When she moaned, he took one in his mouth and tormented her. He sucked, nipped, and tormented her until he drove them both crazy.

Juliett bowed against his mouth, burying her hands in his hair. She held him to her breast as he sucked, teased, and drove her to delirium.

She shook in his arms.

Rhett was starving. While he wanted to find that sensitive bud, he didn't want her to fall alone. He wanted to do it with her. For their first time, of many, he hoped, he wanted to tumble with the woman beneath him.

Tugging her panties free of her body, he stared down at her lying on his bed.

She was stunning.

“I have to have you. If I continue, I’m not going to make it. I’ve waited for this day for so long.”

She got it.

He was coming off his sexual fast, and he had needs.

“I’m yours,” she whispered.

He wished that was true. Rhett would give anything to have her in his life on a permanent basis.

This was heaven.

Placing himself over her body, he allowed his fingers to slide though the wetness.

She was ready.

He was desperate.

It was time.

When her legs circled his strong hips, he was pretty sure this one moment was going to kill him. As the tip of his erection slid through the wetness, he went with the moment.

She couldn’t look away. Above her was an incredibly handsome man, and he was about to bury himself in her body.

She was beyond ready.

She was desperate.

“Hurry,” she whispered, pulling his body down on hers. As he slid into her, she couldn’t help it. He was so big he filled her.

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