Oracle Rising (44 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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Before she could turn her head, she felt it.

A stun gun made contact to her thigh, and a high voltage of electricity coursed through her body.

As Maura began falling, she tried to get to her gun.

As he hit her, she didn't recognize him.

Well, shit.



The team was in trouble.


They had overlooked someone.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *





He knew where the man was hiding in the trees. See, he saw it in her mind. While they thought they were clever, they weren’t.

He was smart.


And on a mission

He was going to get payback for her death. It was Longfellow’s fault, and before the day was out, he would end his life.

When he scaled the house, sneaking in through an unlocked window, he knew how easy it was going to be.

Then he heard footsteps coming his way.

He barely had time to hide.

Oh, as she walked past the open door, he recognized her. She was one of the Feds who was trying to find him.

Well, she was about to do just that.

Before the day was over, she’d be dead, and so would the sheriff and his bitch psychic.

It was amusing that she thought she could track him.

Then the other one, whoever she was, she would pay too. He would find her eventually and make her pay for helping a man so flawed and vile.

But first…

He finished binding her hands and legs. She stared up at him as he grinned wickedly.

If looks could kill, she would want his blood.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. As much as I like tying women up for my own pleasure, I don’t do married women. That’s your only saving grace. I also don’t do cops.”

He licked the side of her face.

She tried to make contact between her shoulder and his face.

“Nice one, sweetheart, but it won’t work. When this house goes up, you’ll be the last to die. It’ll take time for the fire to get to you.”

Maura struggled to get through her bindings.

She would kill him.

Luke, if she survived, would never let her live this one down. She’d been off guard, thinking Jagger had their back. She was going to boot his ass too.

As she tugged on the twine, he got pissed.

“Out you go,” he whispered, nailing her in the face with the bottle of booze.

The sick thud filled him with glee. He grinned wickedly. “Drinking can kill.”

With that, he got ready to do what needed to be done.

He had a woman to kill.

Creeping down the stairs, he saw her asleep on the couch.


This was like stealing candy from babies.



Or a woman from the sheriff…







* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *








Sunday Mid-Morning



When they arrived, the ME was busily working on the first victim. It was easy to see that she was naked.

“You started working fast.”

The ME looked up and there was an expression on his face. “I’m glad you brought some people with you,” stated Doctor Allen.

“What’s up, Doc?”

“We have their ID’s, or at least we have the preliminary ones. I’ve got DNA running on the male. I’ll have a match in an hour.”

That was fast.

“Is it DNA we have on file?” Rhett asked.

“Yes, it’s yours.”

“Why are you running the dead victim against my DNA?” he asked. “Have you hit your head? I’m standing right here. I’m amongst the living.”

Nate immediately got it. “He’s hoping for a partial match.”

“What?” If the man was hoping for that, it meant that the body under the sheet was…

“He had a wallet in his pocket. We pulled it out, and as soon as I saw that it was Walter’s name, I brought it, and him, into the morgue. I didn't want you finding out in the field. It seemed cold.”

He couldn’t believe it.

“I have to see for myself.”

“I wouldn’t do that, Sheriff,” he warned, even as the man stormed toward the table. “He’s been dead a while. The killer didn't end his life today.”

Rhett yanked back the sheet, and he felt the bile rising. His brother, if this was him, was burned from the waist up. From the hips down, he was decaying.

Someone was a sick fuck.

“I’m going to be sick,” he said as Luke handed him a waste paper can.

The sheriff began puking up his guts.

Both men moved toward him, resting a sympathetic hand on his back. This was the worst news to get, and the way he got it wasn’t any better.

No one should be told their loved one was gone like this.

“I’m so sorry, Sheriff.”

He wiped his mouth.

He could do this. He was stronger than this. Rhett knew there was too much on the line.

Luke handed him a cup of water from the water dispenser across the room. He swished his mouth out, and then spit it into the sink.

“Who’s the other victim?” Rhett asked, forcing himself through the pain. His brother was a dick, but he was still his brother. In the end, his life mattered.

“We have her driver’s license. I can’t verify yet, as the dentals aren’t in, but we’ll say it’s probably a match.”

“Who?” he asked.

“Blanche Huff.”

The name set off alarms for all of them.

“The DJ hooked up with a Blanche last night, didn't he?” asked the sheriff.

“Yeah, he did.”

“I think we need to talk to him.”

“Pricey booze, the dead woman he just had sex with, and the bar as the hunting ground. It all adds up to a big problem.”

“We need to re-interview him.”

As they were getting ready to head out, Trent Calvin entered the room.

“Hey, Doc! I’m glad I found you here, Rhett.”

The sheriff didn't say a word. He was trying to rationalize everything in his mind. The two Feds thought he might be in shock.

“You wanted this, right?”

Nate took the evidence bag. Inside, there was an empty bottle, and a book of matches.

Immediately, he started laughing.

“We have someone’s ass to fry,” he stated.

Rhett glanced over. “What?”

“The matches are from
. Why don’t I think that’s not a coincidence?”

“Probably because it’s not,” stated Luke. “Let’s head over there.”

“Works for me,” stated Rhett.

The men stopped.

“No, you’re going home. You’ve just found out some bad news. You aren’t going to be in the field with us. Go back to your cabin, get a beer, and let Juliett help you through this.”

He wanted to protest, but he couldn’t.

His heart wasn’t in it, but Rhett didn't exactly want to be away from her. His brother had died for some reason, and she was still marked.

He had a job to do, and protecting her was his duty.

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

“We are,” Nate said, patting him on the shoulder. “We’ve got this one for you.”

The man was glad.

When he was out the morgue door, Luke pulled out his cell. There was a message from Maura.

“It looks like Juliett is up. She told Maura about the visions.”

He read them.

It gave them more damning evidence.

“Let’s go rattle his cage, and maybe, if we’re lucky, lock his ass up.”




Rhett’s Cabin



She could feel someone watching her. While she drifted off, she figured Maura had come down from checking on Avalon.

Only, something felt off.

When she opened her eyes, there was a strange man sitting on the coffee table. In his hand was a gun, and it was pointed right at her.

She didn't move.

“Hello, Juliett. How nice of us to meet at last. I’ve been waiting for weeks to find you. I’m amused that you and fate played into this. I didn't know that back in Laramie, you’d be connected to the sheriff. Someone above must really have it in for you.”

She swallowed.

“Sit up and move slowly. This gun is pointed right at your chest. I’m sure you know what that means. One pull of the trigger, and you’re dead.”

Juliett obeyed. “Who are you?”

“I’m someone who hates the man you’re sleeping with. His brother hurt my family.”

“So that’s what this is all about?”

“Yes. He’s flawed, right down to his pathetic DNA.”

She didn't move, but her eyes flickered toward the stairs.

“If you’re waiting for the female Fed, you’re out of luck. She’s tied up at the moment. I mean literally, too. When the sheriff gets here, I’m going to kill you, so he can suffer, then light him on fire. It seems fitting. He, like his brother, should burn in hell. The three of you will go up in flames.”

She started praying.

Then, she realized that he must not know Avalon was still in the house.

She’d never done this before, but she screamed to the woman in her mind. Juliett wasn’t sure what she was going to do, but anything at this point would help.

There were sounds of tires crunching in the driveway.

Oh, shit!

Rhett was back.




“I see the sheriff has returned home. I bet he’s heartbroken, Juliett. Let’s see how this plays out. I’m going to stand over here. If you alert him, you’re dead. I’ll blow your brains out in front of him. He already lost someone he loves today. Don’t make it two in one day.”

She stared at the man and then glanced over at the door. She could see him turning the key in the lock.

Juliett willed him away with her mind, but it didn't work. What the hell was the point of being psychic of you couldn’t save the man you loved?

“Hey, honey, I’m home,” he said, taking his gun off and placing it on the table in the entryway.

She stared at him, jerking her eyes toward the spot where the armed man stood.

He wasn’t looking at her.




“Why are you...?” he began, and then stopped when the man stepped around the corner with the Glock in his hand.

He froze in place.

“Well, well, sheriff. How’s your day going? Did you find your brother?”

He didn't look away from the gun. “What do you want, and who the hell are you?”

He laughed sardonically. “My name is Owen Justice. You may know me as Owen Maddox. Does that name ring a bell?”

Rhett immediately recognized it.

“Yes. It does.”

“Your brother broke into my family’s home one night many years ago. He fought with my father. He ended up killing him.”

Rhett knew the story.

He’d seen the arrest records.

He just never knew this man was connected. In fact, he didn't know the Maddox family had any sons. Honestly, he never looked. That was an oversight on his behalf.

“I’m sorry for what my brother did to your family, but it wasn’t me. I didn't play any part of that.”

As he spoke, he was sliding closer to Juliett. All they could do now was stall for time. Hopefully, Maura would show up, or Jagger.


They were screwed.

“Oh, yes, you are involved. It’s in the blood. Your whole family is flawed. Your father threw his weight around to get him a reduced sentence, and you were handed the job as sheriff after his death. The Longfellows are a thorn in my side, and I’m making you pay.”

“So you’re using your psychic gifts?” he asked.

“Yes, and I didn't have to try hard. I used them and found out everything about the people who crossed into your life. All the women, all the people were easy to dig up, and they led me right to her.”

Rhett didn't look away.

He couldn’t.

Juliett’s life depended on it.

“How?” he asked, stalling.

“I found your brother, used him, and then killed him last month. I’d like to say I used my mind, but it wasn’t that difficult. I found him, locked him up, and soon he began jonesing for drugs. All I had to do was offer him a hit, and he spilled the beans. You were betrayed by your own flesh and blood. That has to sting.”

Yeah, it did.

His brother likely signed his and Juliett’s death warrant.

Damn him!

Rhett was nearly in front of Juliett. He was going to use his body as a shield. One gun shot, and Jagger would come running. If he could get his much larger frame over hers, she’d live.

He’d give his life for hers.

This wasn’t her fault.

Owen laughed. “Juliett was a beautiful distraction. I never once realized that I’d chase her right into your life. That was fate playing its hand. Not me. Once I figured it out, I used her. As soon as I found out that she had a similar gift at her disposal, I was able to see into her mind. I know there’s a Marine outside. He’ll be too late. I know there’s a Marine upstairs. She’s out of commission.”

Rhett knew they were in trouble.

“What do you plan on doing to me?” he asked. “You can let her go. Just take my life, not Juliett’s.”

She gasped. Immediately, her eyes filled with tears. Now she realized what Avalon had meant. He would save her, but the cost would be his life.

“Rhett, no,” she whispered.

He laughed. “Isn’t that noble, Romeo? Here’s a news flash. Killing her is going to make you bleed. That’s the point. All your friends, women you cared about, people from your past. They paid for your family’s mistake. Now she’s going to pay too. In fact, you both will.”

He had no time to think.

Rhett saw the telltale sign as the man shifted the gun, and his focus, toward Juliett. So, he did the only thing he could.

Rhett took the leap.

He dove in front of the woman he loved to save her life. She’d given him so much the last few days, and this was his way to say that he was sorry.


And goodbye.



Rhett felt the bullet hit, and the pain was excruciating.


His body fell.

As he hit the ground, he heard her scream.









* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *





Avalon had to do something. She had been awoken by Juliett screaming for help in her head. She immediately knew they were in trouble.

Pulling out her phone, she prayed she hit the right buttons. Nate had programmed her cell, and she needed this call to go through.

The second he answered, she didn't give him time to talk.

“Nate, the killer is in the house. He’s got the sheriff, and he’s got Juliett. I don’t know where Maura and Jagger are! I need you. Hurry!”

“Okay! Stay where you are. There’s a Glock in my bag. Get it out, and you shoot anyone who comes into that room. Don’t move, Avalon!”

“Hurry. They don’t have much time.”

She disconnected the call.

In her mind, she could see what was about to happen. Avalon knew she had to step in. Fate was giving her a slim opportunity to bend the outcome.

If she waited for Nate, it wouldn’t happen.

This was playing out. She only wished fate had given her more time. Now she was worried.

Grabbing the gun, she felt for the safety. The second it clicked off, she pondered her plan.

Nate said stay.

In her head, Juliett was begging.

She couldn’t wait in the room.

Instead, she silently headed into the hall, making sure not to hit the creaky steps she had memorized. As she passed the master bedroom, there was someone on the bed.

It was Maura.

She was out cold.

Okay, so that wasn’t going to work.

Avalon knew that the sheriff was going to get shot. Her only chance of saving Juliett was taking care of this by herself.

She steadied her nerves.

As she crept down the stairs, she heard the killer telling Rhett why he was going to die.

It didn't take her long to distinguish the two Auras.

Only, she was scared as hell.

She steadied her breath.

As she lifted the gun, there was motion from the one aura. It played out from what she saw in her memory.

Rhett jumped.

Juliett screamed.

The killer shot.

Then, when he went to take care of Juliett, Avalon did what Nate once told her.



Point the gun and pull the trigger until she emptied the clip.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *





Jagger was watching he house. He saw the sheriff go in, and everything thing seemed normal.

Then he heard a gunshot, followed by about ten more. At that exact moment, Nate and Luke came barreling into the parking lot, gravel spinning.

Jagger jumped out of the tree.

“There were eleven shots.”

They raced toward the house.

Inside, they saw the outcome.

The sheriff was on the floor, Avalon’s hand over his chest, trying to stop the bleeding. Juliett was holding his head in her lap, begging him to stay.

“Luke, call for an ambulance!”

He rushed over.

Already, the man was going pale.

It was a bad sign, as was the amount of blood seeping onto the wood floor.

“Nate, save him,” Avalon begged. “We have to save him! I did all I could!”

He grabbed the blanket off the couch and pulled the sheriff from the woman’s lap. “Towels!” he shouted, as Luke tossed him a bunch from the kitchen.

“Help is coming! Where’s Maura?” Luke asked. It wasn’t like her to not be in the middle of a mess like this.

“She’s on the bed upstairs. He knocked her out,” Avalon replied, getting out of Nate’s way as he got the man flat on his back.

He applied pressure.

“No! No! No!” whispered Juliett. “He can’t save me to die. He can’t!”

Nate was applying as much force as he could to slow the bleeding. He’d done this once before to save his sister after she was shot.

Rhett opened his eyes and slowly turned his head. “I love you, Juliett. Do your job. It’s time to help me cross. I don’t want to go alone,” he whispered.

It made her cry even more.

“I can’t let you go. Fight for us, Rhett. I love you too. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Don’t give up. Stay with me. If you stay, I swear I’ll never leave your side. I’ll be with you until we’re old!” she begged.

Maura rushed down the stairs, rubbing her wrists. “The ambulance just pulled in, along with a fleet of deputy vehicles.”

Nate moved Juliett and Avalon out of the way.

“Rhett! Fight!” she shouted, as the paramedics worked on him. When he closed his eyes and they began rolling him out, she wanted to weep.

She watched them take him in the ambulance, one paramedic sitting on his body as he gave him CPR.

“No,” she whispered. “Please no.”

“Luke, get the Hummer. We’re going to the hospital. Jagger, handle the body and the deputies.”

“Who is it?” he asked.

“We were off a little. It was the bartender. Not the DJ,” Nate said.


And they all knew what that meant. Overlooking that one man may have just cost Rhett Longfellow his life.




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