Oracle Rising (45 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *







Sunday Late Night





Waiting was a bitch.

They were all stuck there, biding their time. The sheriff was in surgery as the team tried to save his heart. The bullet nicked it, and now it was a race to keep him alive.

Nate had spoken to the doctors, and they didn't think he was going to make it.

Still, they kept the vigil.

No one was giving up. The sheriff was fighting hard to stay in the land of the living.

And they were fighting to keep Juliett from losing her mind.

She paced.

She cried.

She didn't speak to any of them.

It was apparent that she was busy praying to whoever would listen.

“I feel so bad,” stated Avalon. “I can’t imagine…”

They knew this wasn’t her fault. Had Avalon not twisted fate, the woman before them would be dead, and the sheriff would be pacing.

It was a shitty outcome either way.

Fate had her own plan, and this was it. Now, only time could tell.

“You took out the bad guy before he could hurt her. While he saved Juliett, so did you,” Maura said. “And I’m pissed. You should have gotten me.”

“If I stopped to untie you, it would have taken forever. She would have died too.”

Then again, they were all thinking the same thing. She was suffering so much, and if the sheriff went, she’d probably wish she didn't make it.

“Avi, you took some good shots,” Jagger admitted. “You made him look like Swiss cheese.”

Nate gave her a kiss. “That’s my girl.”

Just then, the doctor came out. He motioned toward Juliett. The team stayed back, waiting for her to get the news.

When she collapsed to her knees, covered her face with her hands, and began weeping, they feared the worst.

All of their hearts sunk for both her, and the man in surgery.

Luke and Nate crossed to her, helping Juliett to her feet.

“He survived surgery,” she whispered. “He’s holding on. I have to see him. Can you get them to let me into the ICU?” she asked. “I’m not family. I’m nothing to him, but he saved my life. He took that bullet for me. Please, help me see him.”

Nate knew that wasn’t true. “You’re everything to him, Juliett. He would have died for you. He told you he loved you. I’ll get you in. You just stick by him and don’t leave him—no matter what.”

She promised.

Nate nodded to his partner. Without a single word exchanged, Luke went to do his magic. He was going to charm the nurses, and then whip out his badge if that failed.

They owed it to the couple.




It took about an hour, but they got her in. When she saw him, her heart hit the floor. He looked like hell.

Rhett looked like someone had beat him to hell and back, and he was holding on by a thread.

His chest was bandaged up, and his body was all bruises from when they pounded on him to keep him alive.

She wanted to weep.

No, she wanted to puke.

Turning, she faced the people who saved her. “I don’t know how to thank you,” she said. “You killed the man who was after me.”

Avalon hugged her. “I’m sorry we couldn’t spare him this. If we could, we would have.”

She didn't blame them.

How could she?

They saved her, Rhett was alive, and they now had a chance. “You did what you promised, and now I’m going to do what I vowed,” she said, glancing over at Nate. “Thank you.”

“Here’s how you can reach us,” she said, as Maura gave the woman a card. “If you need us for anything, please call. We’ll be here as fast as we can.”

“I know Rhett would tell you thank you if he could,” she said, her voice cracking.

“Do you want us to stay?” Luke asked. “We can hang out if you need us to be here.” He knew that the sheriff’s family was dead. His mother, father, and brother had crossed, and he might need someone to support him.

She shook her head. “No, I’m going to sit here until he wakes up. Then, when he’s better, I’m going to take him home and nurse him back to health. You did your job, and now I’m going to do mine.”

They each hugged her. “Make it count,” Nate said. “You only get one life.”

She got that.

“He’s the person you should be with,” Maura offered. “I can tell.”

So could she.

Juliett was going to make him hers, even if she had to stick by his side for the next twenty years to prove it. If she had anything to say about it, she was going to marry the sheriff. No matter how long it took her to get it done, it was going to happen.

“Thank you, Avalon, for helping people like me.”

“Like us. We freaks have to stick together,” she teased. “Actually, it’s a great club to be in.”

She hugged her.

“Be safe, Juliett. Kiss Romeo for us, and when you marry him, send me an invitation. I’ll make Nate bring me.”

He grinned. “We’ll all come. I promise.”

Juliett wiped her eyes. “I will. I swear I will.”

With that, they watched her pull the chair up to the side of the bed, and take a seat.

She was on sentry duty, and the sheriff wouldn’t be waking alone—that was for sure.


Juliett was on a mission to save her Romeo.




In the hall, Nate let out a sigh. “Avalon, we’re going to talk about you being careless.”

“What? I didn't do anything. How did a killer get past two Marines? Don’t blame the blind woman. You need to start your investigation with them. They supposedly did this for a living. This is all new to me. Juliett and Rhett were my first case, and considering, I did a damn good job.”

Luke laughed. “Yeah, speaking of that, how did he take you out, Maura? You’re normally not a girl.”

She glared at him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was stun gunned, when our sentry let him by. Why don’t we ask Jagger what he was doing up in that tree, other than getting his crotch sticky.”

Luke opened his mouth. “I’m not even going to ask. I’m really afraid to.”

“Hey!” Jagger objected. “It was a cabin against the woods. I’m only one person. At least I didn't get sucker punched by a vodka bottle.”

“It was tequila.”

“It apparently does more than make her clothes come off,” Luke teased, trying to alleviate the stress. This was all of their faults, but they were learning. Fortunately, they got through it, and the sheriff had a fighting chance.

Maura was standing her ground. “The girls won on this one. Your Hummer got keyed, shot, and you had to get stitches. The MVP on this one is Avalon. She took out the bad guy. That’s one for team girls.”

“What do I get for being the hero?” she asked.

Nate kissed her.

“That’s it?”

He laughed. “Thanks. My ego is feeling it today. How about I buy you a sparkly ring, and Maura helps you plan a kick ass wedding?”

That made her smile.

“I guess we can call this Phoenix file closed,” said Jagger, amused by the people he called family.

Avalon shook her head. “Nope. We can’t.”

“Why?” they all said.

“When we get that wedding invitation, it goes in the file. Then we know we did our jobs. Then we know they got their happily ever after—the end.”

Nate grinned.

“That works for me. I’m easy!”

Jagger and Maura both pointed at Luke. “Don’t do it,” they warned.

He laughed.

But wisely, he opted to keep his mouth shut.





* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *




Three Days Later



His whole body hurt.

When he finally realized where he was, his only concern was Juliett. He had to find her.

When he struggled to move, the pain screamed through his body. Immediately, he heard her voice trying to soothe him, so he opened his eyes.

She looked exhausted.

“Oh, Rhett!” she said, tears filling her eyes.


Slowly, she lowered her mouth to his, giving him a kiss. “What happened?”

“You don’t remember any of it?”

He struggled to piece it together. “I think some. I got shot, didn't I?”


“You wouldn’t help me cross. I could hear you shouting in my head.”

“I couldn’t lose you.”

He tried to focus. “How long have I been out?”

“Almost four days.”

“Juliett,” he began, only to have her cut him off.

“What you did was stupid. You shouldn’t have risked your life, Rhett. You could have died.”

“You could have too.”

“You should have…”

He cut her off. “Bullshit. I wasn’t going to let him hurt you. I couldn’t.”

“Why not?”

He stared up into those brown eyes that he’d fallen in love with, and he shared his heart. “I had to do it because I’m in love with you.”

Tears filled her eyes.

“I want to live the rest of my life with you.”

She couldn’t speak. For the last three and a half days, she feared this was never going to happen. She couldn’t bear to go on without him. In less than a week, she found her path, and the man she was supposed to walk it with.”

“I want you to marry me.”

“Oh, no way, Rhett!”

He looked surprised. “Why not?”

“You’re not proposing to me in the hospital. I look like hell, you’re ten times worse. When we get home, and you’re healed, then we can talk.”

He smiled. “Can I ask then? Or do you plan on being bossy for the next fifty years?”

“Then you can ask, Sheriff. When you do, we’ll make it count. We can’t celebrate yet. Trust me, I want to really celebrate,” she teased.

He grinned, despite the pain. Juliett wasn’t saying no, and he would make it a memory that they’d never forget.

“When can I get out of here?” he asked. “I have a woman to impress.”

He didn't have to do a damn thing. She was beyond impressed. She was madly in love.

“You can leave as soon as I find a nurse to help take care of you at home. There will be sponge baths, helping you walk around, getting you in and out of the shower.”

He looked appalled. “Uh, no stranger is doing that.”

She smiled. “I’m going to do it, Rhett. I’m going to take care of you for the rest of our lives.”

He stared at her, needing to hear it.

“Why, Juliett?” he asked, needing to hear the words. He’d told her how he felt, but she’d yet to say the words.


“Because I love you, and I want to be your wife.”


It was all he had to hear.


Rhett’s heart was saved in more ways than one.




One Week Later




He was as nervous as hell. In fact, he was so worked up, he had to ask Luke for his help. If he didn't do this right, Avalon would never forget it.

Her ring had arrived, and it was exactly what she wanted.

Now it was all about the delivery.

So, Luke told him to do the unexpected. The plan was forged, and being implemented.

That morning, Avalon was going to have a reading lesson. Over the last week, she’d tried really hard, and he was proud of her. So, on a page in the book, he had the words created to begin their fairytale.

He was going to catch her off guard.

As she sat at the table, patiently waiting, he tried to stay calm. Any sign of nerves, and the jig would be up.

“Are you ready for your reading lesson?”

“It’s such a nice day, Nathaniel, can’t we skip it and go swimming instead?”

“Well, I tell you what. You read one page, and we’ll toss the book and go skinny dipping while Luke, Jagger, and Maura are in town shopping.”


“I promise. I’m never going to say no to a naked wet woman. I’m not crazy. I love books, but not that much.”

She beamed at him.

“Okay, it’s a deal. Give me the book.”

He opened it to the special page, and to him, it looked like nothing but raised dots. He knew the magic that was there, just waiting for her fingers to find it.

His heart thumped.

“Read it out loud. I love when you read to me. One day, it’ll be your turn to read me an entire book.”

He found the first set of dots.

“Okay, here we go.”



‘When I met you, I fell in love. From that day, I’ve been hopelessly lost.’


This wasn’t the book he was having her practice with. That book was about a sea captain and a whale.

“I don’t understand,” she said, turning her head toward him. “What is this I’m reading?”

“It’s our story, Avi. Keep reading for me.”

She placed her fingers back on the dots and found her place again. Avalon continued.


‘You walked into my life, and my world was flipped upside down. I wanted a way out, and you pulled me in. Because of you, I was given a new lease on life, and now I want more. I don’t want to walk this path alone. I want to be with my wife on the journey. I’m not spontaneous enough, and I’ll never be what you deserve, but I want to try. I want to be the man you love forever.’


Tears filled her eyes.

Now she got it.

This wasn’t a normal story.

It was their story.


“Keep reading, Avalon,” he whispered, pulling her ring from his pocket.


‘I want you to marry me. I need you to love me with that brilliance that is only found inside you. You’re the greatest gift I could have ever been given, and now I want to give back. Avalon Miller, marry me. Choose me, so I can make you the happiest woman in the world. Be my wife.’


He placed the ring right next to the last set of raised Braille. When her fingers came across it, she was crying.

“I don’t know what to say,” she whispered, feeling it with her fingers.

“I want you to say yes, but you have to decide if I’m worthy of you, Avalon. I will make mistakes, I will screw up, but I promise I’ll never love anyone but you. I asked you once to marry me, but here’s where we make it official. Be my bride. Love me forever.”

She touched the ring. “It feels like the one I showed you.”

He took it from her fingers, and held her left hand in his. “It’s exactly the ring you showed me. I want you to have anything you desire from here on out. I want to be your Prince Charming. Will you marry me?”

She sniffled. “I want to marry you. I want to be your wife, so the answer is yes. Make me yours.”

His heart flipped as he slid the ring on her delicate finger. She lifted her head to his and their lips met.

They sealed it with a kiss.

It was official.

Nate swept her up in his arms and began carrying her through the house, out to the patio, and toward the pool.

“Nathaniel, where are we going?” she asked, realizing they weren’t going upstairs to their room. In fact, he was moving rather fast.

“I told you. We’re going for a swim.”

With that, he leapt off the edge, taking them both into the water.

Avalon had just enough time to suck in a breath. She didn't panic, even though she couldn’t swim. She was in his arms, and there was no safer place to be.

As he broke the water, he was laughing.


He kissed her again.

“You told me you liked spontaneous!”

She opened her mouth and went to speak, and then she realized he had a point.

“Screw it,” she said, kissing him again. There were better things to do than argue.

This was one of them.

As they sunk into the water, Nate kept his mouth locked to hers. The adventure had officially begun.


Next step was the wedding of Avalon’s dreams, and then his greatest fantasy.


A family of his own.


With her, and only her.





* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *







Three Months Later




The last few weeks had been a blur.

Rhett came home, and everyone and their mother visited. They had people coming in and out of the house at regular intervals. Juliett wasn’t only his nurse, but she was also the hostess to the impromptu gatherings.

At each one, she smiled, did what she needed to, but craved getting him alone. She couldn’t help it.

She wanted desperately for him to ask her to marry him, but no such luck. Juliett was beginning to think he’d changed his mind. In fact, that morning, he was gone before she was even up. It wasn’t like him, and she was beginning to believe she’d worn out her welcome.


That broke her heart.

She had to believe that what they had was strong, and she had to trust Rhett. With each time they made love, he whispered the words she never thought she’d hear.

He’d promised her forever.

The previous evening, he’d gone to bed early. In fact, he didn't touch her. It made her nervous. That just wasn’t his style. The man had a voracious appetite when it came to her, but now he seemed to go cold.

She was scared.

Sliding out of bed, she pulled a sundress on. They were supposed to have a picnic that afternoon, and she hoped he didn't forget.

She had to chide herself to knock it off.

Juliett trusted Rhett.

She believed in them. He must have something on his mind.

Heading down to his kitchen, she found a note.



‘I had to run out. Be back later.’



There was nothing else mentioned. Not where he’d gone, if he was okay, or if they were still having their date.

Now she was worried. Rhett left her love notes, poems and little treasures to show how much he loved her. The daisies he picked from his yard were all saved, even though they were falling apart.

This didn't seem right.

Her heart ached.

As she poured a cup of coffee, and took a seat on the couch, she wanted to cry. She wanted to ask him what she did wrong to make him grow distance.

Then she heard it.

It sounded like a thousand sirens in front of the house. As she raced toward the door, Juliett hoped everything was okay. Rhett might have gotten hurt.


His heart…

A million things went through her mind as she yanked the door open.

The coffee cup fell from her hand.

Her fingers covered her mouth as she gasped in surprise. She had to be seeing things.

There, in front of his cabin, were deputy vehicles, fire trucks, and even the ambulances. All their lights were flashing, and Rhett stood in front of them, grinning.

When he pointed at the firetrucks, a banner, which had been strung between them, unfurled.

She read it.



‘Juliett, will you marry your Romeo? Tell me Scarlett that you give a damn.’



She was speechless.

As Rhett walked toward her, he wasn’t wearing his jeans, cowboy boots, or plaid shirt.

He was in a suit.

“Well, Juliett? You told me to ask when we could celebrate, and I invited a few of my co-workers home to help me convince you.”

She stared at him. “Are you serious?”

He dropped to his knee as he gazed into her brown eyes. “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I love you. You’re the only woman I was ever meant to be with, and if you’ll have some backwoods, hick sheriff as your husband, I’d be eternally grateful. Marry me, Juliett. Let’s make this love story end the right way.”

He flipped open a box with his free hand and she gasped. It was gorgeous.

“I thought you were getting sick of me. Yesterday I felt like I was in your way.”

He kissed her knuckles. “I was scared shitless you’d tell me no in front of all these people. I didn't want to get my heart broken, but then I realized something.”

“What?” she asked, staring between him, the ring, and the twenty people in his yard.

“You were made for me. Fate brought us together. You’d never break my heart. You saved it.”

Tears began slipping down her cheeks. “Yes, Rhett, I’ll marry you. This is EXACTLY how I wanted to remember this day. I would be honored to become your wife.”

He slipped the ring on her finger and then jumped up. Pulling her into his arms, he swung her around. When he stopped, he took a minute to kiss her.

Their lips met.

Their hearts became one.

And then he pulled away.

“You’re my everything.”

She sniffled. “Rhett, you’re my happily ever after.”


And he was.







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  O R A C L E   * * *





One Week Later

Fire Bay



“The mail’s here!” Nate called, knowing that his fiancée would be especially excited. The one envelope sat in his hand, and it was something she promised would be coming.

Avalon wandered in, sipping a cup of tea. “Why are you so excited about the mail?” she asked.

“You got a letter.”

She looked surprised.

“I did?”

Maura and Luke raced into the room, her getting a ride on his back. “What’s up?” she asked.

“I got a letter.”

That clearly made her nervous.

Nate saw her face. “Relax. I recognize the return address. It’s from Crosspointe.”

Avalon smiled. “Juliett and Rhett?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Can you read it to me?” she asked, as Jagger came in eating a sandwich.

“I can, since the team is all here. It’s actually addressed to all of us.”

She waited patiently.


‘Dear Avalon and family,


We were thinking about you, and wanted to share the news. Rhett proposed, so we’re having a big wedding, and it wouldn’t be right to not have you five there. You saved me, brought us together, and helped put us on this path. Please know that we’ll be forever grateful. We want you here with us when we share our big day, so please come back. We know how important it is for Avalon to be safe, but it would mean so much. Enclosed is the invitation. Please say you will. It won’t be the same without you.

Thank you for giving me this chance. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I didn't know what I was missing, but friendship, and the love of a good man is so important.

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