Oracle Rising (18 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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When you were a freak, you tended to be alone.

Well, now she found someone just like her. Crazies flocked together, and it was nice to not be on the journey all by herself.

Avalon Miller was a good soul.

She could tell.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *






He watched the house curiously.

When he arrived, Rhett parked on the side of the road, hidden from the view of the people dwelling in the cabin.

He’d seen the man get out of the Hummer, and he needed to know who the hell they were.

He was a cop, and his gut was screaming. If he didn't get his questions answered, and soon, he was going to go crazy.

After all, they were strangers in his town, and he had to get to the bottom of this. If he had any say in the matter, the truth would come out.

Yes, this could be an innocent thing, but he wasn’t betting on it. A tricked out vehicle and strangers were never a good thing. Maybe they were selling drugs.

The vehicle would be perfect for a traveling drug mobile. In fact, it screamed ‘drug dealer’. A part of Rhett knew he was profiling, but he couldn’t help it. This was his town, and he didn't want anyone screwing with his citizens.

He had a job to do.

So, it was time for desperate measures.

As the vehicle sat there, he planned on a little recognizance. Yes, it was illegal, but only if he got caught. It wasn’t like he would be the only cop in the history of the universe to bend the rules.

Granted, this wouldn’t be one of his finer police moments, but that didn't matter.

He needed to know what was going on.

Sneaking toward the vehicle, he checked the door handles. When the other man headed in, he hadn’t heard the telltale honk of a horn when the alarm system was set.

He was keeping his fingers crossed.

When the door opened, he let out the breath he was holding. The first hurdle was out of the way.

This was dangerous, and he knew it.

Pulling open the door, he was surprised. With the amount of money the owner had dumped into this vehicle, he’d been pretty careless. The navigational system had to be worth a small fortune.

Yeah, this wasn’t any ordinary hummer. This looked more like a tricked out top secret ride.

That puzzled him.

Would a killer or drug dealer have this kind of money? Or was he dealing with something far worse?

Sliding into the seat, he looked around. On the passenger seat was a box of baked goods. Carefully, he moved them out of his way as he swapped positions.

As soon as his ass was firmly planted in the comfortable leather seat, he began rooting around in the glove box.

With his phone, he began taking pictures of the registration card. He was amused that the person who owned this vehicle had been so careless. He knew from talking to other cops that drug dealers often pulled all details from their vehicles, in case they were pulled over. They didn't like to make it easy for the police.

Well, this owner didn't seem to subscribe to that rule.

Rhett had a name.



                       ‘Lucas Mars’



He was thrilled he had that much. As soon as he was back at the office, he was going to look the man up. With his name and license plate number, he had more than enough information.

Once he pulled the man’s ID, he’d have a better picture of who was in his town, and if they were stirring the pot.

As he started shoving everything back into its original place, movement caught his eye. Two women were exiting the house. They were linked arm in arm, and he couldn’t help but watch.

The brunette he’d seen at the crime scene was leading a redhead right toward him. The only thing that saved his ass was the tinted out windows. They were as black as night.

He began praying they didn't open the passenger door. If they did, he was caught. While he could take two women in a fight, he couldn’t explain why someone who had sworn to uphold the law was breaking it.

A moment of insanity, perhaps?

His heart pounded, as they moved closer. This didn't appear to be one of his brighter plans after all.

There was no way he was going to get the things back in the glove box and out the driver’s side door unnoticed.

He was screwed.

Rhett held his breath, waiting for the worst but prepared to do whatever it took to get out of this mess.


He’d dug one hell of a hole.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *






Avalon was keeping her busy.

It was all part of her plan.

As they chatted, she moved steadily toward Luke’s Hummer. Already, she could tell there was someone inside it. She didn't need her eyes to know that fate was beginning to put all the players into the game.

It was beginning.

She knew what was going to happen, and she couldn’t help but let it play out. This one defining moment would set so much into motion.

It was the catalyst to Juliett’s future.

She’d personally seen it.

This meeting was important in the end, and she had to make it happen. If they skipped this step, the woman would die. She’d seen it, and with the impromptu meeting, there was a chance that fate could be swayed. If Avalon was going to bend it, getting the woman a second lease on life, they had to do everything just right. There couldn’t be a missed step.

If that happened, Juliett was going to be the killer’s final victim.

Avalon knew it was up to her.

At this point, she had to do anything she could to introduce the two people. While Nathaniel was going to lose his mind for not cluing him into it, there was no choice.

Juliett had to get the man hiding in their vehicle to be part of their team. It was the only way. He was going to save Juliett’s life, and in more ways than one.

As she pulled free from the woman’s arm, she placed her hand on the handle.

Well, here went nothing.

Let the games begin.

Opening the door, she stared blindly inside. “Hello, Rhett Longfellow. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Oracle.”


With that, all hell broke loose.



And Juliett screamed.







* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *






Inside the house, Jagger began breaking down everything he’d found on his drive through the town. It began with the truly great cup of coffee and ended with death.

He left nothing out, knowing how his boss liked to roll.

It was his task to keep them safe, and he planned on doing just that. Not only was Avalon Miller a job, but he’d begun to genuinely get attached to her. It was a horrible tactical error, on his behalf, but what could he do?

He cared.

She mattered.

Her mission in life was one he believed in too. Secretly, Jagger was a big softie, and he knew it. He hated to see people hurt. That likely stemmed from having a mob boss father.

“So, there was another one?” Nate asked.

“Yeah, I followed the crowd. As I was combing the streets, I ran into a group of people outside a house. Well, it was what was left of the house.”

“Another fire?”

“Oh, you could say that. It was burned to the ground. All that remained were some charred walls. He lit her up big time.”

Nate made notes on his phone. They would come in handy when they had to start breaking this down. He didn't doubt that good old fashioned detective work would save the day in the end.

“Do we have an address?”

He nodded, pulling a donut napkin out of his pocket. On it, Jagger had scribbled down the address off the mailbox.

When Nate gave him a look, he shrugged. “What? I was eating a donut, and I didn't have paper. I didn't think Luke wanted chocolate fingerprints all over his private information. It was this or his registration card.”

“He probably shouldn’t have that in the hummer. We’re supposed to be incognito. His personal information getting out is the last thing we need.”

“Yeah, I thought that too. He’s been wrapped up in Maura and the wedding the last few weeks. I’ll pull it out when we get back in.”

Both men knew they didn't need to register the Hummer. If they got pulled over, they would hand over their badges and Elizabeth Blackhawk’s business card. She’d handle the rest.

Nate laughed. “Yeah, please do. I have to say that working with you is always an adventure, Jagger. I don’t know if you’re aware, but you’re really unorthodox.”

Jagger had been called worse. “Actually, it’s called thinking outside the box. Maura is like that too. You’d think you’d know that by now.”

Oh, Nate did.

He was right.

His best friend’s wife was just as spontaneous, especially when it came to the job.

“So, we have two dead women in this town, and four in the neighboring one. We’ve got a mess beginning here, and we’re going to have to dive in.”

“What’s your plan?” Jagger was new to this investigation thing. He was more a protector than anything else. When something had to be ‘handled’ that usually meant killed.

It’s how his team rolled.

Nate had a few options, but there was really only one which would work out. He knew they could sneak around, playing Fed in the shadows, or they could stroll into the sheriff’s office and make the introductions.

That would be the right way to handle this, and as their first official case, Nate didn't want to start off on a bad foot. This case would set precedence with how he ran his little secret division.

It didn't look like he had a choice.

They were going to out themselves, hoping the man would keep it quiet that they were there. The last thing they needed was to have the sheriff blabbing their identity all around town.

This was a risk, and he knew it.

Nate began working all the scenarios over in his head. There had to be a way to get some leverage, so they could keep Juliett safe, and Avalon too.

Before he could say anything, there was a horrible, blood curdling scream.

It didn't sound like it was from inside the house, and that alarmed both men. Was that Avalon?

Was it Juliett?

Nate and Jagger raced into the kitchen, only to find it empty.


Where were they?

Nathaniel Carter’s heart pounded in his chest. This was his worst case scenario, and they were living it. They had one job, and it was to keep the two women safe.

Obviously, they failed.

The second they exited into the yard, he saw the most blood chilling thing.

There was a strange man.

He held Avalon against his chest as Juliett was screaming for help.

Life drained away, as he prepared to jump into the fray to save the woman he loved.

Then something amazing and unexpected happened.

Avalon took down the stranger with one well-placed shot to the man’s groin.

Nate didn't know what the hell to think.



Oh, yeah, he actually did.



He was going to kill someone. At that moment, he just wasn’t quite sure who…

Chapter SEVEN




He didn't know where the hell all of this went so wrong.

In that moment, he was in some crazy pain. Rhett Longfellow only grabbed the woman to make sure she didn't attack him. Not in his wildest dreams did he ever think she’d nail him in the balls.

He’d really miscalculated on this one.

On top of it, the beautiful brunette was screaming bloody murder. Honestly, he wasn’t trying to scare them. He was trying to explain over the shrill shouts.

As his eyes watered, and he lay on the ground trying to catch his breath, two men were now alerted to his presence.

Well, shit!

He was screwed.

This was his karma for breaking the law. Rhett didn't doubt it in the least. This was exactly what happened when you bent the rules. Some redhead would knock your nuts into next week.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in even more trouble. Over him were two guns, and they were pointed at his most vital organs.

Okay, he was likely going to die.

All the scenarios rolled through his head.

“Who are you?” Nate asked.

Rhett struggled to sit up, noticing that the redhead who got the shot in was now safely behind the dark haired man. His Glock never wavered.

“I’m Sheriff Rhett Longfellow. Who the hell are you?”

Nate wasn’t entertaining the man. He’d had his hands on Avalon, and that was unacceptable to him. No one touched her.

No one.

“Why are you here?” Nate asked, ignoring the man’s questions. “More importantly, why the hell were you manhandling my girlfriend?”

Yeah, he was three days past screwed. The dark haired man’s finger was now on the trigger. In his world, that meant the person was taking the shot.

Rhett tried to stay calm. “Why don’t you go first? You’re the strangers in town, and she just assaulted a cop. She’s in trouble unless you can explain it.” Rhett knew it was a reach. After all, he’d been breaking the law too.

He crossed his fingers and prayed for the best outcome possible—him not dying.

The redhead touched the man’s arm. “I’m safe, Nathaniel. This is Rhett Longfellow, and the only reason this happened was because he was inside the vehicle.”

Nate lifted a brow. “So, we have a cop who likes to skirt the law. I don’t suppose you have a warrant, do you?”

Rhett knew this was going six ways to shit with him behind the wheel.

As he reached for his badge, tucked in his jeans, the guns pointed at his head.

“Hold on. I’m going for my badge, nothing more. Take it easy. I like my brain in my head.”

Instead of staring at them, he was looking past them to the brunette. She really looked scared.

She was actually shaking.

If possible, he felt worse. He didn't like scaring women. He wasn’t that kind of man.

“Yeah, well, then maybe you should have used it,” Jagger stated. “Shit like this will get you killed.”

Avalon went up on her toes to whisper in Nate’s ear. The second she did, he holstered his weapon.

This was a twist.

Rhett didn't know what to think.

Nate glared at the man. He didn't have a choice. If Oracle was telling him this man was vital to the case, he had to trust her. “Jagger, put it away. He’s safe.”

The young Marine didn't look convinced, but he did what his boss said. It wasn’t like the man on the ground, nursing his balls, could take them.

He’d trust Avalon. After all, she’d never been wrong before.

Rhett opened his badge for them to see. When he tossed it to the man who seemed to be in charge, the tension disappeared.

Well, most of it.

Rhett knew he needed to take the first step in making this right. “I’m sorry I scared you, ma’am,” he said to the brunette. “I didn't mean to frighten you.”

She seemed to ease up knowing he was a cop.

That was curious. If these four were drug dealers, he’d be dead. There was no doubt in his mind.

Nate checked the man’s credentials. “Avalon was right. He’s legit.”

“Now maybe you can tell me who you are? Which one of you is Lucas Mars?”

Neither replied.

“Come on. I shared my name.”

Nate was thinking about what Avalon had said. He needed the local law’s help, and here the sheriff landed in his lap. Rhett Longfellow had broken the law, and they now had him over a barrel.

Fate was apparently on their side.

This time...

“Lucas Mars is my partner. I’m Nathaniel Carter.” He pulled his own badge out of his back pocket and tossed it to the man.

Rhett was shocked.

This wasn’t what he was expecting at all. He’d just thought about calling them in, and here they were.

What the hell was going on?

“You’re a Fed?”

Nate nodded. “I’m one, Jagger’s one, and so is Avalon.” Well, he wasn’t quite sure how to classify the woman he loved. She didn't really work for the FBI, but he didn't plan on explaining that she was a dead woman.

What Rhett didn't know wouldn’t hurt them.

Or so he hoped.

“I can’t believe this.”

Nate moved the two women back, not looking away from the man on the ground. He didn't trust him, despite what Avalon had whispered.

Fate or not, he wasn’t taking any chances.

“It’s time to come clean, Sheriff Longfellow. What are you really doing here?” he asked, as the sheriff got up off the ground.

Oh, he was more than happy to tell them everything.

“We seem to have a shit mess here, and I thought you were behind it. How is it that I have a serial killer and didn't have to call in the FBI? I know you Feds like to be proactive, but come on. What the hell is going on?”

It looked like Nate was going to have to trust Avalon and her abilities. They were about to lay it all on the line.

“Won’t you come in for some coffee?” Avalon asked, before Nate could even say anything.

He gave her a look, and then realized it was useless. They were going to have a little chitchat later. It was going to be about her playing Oracle and doing something so dangerous without talking to him first.

He might just put her over his knee and teach her a lesson too. Yes, that’s how mad he was.

“I’d love that coffee, ma’am, and I’m sorry I put my hands on you. You looked like you were going to attack,” Rhett offered.

She began heading back to the cabin, Juliett leading the way. Avalon could feel the heat coming off the woman beside her as her aura morphed.

Yes, she’d been right.

Juliett was definitely attracted to the sheriff, and he felt the same way too.


It was time to play matchmaker, all the while saving the woman’s life.

Inside, Avalon pointed at the coffeepot on the counter. “You’ll have to serve yourself, Sheriff Longfellow. I’m blind. I can’t do it for you.”

He stared at her. “Really? You just took me out.”

Jagger laughed. “Yeah, she did. One of our other team members taught her that. You never know when you have to defend yourself. Avalon was trained to make the kill shot.”

Nate wasn’t saying anything. If he opened his mouth, something was going to come out, and he wasn’t sure if he could rein it in.

So, it was better silent than sorry.

Instead, he chose to watch the man. You could learn a lot about a person by simply observing them. If they were going to use this man to solve it, he wanted to know everything.

Pulling out his phone, he texted Jagger. He wanted the man to do a search on him—in the next room. When he heard the vibration, and saw Jagger checking his phone, he knew the man got the point.

He left.

“How about you tell me why you’re here in Crosspointe?” asked Rhett. “I’m pretty sure the FBI isn’t this proactive when it comes to killers. Don’t you have to notify the local law when you roll into a town?”

“No, we don’t. It’s a courtesy.”

“Well, that would have been nice,” Rhett said, taking a seat beside the brunette. “It would have saved me some ice on my freaking crotch.”

“You’re lucky she handled you. If I did it, you would have needed a long soak in a tub full of ice.”

Rhett smiled. “I get it. You’re badass. All Feds think they are.” Well, that was what he heard. It wasn’t like the FBI popped up in his town every day.

This was a first for him.

Rhett tried to focus on the man, but it wasn’t easy. The brunette was watching him, and honestly, he was dying for an introduction.

And soon…

She was beautiful in a crowd, but up close, she was stunning. From the freckles across her nose, to the big pouty lips, he couldn’t help but conjure up some healthy male fantasies.

“What I am, Sheriff, is the one person you need to trust and stop being a dick to. You broke into a federal vehicle. You’re skirting the law too.”

He was well aware.

“You got me there. How about we put all our cards on the table, and go from there? I don’t want to jam you up if you’re running an official investigation, but as sheriff, I deserve to know what the hell is going on here. Today, my administrative assistant was found dead in her house. Yesterday, the mayor’s daughter was found in hers. Both women were young, pretty, and deserved to live a much longer life. So…spill it. I’m not naïve enough to believe that you being here is a coincidence.”

Nate hesitated.

He was torn between duty and obligation.

Before Nate could start to speak, Oracle made a visit. He knew it was her by the tone in Avalon’s voice.

Well, it looked like the decision had been made.

It began.

“He followed in his father’s footsteps, fighting on the side of law and order. Rhett Longfellow believes in justice, despite what he did today. On his father’s death bed, he swore to protect this town, and he believed it’s his job to keep his promise.”

The man looked freaked out.

“What the hell?”

Avalon continued, “He’s worried. He doesn’t want the blood of the dead women on his hands, but he knows it’s out of control. He needs the FBI, and he was going to call us when he was done following Juliett around. She intrigues him on a masculine level.”

Juliett’s eyes went wide.

Rhett opened his mouth, and then closed it.

Well, shit.

He didn't like this at all.

Nate closed his eyes. While he wished Avalon didn't do that, because now the cat was out of the bag, he had no choice but to explain her gift.

“We’re going to help, so close your mouth. You’re catching flies,” Nate stated.

Rhett stared at Avalon. “What the hell is she?”

“My girlfriend,” Nate said, wondering how far he should go with the explanation.

“You can trust him,” Avalon stated. “He’s very trustworthy. He was a Boy Scout,” she said. “Isn't that what you tell the ladies? You should probably tell them that you were only one for a single summer. Tsk. Tsk, Sheriff.”

He stood, nearly knocking over his chair. “How? What? You’re really freaking me out.”

Nate pointed at the empty seat. “Sit, and I’ll explain everything to you, but it has to stay in this room. I’m going to trust you with something and I need your word.”

He didn't look away from Avalon. She was tracking him with her pale eyes, and he was freaked out.

If she was blind…

“I am blind,” she answered, knowing what he was thinking. She knew it would rattle his cage, but they needed his trust.

Rhett sat. “Jesus in a manger. What the hell is going on here? She’s in my head. I was just…she just…what the hell?”

Yeah, Nate saw this before. When you were around Avalon all the time, you took for granted that she was an oddity, and not the everyday woman.

She didn't bother them anymore. Avalon just said what popped into her mind. In a way, it was funny.

“We need you to keep anything you hear in this room to yourself.”

He wasn’t sure what to say.

Then again, he could smell Juliett’s perfume around him. That alone was enough to sway him. She smelled like vanilla and roses. It made his gut twist into knots.

“I give you my word, but only if you spill it all. If you hold back, I can’t promise to do that.”

Nate sighed. “This is Oracle.”

Avalon smiled. “It’s a pleasure, Rhett Jeffery Longfellow the second.”

His eyes went wide. “What the bloody fuck? How is she doing that?”

“Your guess is as good as anyone else’s,” Nate stated. “Avi, honey, stop messing with the sheriff. The straights don’t like their minds read.”

She shrugged.

“Is that what she’s doing?”

Avalon laughed. It was soft, gentle, and soothed all the nerves in the room. “In a way. I just know. I don’t know how, but it’s up here,” she offered, touching her forehead.

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