Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (19 page)

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The activity at Baalbek only increased Enlil’s fear of human competition and made him even more determined to break up the humans. His reaction may have been reflected in Genesis 11:5–8 (Revised Standard Version), “And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, ‘Behold, they are one people and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.’ So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the Earth and they left off building the city.”

Soon the three branches of humankind—all descendants of Noah’s sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth—were transported to the preordained locations, where different languages indeed developed over time.

Alford theorized that Utnapishtim/Noah may have had wives representing separate racial groups. The offspring of these wives would have been of different races, offering an explanation for the presence of the Negroid race in Africa, Mongoloids in Asia, and Caucasoid in the Near East.

Both the Sumerian texts and the Bible agree that Shem and his descendants remained in the area encompassing Mesopotamia, Ham and his kin were taken to Africa—here including parts of Arabia—while Japheth’s people were transported to the Indus Valley, possibly becoming the mysterious Aryans who suddenly appeared there in ancient times.

This dispersion, accompanied by the growth of new cities with their newly installed kings and increased food production, should have led to a congenial peace. But unfortunately it appeared that the ancient “gods” were no more able to produce lasting peace than humans.

Trouble began even as the Anunnaki began to relocate their spaceflight facilities from Sumer—now mostly underwater due to the flood—to the Sinai Peninsula at a place that came to be called El Paran (God’s Glorious Place). Mount Ararat, in what is now eastern Turkey and is reportedly where the ark finally grounded, provided the northernmost landmark for a glide path to the Anunnaki’s Sinai landing facility. This base was located on the thirtieth parallel in the geographic center of Sinai. The southern glide path landmark was the two highest peaks of Mount Sinai, the higher being Mount Catherine (8,652 feet above sea level) and the lower, Mount Moses (7,500 feet). What was lacking for this glide path was a matching landmark to the west. Because that area was flat, some researchers claim that tall markers were constructed—the great pyramids of Giza.

The editors of the
Holman Bible Dictionary
reported that Mount Sinai probably came from the word meaning “shining” and was likely derived from the Babylonian god Sin. However, Sin was simply the Semitic name for Nannar, the firstborn son of the Anunnaki leader Enlil and sovereign of Ur, the home city of Abraham.

Sin also was the Chaldean name for the moon, where the Sumerians claimed Enki first obtained the life-producing tissue cells or “seed” for his human hybrid experiments that remained from the clash between Nibiru and the planet Tiamat. “The enormity of this single name change on human history is beyond comprehension,” declared author William Henry. “When the Christian interpreters came along, they repeated the story that we were born in sin. They were entirely accurate in their statement. However, they omitted the fact that Sin referred to the Moon, the source of our genetic material!” In the ensuing wars between the Anunnaki overlords, Sin was reported to have sided with the human benefactor Enki, which caused Enlil to declare those who opposed him as “sinners.”

Because the Anunnaki mission control center at the Sumerian city of Nippur was destroyed during the Flood and because of the need for a location equidistant from the glide path lines, a new control center was needed. It was built at Mount Moriah, translated as “Mount of Directing.” It was the site of the future holy city of Jerusalem, long considered a most sacred place by all major Western religions.

Eventually, new generations of the Anunnaki were on the Earth, and from their descendants came stories filled with intrigues, conspiracies, and outright wars pitting brother against brother and sister against sister. These conflicts, rebellions, and wars would eventually involve humankind, providing their first exposure to armed combat, which continues even today.

According to the Sumerian texts, Enki’s firstborn son, Marduk, gained sovereignty over the lands of Egypt and became known as Ra. It was his children, Shu and Tefnut, who set an example for future pharaohs by wedding each other. Their offspring, Geb and Nut, also married and were the next royal couple as well as the parents of some of Egypt’s most famous god/rulers—Osiris, his sister/wife Isis, Seth, and Nephthys, sister of Isis.

There may be a fascinating rationale for such interbreeding, as explained by researcher Bill Putnam. He said that this was a method for exactly reproducing the chromosomes of the pharaoh. Egyptian literature indicates that the pharaohs usually married a half sister. If a pharaoh’s son bred with the daughter of an unrelated wife (the pharaohs had several wives), the resulting match of the X and Y chromosomes would result in reproducing an exact match of chromosomes of the original pharaoh. “The net effect was that the DNA of the ‘god on Earth’ would be reproduced every other generation,” explained Putnam. Putnam said they were most likely following the example of their gods, the Anunnaki, to whom reproducing the bloodline was a most necessary deed. This could help explain this practice among humans, which continues until today within royal and bloodline families. “Princess Diana had more claim to the bloodline than Prince Charles,” said Putnam.

All this interfamily marriage led to a succession problem, solved by dividing the country. Osiris was given Lower Egypt and Seth, mountainous Upper Egypt. Unsatisfied with his apportionment, Seth began to maneuver against Osiris, and thus began the legendary wars of ancient Egypt.

In a story reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet, the Sumerian stories tell of a granddaughter of Enlil named Inanna, who married the youngest son of Enki, Dumuzi, with the wary blessing of both feuding families. But when Dumuzi was killed after being taken into custody by Enki’s firstborn son, Marduk, or Ra, for violating the Anunnaki moral code, Inanna attacked Marduk/Ra.

To stop this conflict, Marduk was tried for Dumuzi’s death. As it could not be proven whether the death had been deliberate or accidental, and because Marduk/Ra was proclaimed a god, it was decided to sentence him to life imprisonment in a huge, impenetrable place whose walls reached the skies. Sitchin identified Marduk’s prison as none other than the Great Pyramid. He wrote that his translations of the Sumerian texts explained that the curious well shaft within the Great Pyramid—a puzzling hand-hewed tunnel connecting the pyramid’s Descending Passage to its Ascending Passage—was dug to bypass the large granite stone that plugs the Ascending Passage in an attempt to rescue Marduk, who escaped but eventually returned. The capture and imprisonment of an Egyptian god are well recounted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Despite Marduk’s punishment, Inanna was far from satisfied, as she, too, wanted power. The Anunnaki could satisfy her only by giving her control over another area, now identified as the Indus Valley. Mounded ruins of Mohenjo-daro, the largest city of a civilization dating back to before 2500 BC, were first recognized on the Indus River in southern Pakistan in 1922. Although thoroughly—and strangely—devastated in some prehistoric time, the baked-brick construction of buildings and the preplanned layout of the city indicated to some researchers an obvious connection with Sumer. Author Alford said the city was inhabited by a people called the Harappans, who “worshipped a sole female deity, whose depiction bore an amazing similarity to other images of the goddess Inanna.”

If this Indus goddess was indeed Inanna, she continued her quest for power, according to the Sumerian texts, eventually replacing Ninhursag among the major Anunnaki leaders. Using a human hybrid named Sharru-Kin, Inanna carved out a new empire. The man she picked is also known as Sargon the Great. Believed to be the offspring of a human mother and an Anunnaki father, Sargon claimed that he, like Moses later, was placed in a sealed basket of reeds by his mother and floated down a river to safety while a baby. Sargon went on to found the Semite Akkadian dynasty about 2200 BC, which finally encompassed all of Mesopotamia.

With the fall of Sargon and the Akkadian empire, Marduk slipped from exile and attempted to regain his sovereignty over Babylon sometime before the year 2000 BC. But alliances quickly shifted, and Enlil and Inanna aligned their forces against Marduk and his father Enki. Marduk also faced a crushing defection from his son Nergal, who joined Enlil. For the Anunnaki, a true civil war was taking place.

Many are familiar with the biblical patriarch Abraham, but few realize that he may have been involved with Anunnaki civil war. According to Zecharia Sitchin, a variety of texts clearly indicate that Abraham was far from just a wandering Hebrew, as often popularly believed, but was rather a ranking Sumerian from Ur. “Coming to Egypt, Abraham and Sarah were taken to the Pharaoh’s court; in Canaan, Abraham made treaties with the local rulers,” he noted. “This is not the image of a nomad pillaging others’ settlements; it is the image of a personage of high standing skilled in negotiation and diplomacy.”

Genesis 14:14–16 alludes to the fact that Abraham also commanded armed troops—according to the biblical text, he took 318 “trained men” to rescue his nephew Lot and his family from an invading coalition of armies under Marduk, as Marduk had been maneuvering to retake the Sinai space port from the north. Abraham’s warriors turned him back before he could reach the Sinai space facilities at El Paran. This feat later brought praise and blessing from Melchizedek, king of Salem, as well as a covenant with Yahweh, identified as Enlil.

Instead of a full retreat, Marduk stopped to sack the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Siddim Valley, which lies on the southern edge of the Dead Sea. Here, he defeated the kings of these cities, and took Lot prisoner before moving back north. After being rescued by Abraham, Lot returned to the area. As usually the case in so many wars, things got out of hand for the Anunnaki. It may have been at this time that the world felt the first blast of a nuclear explosion.


Enlil and his sons, fearing Marduk’s power, persuaded Anu to allow the use of seven mighty weapons, now believed by many to have been tantamount to tactical nuclear missiles, against Marduk/Ra. Meanwhile, the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah felt betrayed by their Enlilite “gods,” who had failed to protect them from the invading coalition, so they switched their allegiance to Marduk, in essence, sealing their doom.

But in honor of Abraham’s past service, Enlil decided to give him warning. Genesis 18 explains what happened next. Yahweh came to Abraham and warned him that the cities would be destroyed because they had turned away from him. This warning is evidence that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was a planned event, not some unanticipated natural disaster.

Such foreknowledge is also evidenced by the warning of Lot in Sodom by two “angels,” although the original Hebrew word,
, actually only meant “emissaries,” while
Webster’s 3rd New International Dictionary
defines them as “messengers.” Could this mean emissaries from Enlil? Following some trouble with the neighbors over the visitors, as recounted in Genesis 19:12–13, the pair told Lot, “Have you anyone else here? Sons-in-laws, sons, daughters, or any one you have in the city, bring them out of the place; for we are about to destroy this place, because the outcry against its people has become great before the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy it” (Revised Standard Version).

Lot and his kindred fled to the mountains as instructed, but the fiery cataclysm reached out to his own family. According to Genesis 19:26, Lot’s wife, who had lagged behind, was turned to “a pillar of salt.” But Zecharia Sitchin noted that the original Sumerian word interpreted by Hebrew scribes as “salt” also meant “vapor.” Lot’s wife then was vaporized by the explosion that consumed Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot and the rest of his family survived. They may have been shielded by the crest of a hill or the like.

Abraham, standing miles away in the mountains, looked down and saw a column of dense smoke rising as if from a furnace. Could it have been mushroom shaped? Evidence that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a nuclear explosion has come from many sources. The nearby Dead Sea covered the bombed cities with salt water, perhaps under the shallow southern section of the sea below the Lisan Peninsula. Oddly enough, the bottom of the Dead Sea is almost 2,500 feet below the level of the Mediterranean, indicating it was created by something quite unusual and unnatural.

More evidence came from hydrology research on the west bank of the Dead Sea in the 1960s that revealed some springs in the area still register higher than normal background radioactivity. In addition, bones found at the Ain es-Sultan Spring, located on the site of ancient Jericho, contained alpha radiation, according to researchers I. M. Blake of Oxford University and J. Cynthia Weber of Harvard. Although they argued against an ancient explosion, they did note that surrounding settlements were suddenly abandoned for several centuries about 2040 BC. The Bible also hints that this radioactivity brought about sterility. In II Kings 2:19, a delegation from Jericho tells the prophet Elisha, “ … the situation of this city is pleasant … but the water is bad and the ground barren.”

In addition to the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah, the ancient tablets recount how the Sinai spaceport also was targeted for nuclear destruction, apparently to prevent it from falling into Marduk’s hands. According to Sitchin, Alford, and others, the Sinai detonation produced an unnatural scarring of the peninsula that can still be seen from space, as well as a multitude of scorched rocks in the area. “In the eastern Sinai, millions of blackened stones are found strewn for tens of miles. These stones are, without any doubt, unnatural,” reported Alford, who asserts that “photographs clearly demonstrate that the rocks are blackened only on the surface.”

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