Overflow: The Carpino Series (16 page)

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Finally, he gently pulls the back of my hair and I answer by
lifting my head.  We are so close, all I can see are his eyes, melty and warm
again.  I can tell from his eyes that he has a small smile when he simply
states, “You like it when I’m bossy.”

Closing my eyes again, I shake my head slowly and say,
“Seriously?  Is that all you got out of what I said to you?”

He gives me a squeeze, I open my eyes to look at him and he
says, “Yeah.  And that you feel the same way I do, which I gotta say, sugar, I
thought you did but it’s really fucking good to hear out loud.”  He pulls me to
him, kissing me soft and sweet.  Letting me go, he sighs while saying, “Let’s
get ready for bed, Gabby.  It’s been a long day, I’m drained.” 

That sounds perfect to me.  He helps me up and we both go
through our getting ready for bed routine, mine taking about five times longer
than his.  He lets Mia out one more time, closes down my house and sets the
alarm.  Such has become our going to bed routine.  I look at myself in the
mirror thinking I can’t be happier about the man in my house, my bed and that
we actually have a going to bed routine.  He knows my fears but he wants to
stay.  He wants me.  It’s time for me to relax and trust him.  So I make a
choice.  I’m going to hang on to Jude and let go of the loneliness. 

I turn, head into my bedroom and come to a standstill in my
nightie.  I see Jude lying on his back, the covers up to his low waist and his
chest is bare.  One hand is tucked behind his head and the other one is
scratching Mia behind her ears since she is lying on his big, bare, muscular
chest, her back legs stretched straight out behind her.  Her head is leaning
into his hand to deepen the scratch.  I look up to find Jude staring at me with
a resigned look on his face and he says, “She wouldn’t leave me alone.”  He
goes on, trying to rationalize his attention on Mia, “I pushed her off twice
and she keeps climbing back on.  Then she paws at my hand until I pet her.  And
if I don’t pet her, she gets up in my face to lick me.  Offense seems to be my
best defense with your dog, babe,” his words sounding half frustrated, half

Tilting my head to the side, I look at the beautiful sight
in front of me.  Sweet Tiny Little Mia sprawled out on Big Bad Hot Jude Ortiz
and I can’t take it.  All I can manage in a small voice is, “You like my dog.”

“Babe, you’re not gonna cry again are you?  I mean, she
really didn’t give me a choice here.”

“You like my dog,” I repeat.  He just shakes his head no but
continues to scratch Mia.  Then I go on to say with a slightly naughty grin,
“Lucky Mia, she looks comfortable.  I think I’m a little jealous, Jude Ortiz.” 

Grinning back at me, he rasps out, “Come to bed baby, I’ll
make sure you get all the attention you need.”

And with that I giggle and skip to the bed to kick my dog
off my man for some well-deserved attention.


I walk into Gabby’s kitchen as she’s pulling something that
smells like garlic heaven off of the stove.  I walk up to her as she turns her
head up to me and I kiss her quick.  It’s been a long day.  She lifts her hand
to the lapel of my suit and says, “You’re hot in a suit, Jude.” 

Lifting my head further I return, “Thanks, sugar.  I hate
it, but I can’t wear jeans and a t-shirt to court.  I’m gonna go change, be
back in a sec.”

Wanting out of this suit, I walk to her bedroom and turn
through her bathroom as I start yanking my tie off and make the next turn into
her closet. 

I stop in the doorway of her big walk-in closet.  The bomb
that was my bag, is no longer strewn all over the floor.  I look around,
finally spotting my t-shirts folded neatly, stacked on a shelf next to some of
Gabby’s workout clothes.  I keep turning, only to find my jeans hanging in a
row next to the few button down shirts that have made their way to Gabby’s
house.  Making another move, I look down and see three pairs of my shoes and
boots neatly aligned next to a row of Gabby’s dainty high heel shoes.  And I
can’t take my eyes off of our shoes sitting next to one another and what they
represent.  Turning one more time, I start to open drawers of one of the built
in dressers and in the top two drawers I find my socks and boxers.  For fear of
sounding like a chick, but not really giving a shit, it feels fucking great
seeing my stuff next to Gabby’s, but knowing she put it there feels even

I turn one more time and make my way back to the kitchen
before changing my clothes.  She’s doing something with her salad, so I turn
her and pull her up to me immediately, kissing her long and hard.  Surprised at
first, she finally gets into it, her hands are in my hair and she’s up on her
toes pressing into me as hard as she can.  Finally coming up for air, I pull up
just enough to look into her clear blue eyes and say, “Thank you, sugar.  Thank
you for trusting me, I’ll take care of that.  I promise you.”

Surprised and a bit out of breath, all she can say is, “I
know you will.”  I kiss her again quickly, but reluctantly let her go.  I head
back to Gabby’s closet with my stuff put away where it’s meant to be.

Chapter 14 – Territorial


It’s been a long day.  I was up early to get to The Stables
that will host the fund raising event for the Children’s Home this year.  They
aren’t real stables anymore, they’ve been turned into an event venue that
people can rent and have been donated for the charity gig tonight.  It’s a
beautiful setting, a long building that look like stables would have looked a
hundred years ago.  The venue is set on a hill overlooking a large, winding
lake surrounded with willowy trees and a dock that walks out deep into the
picturesque setting.  Between the stables and lake, the terrain flattens out
nicely with a square shaped gazebo, open on all sides with deck flooring.  It’s
the perfect place for weddings, buffets or in our case, it will house the
band.  A dance floor has been laid out in front of the gazebo with thirty round
tables spotting the landscape beyond with each table seating ten.  Down by the
lake, there are huge fire pits with old tree stumps and bales of hay with thick
blankets on them for seating.  One side of the stable has three large old
fashion sliding barn doors and they are all open for our event and will house
the BBQ buffet, bar and silent auction items.  I’ve decorated the tables with
round light brown burlap table clothes topped with a square light mustard color
cloth draped over it.  We’ve just entered October, so each table is decorated
in one of three ways for fall.  Some have tall French galvanized silver buckets
with a mass of sunflowers, pussy willows and greenery in a loose and casual
arrangement.  Others have low baskets with small pumpkins and gourdes in
yellows, oranges and greens, arranged with pheasant feathers and berries tucked
all around.   Tall, skinny, weathered black urns with super tall twigs, fall branches
with yellow and orange leaves sticking out all which ways, sprinkled with red
berried twigs adorn the rest of the tables.  Apples, pears and acorns are
strewn around at the base.  All of the tables are dotted with masses of mason
jars filled to different levels of water holding floating candles with raffia
tied around the tops. 

Inside the stables, I built up the buffet table so the food
would be elevated to different heights and covered it with more burlap.  To
continue the table themes in the stables, I tucked in more table arrangements
here and there.  But on these tables I’ve included antler pieces and antique
country-ish children’s toys, just for an unexpected twist since the fund raiser
is for the Children’s Home.  Because the auction items need to stand on their
own, I displayed them with Christmas lights woven into some simple grapevines
that snake in and out of the items. 

I roped my aunts and some cousins into helping me, but it
still took a long time.  Thank goodness I’m only the decorations committee and
not the cleanup committee!  Its late afternoon and I’m just pulling into my
garage, past Jude’s truck that is parked in his now normal spot on my driveway
along with Tony’s Harley.  Smiling to myself, I think about the past few days. 

Crazy with Jude was pretty damn good, but normal with Jude
has been amazing.  I’m back to work trying to catch up on my clients projects,
finishing up a powder room for a client that has been ever so patient with my
leave of absence.  I’m also starting a master bedroom that needs to be done
before their Christmas Party the first week of December.  Not to mention, a few
of my clients have hired me to decorate their houses for Christmas, so busy is
an understatement.  Since my insurance came through for me in a big way and I
was able to repaint my entire basement, I’ve decided my basement guest room needed
a mini makeover, too (just for fun!).  My days zip by, but I still get regular
phone calls and texts from Jude, checking in, saying hi or to make plans for
our evening.  Thursday we even had time to meet for a quick lunch and last
night he grilled steaks that he picked up from the store on the way home,
apparently needing some meat (but I still made a salad to go with them!).  Most
importantly, my days are beginning and ending with Jude, mostly in delicious

I hop down from my car and head in to say a quick hello to
the guys since I need to start getting ready for tonight.  Mia attacks me and I
drop my things to pick her up, give her the lovies she’s looking for and hear
Jude and Tony in the basement watching TV.  Making my way downstairs, I see
both men strewn out on opposite sides of my sectional watching a college
football game.  Leaning over the back of the side where Jude is sprawled, I
plop Mia on top of him giving him a peck and greet him with a, “Hey.”  

I guess my peck wasn’t enough, because his hand reaches up
around the back of my head, pulling me down for another, longer kiss before he
replies, “Sugar.  You finish up?”

“Yep.  All done,” I grin at him, then look up and say, “Hey
Tone.  Don’t you need to get ready and have some girl to pick up?”  I stand up
straight and put my hand on my hip and ask further, “Which by the way, who am I
going to have to pretend I find interesting tonight?  Maybe I’ll get there
early and arrange the seating so whoever you bring has to sit by your mother!”
I say with attitude.

“Gabba Gabba, that’s not nice!  And I’m not a chick, it’ll
take me all of fifteen minutes to shower and throw on some old clothes and
boots.  I’m bringing Chelsea, I’m sure you’ll find her extremely interesting. 
She’s a redhead and a waitress.”

“Really?” I ask.  “Is she even a real redhead?  Real
redheads are the only pretty redheads!  And you picked up a waitress?  What is
wrong with you?”

“Nothing’s wrong with me,” he says, affronted.  Then, going
on with a snicker, “Maybe I should hang out with gun smugglers and wait for
Federal Agents serving warrants like you to go trolling.”

“Hey now,” Jude rasps out in mock warning with a grin on his

Now I have both hands on my hips and say, “That’s it!  I am
not playing interference for you with your mother tonight!  You can deal with
Elizabeth Carpino all on your own!” I look down to Jude, “I’m going to get

Jude just chuckles and drawls, “Sounds good, babe.”

Not believing my cousin, I march my ass upstairs to my
bathroom.  I only have an hour and a half before we need to be there and I
still want to paint my nails. 


I shake my hands to speed up the drying process, I only had
time for a clear coat of polish having to forego a color.  I stomp around my
bathroom in my new super cool cowgirl boots I found at Sheplers in the
clearance section the other day when I did a flyby to find something to wear
tonight.  I can’t imagine a real cowgirl would actually wear these on a farm or
ranch, maybe just to dress up.  But who knows?  I don’t know any real
cowgirls.  However, I do know my new boots are the bomb, fit perfect, were
seventy percent off and they have a higher heel than normal to give me an extra
boost to close the height gap Jude has on me.  They’re a distressed faded brown
with light blue stitching all over them with a cool eagle winged pattern, a
cross in the middle and swirly stitching on the foot and toe.  I was planning
on wearing a jean skirt with a cute top, but on my way to the clearance
section, I passed a dress that caught my eye and I couldn’t go home without
it!  Its cream with red, periwinkle blue and cornflower yellow little flowers
all over.  The neckline is square, low and wide, gathered over my breasts
giving me the perfect amount of cleavage (just enough without being skanky!)
and edged in chocolate colored velvet.  The arms are fitted to the elbows where
they bell out extra wide to just above my wrists.  The dress fits straight, but
not super tight and has three layers of coordinating chocolate chiffon ruffles
at the bottom and one layer of the chocolate chiffon on the belled sleeves. 
The dress is short, way shorter than I usually wear, with the chiffon ruffles
hitting the middle of my thighs making my legs seem a little bit longer.  I
added a slew of silver bangles to my wrists and I’m trying to put on my chunky
turquoise necklace with matching earrings without messing up my nails.  I half
dried my hair to save time and left it naturally wavy, pulling the front pieces
back into a very loose French twist, pinning it with bobby pins so you can’t
see where it ends.  The rest is big, messy and falling down my half bare back
where the dress scoops to just above my bra strap.  The dress, boots, messy
hair, I love it all!  I can easily say I’ve channeled my cowgirl from within!

In the middle of my laborious getting ready process, Jude
showered and is now dressed in super faded, great fitting jeans, a black button
down with a slightly western cut on the pockets and shoulders.  He finished off
his simple but kick-ass western attire with a black belt, silver oval buckle
and old black cowboy boots.  I’ve decided to add cowboy to my list of favorite
looks that include his police getup, jeans with a t-shirt and his suit.  This
took him all of eleven point two five minutes and he kissed my then wet haired
head leaving me to it. 

“Gabby!” I hear him bite out at me from the great room. 
“We’ve gotta get a move on if you want to be on time!”

“Coming!” I yell back.  “Just trying to get my necklace
on!”  Now I am cursing myself for thinking I had time to paint my nails as I
try to hook my necklace and not smudge them at the same time. I hear the clomp
clomp clomping of boots getting louder on my wood floors.  I look up to see
Jude standing in my bathroom doorway, stopped and staring at me.  “Can you help
me with this, please?  My nails are still tacky,” I ask.

Looking at me a beat, his eyes are heated and melty, taking
me in slowly from tip to toe and back again.  He moves to me, takes my necklace
out of my hands, turns me so I’m looking into the mirror and he stands at my
back.  Slowly swiping my hair over my back onto one shoulder, his arms come in
front of me and around my neck to clasp my necklace.  His eyes are on his task,
when all of a sudden I feel his warm fingers tracing the scoop of my dress on
my bare back making me shiver.  He looks to the mirror, into my eyes as his
hands come low to my hips and thighs as he fists the ruffles in each hand and
rasps, “This is a short dress, Gabby.”

My eyebrows come together and my head tips as I ask, “You
don’t like it?”

“No,” he keeps on low and raspy, “I like it.”

Then he dips low and kisses me below my ear and I feel my
dress move up my thighs and ass.  I close my eyes and lean my head back on his
shoulder and then feel his hands on my chocolate brown with pink lace Brazilian
cut panties.  I sort of made a flyby at Victoria’s Secret after my cowgirl
shopping flyby.  His hands stop abruptly and I feel him move away from my back
a small step and I open my eyes to see him looking down at my ass with my dress
around my waist.  He doesn’t move his body, but his eyes come to mine in the
mirror and he says, “Shit, baby.”  Then his thumbs dip into the waist of my
panties and he yanks them down my legs.

“Jude!  We’re going to be late!” I semi yell at him.

“Yeah, baby, we’re gonna be late,” he agrees with me,
squatting down yanking my new lacy panties over my boots.

“You’re going to rip my new panties!  I bought them just for
this dress!” I semi yell again, but I still find myself helping him out trying
to step out of them while still in my boots. 

“Don’t care,” he rasps as he stands back up and tosses my
new panties to the side, pulling my dress back up around my waist again. 

I raise an eyebrow to him and say, “My nails are still wet,
you know.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to do anything.”

I feel his boot kick my boot farther to the side, one hand
slides in between my legs from behind while the other snakes around me up to my
breast.  Not messing around, two fingers dip inside me as one glides over my
clit and my hands go the vanity in front of me to hang on.  In, out, forward,
back, his hand keeps moving and it starts to build.  I drop by head forward and
hang on getting ready for it to come over me, but then he stops, keeping his
hand where it is cupping me between my legs. 

I lift my head, look at him in the mirror and breathe slash
whine at him, “Why did you stop?”

He pulls my back into his front tightening his hold on me
and looking me in the eyes, he rasps, “I want you to look at me, sugar.”

“Okay,” I plead.  “Just don’t stop.”

His grin starts to form as his hand starts to move again,
but this time at a much slower pace.  I look in his melty eyes searing into me
as the torture resumes.  Savoring the sight of us in the mirror, Jude, tall and
dark next to me, taller than usual but my lighter hair contrasting against his
almost black. His touch is so light now the burn is driving me crazy.  Pure
torture.  I grasp onto his forearm now, not caring about my tacky fingernails
and try to move my hips to get more contact with his torturous fingers.  His
arm around my torso squeezes me and I look at both of us in the mirror again,
me falling apart and Jude heated eyes on me. 

“Jude, please,” I whine again.  His eyes come to mine and he
finally puts a tad more pressure, I gasp out loud and it washes over me.  The
next thing I know, I’m turned around and plopped up on top of the vanity with
my dress still around my waist.  He spreads my legs apart as he’s working his
big silver belt buckle and jeans at the same time.  Before I know it, my boots
are swung around his waist and he pulls me to the edge of the counter and
thrusts inside me. 

“Put your hands to the edge to hold yourself, babe,” he
demands.  I fist my hands around the edge of the granite counter, I’m still
feeling the remnants of the burn from my orgasm as he pulls me to him, slamming
into me quick and hard.  It’s fast but great because it’s unexpected as he
plants himself into me one last time and his arms come around me sit me back on
the vanity. 

After sitting here a beat, I say, “I guess we’re going to be
late, huh?”

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