Read OVERTIME Online

Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (30 page)

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Colton grinned, his eyes raking over Jagger with a hungry urge that was controlled only by the love he felt. “Breathe,” he ordered but his hips remained perfectly still. Sweat coated his upper lip as it took every ounce of strength in him to not buck forward and claim what he knew belonged to him. He could feel Jagger’s body beginning to relax and open for him. “Who’s the pussy now?” He taunted playfully.

“Oh, you did not just say that to me,” Jagger growled.

Colton arched his brow, taunting him even more.

Jagger’s hips shoved upward, burying Colton’s cock to the hilt with one furious, gloriously stupid, thrust of his ass. No, he hadn’t thought that one through at all. Having a cock up his ass felt just about as painful as he had imagined it would be. Sweat dripped off him and his muscles trembled weakly. He’d never felt so fucking alive in his life. Grinning, he said, “Well, I think that hurt me a lot more than it did you.”

“You dumb ass,” Colton growled furiously. “Why in the loving mother of all things holy did you do that? I told you I didn’t want to hurt you!”

He was really mad…and it was really sweet.

“Say those words you say and everything will be alright,” Jagger said softly. “Say them and I bet I can relax. I know they always help me breathe.”

Colton was confused. What words? Talk dirty to him? Is that what he wanted at the moment? Colton was mad enough to throttle him for rushing. He knew how badly it had to have hurt him to take his entire length at once, especially the first time. He stared down and those sea-green eyes told him the answer he was searching for. “I love you, Jagger Jameson,” he whispered.

As usual, Jagger felt his body start to melt. When Colton vowed his love and touched his body with those gentle hands that had only ever touched him with love and devotion—yeah, he melted every damned time.

“That’s it, Wildcat,” Colton urged. “I love you so damned much.”

Colton moved his hips back and then forward. The first thrust was slow and as gentle as possible, but it still lit Jagger up and made his eyes roll back in his and a ‘fuck’ roll from his tongue. There was no way to avoid the knowledge that he had something huge and hard crammed up his ass. He wanted to say it didn’t belong there, but as bad as the pain had been at the initial invasion, Jagger knew it was nothing short of sheer perfection. Colton belonged right where he was.

He took another deep breath and concentrated on the pressure and burn, on Colton’s bluer than blue eyes, on the way his heart had melted at Colton’s declaration of love…

The next in and out stroke didn’t feel too damned bad—not earth-shattering, climax-bringing good—but not too damned bad. The next gentle thrust went a hell of a lot smoother. Well, hell yeah, he could do this. Maybe this was the way it was supposed to work?

“Your cock is in my ass,” he muttered in astonishment, like he’d just come to the realization. His eyes drifted to the spot where they were joined and his cock slowly started coming back to life right before his very eyes. “Fuck, but that looks hot,” he said.

“You have no idea,” Colton answered with a smile. “It looks even hotter from my angle,” he declared. Then he tilted his hips and on his next thrust, his cock hit that sweet spot inside Jagger that he knew would remove any remaining hesitations his lover might be harboring. He wasn’t disappointed.

!” Jagger moaned. “Right there,” he ordered. “Do that again, just like before.”

Colton did it—just like before.

The stimulation had Jagger writhing beneath him and at some point, maybe at the eighth or ninth thrust of Colton’s hips, he’d thrown his legs over Colton’s shoulders as was using him as leverage to help him rise up and meet the pounding Colton was giving him. With every stroke of Colton’s dick, his prostate was set on fire and he couldn’t think of anything other than how good it felt and how badly he needed to cum. “Faster. Fuck me faster and harder,” he urged.

“All you had to do was beg,” Colton teased. His hips pounded into Jagger, smacking the balls together with each violent thrust. His hand wrapped around Jagger’s cock and he began stroking the length up and down. Watching his wildcat become unglued was fucking gorgeous.

“Oh, shit, I’m going to cum,” Jagger mewled.

“Cum for me, babe,” Colton urged as he felt his own orgasm start building.

His Wildcat was such a quiet man, always keeping everything bottled up and never wanting to show his heart to anybody, but fuck him sideways, that boy didn’t hold back anything in bed. His back arched, plunging Colton’s dick in even deeper, and a roar ripped from his throat. Colton’s hand worked Jagger’s cock as he exploded all over both of them.

Jagger had shocked Colton—he was playful during sex, taking what he wanted and giving at the same time. He looked incredibly sexy with his swollen lips, heavy-lidded eyes, and a completely satiated smirk on his handsome face. Colton’s heart threatened to explode with love.

Please don’t take this away from me, he prayed as they both drifted off to sleep.



Chapter 16



Four days


“Are you awake?” Colton whispered in Jagger’s ear, sucking the earlobe when he finished. Jagger lay perfectly still in the darkness, enjoying Colton’s tongue working away at his ear. Lick. Suck. Nibble. Lick again. When a warm tongue dove straight down into his ear and did a bit of fake-fucking, he couldn’t pretend to be asleep any longer.

“Fuck, Colton,” he whined. “How could I possibly be asleep? You made enough noise in the shower to wake the dead.” He turned his head sideways to allow Colton’s tongue access to his mouth. His lover accommodated him nicely by giving him a kiss to leave him breathless and panting for me. He felt those silly girl sounds bubbling inside of him, threatening to come out and humiliate him…but make Colton incredibly satisfied.

Colton, completely dressed, eased down on top of him, covering him completely with his hardness while his mouth maintained its assault on his lips. Instinct led him to open his legs to allow Colton to nestle right where he belonged. Whenever Colton did this to him, sexually manipulate his body like he owned him, he felt himself turn almost primal. All his ‘no touch’ warnings and ‘protect your heart’ valor would vanish into thin air. He felt his eyes roll back in his head when Colton’s hard cock bumped against his own. With a mind of their own, his legs opened wider and wrapped around Colton’s lean waist.

“My evil plan worked, then,” Colton whispered against his lips. “I wanted you to be awake before I left. I thought I could,” his teeth tugged on Jagger’s bottom lip, “get me a sweet taste to carry with me all day long.” He kissed Jagger’s chin, dropped lower and sucked the pulse at the base of his neck until it started thumping wildly…and then started placing a trail of kisses lower, and lower, and lower

“Fuck,” Jagger moaned, his fingers tangling in Colton’s hair, urging him to keep going lower. “Are you sure you have time for this?” He looked down and saw Colton grinning up at him, his hand wrapped around Jagger’s cock and holding it a mere inch from his open mouth. “I
mean, I have the time if you do,” Jagger continued with his own smile. “I think I can work you into my busy schedule.”

have time for this, Wildcat.” Then, while Jagger looked on, his tongue slipped right into the slit on the tip of his cock, nearly blowing the top of his head right off his shoulders. It was a touch of pain. It was a tidal wave of pleasure.

“Ah, fuck, Colton. That feels incredible,” Jagger said, slamming his head back on the pillow and gripping Colton’s hair like it was his life line.

“That’s why I do it, babe,” Colton answered. “I want you to be the taste I have in my mouth all day long,” his lips closed around Jagger’s shaft and dragged down the length, slowly, cheeks hollowing as he worked his magic. Jagger’s heels dug into the bed as his hips lifted into the air, bumping against Colton’s mouth, pushing his cock even deeper into the welcoming channel.

His head bobbed up and down and his eyes stayed locked with Jagger while he sucked him off. Watching his Wildcat in the throes of passion caused his heart to thunder wildly in his chest. He loved those fucking full lips, the pink tongue that would slide out and make an appearance every few seconds, and, most of all, how his ocean-blue eyes were hungrily eating him up as he watched, seemingly mesmerized by the sight of Colton’s lips wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down.

After only a few hungry slurps, twists of his wrists, and a ticklish push to Jagger’s pucker, his lover came with another one of his sexy roars. Colton loved how the muscles in Jagger’s neck would tighten up and how his hands were gripping his hair so tightly that he might be bald when this was over.

Shit, Colton just loved.

After cleaning every drop and placing a soft kiss on the crown of Jagger’s cock, Colton licked his lips and then crashed their mouths together, kissing him so hard and beautifully Jagger knew…not even his insecurities could make him doubt that Colton didn’t want to leave him. His eyes, gloriously green and filled with an emotion that was brand new to Jagger, gazed down at him, soaking up everything, taking everything he had to offer.

“I gotta
go, babe. Have fun today and don’t let Riley do anything to piss me off.” Another kiss. “I’ll taste you on my lips and tongue all day. Not another bite will pass these lips until I’m kissing you again tonight. I’ll call you to wake you up on time to shower and catch the boat with Riley. Love. Be good.”

Jagger would have liked to have at least walked him to the docks, but he didn’t have the strength to do more than mumble some incoherent words and then drift back off to sleep again, dreaming of Colton’s mouth making love to him…and telling him he loved him. Sweet dreams—another new anomaly for Jagger.

Jagger stretched, yawned, and turned to look at the clock. “Holy shit! Oh, fuck!” He crawled out of the bed and raced to the shower. “I’m so fucking late. I’m so fucking late. Why didn’t he call and wake me up?” He muttered as he jumped into the shower, did a splash and dash, and was dressed in record time. He stormed up the stairs of the boat, profanity tumbling from his mouth with each and every step while his hands fumbled with his new cell phone. Eight missed calls. Shit. He’d been sleeping a dead man’s sleep. No, he’d been sleeping the sleep of a man that had just had one of the best orgasms of his life. That shit was exhausting!

Never. He was always consistently, boringly on time for everything. Never late. Never. The stupid boat should have launched fifteen minutes ago. If they were lucky, everybody would be running late and they’d still be able to get onboard. Hell, he was sure they’d missed the boat. Riley was going to kill him. The last time he had missed a commitment was when he was nine years old and he’d missed a field trip at school because he had three cracked ribs.

Bright sunlight nearly blinded him when he shoved the door open and stormed onto the deck. He was mumbling curse words as he made his way to the boat exit. Where the fuck was Riley, anyway? No missed calls from Riley. They were all from Colton.

“Hey, Sleeping Beauty! Where you headed? We’ve already missed the boat!” Riley called from behind him.

Jagger slowly turned back toward the front deck of the boat. Riley was kicked back, sucking down a milkshake, and grinning like he’d just won the fucking lottery. Fucker looked like he didn’t have a worry in the world—like they weren’t already twenty minutes late.

“What the fuck, Riley? How long have you been here? Why didn’t you wake me up? You know we were supposed to be at the boat twenty two minutes ago, right?” Jagger stalked over. He still couldn’t believe he was late. He didn’t even want to know how much Colton had paid for their tickets today.

“Uh…yeah, Jagger. I’m pretty sure we missed the boat already. They don’t hold those things for lazy folks too sexually exhausted to make it to the dock on time.” He crossed his arms over his chest and just kept grinning.


“You realize you could have just yelled down and woke me up, right? It wouldn’t have taken that much of your precious energy to walk the four steps over to the hatch and just yell down. Seriously…what the hell?”

“Jagger Jameson, I have known you for four years and thirteen days. I’ve had at least one thousand basketball practice sessions with you. We’ve been to somewhere north of three hundred team meetings. Every year we’ve had at least two of the same classes together. You have never been late for anything in your entire collegiate career. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure you are always a very safe ten minutes early.” He scratched his chin and tilted his head to the side. “Whatever could have kept my boy in bed so late this morning?”

Jagger shook his head. “You are such an ass. You let us be late for a very expensive trip because you wanted to make fun of me for sleeping in?” He asked in utter disbelief.

“Eh, no, I wanted to make fun of you for getting fucked so well that you overslept,” Riley corrected. He stood up, rubbing his flat belly and stretching. “And I’m going to have to be honest with you—it has been worth every boring minute I sat here, doing absolutely nothing but waiting to get to laugh at you!”

Jagger couldn’t stop the grin that tried to tug at his lips. He guessed it was pretty funny. Maybe. Okay, a little funny, but that was all. “I’m not kidding with you. You’re an asshole. Seriously, if you look it up in the dictionary, there will be your ugly face, grinning like the asshole you are.” Jagger plopped down in the Captain’s bucket seat. “What are we going to do now? You think they’ve already left the docks?”

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