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Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (27 page)

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, I think somebody likes that idea. Does the thought of me making you whimper even louder get you hot and hard, wildcat?” Colton teased. He leaned around, kissed Jagger’s mouth shut before an argument could tumble out. The kiss was hot, demanding, and dominating, controlling both his body and mind. Jagger felt a strong hand grip the back of his neck, holding him firmly in place as Colton’s lips continued to work some magic on his mouth. While Colton’s tongue stroked his lips and then plunged inside, Jagger felt one of those damned whimpers start to try and escape.

Before he realized what was happening, Colton had maneuvered around to the front of him and plopped his firm ass right into Jagger’s lap, never once interrupting the kiss. From this position, Colton wrapped his hands on either side of Jagger’s face, his thumbs caressing his cheek bones softly, as the kiss slowed and transformed into something tenderer than demanding.

Jagger felt himself begin to melt…

His fingers burned with the need to explore Colton’s hard muscles and after only a slight hesitation, he reached around and cupped a nice handful of firm ass…and was rewarded by a deep growl erupting from the lips devouring his.

“Fuck, baby, you keep touching me like that and I’m going to fuck you right here…right now…in front of every-fucking-body,” Colton promised between open-mouthed, messy kisses.

“Nope; you aren’t,” a fiercely loud voice countered.

Jagger’s eyes jerked upward to find Riley towering over them, a frown firmly in place. His arms were crossed over his chest, feet braced wide apart…clearly ready for yet another Colton vs. Riley confrontation—Round Three. Jagger felt his entire body tighten with mortification.
didn’t do things like
. Outward displays of emotion…uh, never! Hell, displays of emotion…uh, never!

Colton, on the other hand, didn’t appear to be at all concerned by Riley’s interruption or the waves of anger rippling off him. He had, probably just to piss Riley off, moved away from
Jagger’s lips and was busy kissing the side of his face, just so his eyes could lock with Riley’s glare the entire time. “
,” he finally said with a final swipe of his tongue right up the side of Jagger’s face.

Riley rolled his eyes. “Yeah, we all know that, dumbass. There’s no need to mark your territory in front of everybody. Jagger’s new to all this,” he waved his hand around wildly, indicating the group of men watching them with hungry eyes and not-so-innocent smiles. “Have some respect, Colton. Take that shit somewhere private until he’s ready for more.”

The accusing words must have acted like ice water on Colton because Jagger felt his entire body tighten and become oddly stiff, and then his eyes flooded with shame. “I’m sorry, babe. Riley’s right. I got carried away,” he apologized and, after placing a sweet kiss on Jagger’s surprised lips, he eased away, adjusting the bulge in his shorts as he slung his leg over and allowed his ass to collide with the chair next to Jagger.

Jagger bit his bottom lip and dropped both his hands in his own lap in an attempt to hide his own arousal. It failed. There wasn’t a soul at Rory’s house that wasn’t well aware of the fact that his dick was hard for Colton. After a few seconds, he started laughing softly…because he didn’t care. He wasn’t ashamed, humiliated, or mortified by the fact. Nope, he just wanted Colton back in his lap, kissing him fucking senseless.

Riley leaned down and asked, “Have you lost your mind or are you just laughing at the tent in your and Colton’s shorts?”

“Tent,” Jagger sputtered. “Just laughing at the tent, I guess.”

“Fuck, I am so in love with this guy,” Colton declared. “I enjoy him so damned much, I think I can even put up with you, Riley.”

“Yeah, yeah…just enjoy him in private from now on,” Riley grumbled, flipping Colton off as he spoke. To Jagger, he sent a fun wink. “Now, make him take you somewhere with less eyeballs and take care of that,” he nodded toward the bulge still in Jagger’s lap.

“Hell, yeah,” Colton agreed. He jumped to his feet and made a grab for Jagger but before he could make a getaway, Rory stepped up, holding a gift-wrapped box.

“Sit it back down,
. You just got yourself a delivery from
and you know we’ll all die if we don’t get to see what you got!” He plopped the heavy box on the table in front of Colton and tapped his foot, waiting impatiently, grinning from ear to ear.

Colton frowned. “Who would send me anything and how the hell would they know to deliver it here?” He eyed the box like it might contain explosives…or girl bits. It was clear he didn’t want to be any part of it.

Jagger arched a brow. “Something you need to tell me, Colton? Got another wildcat kenneled somewhere?”

He could not fucking believe he’d just said that

Colton snorted. “There’s always only been one Wildcat…and always will be only one.” His eyes softened with an emotion that made Jagger squirm in his seat.

said they spent most of the day having to hunt you down because the package had to be delivered today,” Rory explained. “The driver looked about as frustrated as…well as you did this morning, Colton.”

“Sure they did,” Colton countered. “You idiots are pranking me, aren’t you? What’s in the box? Dog poop? Sex toys?”

, I hope it is sex toys!” Jeremy squealed. “
and I need some new ones! Open the damned box, Colton,” he ordered.

“It’s not from us,
; Scout’s honor.” He held up two fingers and smiled innocently.

“They don’t let people like you in the Boy Scouts, Rory. Seriously, are you responsible for whatever this is? I’ll take it like a man…I just need to know what I’m up against.”

“It is not from me or any of our gang…as far as I know.” He turned to Riley, fucked him up and down with his eyes and asked, “Oh shit, Kentucky. Did you send a bomb designed to blow Colton’s cock off so he couldn’t give it to your point guard?”

“It would have been in a smaller box than that,” Riley answered, causing everybody except for Colton to bark out a laugh.

Colton turned to Jagger and desperately tried to look angry since his lover was enjoying a laugh at his expense. “You seemed to think it was big enough this morning, Wildcat. Do I need to give you a refresher course? I’d planned to be a gentleman and give us some privacy, but if you’re good to go…”

“Shut it, Colton,” Jagger interrupted with a warning. “Stop being a pussy and open the damned box.” He softened the words with a wink and a quick swipe of his tongue across his lips. Every guy surrounding the table moaned their appreciation.

Colton adjusted his package…again. Ripping away the paper, he muttered, “I hope that if this is sex toys, there are some restraints, a crop, and a nice ball gag included. I think I might know of somebody in desperate need of some discipline.”

“Promises, promises,” Jagger said softly. As soon as the words slipped past Jagger’s lips, he felt that damned blush creep across his cheeks. He couldn’t believe he’d just said something like that in front of everybody. Hell, even more confusing than that was that he was pretty sure he’d meant it, too. Just the image of Colton restraining and disciplining him caused an erotic heat-wave to wash over him.

“You’re killing me, Jagger,” Colton growled and the look he sent Jagger’s way told him he would definitely be paying for his mouthy comments but in a good way.

With the paper finally disposed of, Colton carefully lifted the lid to the box and peeked inside…and frowned again. “What the hell?”

Tossing the lid aside, he started rummaging through the package. There was expensive liquor, Cuban cigars, a membership to the Beer of the Month Club, and several boxes of condoms. All in all, it was some pretty nice shit. At the bottom, he found the card. He ripped it open and read, “Sorry for the mix-up, Colton. We had no idea. No hard feelings, right? Dirks and Tristan.”

Colton’s frown deepened. “Why would Dirks and Tristan send something to me? No hard feelings? Something is fucked up here.”

“Uh oh,” Rory said quietly.

Colton’s head snapped around. “Uh oh? What does ‘uh oh’ mean, Rory? What have you done…or better yet, what has Dirks and Tristan done and how in the hell am I involved?”

Oh, holy shit, Jagger thought. Surely it wasn’t the guys from last night? Please don’t let it be the guys from last night

Rory tucked his hair behind his ear and then ducked his head. “Yeah…well…uh…apparently Dirks and Tristan ran into Jagger last night on Duval Street and thought it might be fun for the three of them to party together.” When Rory’s eyes glanced in Jagger’s direction, Jagger quickly started shaking his head from side to side, silently pleading with Rory to keep quiet about what had happened. It had been embarrassing enough without Colton knowing the ugly, embarrassing details.

“What??” Colton roared. “What the hell happened last night, Jagger?”

Jagger remained silent, wishing he could disappear into thin air.

Colton whirled back around to Rory. “What. Happened.”

“Just like Rory said, Colton. When your Wildcat slipped his leash last night, he ran into Dirks and Tristan on Duval Street and they made a pass at him. You know how those guys love a good spit roast or double stuff and they’d mistakenly thought they’d found their third. Jagger totally shut them the fuck down before they even got to put their ‘offer’ on the table, probably gave Dirks a black eye to match yours, and told them he belonged to Colton.” Tobias explained with his usual dramatic flourish. “You should have seen Dirks’ face. I thought he was going to shit his pants when he realized he’d messed with your man. And you should have seen your man in action—he totally put those horny toads in their place.”

Jagger watched Colton take a deep breath as he tried to calm himself. He couldn’t believe Tobias had just lied for him. What the hell was a spit roast or double stuff? He was pretty damned certain that if it didn’t involve an OREO cookie, he wasn’t interested in anything called a double stuff. Spit roast? Not a fucking clue.

“Did they touch you, Jagger? Tell me if they laid one fucking finger on you,” he demanded. “I’ll fucking destroy them.”

“Nothing happened, Colton. They made a mistake and it was taken care of, no harm done.” Jagger allowed the lie to fall off his tongue.

“Rory?” Colton asked.

“Like he said,” Rory answered slowly, motioning toward Tobias. “Tobias and I walked up when Dirks and Tristan were leaving and brought Jagger home with me, end of story.” He nodded toward the box. “Enjoy your apology gifts and forget about it. Anyway, I think maybe
them might be a tad extreme, don’t you?”

“You know what I meant—destroy their business. It isn’t like I was going to hurt anybody…well, other than kicking their asses. I would have definitely kicked their asses if they’d tried any shit with mine.”

“Oh, my fuck. You are so acting so ridiculous,” Jagger mumbled. “I’m not a possession.” He wanted to add that he didn’t wear a leash either, but his hands were pretty much tied where Tobias was concerned. They dude could totally say anything to him he wanted at the moment and get away with it. His sugar-coating of what had happened on Duval Street with Dirks and Tristan had saved his pride a brutal beating.

Riley clapped Colton on the back and nodded toward Jagger’s lap. “Way to take care of that tent, Colton. You’re a real man-charmer,

“Fuck you, Riley.”

“Nah, that’s going to be my job,” Rory chimed in. “Isn’t it, Kentucky?”

Riley smirked and shook his head. “I’m pretty sure I’ve made it clear that I’m not a bottom,
,” he mocked Rory’s Cajun tongue. “Whenever you’re ready to get on your hands and knees, give me a yell.”




Chapter 15



5 Days Left


Jagger frowned as he watched Colton talk into his new cell, pacing the docks right off his boat and arguing with whoever was on the other end. He looked worried and pissed at the same time. Every few minutes his eyes would make their way back to Jagger and he would wave and offer a smile before returning to whatever had him so riled up on the phone. His shoulders were hunched and there was a burning in his eyes that made Jagger pity the person who put it there.

He eased back onto the beach towel and tried to focus on the warm sun kissing his skin instead of the insecurities threatening him at the moment. The moment Colton had looked at the number that popped up on his cell when the call had come through, he’d gotten nervous, his eyes cutting between Jagger and the phone. A normal person wouldn’t have thought twice about Colton needing some privacy to take a phone call, but Jagger knew he wasn’t a normal person, nowhere-near-normal Jagger, that was him. He gnawed his bottom lip, wondering who was on the other end of Colton’s call. Who had the ability to get him so riled up?

Was there someone else? Where the fuck had that thought come from?

He knew exactly where it came from—his own pathetic insecurity. Colton had done nothing to deserve his doubts. He knew this, but his teeth kept nibbling his lip until he finally tasted blood. It had been months since he’d felt the urge to cut himself but he wanted to so badly right now that his fingers were starting to twitch.

“Hey, babe,” Colton’s soft voice interrupted his dark thoughts. “What’s going on? You’ve got a strange look on your face. Fuck, babe, you’re bleeding!” Colton’s finger carefully swiped at the blood smeared on his damaged lip. “What did you do?”

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