Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories (13 page)

Read Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories Online

Authors: Annabel Bastione

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #paranormal erotica, #vampires, #anthology, #werewolf, #free, #sex, #erotic fiction, #supernatural, #erotica, #paranormal bundle, #Anthologies

BOOK: Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
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Archer met his eyes and sucked harder, swirling his tongue
around the head of Matt’s cock, and he was done for. His orgasm was
fast and harsh, knocking the breath out of him, and he collapsed,
leaning heavily on Archer’s shoulders, strangely exhausted yet
still on fire, still wanting more from somewhere deep

Come on,” said Archer, somehow managing to get to his feet and
hold Matt upright at the same time. Matt stumbled, and Archer swept
him off the ground in a single burst of strength, carrying into the
bedroom bridal-style. Matt laughed weakly, squirming, the tingling
in his ass getting harder and harder to ignore. Archer dropped him
on the bed and undressed him quickly, then stripped off his own
clothes; he was hard already, wanting this, which was nice - Matt
wasn’t really sure how much of him wanted to fuck his editor and
how much of him was just doing a favor, but he wasn’t in any
position to care. He rolled over onto all fours, and Archer was on
him in a second, rutting up against him, trapping his long dick in
the cleft of Matt’s ass. Matt made a sort of purring noise, low in
his throat, pressing back at Archer, silently begging. Archer
chuckled a little, pressing open-mouthed kisses on his back and
sliding his cock up and down, so close to where Matt really wanted

Are you sure you’re ready?” Archer whispered.

Fuck you,” Matt whispered back.

Grabbing the lube from the end-table, Archer had his slicked
fingers at the entrance of Matt’s ass in record time. Two fingers
slid in easily, and he knew just how to crook them to make Matt
pant and groan. “You know, I’ve been listening to you for days.
It’s been driving me mad.”

Eavesdropping is rude,” Matt grunted. The fever felt stronger
than ever, but it was a good burn, a slow tingling fire travelling
through his veins, lighting him up with pleasure. If he’d had to
guess, he would have pegged Archer as a pretty good lay, but this
was beyond anything that he could have imagined.

There’s condoms in the drawer,” Matt muttered.

Getting impatient?” Archer jammed a third finger in,
viciously, and Matt’s body arched at the ecstatic burn of it. Then
he withdrew his fingers just as quickly, and Matt hissed at the
loss until he felt the blunt head of Archer’s dick pressing against
his asshole. He pressed back on it, bearing down, feeling it slide
inch-by-inch inside him. Archer was hardly moving, just letting
Matt take it himself, until he was sheathing completely inside
Matt’s ass. Then, grabbing him by the waist, he withdrew and
slammed back into him mercilessly.

Matt yowled, grabbing the pillows for dear life, as Archer
fucked him exactly as hard as he wanted. The feeling was
incredible, building quickly, and he was almost over-sensitive,
almost wanting to tell Archer to stop, but the pleasure was too
intense. He came too quickly, again, the orgasm forced out of him
by the relentless pounding of Archer’s cock. He let out a series of
humiliating noises as Archer fucked him through it, only hesitating
when Matt’s asshole clenched so tight that he couldn’t move. Other
than that, he didn’t stop, even as Matt sagged, no longer able to
hold himself up on his arms, letting his head fall into the pillow,
every breath coming out like a ragged sob.

He’d never let anyone fuck him past an orgasm before, usually
feeling too over-sensitized to consider the idea, and he now
realized what he’d been missing. Even though the sharp spike of
pleasure was over, the more subtle sensations of his climax were
still with him, magnified with every thrust of Archer’s
ever-hardening dick. It was so intense it almost hurt. He became
aware that he’d been letting out a low moan for several minutes
now, only stopping to breathe, to whisper
yes, harder
just in case Archer
should get the wrong idea and pause even for a second.

Archer’s fingers were digging hard into his ribs, every exhale
a harsh growl, and then he felt one hand sliding under his chest to
raise him back up onto his arms. He still couldn’t manage it
himself, but Archer held him up, pulling him close, lowering his
mouth to the back of Matt’s neck and nuzzling at it. Too
fuzzy-brained to question it, Matt just shivered and gripped the
pillows again.

Then, a burst of pain - Archer had sunk his teeth in. Not far
enough to draw blood, it felt like, but enough to leave a bitch of
a hickey on the back of his neck. Matt hissed, and Archer licked
the spot as if to apologize. But then he bit down again, harder
this time, still just enough to grip the skin, not to break it, but
it fucking hurt and Matt didn’t dare say a word lest he stop
fucking him.

The snapping of Archer’s hips had grown more frantic, less
measured, and Matt realized he must be close. The thought sent a
shock of arousal through him, from the intense pleasure deep in his
ass to the sharp pinpoint of pain at the back of his neck, and he
realized Archer was going to make him come again, just with a cock
in his ass, with Archer’s teeth in his neck, Archer’s fingers
making bruises on his torso, every soft growling breath hot in
Matt’s ear.

He came spectacularly hard, more long white spurts of jizz all
over the sheets, because during these fevers his body never seemed
to run dry. He became aware that he was screaming hoarsely but he
couldn’t stop it, not now, not with Archer suddenly losing his
rhythm and clawing at his skin, thrusting erratically, growling
louder now, biting down harder than ever, until finally, he paused,
letting out a long, low noise, and managed a few more sloppy
thrusts before he stopped, letting go of Matt’s neck as he

Christ,” was the first thing Matt muttered, face buried in the
pillow again after Archer had let him fall. He touched the back of
his neck and brought his hand around to examine; no blood, but a
good quantity of saliva - and, no doubt, an impressive bruise would
be blooming soon.

He rolled over and saw Archer standing in the corner, hastily
re-dressing, looking at the floor.

What’s going on?” he asked, his voice hoarse. Archer just
shook his head at first, then finally spoke.

Nothing,” he said. “Nothing, I’m sorry. I just have

He trailed off, leaving the bedroom hastily, and Matt heard
the apartment door slam behind him.

Well, that was peculiar.

Matt was used to basking in these afterglows alone, so he
didn’t really mind - except for the nagging fear that Archer might
never come back and finish his bestseller. He pulled some clothes
on and went out to the living room to look over what Archer had
already written, so at least he’d have some useful feedback to give
when (and if) the man ever came back.

Matt stretched luxuriously in the chair; he really did feel
fantastic, better than he’d ever felt during one of these spells.
He really wanted to curl up somewhere warm and nap for the rest of
the day, but he had to get something done.

He spent the rest of the afternoon reading; it was good stuff,
a sort of modern-day Jekyll and Hyde tale. Until now he’d only
heard excerpts as read by Archer, or the story notes and tiny
tidbits that he allowed Matt to see, so it was interesting to see
how all the pieces fit together. It was getting dark before he knew
it, and Matt decided to get himself something to eat. For some
reason, the smell of the fish fry down the street was making his
nose twitch. He hadn’t eaten seafood in years, but he was craving
it now - a stronger craving than he usually experienced for any
kind of food.

After standing in line at the fish fry and walking back home,
it was now almost completely dark out and he was beginning to feel
very strange. Maybe the smell of the fry-oil had gotten to him. But
the fish still smelled incredibly good, so he tore into it,
devouring the two fillets quickly and leaving the French fries
behind. They just didn’t sound terribly appealing. But, on second
thought, they smelled salty, and he was craving salt suddenly

At that moment, Archer came walking through the door. If he
thought it was odd to find Matt licking the salt off of French
fries he didn’t say so, but he did glance at him twice before
fixing his eyes on the floor and snatching his laptop

That’s private,” he said.

Oh, boy,” said Matt. “Are we doing this now?” He discarded a
soggy French fry and picked up another. “Please, I really don’t
want to think that us fucking was a bad idea, so don’t get weird on

Archer kept refusing to look at him; Matt felt more irritated
than usual in his presence, which was saying something.
Short-tempered, and suddenly feeling like he was about to crawl out
of his skin, Matt stood, handful of French fries clenched in his
fist, and snapped, “all right, you work out your own issues, I need
to be alone for a while. Preferably forever, if you’re the only
company I can have.”

He stalked off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
Moments later he was on the floor, a horrific pain slamming him
down, arcing through his body, worse than any fever he’d ever

Oh, this
been a bad idea.

He kept quiet for as long as he could, but soon he couldn’t
stop the pained noises, yowling as he writhed on the floor, the
agony seeming to creep into his very skeleton and rip his bones

Archer burst into the room, kneeling beside him, cradling him
as he screamed, but not reaching for the phone, not calling for
help. Matt wanted desperately to ask him what the hell he was
doing, why wasn’t he calling an ambulance, but all that came out of
his mouth was keening. Archer made little, soothing noises and held
him through it, whatever
was, until finally the pain began to ebb a little
and Matt let himself relax.

He felt even stranger than before, but at least it didn’t
hurt. Reaching a hand up to wipe the sweat from his face, he felt -
something - strange -

Scrambling up to look at himself in the mirror, he shoved
Archer away, and saw…

He wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing, actually.

His face was still his face, but at the same time it wasn’t;
it was the face of a giant cat, like a lion, or a leopard maybe?
His body, too, had changed, covered in a sleek dark fur, the same
color of his hair. He felt strange standing on two legs. And what
was that extra appendage he’d suddenly became aware of?

Oh, right. A tail.

Standing there in stunned silence, Matt became aware that
Archer was looking at him, not with the sort of gaping surprise
you’d except from someone who’d just witnessed you transform into
some kind of were-cat, but with a wide-eyed smile.

What the fuck’s happening to me?” he demanded.

It’s just like I thought,” Archer said quietly, almost
reverently. “You’re like


Oh. I’m sorry. Hang on.” He ran out of the room and returned
with a small paper bag, the one he’d just brought inside earlier.
From it, he removed a small bottle of pills and shook out two into
his palm. “Here, take these.”

Matt looked at him suspiciously.

They’ll change you back,” he said. “It’ll hurt, but it’ll last
you for the rest of this cycle.”

Cycle? What are you talking about?”

Obviously you’ve got some version of the same mutated gene
that I have. But different. I turn into a wolf.”

You’re a werewolf.”


And you never told me.”

Well, you never told me that you go into heat once a

I didn’t know that’s what it was!”

Obviously your mutation is a lot more dormant than mine was.
It took sex with another shape-shifter to bring out the
transformation. This is fascinating.”

Yeah,” said Matt, staring at his catlike face in the mirror.
“Fascinating.” He looked at the pills in his hand and swallowed
them, bracing himself for the agony.

It wasn’t as bad as before, and Archer held him through it
again, until he felt human again. As soon as he could talk, he
blurted out:

How long have you been like this?”

Archer cleared his throat. “All my life, I suppose,” he said.
“I first transformed when I was a teenager, but even before that I
had a better sense of smell and hearing than anyone I

And it’s like that all the time?”

Yes, but they both get more acute during a full moon. Believe
it or not, there are doctors who specialize in this sort of thing.
But they’ve successfully kept it quiet. Most of them are
shapeshifters themselves, and they have no interest in dealing with
the sociological implications of outing us to the

Matt considered the pattern of his life: solitary, neat,
organized, and ruthless when he needed to be. And he’d always had
pretty good night-vision, too.

This was ridiculous. And yet, there it was.

Are those the only…” Matt couldn’t believe he was about to say
this. “…wolf-like qualities that you have?”

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