PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories) (40 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories)
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Chapter 2


              Adam had thought transportation would be the hard part. But, as it turned out, they really had chosen an excellent location—one with lots of parking and plenty of room to stop a U-Haul for unloading boxes upon boxes of gamer gear.

              No, the hard part turned out to be the actual act of unpacking and putting everything away in the right place. Luckily, they’d been envisioning Cloak and Dagger for so long that they both mostly knew where they wanted it all to go.

              Of course, there were bound to be some disagreements.

              “No, no, no!” Adam yelled, jumping over the bar. Crystal froze, the shot glasses in her arms clinking together. “Not there,” Adam said, taking them from her. “They go here,” he placed them at the other end of the bar.

              “You know what?” Crystal said. “I’ll leave you to set up the bar.”

              “Good plan,” Adam agreed, busying himself with sorting the various other items Crystal had dumped on his shelves.

              They’d already set the actual games in their proper spaces. The classic arcade machines were pushed against the wall, just as they’d planned, and were divided into two different rows so that a person could feel completely surrounded amongst the chrome big tops. Adam had dubbed it the Seventies Corner.

              “And what’re you going to call that?” Crystal had asked, pointing to the hallway that led upstairs into the video game room. She was actually surprised by the protective cases Adam had managed to find for the consoles—they were hard plastic and fashioned with a key code that only she and him were privy to, making them unbreakable. Unless, you know, their patrons managed to smuggle in a bomb or something.

              “Adam’s Attic, of course,” Adam smirked.

              “Of course,” Crystal rolled her eyes. “Then this will be Crystal’s Countertops,” she said, half-hugging one of their specialty tables for tabletop gaming. Each one was the size of a six-person dining room table, with green velvet on the top to keep the pieces from getting scuffed.

              “They’re called ‘tabletops’ for a reason, Crystal,” Adam laughed.

              “Not here,” Crystal argued.

              “People are going to think that we don’t even know the proper names of what we’re selling,” he shook his head, smiling.


              “You’re right—we’ll let them think that,” Adam waved her off. “So long as they don’t break our number one rule.” He bent behind the bar, grunting as he lifted a heavy sign out of a box.

              “Is that…?”

              “Yep,” Adam smiled even as he strained to hang it up, lugging it up the ladder with him. “There,” he said, placing it on a nail as he let it go and stood back, taking a look at his work. “Well? What do you think?”

              The sign was a rectangular piece of wood, stained a deep cherry brown with a gold engraving. It had a number of rules, all silly and game-related, except for the very first one that read, “Don’t hate on the queen.”

              “Get it?” Adam said, walking over to nudge her in the arm. “We named it Cloak and Dagger like it was an old underground spy base, and, fitting in with that theme, and now you’re the queen in the story. You know, the one the subjects are all still loyal to.”

              “I love it,” Crystal laughed, leaning against him. She was much shorter than him, with her head only coming up to his shoulder. It had been that way since their junior year of high school, when Adam had suddenly shot up. By senior year, Adam had also become quite built and muscular. Crystal would always roll her eyes when she saw other girls gawk at him, since she knew that underneath that jock body was the biggest nerd ever.

              “You’re welcome,” he snuck his big arm around her shoulders, hugging her close for a moment. Crystal blushed, and pushed him away.

              “So what are you?” she asked. “The king?”

              “Hell no,” he scowled. “A gent’ like me? I’m a knight.”

              It was another week until they were ready for business, and it looked like their target audience was gearing up for it.

              “Crystal, look at this,” Adam called her over. He was sitting at the bar with his laptop in front of him, scrolling through their website.

              “What?” Crystal asked, leaning over his shoulder.

              “We’ve got over a thousand hits! And get this, some college kids made a Facebook fan page. Apparently, a group of them are planning on showing up to our opening night in costume.”

              “Cosplay,” Crystal corrected, reading over his shoulder. “Huh. Guess these kids are really into anime.”

              “I think there’s a club at their college,” Adam added, following a link to another page, one with Pokémon in the banner.


              Opening night was the following weekend, and it was a mess.

              But a good, crazy kind of night mess. They were swarmed by the kids from the college, all right—dozens of boys and girls wearing the craziest bunch of outfits Adam had ever seen. “There’s a girl over there in a furry dinosaur suit,” he told Crystal.

              “Yeah? Did you see the kid wearing the horns? Says he’s some kind of demon,” Crystal shook her head.

              Those that weren’t in cosplay were in their best nerd gear, including bright graphic t-shirts and long trench coats. And not one of them got by Crystal and Adam without being asked for an ID.

              “But we’re just here for the games,” one nineteen-year-old complained to Adam. “Can’t you give us an eighteen and up wristband or something?”

              Adam wished he could, but he and Crystal simply hadn’t thought that far ahead, and they had cops crawling all over the place, looking to catch someone for a crime as easy as serving a minor alcohol. Twice the cops had already attempted to escort an underage kid to the bar, intent to test their bartenders. And each time, Crystal had stopped them.

              “I’m sorry,” she told them. “But this is a twenty-one and up bar. The games are free—we make all our money from the alcohol.”

              “That’s why you’re the queen, Crystal,” Adam clasped a hand on her shoulder after she successfully turned away another underage kid.

              “I never knew that they did that,” she said, glancing at the police walking back and forth just outside the place. “Like, seriously, what the hell?”

              Adam just shrugged. “They’d pull that kind of stuff all the time at my other bar. It’s a test, but they can’t lie—as long as you ask for an ID, the kids will give you one that shows their true age. You just need to read it.”

              After that little debacle, everything else seemed to go smoothly. The waitlist for Adam’s Attic more or less worked out, with the exception of a few kids throwing a fit (and then getting thrown out by Adam). Surprisingly, the antique arcade games received the most attention. Crystal threw it in Adam’s face, as he had never really been too fond of the idea, but he just crossed his arms and smirked.

              “Yeah? And how is Crystal’s Countertop doing?” he asked. When Crystal just glanced at the four empty tables, he nodded. “Uh-huh, that’s what I thought.”

              The kids started filtering out around one a.m., something Crystal attributed to early classes. Adam, on the other hand, blamed weak stomachs that couldn’t hold their liquor.

              “Lightweights,” he muttered, watching them leave in big groups.

              “Have a good night!” Crystal called out as they went, waving to the few who had turned around and wished her one as well.

              By two, they were officially able to close the doors and turn the lock. “We did it,” Crystal laughed, leaning against the bar. Adam sent the two bar-backs they’d hired home and walked behind it, grabbing two glasses and a tub full of cut limes.

              “Was there ever a doubt?” he asked cheekily.

              “I don’t know. For a minute there—”

              “Oh, come on,” he laughed, pouring her a small shot of tequila. “You were worried? When your knight was at your side all night?”

              Crystal smirked. “My knight, huh?”

              Adam bowed low, offering her the drink. “Of course, my lady.”

              Crystal laughed, and accepted the shot. She threw it back, slamming it on the bar when she was finished. Adam chuckled to himself and followed suit, taking a moment to suck on a lime. Their eyes met, and he smiled around it, making Crystal burst out in laughter.

              “What are you, a child?”

              He shrugged, keeping the lime in his mouth as he poured them another. Finally removing it, he tossed the shot back, licking his lips from the taste. Crystal grabbed a lime for herself, sucking the juice to combat the hard liquor. She didn’t expect Adam to take it from her, leaving her lips red and puckered.

              She’d barely blinked before he was suddenly too close, kissing her.

              She froze when she realized what was happening, but Adam only moved a hand to her face, caressing her cheek with his fingertips. The movement made Crystal sigh into his mouth, giving him better access to grind his lips against hers.

              His fingers slid down to her neck, stopping to pluck at her bra strap and pull it down her shoulder.

              “A-Adam,” she breathed, and he moaned in response. There was a warmth pooling in her stomach, something that sent tingles up and down her spine. Every time he kissed her, nipped and licked her, it felt like she was on fire.

              “You’re so…” he growled into her mouth, and she felt a hand slip under her shirt. She immediately tensed, and Adam froze up, too. “Uh, Crystal?”

              She didn’t respond, but stepped back, shrugging him off. Adam stayed where he was, leaning on the bar with his jaw open.

              “G-good work tonight,” she blushed, slinging her purse across her body and running out the door.

Chapter 3


              Crystal stood in front of her bedroom mirror. She was in her best bra and underwear, the frilly red ones, with her shirt and jeans strewn on the floor behind her. No matter how she looked at herself, she just couldn’t find a reason to smile.

              She was fat. It was like how some people were tall, or muscular—she was overweight. She had been ever since she was a kid, with chubby cheeks and a round stomach that stuck out over her legs when she sat down. She’d promised herself dozens of times in the last twenty-six years of her life that she’d start an exercise routine and be thin by the next summer, but she never did. And now here she was, crushing hardcore on her childhood friend, only to run away because she was scared that he would find out exactly how fat she really was.

              He had some idea, she knew, but with the baggy shirts she wore, she didn’t think he
knew. At least, she hoped he didn’t. That’d be far too embarrassing, and it was why she’d run away when he’d stuck a hand down her shirt at the bar last night.

              She sighed. It wasn’t like she could avoid Adam forever, especially now that they were business partners. She grabbed her black shirt off the floor, one that had a picture of a Dungeons and Dragons dungeon master behind a trifold, with the caption, “You know he is lying.” She pulled it and her jeans on. The shirt fell to her knees, hiding her stomach, and she slipped into her skate shoes.

              Her watch read three o’clock. Time to go to work.

              She pulled into her reserved spot next to Adam’s, slightly nervous to see his black jeep already parked. Locking her car, she walked to the entrance, peeking her head inside before heading in completely.

              Adam was at the bar, lying on his back with an empty bottle in his hand.

              “Adam?” Crystal called, stepping inside. “What’s—”

              “Crystal?” he shot up so fast, he lost his balance and fell off the bar, landing on the other side of it. Crystal heard something crash.

              “Adam!” she yelled, rushing over to him. She found him on his stomach, coughing as he pushed himself up off the ground. The bottle he had been holding was shattered next to him but, thankfully, hadn’t injured him.

              “What time is it?” he asked, wiping his eyes blearily.

              “Adam?” Crystal crouched beside him, helping him up. “Did you go home last night?”

              Adam hesitated, but finally shook his head at her words.

              “What? Adam—”

              “I’m sorry,” he said, leaning against her. “For last night, I mean. I shouldn’t have done what I did.”

              As much time as Crystal had spent trying to convince herself that a relationship was a bad idea, she felt her heart sinking at Adam’s apology. “What? Why?”

              Adam just shook his head. “You didn’t want it. I thought—but we’ve been friends for so long. I’m just stuck in the friend zone, huh?” he smiled at her, and it broke her heart.

              “Adam,” she hugged him, hiding her face in his shoulder. “Adam, it isn’t you. It’s me.”

              Adam scoffed. “Oh yeah, way to let me down easy.”

              “I’m serious!” she pushed back, looking him in the eye. “Adam, I’m… I mean,” she struggled for the words. “I’m not girlfriend material, you know?”

              “Who fucking said that?” he growled.


              “I said, who fucking told you that?”
              “Adam, it isn’t like someone just walked up to me one day and told me that I was ugly. I’m not blind. I figured it out on my own, thanks.”

              “Ugly?” Adam frowned. “Crystal—”

              “Get up, Adam,” she said, scared to hear the rest. “We have a bar to open.”

              There were less people that night, but just as much business. Apparently, word has spread about Crystal’s Countertop, and some patrons had brought pieces to play their tabletop games. Crystal smirked, glad to see all four of the tables being used.

              “Hey, Adam,” she laughed, forgetting their spat for the moment. “Check it out—Crystal’s Countertop is picking up.”

              “Oh, yeah?” Adam asked, his face indifferent. “Good. Glad to hear it.” Crystal frowned.

              Adam had mostly stayed behind the bar since they’d opened, not even bothering to come out and help Crystal organize the line outside.

              “We are definitely hiring a bouncer,” she growled, storming back inside after dealing with an especially rowdy bunch of kids. “Adam!” she yelled for him, ready to give him a piece of her mind. “Adam—”

              She stopped dead when she saw him leaning over the counter, kissing a girl wearing a ninja tank top.

              Crystal left.

              She fought the mob outside to get to her car, angry and frustrated as she honked her horn repeatedly at all the twenty-somethings crowding the parking lot. She was almost to the stop sign when something banged against her passenger window, and her jerked her head to see Adam, staring desperately at her on the other side of it.

              “Crystal!” he yelled, his voice dulled by the door. Crystal held up the middle finger, giving him her best bitch face to go right along with it. Adam only scowled, and hit her window again.

              “Stop!” she shouted, easing her car forward among the throng of kids. “Go away!”

              “No!” he yelled back, racing around her car to end up at her window. “Open up!” he called.

              “Go get a ride from your bitch!” she answered, staring straight ahead, refusing to look at him.

              “I didn’t mean it! Crystal, please—I like you, so, so much. But after last night—”

              “After last night you decided that you didn’t want a fat bitch! I get it!” She was crying now, her worst fear realized as Adam only stared at her, dumbfounded. “Now get out of my way!”

              That seemed to wake Adam up. “I know where you live!” He said it like a breathless laugh, as if he couldn’t believe her.

              “Why should that matter? It’s not my bed you’re looking for!”


              But the kids in front of her had finally cleared a path, and she took her chance. Slamming on the pedal, her car revved up, taking off to the stop sign where she barely tapped her brakes before turning, getting the hell out of there.

              She turned up the radio, drowning out her thoughts. She didn’t want to think about Adam, or the skinny girl he was kissing, or the fact that she had to be back tomorrow.

              She just wanted to go home.

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