PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories) (42 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Bear Naked Satisfaction (Fantasy Shapeshifter Alpha Male Romance Book 3) (Contemporary New Adult Billionaire Steamy Romance Short Stories)
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              It wasn’t the slow, sweet kiss he’d given her last night, but a sudden, hot and heavy lip-lock that had Adam groaning from the get-go. Crystal smirked against his mouth, a sick satisfaction buzzing in her head as she made him react to her so easily. He hadn’t gotten this hot and bothered when the other girl kissed him.

              Pulling back, she huffed in his face. “That’s how girls kiss dumb boys. Stupid.”

              Adam just cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah? Well, this is how dumb boys kiss beautiful girls.” Crystal could see it coming, but she didn’t move away, allowing him to kiss her back and grab her hair, tugging her down to the floor next to him.

              She moaned into his mouth when he nudged a knee between her thick legs, a hand already palming her large breasts through her t-shirt. “Crystal,” he begged, like some sort of prayer, and crowded her until she was on her back, wondering how she had gotten there. Adam, in all his height, towered over her, licking his lips as he pulled off his shirt.

              Crystal thought about pushing him away—about kicking him in the naked stomach, or head-butting him when he tried to kiss her again. But something in her stomach twisted at the idea, and she found herself holding out her arms, beckoning him closer.

              He was only too happy to oblige.

              Her shirt came off next, something that Adam made short work of before doing battle with her bra. “I can’t,” he grunted, fiddling with the clasp at her back. She wondered for a moment, ashamed, but then he shouted, “Ah-ha!” He pulled it off, tossing it behind them to bounce off their expensive television screen. Funny, how at that moment neither of them cared.

              “Oh my god,” Adam said, mesmerized as he placed his hands on her breasts, only to squeeze them tight until Crystal called out. “God, you’re so…” he moved his hands to go up and down her sides, until, finally, he stopped at the waist of her jeans. Moving to the button on them, he pried it open with his fingers, shoving her pants down to reveal her underwear. He looked up at Crystal, grinning madly. “Pink?” he asked.

              “Well so-orry,” Crystal huffed. “I didn’t expect anyone to see them, okay?”

              “Hm,” Adam hummed. He urged her to lift her hips, taking her pants off properly. He left the underwear, though Crystal couldn’t imagine why—they were granny panties, huge and ugly and the only thing big enough for her thick ass.

              Adam slid a finger under the elastic side, tickling her with the soft movement of his finger. He moved down underneath it from her hip to her mid-thigh, and gently pulled it up and over, effectively moving it out of the way to free her vagina. The cold conditioned air felt strange against it.

              “Adam,” she whined, squirming a little. Adam only bent down, putting his face mere inches from it, and ran a finger over her opening.

              As Crystal shivered, Adam said, “Jesus. You’re so—Man, Crystal.”

              She wanted to ask him what he meant, but just as Adam was incapable of producing a clear thought, so, apparently, was she. “Adam,” was all she managed, and then she was biting back a gasp as his tongue replaced his finger.

              She threw her arms back, covering her face with them while he spread her legs with his hands and thrust his tongue inside her. Crystal shivered and tried to ignore the little tingles he was sending through her, but he was twisting his tongue just right and she could barely keep in the moans.

              Adam finally released her, moving her legs to his shoulders instead and shuffling closer to her on his knees.

              “Crystal,” he said, and she already knew what he was going to ask. “Can I…?”

              She nodded frantically, her vision blurry as she fought back the feelings he was stirring. She heard a small tear, watching as he rolled a condom on his thick penis, and pumped a few times. “Ready?” he asked, and she could only nod.

              He pushed forward, and she felt the weight of it, biting her lip as she tried not to push back. Adam placed a hand on her hips, helping her, and tried again, the head managing to slip inside. Adam groaned at the feel of it, and pushed again.

              He stopped when he’d finally gotten inside of her, his balls resting against her plump ass as he took a few deep breaths. “I-I’m going to move,” he told her, and she squeezed her eyes tight, giving a small nod. He huffed, and pulled out.

              Crystal could feel the loss of him, and she tried to relax as she accidentally clamped down around him, begging him to stay as he slid free. A moment later he was pushing in again, harder this time, his penis grinding against her vagina as it went. It made her legs shake, and she looked up at him through half-lidded eyes.

              “Adam,” she moaned, long and sweet as he moved out. He throbbed at her voice, so pretty and longing, and pushed back in faster.

              “So beautiful,” he told her, bending down to kiss her lips. She welcomed him, wrapping her arms around his back to pull him close and send her tongue into his mouth. He only groaned, meeting her with his own tongue, smashing their lips together in a desperate movement. He was picking up speed now, frantically thrusting in and out of her, and Crystal was lifting her hips slightly off the floor, matching him in a circular, grinding motion.

              It wasn’t long before she felt it, the pressure building in her stomach. She shivered, grasping at Adam’s shoulders, when he moved just right and sent her over the edge.

              “Fuck, Crystal,” he bit out, stuttering in his thrust as she clamped down around him. Adam tried to hold on, but he couldn’t take it and he came, pulling out at the last possible moment.

              They stayed like that for a while, Adam panting over her while Crystal regained her breathing beneath him. In the end, Adam laced their fingers together, giving her his trademark grin.

              “So, my queen,” he sighed, kissing the ring on her finger. “My place? Or yours?”

Chapter 5


              “Come here often?”

              Crystal glanced up at the voice, surprised to find one of the college boys giving her the once over. “Uh, excuse me?” she asked, eyeing the beer cup in his hand. Was he really twenty-one?

              “I asked,” the boy said, sipping on his drink. “What a pretty lady like yourself was doing in a place like this?” he gave her a cocky grin, edging closer.


              “Because she fucking owns it.”

              Crystal glanced up to find Adam leaning over her shoulder, practically laying across the bar to glare at the kid.

              “Oh,” the boy said, shrinking in on himself at the look on Adam’s face. “Oh, okay…”

              “You see that sign?” Adam pointed above his head, and the kid looked up. “Read rule number one. You see this lady?” he put a firm hand on her shoulder. “This is who that rule applies to.”

              “Sorry,” the boy said, lifting up his hands in surrender. “I just—”

              “You’re damn right,” Adam interrupted again, his nostrils flaring. “Now get back to your gaming.”

              The kid didn’t need to be told twice. He ran off toward the arcade games, no doubt to hide between the rows.

              Crystal lifted an eyebrow. “‘Get back to your gaming?’ Seriously?”

              “What?” Adam said, crossing his arms defensively. “You wanted me to kick him out?”

              Crystal just rolled her eyes, leaning forward to close the distance and kiss him on the cheek. Adam turned at the last minute, earning himself one on the mouth instead.

              “Got you,” he grinned.

              “Yeah?” Crystal laughed.

              “Of course,” he said, catching her wrist to fondle her bracelet. “And you’ve got me.”



The Weekend Fiancé


Chapter 1

It was with a giggle and a flop onto her bed that Joy Young answered her cellphone. “Y’ello?” she asked, her brown curls tickling her neck as she rolled onto her back.

              “You’re coming tonight, right?” Chase Jones, her best friend, pleaded.

              Joy snorted. “And who would I be to turn down an invitation from a Jones?” she answered sarcastically.


              “Don’t worry, I’ll be there,” she laughed. Sitting up, she moved her phone into the cradle of her neck as she sighed at the three dresses that she’d picked out the night before. “Can’t decide on what to wear, though. None of the colors are right.” They all did a worse job than the other to hide the forty pounds that she’d gained over the summer. Still, they looked the best out of the twenty in her closet.

              “Well, I’ll be wearing a blue tie,” Chase offered. It wasn’t uncommon for Joy and him to match one another at Chase’s business events. It kept the girls off of him and the security off of Joy.

              “Light blue?” she asked. “Cause I only have a navy dress.”

              “Oh yes, it’s a lovely shade of powder blue. Think it’s even got some glitter on it,” he drawled. “Of course it’s a dark blue. Wear the navy dress, I’m sure it’ll match me nicely.”

              “Eh,” Joy looked at it. It was one of her shorter dresses, with a sash on the hip and a pleated skirt. It was appropriate, sure, but it also had a very inappropriate neckline. “Depends,” she said. “Will your Aunt Susie be there?”

,” Chase corrected, “Is in Paris this weekend. Though she did send a lovely card congratulating Jones & Sons on the merger.”

              “Sweet,” Joy muttered. Then, louder, “I’ll wear it. You picking me up, or should I drop by your place?”

              “Jared and I will grab you,” he said. “Five o’clock?”

              “Jesus,” Joy complained. “These things start earlier every year.”

              “See you at five,” Chase laughed.

              “Yeah, yeah,” Joy rolled her eyes, grabbing the phone from her neck to hang up. She glanced at the time on it and raised an eyebrow. “Noon already?” That gave her four hours until Chase
showed up. Five o’clock-smive o’clock, that boy was always early.


              Sure enough, Chase came calling at four-thirty. Her father let him into the house, and they did the usual chitchat until Joy finally came downstairs.

              “You’re early,” she accused, slipping her black clutch under her arm to straighten his tie. “How long did you sit in your car until you decided to come inside?”

              Chase shrugged, “Forty minutes, I guess.”

              Joy stared at him. “You’ve been out there since
four o’clock?”

              “Lovely dress,” Chase said, looking her up and down. “I can see why you asked about Aunt Susan.” Sure enough, the dress hugged her modestly in all the right places – all except for her bust. The scooped neckline dropped well below her cleavage, but just enough above her bra to still be considered decent. With a rounded stomach and bulging love handles, it gave Joy a small thrill to wear a dress that could offer such a blatant distraction from her more unfortunate features.

              “Thanks,” she said with a smile. “But don’t change the subject.”

              “I’m a guy,” he shrugged. “We don’t need a lot of time to get ready.”

              “But you’re telling me that you had nothing better to do than sit in your car and tap your foot?” she crossed her arms. It made her blush a little to see Chase’s eyes suddenly jump back to her face at the sudden cleavage cover-up, especially since she hadn’t even realized that he had been looking. 

              “I got some paperwork done,” he admitted.

              “Oh wow, your night is already off to a crazy start!” she teased. Then, stepping up close to link her arm through the crook of his, she sighed and said, “We’ve really got to find you a girlfriend.”

              The ride to Jones & Sons was as extravagant as ever. Chase had brought the limo, and Joy took full advantage of the wine provided.

              “You ever hear of this thing called moderation?” Chase asked, watching her with an amused smile as she struggled to uncork the bottle.

              “You ever heard of Carpe Diem?” she asked, laughing as she finally got it open. “Here,” she said, filling up a glass to thrust it into his hands. “Drink, be merry.”

              “I have to give a speech,” Chase chuckled, holding the glass like a goblet as the motions of the car ride swirled the drink for him. He breathed it in, and took a sip.

              “So use this time to loosen up,” Joy grinned, pouring a glass for herself.

              “Should I recite it to you?” he asked.

              “Nope,” Joy shook her head. “I want to be just as surprised as everyone else when the youngest CEO to Jones & Sons delivers his words of wisdom to the troops.”

              “Liar,” Chase chuckled.

              “Me? Never,” she smirked, raising her cup in a small toast to her friend. “You’ll do great,” she told him.

              “Sink or swim,” Chase agreed, leaning forward to clink their glasses together.

              As Chase threw his drink back, Joy hesitated, wondering if she should say something. It’d only been two years since his father had passed from the cancer, when Chase had been given a choice to either sell the company that’d been in his family for generations or take it over wholeheartedly at twenty-four.

              “You’ll do fine,” she said, remembering the way that his voice had shaken the night that he’d told her. “You always do.”

              “I have to,” Chase sighed, licking his lips. “Oh, whups,” he said, wiping away a stray drop of wine on his chin.

              “You know how hard that would’ve been to clean if you still had that scruff?” she teased. Chase just rolled his eyes and pointed.

              “I shaved it, leave me alone,” he grinned.

The last time that Joy had seen him was only a few days ago, and he’d been knee-deep in contracts and files concerning the merger between Jones & Sons and Adverticia. He hadn’t been sleeping well, and when she had come over to see her friend with bags under his eyes and a patchy scruff on his chin, she’d roasted him over it until he’d finally conceded and gone to bed. Now he was clean-shaven, his sharp jaw revealed to complete his handsome face.

              “Don’t spill any on your suit,” she warned. “Next thing you know, they’ll start labeling you as a drunk.”

              “In your company, I might as well be,” Chase said kindly, reaching up a hand to run through his blonde hair. Joy jumped forward and slapped him on the knuckles.

              “I can see the gel in your hair from here,” she said sternly. “You touch it, and you’re going to have a nest on your head.” Which would be a real pity, since the shine of it really made his green eyes stand out.

              “Okay, okay,” he surrendered, dropping his hands. “I won’t touch it, I promise.”

              “Good,” Joy nodded to herself, grabbing the bottle of wine for another cup. “So, exactly how long do we have to stay at this thing, anyway?”

              “Well, seeing as this is
thing,” Chase said dryly.

              “Right,” she agreed. “But let’s just say that your shareholders do
thing again. You know, where they make it a not so much your thing,” she said. “And more of a their thing.”

              “Then we’ll leave,” Chase said. “Happy?”

              “Very,” Joy smiled, taking another sip of her cup. “You?”

              “Nervous,” Chase replied honestly.

              “Good,” Joy nodded. “I’ll take a shot for every time that you stutter in your speech.” When Chase just gave her a look, she said, “That way, we both suffer.”

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