PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella) (53 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)
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When Aaron was done, he pulled his cock out of her quickly and looked at her with an evil grin. Not sure what to think, Paula continued to watch him as he pushed his face back into her pussy once again. Paula yelped as he took her clit into his mouth and sucked on it hard, almost causing her to come right then. She felt him rubbing his finger around her pussy opening as his come dripped out of her.

He gathered the cum on his finger and slid it back to her tight asshole. Every muscle in her body tightened up at that second, but Aaron looked up at her from her pussy and told her to relax.

As he moved his finger over her puckered hole she took a few deep breaths and began to relax the muscles in her body. He was still sucking on her clit hard and it made her feel as if electricity were shooting through her body, causing all of her nerves the most pleasure they had ever experienced.

Paula felt Aaron begin to press on her hole as he licked at her clit. She was too lost in pleasure to worry about what he was doing and before she knew it, he had his finger inside of her to the knuckle. Paula took a deep breath as she felt him pushing even deeper until his entire finger was in her. Gently, he began pulling it out before he decided that he was going to add a second finger.

Aaron was being very careful with Paula once again, taking his time and allowing her ass to stretch around his fingers before pushing any deeper into it. He had stopped sucking on her clit and was now watching his fingers enter her body.

His cum was spilling out of her pussy onto his fingers, making it even easier for him to slide them into her, and as he watched his fingers enter her, he could not help but notice the look of pleasure on her face.

The truth was that even though Aaron had given Paula more pleasure than she could have ever imagined, what he was doing to her at that moment was better than anything he had done to her so far. Aaron loved the thought of Paula enjoying him having his fingers in her ass and wanted to give her all the pleasure that he could with his other hand he began pumping two fingers into her pussy filling her up completely. Every few seconds he would stop watching his hands long enough to use his tongue on her clit and push her almost to the edge of an orgasm before stopping and letting her body relax.

When Paula didn’t think that she could take any more Aaron pulled his fingers out of her body and told her to get on her hands and knees. Paula was already exhausted and if she had not been enjoying herself so much she would have already fallen asleep. The thought of having to hold herself up on her hands and knees was almost too much for her, but she reminded herself that it was all about pleasing her man that night and that by giving him everything that he wanted she was ensuring that he would never forget her.

Paula turned over and got on her hands and knees with her ass facing Aaron. As he looked down at it, he saw that her puckered asshole was already wide open and waiting for him. He was not going to let that opportunity pass him by.

He had never met a woman like Paula. As he lined the head of his cock up with her asshole, he was amazed at all of the things that she let him do to her. Paula took a deep breath as he began sliding his cock into her ass. It was the tightest thing that he had ever felt and never imagined that it would feel so good.

He loved Paula more in that moment than he ever had before because he knew that by allowing him to do whatever he wanted to her body, she was showing him how much she trusted him and how much she loved him as well.

Aaron took his time as he slid his thick cock into her tiny ass hole. With each thrust he would allow her body to adjust to him only moving an inch or so deeper at a time. It took time for his body to adjust to her as well, he was not used to having something so tightly wrapped around his cock and it was all that he could do to not come inside of her ass before he was all the way inside of her.

Once he had pushed his cock all the way inside of Paula’s ass, he knew that it would take her a few minutes to adjust and get used to the feeling of him being inside of her. He held his position and reached around her. He slid his fingers into her slit and began working on her clit. It did not take long before Paula’s breathing became unsteady and he knew she was ready to come.

Aaron continued to work on her clit and began pumping his cock in and out of her ass slowly at first, but picking up speed as she got closer and closer to coming. Paula gripped the edges of the cot and shoved her face in the pillow that was in front of her before letting out a scream of pure ecstasy. Her ass tightened around Aaron’s cock and she began squirting her juices onto his legs.

This only turned him on more and he began pounding into her harder and harder. Before she had finished coming Aaron began coming for the third time that night, but this time it was in her ass.

He slammed into her one last time as her body began to relax before pulling his cock out of her ass. The two of them were covered in sweat and come, but neither of them cared. They lay on the cot together, trying to catch their breath. Aaron rolled over and placed his arm around Paula once he had regained control of his body.

It was everything that she could do to hold her eyes open, and as he pulled a blanket up over their naked bodies, she fell asleep. Paula slept better that night than she had since she had arrived at the camp, but like all other nights since she had gotten there, it was far too short.

Paula woke up as the sun was rising and looked at Aaron lying next to her. He looked so peaceful and so happy that she did not want to wake him, but she knew that she had to get to work and that he needed to gather his things for his flight. Paula turned over and faced Aaron as a tear slipped down her cheek. She wanted to remember every detail of his face for as long as she could. She wished that she had a picture of him that she could keep forever and the fear of forgetting anything about him scared her tremendously. Aaron woke up as she was looking at him and smiled at her.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said as he rubbed his eyes.

“Yes, it is,” she replied. Paula was very grateful that she had gotten to wake up in his arms and that he had made love to her the night before. She knew that she was closer to him than she ever would be to anyone else and it was almost as if time stood still for a few minutes. The two of them lay on the cot in each other’s arms, just kissing and cuddling.

Paula pulled away from Aaron, not wanting to get him worked up again. She told him that she had to get ready to go to the hospital and he needed to gather his things for his flight. Paula got up and began getting dressed when she looked at him lying on her cot. He was watching her dress and smiling.

“You have to get clothes on too,” she said teasing him.

“No,” he said with a smile, “I think I am going to tell them I am staying, my job will be the nurse’s sex slave.” He laughed as he spoke but Paula knew that he was just trying to hide his emotions. She was better at hiding her emotions than anyone she had ever met and she knew how to tell when someone was upset but did not want to show it.

She played along with him and threw his clothes at him, “How about Paula’s sex slave,” she teased. “I don’t want to share you with the other nurses.”

The two of them laughed as Aaron got dressed and they headed out of the tent together. Neither of them cared if anyone saw them together. Aaron was leaving and the worst that they could do to Paula was dismiss her from duty, and that would not have been a punishment for her. No, the punishment was going to be that she had to stay while the man that she had fallen in love with went home to the woman that he was supposed to marry.

The two of them made their way to the field hospital and Aaron went to his room to gather the few belongings that he had. Everything that he did have was military issued and none of it really meant anything to him. He jotted his address down on a small piece of paper and laid it by the table next to his cot. He also wrote how much he loved Paula and that he promised they would have a life together.

He wanted to give it to her in person, but he knew that she would not believe him, and he could not stand seeing her cry again. It hurt him too bad to know that he was the one that was causing that pain.

Aaron made his way to his Captain's tent and was escorted to the helicopter that was going to take him to a nearby airport. He could not believe that he was actually headed home, and as the helicopter took to the air, excitement filled him as he thought about being back in the States and seeing his family again. He had so much to tell them about and they were going to be amazed that he had lived through so much. He knew his parents would be proud of him.

Paula went about her duties that day, unaware of the fact that Aaron had already left. She assumed that he would have come to tell her goodbye before leaving, and when he did not by the end of the day, she began to get worried.

Normally, she would see him several times a day when she was doing her rounds, but the fact that she had not seen him at all left a huge hole inside of her that she knew could only be filled by looking into his beautiful dark eyes.

As she made her way to his cot, she noticed that he was not there reading like he normally was. All of his things were gone and the only thing that remained was a small piece of white paper on the table.

Paula picked up the paper and read it to herself. She understood why he could not say goodbye and as she held the paper to her heart, she quietly said a prayer for Aaron. She wanted nothing more than for him to be happy with the life that he would have and for him to make the decisions that were best for him. She thought about what he had told her and although she refused to get her hopes up, she decided that she would send him out a letter that evening.






Taming the Duke


It was 1813 and Lady Mary Elizabeth was planning to attend her first ball. It was not something that she was looking forward to, nor was she remotely interested in it, but she had no choice.

Lady Mary dreamed of a day when women would not be counted as inferior to men, when women would not have to do as their fathers, brothers or husbands demanded, but when they would be seen as a whole person who could think for themselves.

Many women looked up to the Countess, imagining that she was a powerful woman but she knew that no matter what her duty was to the men in her family.

She also knew that there would come a day when her duty would be to the man that she married and she would be required to bear him children. Lady Mary was not keen on the idea of marriage or spending her life serving a man. She much preferred to grab a book and spent her time alone learning as much as she could.

Mary was not naive either, she knew how she would be treated if she did not marry and this was why her father was forcing her to go to the ball. At the age of 20 she had refused every suitor that had come to her. Her father had begun to notice the looks that people were giving her and feared that she would be ridiculed by the community.

Mary knew the consequences of not marrying just as her father did, but she felt that it would be better to be an outsider in her community than it would to be married to a man that she did not love and be his property for the rest of her life.

Even though Mary Elizabeth came from nobility and knew that if she was forced to marry it would be nobility, she also knew how women were looked at and treated. All of her inheritance would become the property of the man, and he would own everything that was once hers including her body.

It was a time when a woman could not leave an unhappy marriage by filing for a divorce and if she tried, she would be captured and punished as a criminal. In the world that Mary lived in, there were three classes of women, the upper working class, the lower working class and the underclass. None of these women had much power when it came to their life, but Mary knew she had it better than the underclass women, which had no education and generally wore torn clothing and were dirty.

As an upper working class woman, Mary was entitled to some inheritance from her father, which was why many wealthy men had tried to court her. It was obvious from Mary’s appearance that she was well cared for and that her father was a wealthy man.

Unlike the underclass women, Mary was always well dressed, her hair was always neatly done and she was a plump healthy woman. Her size as well as her mother’s size was something that her father could be proud of. Since they were larger women it showed the rest of the community that he was successful and that they did not have to do without.

Mary also knew that she was lucky because she had been allowed to get an education. She had been taught how to read and write as well as how to do arithmetic. She found her passion in reading and wanted to spend her life learning as much as she could about the world around her and how it worked.

Mary stood in her room, allowing her seamstress to take measurements of her body. She talked to Mary about the dress that she was going to make her, but Mary did not care. She knew what the ball was all about and that was her finding a suitable husband.

Mary stood silently thinking about those that would be there and the one that stood out most in her mind was the Duke Henry.

He was a man that had tried to court Mary Elizabeth several times and she had denied him because she simply could not stand his behavior. Mary Elizabeth may not have agreed with all of the customs concerning women of her time, but she knew the difference between proper and improper behavior and what she witnessed from the Duke was improper.

His behavior was disgusting to Mary Elizabeth and it was even worse that he did not try to hide it. It was well known that the Duke would often go to the underclass women and pay them for sexual favors. It was not to be denied that the underclass women often turned to prostitution because they had no formal education and no skills, they were not courted by the wealthy men but often times wealthy men turned to them.

Unlike the Duke, most of these men at least tried to hide what they were doing, but he seemed to have no problem letting everyone know what he was up to. Mary Elizabeth cringed at the thought of being courted by him. She imagined how embarrassing it would be for the entire community to look upon her as they did those prostitutes. She imagined that the woman he would marry would have to have no self-respect at all or be completely unaware of his behaviors.

He was also a drunk, Mary had no idea how he kept up with his responsibilities and no matter how much her parents pushed her to give him a chance just the thought of it made her sick to her stomach.

Mary’s mother had come to her several times wanting her to allow the Duke to simply speak to her, telling Mary that he was a very wealthy man and that marrying him would do well for the family name but Mary still refused.

Her mother explained to her that she should not judge the man when she did not know the circumstances that he was living under and that had caused Mary to feel quite bad. She never wanted to be known as someone who judged others, she often went into the streets and did her best to help those that were less fortunate, taking them leftovers from the meals of the previous day and giving away her old clothing without her parent’s knowledge of course.

She was always taught to help those that were less fortunate than she but her parents did not go out of their way to help anyone. Instead, they focused on their lives and what needed to be done. Often times Mary Elizabeth thought of them as cold hearted, but she knew that they had lived hard lives and had a lot of responsibility.

The seamstress left Mary alone talking to herself about the dress she was going to make and how she had to get to work right away. Mary smiled to herself, knowing that even if she was not looking forward to the ball, she would be the one in the best looking gown.

Mary headed out wanting to take a walk down the street. She loved to get away and let her mind wonder as she took in all of the sights.

She had not walked half of a mile across the large town when she noticed Duke Henry sitting inside the local brothel. He had both of his arms wrapped around two different females and a drink in one hand. She watched as he splashed the drink as he laughed at something he had said. She shook her head in disgust, but couldn’t help staring.

He was a handsome looking man, short blonde hair with a dark tan and he was very muscular. No one would dare to challenge him not only because of the power he had being Duke, but because of the shear strength he possessed.

Mary could not help but think about how much he had wasted. He had everything anyone could ever dream of, power, looks and money, but he seemed happiest in a brothel with the lowest class people in the community.

She snickered to herself as she thought about how he fit right in with them, but quickly scolded herself for her thoughts. She reminded herself that even if they were lower class she should not have thought of them in that way.

Henry had seen Mary watching him out of the corner of his eye and as she was lost in thought, staring at nothing, she had not noticed him get up from the bar and walk towards her.

“Lady Mary,” she heard, immediately knowing it was the Duke.

Mary spun almost slamming right into the Dukes chest, but he reached out to help her balance herself.

“Remove your hands from me,” she stated loudly.

Henry quickly pulled his hands away from her, shaking his head.

“Did you want something,” he asked her nodding toward the brothel.

“Of course I did not,” she huffed.

Henry smirked. “I saw you looking at me. You cannot deny it,” he replied in a way that made her feel as if she were a child being teased.

“I was not,” she shook her head and pushed her shoulders back. “I was lost in thought.”

“About me,” the Duke was still smiling.

“As a matter of fact,” Mary began. “Yes, it was about you.” She could see his eyes light up but Mary was not finished.

“I was thinking about how you have wasted your life,” she continued. “And how much of an embarrassment you are to your title. I was wondering if you had any class at all.”

His smile immediately turned to a frown. “Do you know who you speak to woman,” he said as his voice rose.

“That I do,” Mary said, cocking her head to the side, showing she did not care. “What will you do? Have me locked away in a dungeon somewhere or maybe hang me.” She laughed as she spoke. She knew he would do nothing. There was something about angering him that always caused her pleasure and she had done it before.

Henry snorted at her. “Far worse than you can imagine,” he said as he turned and walked back to the brothel.

Mary lowered her brow as she wondered what he had meant by that, but decided to ignore his comment and went about her business.

It was a nice sunny day and as the days were growing shorter she knew that there would be few left to enjoy this year.

The days continued to drag on for Mary as she listened to her mother talk about how important the ball was and how many wealthy respectable men would be there and how she had to be on her best behavior.

It was the day of the ball and Mary Elizabeth tried everything she could think of to get her mother to allow her to stay home. There was no part of her that was excited about the event and she felt as if she were nothing more than an animal dressed in fancy clothes and put on display.

She loathed the idea of going to the ball and having to converse with all of the other girls in women that were there, each of them becoming giddy when a man paid the slightest bit of attention to them. Talking about weddings and children was not something that Mary enjoyed.

No matter what Mary said, her mother refused to budge and had even gotten her father involved forcing Mary to the ball. She dressed and her mother did her hair, making sure that not a single strand was out of place. As she pulled her gloves up her arms she looked at herself in the mirror.

She looked just like all of the other ladies that would be at the ball. She knew all of their hair would be the same, the corsets made their bodies look the same but there was one difference. It was obvious that Mary was not happy to be going whereas the others would be all smiles.

Her father took her to the ball and told her he would wait outside for her when it was time for her to go but not to worry about time. She knew that he wanted her to really try and get to know someone. Her mother had talked all week about the importance of her getting married and not bringing disgrace to herself nor her father’s name.

Mary had listened to what her mother had to say, but she could not bring herself to agree. She wanted to be free. Free to live life the way she wanted, free to spend her own money and own her own property and for that matter free to own herself.

Mary walked slowly into the ball taking everything in. There were people everywhere talking and smiling. She felt like they all looked at her as she entered. She knew that no one expected her to be there. Many had begun to talk about her and how she would never marry and she had not cared up until this moment.

Mary wanted to run for the door, but she knew her father had already left. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she walked into the room.

Across the room stood Henry watching her every move. He, unlike the others had expected her to be there and had actually spoken to her father about the event. He intended on marrying her and it did not matter to him if he had to go around her to do it. Something inside of him wanted to make her understand that she was a woman and that she was going to show him respect.

It had all begun when he had saw her outside the brothel. She laughed at the idea of being thrown in a dungeon, but he knew even a harsher punishment for her and that was marriage.

“That will never be,” Henry heard a voice behind him. He turned to find one of the other men he had talked to on occasion. His name was William and he was looking at Mary as well.

“And why is that,” Henry asked.

“She will not even talk to you,” William laughed. “She is doomed to be alone forever. I don’t even know why you would be looking at her. Don’t you know who she is?”

“Aye,” Henry replied with a smile. “I know very well and I intend to know even better.”

William laughed as he listened to Henry. “I will bet you one month of wages that you can’t even get her to talk to you by the end of the night,” he said.

Henry’s eyes lit up. He had already intended for ensuring that she spoke to him and only him that evening, but this wager made it even better.

“You’re on,” Henry replied, to William’s surprise. “A month’s wages if she spends the evening with me. You should get your purse ready.”

Henry had noticed that another man he did not know had walked up to Mary and had begun talking. She was not focused on the man, her eyes wandered all around as she looked from person to person, but when she spotted Henry the wandering stopped.

Mary tried to focus on what the man in front of her was saying, talking about battle or something, she could not remember. She found nothing that he had to say interesting and had spotted the Duke. Her heart pounded when she realized that he had caught her once again looking at him and she watched as he approached.

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