Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (5 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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He stepped inside and bent to kiss Chloe’s cheek, breathing in the subtle floral fragrance she wore. She took him by surprise, reaching up to hug him, and when he’d extracted himself from her arms, she turned and headed into the living room. He followed and saw Cassie sprawled out on one of the lounges.

When she saw him, her eyes widened and her mouth fell open in surprise. God, not her too? Ok he hadn’t been to their home in quite a while, but what was it with them both tonight? Suddenly he realised there was someone on the other lounge but since that lounge had its back to him, he couldn’t see who it was. If they had company, especially if it was male company, then he was out of luck for fucking them tonight.

He heard the soft rustle of movement and the person on the other lounge sat up. Emerald green eyes met emerald green eyes, both pairs widening with a mix of shock for him and horror for her, and as if choreographed they both looked at one another and said. “You!”


Chapter Three



I stared at the gorgeous creature before me and just wanted the floor to open up and suck me into it. Could my luck get any shittier? It was bad enough that Chloe and Cassie knew Damien but for fuck sakes, did he have to turn up here?

“Oh this is priceless.” Chloe laughed and when I finally broke eye contact with ‘he who is far too good looking’ to look over at her, she was propped up, grinning at us, her expression as enthusiastic as someone engrossed in a tennis match or something.

“Don’t tell me you live here?” His eyes shot daggers at me and it was my turn to grin. To say he was not looking too happy with the way things had played out would be an understatement.

“I’m afraid so.” I smirked and he closed his eyes briefly before fixing that bright green gaze on me again. “So why are you here? You obviously didn’t know I lived here. Your surprise seemed genuine unless of course you’re just a great actor?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“I came to see Cassie and Chloe. We’ve known each other a while.” He said his eyes shifting from mine, and something about his behaviour immediately made me suspicious. He was up to something.

“We haven’t seen you in quite a while Damien. So what did you want?” Chloe asked.

“Yes Damien. What do you want? It’s rare to see you out without Fabian or Lucian these days.” Cassie said.  

I watched him squirm more and shoot a look at me. Something was up with him and I was curious to find out what it was.

“I...I realised I hadn’t seen you ladies in a while so I thought I’d drop in. There’s no law against that is there?” He smiled at Cassie and Chloe before glaring at me. “Is there?” He asked directly to me.

“Oh I dunno whether Cassie and Chloe want a loser in their home.” I said, smirking at him. When his expression darkened to the point where he looked about ready to strangle me, I couldn’t help myself, I laughed.

Suddenly with a speed that took me by surprise, he lunged, grabbing my wrist and hauled me off the lounge. He started dragging me from the room but I dug my heels in protesting loudly. “Fucking let me go you bastard. Let me go.” I twisted my wrist trying to break free but he was surprisingly strong.

“I need to speak with you; in private.” He ground out as he continued to drag me after him.

“You can speak to her in the study Damien.”  Chloe called out and I nearly twisted my head off my shoulders turning back to glare at her. What was her game? She was trying to push us together was she? It was never going to happen; never in a million fucking years.

When he finally got me in the study and shut the door, leaning against it to block my only exit, I glared at him, contemplating just how I was going to get him off the door so I could leave.

“Get away from the door and let me get the fuck out of here.” I said through gritted teeth.

He simply grinned and folded his arms across that disgustingly fine looking chest of his. Damn him for making me attracted to him; it wasn’t happening, it couldn’t happen.

“Why are you such a bitch Flame? I’ve done nothing to you and yet you go out of your way to be as insulting as possible. Why?” He asked and I swallowed. That was the sixty four dollar question I guess. I couldn’t tell him that I was treating him the way I was to push him away. I had to keep him at a distance so I didn’t weaken. I couldn’t give in and let him fuck me, no matter how tempting it was to see how well he used that large cock of his. I couldn’t risk a repeat of what had happened before and being forced to run again.

“It’s the only way I can get you to realise I don’t want anything to do with you. You’re a stubborn asshole; used to getting your own way are you?” I asked. “Well, not this little duck. Don’t take it too personally. I don’t get involved with any men.”

An expression came over his face and he studied me for a little while before snorting in a manner that was very unsexy of him. “Are you trying to tell me you’re gay? You’re not gay sweetheart. I know it.”

Something about his smug arrogance really pissed me off. “How dare you tell me what I am or am not? You don’t know whether I’m gay and whether I am or not is none of your fucking business.” I snapped.

“You’re not fucking gay Flame. I know it, you know it.” He grinned at me, his bright eyes fixed on mine. “I can fucking well prove it too.”

He pushed off the door and advanced towards me. I backed up, wary of the predatory gleam in his eyes. Fuck this cocky bastard. He just wouldn’t let up. Obviously he wasn’t used to rejection. I hit the edge of the desk that dominated the room and lifted my chin in an act of defiance while I waited for him to reach me.

When he was right in front of me, he reached out, his fingers digging into my shoulders and with a quick jerk, I tumbled forward and into his arms. “Hey, fuck off you pr…” Was all I managed before his lips slammed down on mine.

I pushed my hands against his chest, trying to get him to release me but damn he was hard, just muscle and more muscle. He felt amazing under my fingers. Still, I pushed harder and tried to turn my head away from him, to drag my lips from his.

His arms tightened, his lips coaxing mine apart and before I could do anything, his tongue was in my mouth. I struggled against his hold on me, I fought to pull my lips from his, but he was too strong and as his tongue licked over mine, I could feel the fight draining from me. His lips, that sensual tongue, his beautiful scent surrounded me, intoxicating, teasing me, and seducing me.

Suddenly the fight in me was gone, and I sagged into him, my tongue curling around his, my fingers tunnelling into his hair that was so soft to touch. My nails raked over his scalp, my movements restless before I dug my fingers into the back of his neck and dragged him closer.

I heard him groan, the rumble of it vibrating against my lips and I felt his hands slide down my back, curving over my buttocks as he pulled me into him, bowing my body until I could feel the hard ridge of his erection against my stomach. Oh god, he felt so hard, so damned big and my body responded with a rush of moisture to my already over eager pussy.

Damn him, he was robbing me of my self-control and I had to reluctantly concede I wanted the arrogant, demanding bastard. With my back wedged up against the edge of the desk and Damien pressing into me from the front, I had nowhere to go. Our lips continued to tease and nibble at one another, his hands moved restlessly up and down my back and I clutched frantically at his hair, holding onto it like my life depended on it.

He groaned again, his hips shifting against me as his own desire grew. His movements increased and he thrust, dry humping me, pushing that impressive cock of his against me.

I sighed into his mouth feeling myself getting wetter, my need for him greater, and with a shaking hand, I lowered it between us, cupping his impressive bulge, grasping him through the denim and rubbing my palm against him.

Damien suddenly ripped his lips from mine and I gasped, dragging air into my tortured lungs. As I struggled for air, I felt him grind himself against me, his lips nuzzling into my neck, and his teeth grazing my sensitive skin.

“I want you.” He whispered as he kissed a trail down towards my collar bone, causing me to shiver. I felt my heart leap and yet another flood of moisture soaked my panties at his huskily spoken words. Fuck this man was too much. He was sensory overload.

When I felt his hand cup my breast, finally common sense prevailed and it was as effective as a bucket of icy cold water thrown over me. I pushed back hard, taking him by surprise which caused him to release me, giving me time to scramble past him where I rushed for the door.

“Flame?” He called my name and I hesitated, turning back to look into his frustrated eyes. They were burning with the depth of his desire for me and yet I saw the question in them, the confusion over my sudden need to flee. His body was stiff, the tension radiating off him and that damn erection of his, that huge bulge of his cock through his jeans, taunted me and tempted me, but all I did was stare at it before reluctantly meeting his eyes.

“I’m sorry but I can’t do this.” I told him and rushed out the door.

“I told you, you weren’t gay.” He called but I didn’t stop. I hurried up the stairs to my bedroom and closed the door, throwing myself on the bed, feeling the frantic thumping of my heart beat as I lay there, trying to get myself back under control. I struggled with it and in a fit of frustration, the tissue box on my bedside table hurtled through the air, slamming against the wall before crashing to the plush carpet, landing with a soft thump.




Damien stood for a while in the study after Flame had rushed out and left him about as desperate with the need to fuck as she could have left him. What just happened? Why had she run from him like that? She said she didn’t get involved with men but she’d been aroused, he could tell, she definitely wasn’t gay, so what the fuck was wrong with her?

He wanted to go after her and demand to know what her problem was but two things held him back, no make that three. Chloe and Cassie were out there and probably busting to know what was going on with him and Flame, and the other thing was his cock. He reached down to cup the poor thing and winced at the pain. That bloody woman had him all tied up in knots, and he’d been hard for fucking hours. If he didn’t get some relief soon he was going to explode, or strangle his poor fucking balls until they fell off. He’d been close to his cock and balls for a hell of a lot of years now and no little cock teaser woman was going to put them in jeopardy.

Gingerly he adjusted himself in his jeans and walked out of the study, aiming for a nonchalant look despite the agony going on in his pants. Chloe and Cassie were still sprawled out on their respective lounges and they barely looked at him when he entered the room. He wasn’t fooled though. The hint of curiosity showing in their eyes proved they were more interested in what had taken place between him and Flame than they were letting on.

“Where is she?” He asked and Chloe’s eyes shifted up towards the ceiling.

“She’s gone to her room. Going by the slamming of the door, I gather things didn’t go well?”

“No.” He didn’t bother elaborating. His eyes shifted between the two ladies and it registered that his visit to their home didn’t have to be a complete failure. His gaze roamed over Chloe, taking note of her quite skimpy nightie. Obviously she hadn’t expected company but seeing so much of her smooth skin exposed was definitely helping to brighten his mood.

He walked over to Cassie and spoke to her softly, waiting until she raised her eyes to his and when she did, he quickly put her under mind control, before turning to Chloe and doing the same to her. Once her eyes got that classic glassy look that indicated to him that she was under his control, he took her hand, leading her down the hallway and into the study where he’d just been with Flame.

Turning her so she faced away from him, Damien pushed her gently between her shoulder blades and when she stood, bent over, he shoved her nightie up over her buttocks until the sweet curve of her ass was revealed to him.

Reaching out, he smoothed his hands over her soft skin before tugging her lacy red thong to the side and slipping a couple of fingers inside her warm cunt. She was wet and he grinned. He knew Chloe was attracted to him, she’d always been bubbly and enthusiastic around him, and although he’d fucked her on numerous occasions, he didn’t have any interest in her beyond a casual fuck. This was not going to be a casual fuck though, well it was, but it was a bit more; this was a burning desperate need for him to get his rocks off before he exploded.

Gently he nudged her legs apart and pulled her hips back more so her sweet curvy ass was tilted up towards him. With his eyes on her glistening pink folds, he hastily popped the button on his jeans and lowered his zip being careful to protect his poor aching cock from an injury. He groaned softly when he eased his jeans down and his straining shaft bobbed free, slapping against his stomach.

Damien was too aroused to bother dragging this out with lengthy foreplay; he just wanted to get himself buried balls deep in her as quickly as he could. With one hand on her hip to hold her steady and his other hand curled around his cock, he lined himself up behind her and surged forward, thrusting hard, feeling her wet heat taking him in, inch by inch until he was seated deeply inside her.

He closed his eyes for a moment, his head falling forward, groaning with relief at having a hot, tight little cunt gripping his cock so snuggly after hours of being hard, and sexually neglected. Slowly he pulled out of her until just the head was left inside, pausing briefly before pushing forward again, watching himself and the metal piercings disappearing back inside her. Twice more he thrust in and slowly pulled back out, but he couldn’t handle the sweet torture any longer. He needed to fuck and he needed to fuck hard.

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