Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (6 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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Damien tightened his grip on Chloe’s hips and with his eyes fixed ahead, unfocused, he began to pound into her, pulling her hips into him as he thrust. When she started to make little noises, gasping and moaning, he responded by thrusting harder, her throaty moans exciting him. His eyes dropped to her, watching as her blonde hair swung back and forth with each driving movement of his hips and he frowned; momentarily faltering at the sight. He didn’t want to see blonde, he wanted to see a bright red mane of hair, and he closed his eyes, letting his head fill with images of Flame.

That was enough to push him over the edge. He gave  a couple more powerful thrusts of his hips, and started to come. Fuck, he didn’t just come, he exploded, his orgasm ripping through him with such intensity, he had to hang onto Chloe tightly while he rode it out. Grinding himself against her ass, groaning deep in his throat, he pumped into her, loading her up with his cum.

While he was still emptying inside her, in what felt like a never ending climax, he bent forward and with a growl, sank his fangs into her shoulder. As her warm, sweet blood filled his mouth, he heard her cry out, her cunt tightening around him like a vice. Her powerful feminine muscles squeezed him, milking him, draining him of every last drop he had to give, all while the warmth of her release flooded him.

He thrust gently once, twice more hearing the noisy, wet slapping of their bodies before he eased his way out of her, the scent of sex strong in the air. He raised his head; blood from his fangs dripping onto Chloe’s back and watched the rush of their combined release that began to flow from her, running down her legs.

Of course he was still hard. Sure the edge had been taken off his desire but he was vampire and he could fuck all night. The only problem was the humans could rarely go as long as he could. Still, she’d handle another round at least; he could quickly rub one more out in her, clean her up, give her some blood, clear her memory and be on his merry way.

He’d just pushed his way back inside her soaking wet cunt again when he heard something. His head came up as he looked towards where he’d heard the sound but he couldn’t see anything.

Deciding he must have imagined it, Damien started thrusting, maintaining a steady rhythm. Now that his desire wasn’t so urgent, he could enjoy this fuck, take his time and while he gently ran a palm over the smooth expanse of Chloe’s back, he watched himself fucking her. He grinned at the sight of his dick glistening from her soaked little pussy. The woman never failed to deliver. She was a horny little bitch when under mind control as it allowed her to respond without inhibitions, and he never put her too deeply under because he still wanted her to show her enjoyment at being fucked.

He’d never fucked her of her own free will and he wondered if she’d still be so wild, like a bitch on heat? Still, he’d never find out. He had no interest in anything deep and meaningful with her. The only deep and meaningful thing he wanted with her was to be balls deep inside her. That was meaningful to him.

Gradually he worked them both back up; and when he felt himself just about ready to come, the tingling in his spine increasing, the pressure in his balls building, he dropped his head over her back again and bit into her, helping himself to a few more mouthfuls of her blood. As he drank, he heard her cry of pain turn to a moan of pleasure and again another wash of her juices soaked his cock. That was enough to tip him over the edge; hearing her little throaty moans, and feeling the rhythmic clenching of her internal muscles around him.

A surprising gush of fluids shot from her, soaking his balls and wetting down his thighs. She shuddered and trembled as he stood behind her, his body bent over hers. Fuck she’d even finished off by squirting for him. It had turned out to be a good night after all and as she started to come down from her orgasm, he let go. His cock swelled inside Chloe and he felt the familiar hitch of his balls tucking up just before the first shot of cum spurted from him and into her.

With one arm supporting her, he held onto the edge of the desk with his other hand and gave himself over to his release, savouring every moment of pleasure, every jerk of his cock inside her cunt as he filled her up again. When he was finally done, he listened to Chloe’s ragged breathing, hearing the frantic beating of her heart as he enjoyed a rare moment of rest, his body relaxing for the first time all evening, now he was finally sated; at least for a little while.

Chloe’s breathing had begun to settle when he finally pulled out of her and hastily grabbed a handful of tissues to try and clean her up. Her tight little pussy was weeping their combined release down her legs and he watched it as he frantically tried to stem it with the wad of tissues in his hand. He paused briefly from his gentle cleaning of her delicate flesh and bit his wrist, tearing a chunk of skin away to make himself bleed. Once it was flowing, he shifted to the front of her where she still stood, bent over the desk and encouraged her to drink from him. He’d just finished and had smeared some blood over the wound to heal it when something hit him up the side of the head.

“Fuck!” He snapped, spinning to see what had hit him. It hadn’t hurt, more just taken him by surprise but when he saw the notepad lying by his feet he frowned. Where the hell had that come from? His eyes scouted around to see if he or Chloe had inadvertently knocked it down off the desk, but there were no notepads or anything like that on it, only a computer up one end.

Quickly he finished cleaning up Chloe, making sure all traces of him were gone from her skin, or as much as he could wipe away before tucking himself back in his jeans and pulling them up again. Once he was ready and Chloe was looking a lot less like she’d just been thoroughly fucked, he led her from the study and back to the living room where Cassie still sat with the dazed expression on her face.

He gave Chloe an alternate memory, making her think he’d been there a while, and immediately did the same to Cassie, giving her the same memory. He watched their expressions go from blank to animated again and Chloe even leapt off the lounge to kiss him goodbye. He said goodbye to Cassie as well and headed for the front door, just as Flame suddenly walked out of the kitchen. Something about her expression made him hesitate. She looked pissed, seriously pissed, her green eyes shooting daggers at him. When the fuck had she come downstairs? Had she seen him and Chloe? Fuck, if she had, would she say something?

“Leaving are you?” She asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “Don’t trip on your way out.”

Immediately he felt his irritation and frustration rise again at her tone. What was it about her that drove him so crazy? “So you decided to come back downstairs and not sulk up in your room then?” He asked sweetly, his eyes moving over her face trying to gauge her reaction. He needed to know if she’d seen him with Chloe; if she’d possibly seen him feeding from her but he couldn’t just come out and ask her of course.

“I wasn’t sulking asshole but yes, I think it’s fairly safe to say I came downstairs given I’m now standing right in front of you. So you’re done doing what you were doing; seeing who you came to see? You’re not going to try and use that charm of yours on any more of us this evening, are you?”

Damien’s eyes shot to hers. Something about her tone and her words made him tense up. “Strange choice of words Flame; I didn’t know you lived here when I came here tonight, and it seems my charms fail when it comes to you.”

“Well aren’t you lucky that you seem to have the ability to charm my housemates’ just fine, and I think with Chloe you could just about charm the pants right off that girl.” Her eyes locked on his, her gaze unwavering.

He was pretty sure she knew, that she’d seen him with Chloe but she wasn’t coming right out and saying it. Why he wasn’t sure but he needed to find out and he needed to alter her mind so she didn’t make it a problem for him.

“Queen of the cryptic tonight aren’t you Flame? Why don’t you just come out and say exactly what you want to fucking say?” He stepped closer to her until he could push his face right up to hers.

She didn’t back down or step away from him which surprised him, she merely tipped her chin higher and met his gaze with a defiant one of her own.

Men like you shit me right off. You use your looks to reel in the women, you fuck them, you use them and then you spit them out and move onto the next one. You don’t care about any of them. You just want to take what you need from them. If one turns your down, you simply move onto the next.” She raised a hand and poked her finger hard into his chest. “You are little more than a parasite, a greedy little blood sucker, preying on women, aren’t you Damien?”

Her tone, the look in her eyes and her words only served to piss him off. Ok, she was right but no one liked being hit over the head by the truth, and she’d just done that. He was pretty confident that she had seen him with Chloe, but why she was fucking about, playing with her words rather than just coming out with it and telling it like it was, he had no idea. Was she going to toy with him? Use this against him in some way?  He couldn’t risk exposure; Fabian would kill him and he wasn’t going to be an instrument of torment for the hot little pole dancer either.

He raised his hands and cupped her cheeks in his palms, staring deep into those green eyes that were so similar to his. “I don’t know what your problem is but I think you should just forget about this conversation and everything about this evening since I arrived.” He said, fixing his gaze on hers, willing her mind to his.

She stared at him for what felt like ages although it was only moments, but finally she turned from him and the intensity of the moment was lost. “Just fuck off and go home Damien. Your presence is not required here and I think you’ve done more than enough for one night.” She said.

Damien fought to keep his expression neutral. Fuck there was something about her. She wasn’t entirely human because he couldn’t mind control her. This was a potential disaster. Fabian would kill him if she mentioned to anyone what she’d seen tonight.

“What do you want from me?” He whispered but all she did was snort at him, her expression filled with disgust as she stared at him.

“I just want you to fuck off out of here and leave Cassie, Chloe and myself the hell alone.” She said softly and he had enough sense at this point to realise it was late, she looked drained so this was not going to be the time to question her, to find out what her intentions were. He needed to do what she was telling him to do before he pissed her off even more. He needed to get the fuck out of this house now.

“This isn’t over.” He warned, his eyes moving over her beautiful face and hair one more time. He turned away and walked to the front door. Quietly he let himself out of the house, never turning back, climbed into his car and headed for home, his mind in turmoil over what was going to happen now.


Chapter Four



When I heard Damien drive off, I sagged back against the wall still in shock, my mind going a million miles an hour as I tried to process what I’d seen earlier. I’d finally calmed down and decided hanging out in my room was a bit childish. I’d pulled my big girl panties up so to speak; come downstairs again, only to notice Cassie sitting alone.

As soon as I looked at her, I could see something was wrong. She looked like she’d done every drug known to mankind and had taken ‘just chillin’ to a whole new level. That girl had been completely out of it. No matter how many times I’d waved my hands in her face, shaken her and fuck it, I’d even slapped her once, nothing, zilch, nada, she was gone, mentally she’d done an Elvis Presley on me, she’d left the building.

Just when I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with her, what had happened and what the hell was going on, I’d heard a noise which sounded suspiciously like a moan. It seemed like it was coming from down the hallway so I headed that way thinking it might have been Chloe in the powder room. Maybe she’d dissolved into a complete emotional meltdown over the movie and was crying her eyes out in the toilet, or she’d over indulged on the spicy food again and was paying the price with an upset stomach.

I’d headed that way and realised that the noise was actually coming from the study where I’d been earlier with Damien. As I drew closer, tip toeing so I wouldn’t be heard, I froze. The noises coming from there sounded suspiciously like people having sex but that couldn’t be right. I know Chloe and Cassie had joked about their man drought, especially Chloe but she couldn’t have found someone so quickly. I hadn’t been upstairs that long.

The door wasn’t shut, merely pushed to a little, but not enough to block my view of Chloe bent over the desk, her panties pushed to one side. I could see Damien’s bare ass, muscles flexing, jeans around his knees as he fucked her. He was fucking her so hard poor Chloe looked like she’d be catapulted across the desk, if he didn’t have such a death grip on her hips, yanking her into him with every thrust.

I stared, shock making me rigid. I was frozen, unable to move and unable to look away. I found myself filled with so many emotions, so many thoughts; shock, horror, anger, disgust, lust and jealousy. Fuck it, jealousy an emotion I didn’t want to feel when it came to that bastard pounding the absolute crap out of my house mate. As much as the sight before me had me wanting to barrel in there and club him over the head for what he was doing, I also couldn’t control my arousal. It was hotter than hell to watch him fucking Chloe, hearing their bodies slamming into one another and listening to her moans and his grunts.

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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