Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (7 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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Damien’s face was tipped to one side, enough to let me see some of his expression and he looked so wild, out of control, so completely and utterly overcome with lust. There was also desperation, that obvious burning desire to reach his climax, that all-consuming need to come. He was in the grip of wild, overwhelming passion, driven by powerful desire and looked everything I wished he hadn't; hot, sexy, animalistic, primal and downright fucking gorgeous.

For a moment before common sense took over again, for just a fleeting moment I wanted to be Chloe. I watched them, feeling myself getting wet; my nipples hardening until they pushed against my clothes and desire tugged low in my belly. Barely aware of what I was doing, my eyes focused on the highly erotic scene before me, I reached down and brushed my fingers against my clit. It was already sensitive and I sucked in a shaky breath of air as I began to circle it while watching the couple before me.

Suddenly Damien let out a growl or groan, whatever the hell it was, it was hot and I felt another flood of moisture soak into my panties. He began to shake, his hips jerking erratically and I knew as I watched him that he was coming. I felt a brief stab of disappointment that he’d come first and hadn’t taken the time to get Chloe off before him. As I watched his face, the agony of his release etched into his beautiful features I nearly collapsed with shock when I saw fangs. Fuck it, he had fangs which descended as he cried out through his release. Still shocked I watched as he dropped over her back and suddenly buried those fangs in her shoulder.

Shit, he was going to kill her. I ripped my fingers off my throbbing clit and was just about to rush in and do; well I didn’t actually know what I was going to do, when Chloe cried out. At first she sounded like she was in pain, but then her face contorted and she shuddered, her cry turning obviously to pleasure as she nearly sobbed and moaned through what was clearly an orgasm. Her reaction seemed to set Damien off and he swore against her shoulder. He raised his head and tightened his grip on her hips again while he moved a few more times in and out of her, much more relaxed this time though. My eyes widened when he finally pulled out of her and I got to see his dick. Fuck it was enormous and holy hell, it was pierced. Not just one piercing either. The head was adorned with several piercings.

I knew at this point I should walk away. He hadn’t killed her but damned the man was an animal going by the stream of creamy fluid running down poor Chloe’s legs. Damien seemed fascinated by the sight of it and I saw a hint of a smile curve up his lips. It was only when he turned, stepping back up behind her and this time I gasped when I realised the man was still harder than an iron bar. As I watched, he proceeded to push his way back inside her and began to move at a far more leisurely pace this time. Chloe sounded really wet and she looked well and truly fucked and I couldn’t help but be amazed at Damien’s stamina. The man was a machine obviously. He’d come already, spectacularly and I couldn’t contain a low moan as I watched him, hating that I felt envy that this could have been me. He had wanted me first.

Damien froze momentarily and his head swung towards the door. Surely he hadn’t heard me? Panicking about being caught watching them like a Peeping Tom, I quickly ducked back out of sight, doubtful that he would have seen me anyway, but still nervously waiting to see if he was going to appear in the doorway demanding to know what I was doing.

After a minute or so, I heard the wet sounding sex resume and carefully moved back to my vantage point to watch again like some sort of pervert. Unable to help myself, my fingers moved back to my clit and I worked it over, rubbing it fast, desperate to find my own release although I suspected it would be a poor substitute for the orgasms they were having in the study.

When I finally came, I stuffed a hand over my mouth to keep myself silent. Within seconds of me reaching my orgasm, I heard them come too; the room filling with their sighs and moans. For some reason it really pissed me off to hear them getting off again. I wasn’t entirely sure why; perhaps jealousy, I didn’t know but in a fit of rage, I used my mind to hurl a notepad I spotted on a shelf, straight at Damien’s head. When he yelped with more surprise than anything else, since a notepad wasn’t exactly much of a weapon, I felt a moment’s satisfaction. Before he could wonder what had happened, I tip toed down the hallway again and once I was sure I was out of range of them, I broke into a run and rushed into the kitchen to wait for them.

My mind was reeling with all I’d seen, but the biggest shock was discovering Damien was no ordinary man. Hell, he wasn’t even human, he was a fucking vampire. Who’d have guessed? Ok, I’d heard they were real although most people believed they were simply a myth but there was no myth with Damien, he was the real deal. Was he the only one though? As I pondered it, the words of my housemates from earlier came back to me. They’d talked of Damien’s relatives but my bet was they were no relatives; they were more than likely more vampires.

Oh this was priceless. I could have some fun now. I wouldn’t blow his cover; my guess was no one knew what he was. Certainly Cassie and Chloe didn’t, and I had my own secrets anyway, so I could respect his privacy on that score. Still when he came here to use and abuse my housemates, well that wasn’t on.

He really was just using them and although I wasn’t sure how he did it, he obviously did something to them, hypnosis maybe? That’s why Cassie was spaced out, so he could fuck Chloe without having to explain what he was doing to Cassie. Chloe too appeared to be under the influence of some kind of control. Despite it being clear to me that she had orgasmed at least twice so she was capable of feeling something, she still didn’t appear to be fully coherent.

Did he do this shit to them much? Would they remember what happened the next day? Fuck that, I couldn’t wait until he came out of the study with Chloe. Was she going to remember she just had sex with him? I couldn’t wait to find out. This was proving to be an interesting evening.




All the way on the drive to his sire’s home, Damien cursed everything. He cursed fate that took him to the strip club in the first place rather than the club he normally hunted in. Fate that made him decide to try and get his rocks off at Cassie and Chloe’s home rather than just picking up some unknown woman; and fate for letting his dick rule his judgement. He shouldn’t have stayed at the fucking house. He should have left when he’d had the chance, especially once he knew Flame lived there too. She made no secret of her feelings towards him and that alone should have been enough, but no, he’d let the fucking pierced idiot hanging between his legs do the thinking for him. He’d stupidly opted to fuck Chloe while the crazy red headed bitch sulked upstairs? Was he completely mad? He hadn’t even thought about what would happen if she came downstairs and discovered him and Chloe, or Cassandra for that matter.

“Fucking idiot.” He muttered squeezing his cock through his jeans as if to punish it. “You’re going to get me into a hell of a lot of trouble; always wanting pussy.” Cursing under his breath, he turned his attention back on the road.

When he finally pulled up in the driveway of the home he lived in with his sire and siblings who were also sired by Fabian, he steeled himself for the shit he was about to unleash. Should he tell his sire what happened or wait to see if there was any fall out?

He was pretty sure Flame had seen him with Chloe and that she knew what he was. All those cryptic comments about charming off her roommate's panties and blood sucker? It just seemed too much of a coincidence for her to say things like that if she hadn’t seen him. It also made him wonder what her intentions were. She could have screamed blue bloody murder and revealed what he was straight away but she hadn’t.  

Damien let himself into his home and began the long walk down the corridor towards the living room, feeling a bit like he was walking the green mile. If Flame blew his cover, if she revealed what he was, he was a dead man walking right now. Fabian would kill him.

All this shit because of pussy; all this because he wanted her and she refused him. Damn her, damn her for making him want her so much, damn her for driving him crazy, damn her for refusing him and damn her for calling him a loser. He was no fucking loser; he wanted to both strangle her and fuck her until she was unconscious for calling him that.

When he got about halfway down the corridor he heard laughter and silently groaned. He wasn’t in the mood for socialising. His focus was on one red headed woman who was driving him insane. What the hell was she? He hadn’t been able to mind control her and he’d tried twice. Hell if he’d been able to control her he wouldn’t be in the crap hole he was in now. He’d have simply mind controlled her, fucked her, wiped her memory of it and walked away without looking back.

Bracing himself and struggling to mask the turmoil going through him, Damien walked into the living room and saw that everyone was there, well except for Dominick and Allegra but they rarely saw them anymore. They preferred to live their own lives and since Dominick had his own home, they chose to live there.

He was surprised to see Arissa tucked up against Lucian’s side and he grinned. So she’d returned and going by the happiness shining in his brother’s eyes, things were back on track with them. He studied her for a moment, noticing how glossy her blonde hair looked, what stunning blue eyes she had, how good her complexion looked. Hell she was a beautiful woman. How had he not noticed just how beautiful before? Then he really looked at her and the penny dropped with him.

His problems with Flame momentarily forgotten Damien grinned. “Damn you’re a vampire.” He turned his smile on Lucian. “It’s about fucking time you turned her.” He walked over to slap his brother on the back when he and Arissa got to their feet and he bent to hug the tiny woman, kissing her cheek.

“Hands off her Damien.” Lucian’s voice held a note of warning.

“Oh lighten up bro. I’m not going to take her away from you although let’s face it, you know if I wanted her, you’d have no chance of keeping her.”

“Fuck off Damien. Arissa’s got too much class for someone like you. Anyway you’re going to have to find someone else to piss off now as I’m moving into the house across the road. The old lady left it to Arissa so we’re going to be your neighbours from now on.”

“Damn so little brother’s another one lost to the old ball and chain.” He joked and Lucian punched him in the arm in response.

After a little more good natured ribbing, Damien wandered off to the other side of the room and stood watching the interaction of the vampires with the newest one to the fold. He felt a moment of sorrow that he wouldn’t have Lucian to hunt with any more.

They’d had some great times, fucking and feeding, sharing women. Fuck they’d had some women over the years. One by one though, they were all finding women and falling for them. Well fuck that, not for him, no fucking woman was sucking him in, no matter how beautiful she was. “No matter how frustrating or desirable she is.” He muttered under his breath.  

“What is wrong my son. I sense a restlessness about you, a frustration.” Fabian surprised Damien by suddenly appearing at his side. “Is it a woman? It’s always a woman that ends up turning us upside down and inside out. Have you bedded her? Don’t become sexually frustrated. Your brother was noble with our youngest vampire but you are not as sensitive or as patient as Lucian. Just take her.”

Damien tensed at his sire’s words. He was going to have to tell him the truth. He would have to reveal what had happened and hope Fabian didn’t respond by tearing his head off, not just figuratively but literally.

“I met a woman tonight at the strip club. Fuck the strip club. I should never have fucking well gone there. That damn woman is going to drive me fucking crazy.” He raved on, momentarily forgetting his sire was nearby until he heard him chuckle quietly.

“So what is it about this woman from the strip club? Was she there with another man? Is this what has you so upset?”

“No sire. She works there. Fuck you should have seen her. She’s a pole dancer and those thighs oh fuck those thighs. She could pop a man like a bottle of the finest French champagne, you know what I mean?”

Fabian chuckled again. “Oh yes my son. I’ve come across a few women in my time with talents that could bring a man to his knees. So tell me what is it about this woman that has you in such turmoil?”

“She is beautiful. Stunning, an incredible mane of bright red hair and when I saw it I just wanted to see it wrapped around my…” He broke off when he suddenly realised what he was going to say. Then his expression hardened. “She is argumentative, frustrating, smart mouthed, my god she swears like a man, but it’s so hot, she’s so hot, I want her so badly.”

“So why did you not just take her?” Fabian asked.

“That bitch called me a loser.” Damien went on, as if he hadn’t heard the question. “Me; no woman has ever called me that before. The more she fights me, the more I want her. I will bring her to heel; I just don’t know how the fuck I’m going to do it.” Finally Fabian’s question registered. “I couldn’t just take her. I thought she was immune to mind control outside the club, but I couldn’t be sure. She left after she crushed the crap out of my balls. I was too distracted by the pain.”

Fabian threw back his head and laughed. “This woman really does have you in a spin doesn’t she? So why do I sense there’s more to this story?”

“I made a mistake sire. I should have just gone and found a woman unknown to me but I was so desperate, in such pain. Flame, that’s her name had left me desperately in need of her and I let my dick rule my decision. I went to see Cassie and Chloe. I figured I’d mind control them now Sirene’s lifted the spells and fuck them. Get my rocks off that way but it didn’t go according to plan.”

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