Past Will Haunt (29 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #United States, #Native American, #Romance

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Livy thought about it.

“No. I don’t believe you would betray anyone working under you, Gabe.”

He relaxed.

“I get your point. I’m not angry anymore, so can you please set me free? My hands are going numb.”

When Livy turned, she wasn’t sure he was going to set her free. There was fear in his eyes, and she had a way to fix it.

“I won’t leave the townhouse without you. Okay, Gabriel? I’ll trust you enough to stick close.”



He uncuffed her. When she turned, she punched him in the solar plexus, hip tossed him, and then sat across his chest as he struggled to catch his breath.

Well, Gabe didn't see that coming. He didn't expect her to physically assault him. Boy, did he have a lot to learn. Apparently, Livy had spent way too much time with Elizabeth for his own good. That was totally something she’d do.

“Do you want me to believe everything you’ve said to me?”

He grunted, struggling for air. “Yes. I’d hoped you would, and it wouldn’t lead to violence.”

“Then I need you to prove it.”

“How the hell am I supposed to do that?” Gabe asked, his voice filling with emotion.

Livy stared down and into his green eyes. They were filled with so much suffering. It killed her. She took a chance, putting it out there for him.

“Then marry me.”

His eyes went huge. Did he just hear what he thought he heard? Had the woman sitting on his body just dropped the ‘M’ word, and in his direction?

“Wait! What did you just say to me?”

“You heard me. Prove to me that you didn't do all this just to keep me in the killer’s bull’s-eye. If you really love me, like you say you do, then you’ll do the right thing.”

He didn't know what to say.

never saw this one coming.



At all.








* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *










There was only one thing left to do before heading back to DC. At the morgue, Elizabeth and Chris were met by the doctor who had done the autopsies. He didn't work for the FBI, and that troubled Chris. Honestly, he liked keeping the bodies in house, and this was going to be the reason. Every ME had their own system of running their lab. Chris did his a certain way, and so did the other ME’s who worked for the FBI.

It was indicative of the man in charge, and this gentleman was nothing like a Federal employee. It appeared that his methods went south a long time ago.

He knew they were screwed. The man was old, cantankerous, and didn't like being called out by them.

At all.

As soon as they started asking questions, the man wasn’t having it. He was more worried about his professionalism being questioned than solving the murders of all the dead women.

It was crystal clear that it was all about him.

When he gave Elizabeth attitude, Chris had about enough.

“It’s rather a simple question, Doctor. Did the techs who processed the crime scenes any take more pictures than were in the file? We’re looking for any angles from above the body.”

He laughed. “Son, do you know how many bodies I do a week?”

Chris stared at him.

“On a slow week, I do around thirty. These killing were months ago. If the pictures weren’t in the file, I don’t know what I can say. Techs do their job, and I do mine. I’m not here to babysit. Speaking of which, where did you pick this child up?” he asked, glancing over at Elizabeth. “Then again, you’re a child too. The preschool must have had a jail break.”

Chris was getting riled up.

Elizabeth was accustomed to people like this. “Don’t let the jackwagon stir you up, Doc,” she stated, using the word he’d coined during their pub fight. “He’s right. How can he recall all those bodies?”

The man nodded. “At least she understands.”

“Oh, I absolutely do. I mean, it’s obvious that he’s getting old. I’m sure the city will be getting rid of him soon enough. Well, after we report this to the mayor, I’m sure they will be. Let’s be on our merry way. If he can’t recall jack shit, then it’s on him, not us.”

That changed everything.

“Hey! My mind is as sharp as ever, Special Agent LaRue.”

“It’s Wilson,” she said, screwing with him.


“My last name isn’t LaRue. It’s Wilson. See what I mean, Chris? He can’t recall jack. Someone has a wicked case of dementia.”

The man sputtered. “It is not. You’re LaRue, and he’s Leonard. I clearly remember you introducing yourself!”

“Actually, you’re mistaken. He’s Christopher Jackson,” she stated. “Did you miss the entire beginning of our introduction?”

He opened his mouth.

And then closed it.

“I’ll check the files.”

As he moved away, Chris started laughing. “That was smart. Where did you learn to screw with him that way?”

She shrugged. “He’s a man, older, and concerned with the way people see him. His shoes are shiny, and he’s pressed and pleated. He’s going to have an ego. Appearances are going to matter to him. The minute you walked in here, he was comparing yourself to him.”

“Wait! He was?”

“Yes. He checked out your Rolex, designer shoes, and how you were put together.”

Chris stared down at his watch. “He did?”

“The second you walked in, he was threatened. He was intimidated, and that’s why he called you son. He was tossing his authority at you, since you’re obviously not on the same level financially as he is.”

Chris glanced over at her in fascination. They’d only been in there five minutes, and she’d profiled the ME. Chris wanted to be able to do that. He wanted to learn that skill.

“What else?” he asked.

“ME’s are a special breed. They play in the dead all day, so you can’t treat them like everyone else. If you try, you’re going to butt heads with a wall. You have to be a special kind of crazy to do what we do for a living, so you use that. You find that one weakness, and you press it until the person snaps.”

“What would you do to me?”

She stared at him trying not to smile. “I wouldn’t even go there with you, Chris. I couldn’t, in good conscious, play head games with you.”

He lifted a brow. “I don’t believe you. You’ve studied me. I can tell. You played me back at the hotel. You knew if you kissed me, you’d get your point across. You’re not some backwoods hick. I think you’re smart—real smart.”

“I do declare, Doctor, that you are making shit up.”

He laughed. “I’m going to watch you. You won’t be able to mess with me.”

She snorted. “Yeah, okay. Your fly is down.”

He looked down, only to find it wasn’t.


“That was so easy. I should write a book on how to screw with the lab staff.”

He grinned.

“There are no pictures,” stated the ME as he returned. “You’ve got them all.” He dropped his copy of the files on the table.


It looked like they had wasted their time there and for nothing.

“Thank you, Doctor.”

“You’re welcome, Agent Wilson.”

Elizabeth jerked her head at Chris, letting him in on the fun. It was the least she could do.

“Doctor, are you feeling all right?” Chris asked. “Her name is Agent LaRue. You’re a little confused. Are you okay?”

The man shook his head. “I have a headache. I need to get away from you two.”

With that, they headed out.

Chris was laughing his ass off as he exited the building. “Thank you for letting me yank his chain.”

“It was my pleasure,” Elizabeth offered.

“Is this what you do every day in your job?”


“I think I could do this. Maybe I should have become an agent instead of an ME.”

She stopped. “Christopher, you’re the ME, and I’m the agent for a reason. Let’s each do our own jobs. You can’t be out in the field every day. You’ll get hurt.”

He grinned. “You look flustered. I think I got you.”

She dropped her arm over his shoulders. “I’m going to tell everyone your boxers had kittens on them. When you have to drop your drawers to prove they don’t, I’ll have won this battle twice.”

He stared at her.

“You’re evil.”

She grinned. “Yeah, I know. It’s a skill.”

“That’s so hot in a woman.”

“Darlin’, don’t I know it? Now, let’s get to the airport. We have to get back to DC. I don’t want to leave Livy alone. It’s time I did my thing, and you did yours.”

He offered her a fist bump.

“Let’s go.”







* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *









Gabe didn't know what to say.

Here, Livy was sitting on his chest and staring down at him with a very serious look on her face. She’d just dropped the mother of all bombs, and he was still reeling.

No, that wasn’t a strong enough word. She’d leveled him with two words.

“Are you kidding me?”

“No. You said you loved me, and that sleeping with me was in no way a trick to keep me as bait. Now you have to prove it. You didn't keep us in the loop, and this is the only way for you to prove your intentions. Marry me.”

He knew this was a defining moment in their lives.

If he said no, she’d walk. If he said yes, he’d be scared shitless. He never wanted a wife until she brought it up, and now that the entire thing was staring him in the face, he had to make a life altering choice. If they did get married, she couldn’t be risking her life their entire career. It would make him crazy.

He couldn’t marry another Fed. Honestly, Gabe didn't have it in him. A marriage to another person who lived the dangers wouldn’t last long. Resentment would grow, and in the end…it would die.

It wasn’t going to happen.

“Well, Gabriel? You’re the one who started this mess by not trusting me, so the ball is in your court. You laid down the law before, so what’s it going to be?”

He stared up at her. The fiery red hair, those brilliant green eyes, and the feisty attitude—he never knew he wanted to be in this situation until it presented itself. Now he couldn’t imagine not having exactly what she offered him.

Still, he was Gabriel Rothschild.

He was a difficult man to love, and he was about to prove it to her. All he could hope was that Elizabeth’s words were right. He was betting everything on Livy, and the premise that she wanted to be a wife and mother.

“You don’t want to put that out there, Olivia. Trust me.”

“Oh, I think I do. I can be stubborn too, Gabe. Why can’t you just answer me?”

Livy wasn’t exactly playing with a novice when it came to pigheadedness. He’d worked his way up the FBI food chain being smart, and if Livy thought he would buckle under this pressure, she was insane.

“Fine. You want me to answer you? Well, I’ll give you my answer after you answer one question that I need answered first.”

She shrugged. “Okay. That seems only fair.”

Oh, he was going to turn the tables on the woman sitting across his chest. This was a picture he’d never forget. On one wrist was a handcuff, dangling precariously, the other hand was fisted in his polo.

He wanted to laugh.

He never saw this coming. How could he not want to spend the rest of his life with a woman who could level him this easily? Finally, he saw a light at the end of the tunnel. This was love, and with it, he would find all the things he never had before.

Still, he wanted to shock her too.

Why should he be the only one freaked out? Gabe was about to see if she was really asking because she loved him, or if she was only trying to hurt him.

“I won’t, and can’t, marry an agent. There’s no way I can be your boss and husband. The FBI won’t allow it, and quite frankly, I don’t want it either. My boss will force us apart since I’m higher ranking. You might get transferred, and we might drift apart from the distance.”

She watched him. “What are you saying, Gabriel?”

“I want you to quit your job, be my wife, and have our kids. If you’re going to throw marriage around, then you need to know that I’m very old fashioned. I want a wife at home, not one wearing a bull’s-eye. I won’t be able to function unless I know you’re home for me every night when I return. I don’t want to ever visit you in the morgue.”

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