Past Will Haunt (37 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #United States, #Native American, #Romance

BOOK: Past Will Haunt
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She laughed a watery laugh. “Okay.”

When he lifted her chin with his finger, she was forced to stare into his eyes.

“You have me, Lyzee. You’re my best friend. I won’t leave you behind. I meant what I said. I’ll follow you across the country to be your ME. I swear. I have your back.”

She held onto him, leaving a wet stain from her tears on his blue scrubs. “I have your back too.”

“I love you, Elizabeth.”

While her heart ached, that one little truth helped heal a little piece of her. “I love you too, Chris, and I’m glad I have you in my life. Thank you for being my best friend.”

He kissed her on the forehead.

“Want to have sex?” he asked.

She pinched him hard.

“Shit! You’re mean.”

Elizabeth laughed. “Oh, we’re going to be friends a long, long time. I can tell.”



Christopher Leonard didn't doubt that.

At all.


Elizabeth LaRue would always have his heart.







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One Month Later




Gabe called him into his office. He wanted to make something right. He hated the way there was such a void between him and Elizabeth.

At work, she wouldn’t look at him.

Instead, she’d started taking any case she could to keep her out in the field. She was burning through partners, left and right. In one month, she’d had three.

It was like that sweetness was gone. In its place, she’d gone cold, become calculating, and had changed. She’d gone cowboy on him, acting like she had a death wish. A part of him didn't doubt that she did. He put himself in her place, and he would have done the same thing to forget.

Gabe knew that he needed to find her some stability. After all, he owed her. This was a huge debt to pay.

When Ethan Blackhawk took a seat, he was going to offer him a new partner.


“I’ve had something come up,” he began.

Ethan watched him with cold dead eyes.

These two needed to be paired up. Ethan was sane but a workaholic, Elizabeth was wild like a storm. They’d balance each other out.


“I have an agent who needs a partner.”

Immediately, Ethan went on alert. “I have a partner. I’ve just broken Jay in.”

“She’s damn good in the field, sharp as a tack, and…”

He cut him off.

“Deputy Director, is this the woman who fucked up
‘The Butcher’
case?” he asked.


Ethan always was astute.

“Yes, but…”



“I have a partner, and I don’t have to relinquish him. I’m happy, I’m out doing what I like to do, and I don’t have to babysit.”

“It’s not about babysitting.”

“It is. She screwed up. I’ve heard the talk. Her career is pretty much tanked. The director is pissed, and I’m not saddling myself with that mess. I want to work my way up, not bury my career.”

“But she needs someone like you.”

“Sorry, boss. I pass. I want someone who I can trust, who will have my back, and is competent. She’s a liability, and I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole.”

With that, he walked out.

Gabe leaned back in his chair.

This was all his fault. Elizabeth’s career was going down, and he knew why. She’d carry this forever. He hated every second of it.

He sighed.

“I won’t give up. I owe you, Elizabeth. I will pay you back.”








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Revenge was a dish best served cold. In the end, Elizabeth Blackhawk would pay for what she’d done.

Before it was over, it would be her blood spilled, and there was nothing she could do about it.

What was coming was something nightmares would be made of. No one was going to be safe.

Not Gabriel Rothschild.

Not the Blackhawks.

Not Chris Leonard.

They covered it up, and the truth would come out. When it did, the world would see who was fighting for justice, and who was killing it.

Elizabeth LaRue Blackhawk was going to wish she never pulled that trigger.

To make sure of it?

There would be a trail of bodies because of it.

The game was on.

It didn't matter that it had been fifteen years or five.


‘The Butcher’ was back….


And there was a score to settle. This was the perfect way to ruin her as her Choices will Destroy…


Choices will Destroy






Dear Reader,



Thank you for reading this book! I hope you like the first part of the story. In order to tell Gabe and Livy’s story, I had to go back in time.

At first, I was nervous. What would Lyzee be like without Ethan, and would she be as badass as she is now?

She’s a newbie herself, and just starting out. I think it was fun to see how her career started out, and to delve into some of the loose ends.

Like why are she and Chris so close?

Was there more between them than just friendship?

I’ve always pictured the two of them super close, until she leaves to become sheriff of Salem. After that, she had to repair that relationship.

Now, in the next book,
Choices will Destroy
, you’re going to see what happens because of that moment where she chooses to pull the trigger.

It’s all been building up to this moment.

When you break the law, it usually catches up to you. When you cover it up, what happens?

In book 14, you’ll find out. We’re back to the present, Ethan, Callen, and the crew are there, and they’re about to find out what will happen when ‘The Butcher’ returns.

Life is going to be turned upside down.

Nothing will be the same.

Past will Haunt
, and those
Choices will Destroy
everyone who was involved.












Coming Tomorrow Feb 12th:








    Book Fourteen In the FBI Series







Choices will Destroy Available now!






Other books by Morgan Kelle


Standalone books


The Junction

Serial Sins

The Blood Betrayal


Romance/FBI Thriller Series

Elizabeth, Ethan, and Callen


The Killing Times (book 1)

Sacred Burial Grounds (book 2)

True Love Lost (book 3)

Deep Dark Mire (book 4)

Fire Burns Hot (book 5)

Darkness of Truth (book 6)

Devil Hath Come (book 7)

Consumed by Wrath (book 8)

Redemption is Here (book 9)

Dead Shall Speak (book 10)

Pledging to Die (book 11) Summer 2015

Slay Bells Ring (book 12) Christmas 2015

Past will Haunt (13) Feb 2016

Choices will Destroy (14) Feb 2016

Blood shall Run (15) July 2016

Act of Blood (16) November 2016



Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Series

     Greyson and Emma Croft


Celestia is Falling (book 1)

Vegas is Dying (book 2)

Christmas is Killing (book 3)

Love is Bleeding (book 4)

Heaven is Weeping (book 5)

Hell is Burning (book 6) September 2015

Justice is Dying (book 7) March 2015



The Justice Series

Greyson and Emma Croft spinoff series


Dark Justice (1) October 2016





The Littlemoon Investigations Series

Julian and Tori Littlemoon


Blood Red Rage (book 1)

Lost & Broken (book 2)

Unthinkable Games (book 3)

Truth is Found (book 4) October 2015




The Carter Chronicles Trilogy

Callista, Nathaniel, and Lucas


Sinner Repent (book 1)

Sinner Realized (book 2)

Sinner Reborn (book 3)



The Oracle Chronicles Series

Nathaniel Carter and Avalon Miller


Oracle Rising (book 1) Jan 2016

Oracle Foretold (book 2) September 2016



Harcourte Vampyre Society

       Jolie, Jacques and Flynn


Dangerous Revelations (book 1)

Dangerous Choices (book 2)

Dangerous Misery (book 3)

Dangerous Retaliation (book 4)

Dangerous Influence (book 5) June 2016

Dangerous Sacrifice (book 6) August 2016





      All the couples in one book


Illegal Fantasies-

Behind Closed Doors(1)


Romance Under Arrest- winter 2014

Behind Closed Doors(2)


Holiday Reinforcements-

Behind Closed Doors (3)- winter 2015






Please feel free to visit her at her blog at





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