Past Will Haunt (32 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #United States, #Native American, #Romance

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She laughed. “You like all candy, don’t you?”

“Yes. My mother never let me have any when I was growing up. After my dad died, she was crazy protective. She’s odd like that.”

Elizabeth ate her candy bar as they sat there, their legs swinging like two kids on a jungle gym might.

“Oh, I get overprotective. My dad is a cop. He worked for the Capitol police before my mom was killed by that drunk driver. When she died, he lost it. He packed us up and brought us to some Podunk town in South Carolina.”

Chris listened.

“I’ve always wanted to be a cop.”


“I don’t know if I can do this alone. Livy usually balances me. She keeps me focused when I start going crazy, she reels me in. I have very little impulse control. I’ve kissed you twice in two days, and we’re not even a couple.”

He laughed. “You can kiss me all you want. No living, breathing man is going to stop you. Well, unless they’re insane.”


He lovingly bumped her with his shoulder. “You can do this. You’re damn good at it. Do you know why the techs run from you, even though you’re relatively new at this?”

“I’m scary.”

“You’re a leader. Three days ago, I would puke if I saw this. Now we’re sitting here eating candy and watching her on the table. You’re very strong, Elizabeth. You’ll find someone to balance you.”

She sighed. “I’m so tired.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“I don’t know if I can do this for the rest of my life.”


She said it.

“I’ve been a Fed just over a year. Already, this,” she said, pointing at Meghan, “it makes me want to quit.”

“If it didn't, what kind of agent would you be? Hell! What kind of human being would you be?”

“I’m worried about Livy. What if I’m not…?”

“Fast enough?”


“You will be. I know you.”

“No you don’t.”

“Fact—I’ve slept at your house. Fact—you’ve seen me in my underwear. Fact—you’ve kissed me. I know you well enough, but you’re right. We should get to know each other better.”


“I was thinking beers and some box seats at a football game. Want to go?”

“As a date?”

“Yes, but not as boyfriend and girlfriend. I want you by my side as my
friend. We’re going to need to decompress, and I don’t use the seats. Why shouldn’t we have some fun? Besides, you can buy me more beer.”

She snorted and dropped her head to his shoulder. “I’d love to go with you. Can I drive your car?”

He laughed. “Okay.”

“You’re easy.”

He grinned. “Yes, I do believe I am. Feel better?”

“Yeah, I do.”

As she hopped down, she went to leave. When she got to the door, she stopped.

“Oh, screw it!”

She headed back toward him and hugged him, burying her face in his neck. The scent of his cologne offered her a sense of calm that she hadn’t felt in a long time. “Thank you.”

He hugged her back.

“You better get out in the field. I have to finish this autopsy. I’ll send you anything I find.”

She was good with that.

“Make me happy, Doc,” she said, as she hit the doors with new life in her.

He watched her leave. “That’s all I want to do, Lyzee.”



* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *





Livy’s Townhouse

Thursday Afternoon




He paced like a caged tiger.

Gabe Rothschild was a man on the edge. With each passing moment, he knew the killer was going to get closer to Livy. He couldn’t let it happen.

There had to be something he could do to keep her safe.

Then it hit him.

They had to go.

“Grab a bag,” he ordered as he rushed around the room gathering his things.

She stared at him. “Are we going somewhere?” she asked, her gun sitting beside her. She was just as determined to keep herself safe as he was.

Livy didn't want to die. Her life was changing, and she had too much to live for.

And she certainly didn't want to die the way Stephanie, Missy, and Meghan had.

“My place.”


“He knows you live here. I’m going to bet he doesn’t know where I live.”

It was a risk, but she was willing to trust him. He was guarding her, and Elizabeth was out working the case. This would end well.

She had to believe it.

Livy couldn’t give up.

“I’ll need a few minutes,” she offered before heading upstairs.

As soon as she was gone, he made a call. “Elizabeth, tell me you have something.”

She was just as frustrated, so she told him about the information she’d found from Seamus working the booth at the parking garage.

“Well? Work it.”

“Gee, Gabe, thanks for that. I wasn’t quite sure what the hell to do with it. I guess I’ll stop knitting this quilt and get my ass back to work.”

He sighed.

“I’m sorry. I know you have to be tired.”

“Yeah, I am. I don’t think I slept more than two hours last night, but It’s okay. We’re all wound tight on this one.”

Gabe knew she was right. They were all at their breaking point. “What do you have so far?”

She laughed. “Well, I have a suspicion that our killer is working at the parking garage, but I have four names.”

“Run them.”

“Gabe, I’m working on it. I’m trying to get the garage in Boston on the phone too. I want a list of their employees, or at least to run the four names by them.”

He listened.

“Then I have to find this guy who owns the garage in DC. Once I do, I’ll get the information from him.”

“Okay, you’re doing good. You’ve got this.”

She hoped so.

“I’m moving Livy.”

“To where?”

“I’m bringing her to my place. I don’t think the killer knows where I live. I’ll transport her, and I’ll make sure I’m safe.”

It was a good plan. They didn't need him moving on her at her place. Gabe’s home was safe.

“I’ll head there before the night is over. If you need someone to play guard tonight, I can do it.”

“Thanks, Elizabeth. I appreciate it.”

He wanted to tell her he was getting married. He wanted to tell the woman he loved like a sister that he was going to be happy. Only, he’d promised Livy.

He’d made a vow.

It tore his heart to pieces. They’d been in shootouts, bad situations, and she’d always had his back. Now he felt like he was betraying her.


“You know I love you, right?” he said to her.

“Uh, yeah, why?”

“I just want to make sure you’re aware of what you mean to me. Thank you for being my sister this last year. I’ve needed it.”

“Uh, okay. Did the doctor call? Am I dying?”

He laughed. Gabe genuinely needed it. “No. Watch your back, Elizabeth. You matter too.”

Apparently, she wasn’t the only one getting loopy from a lack of sleep. “Okay, Gabe. I’ll talk to you later.”

When he hung up, Livy was standing there. “Did you tell her?”

He shook his head. “No, but I feel horrible about it. She’s going to be hurt by this. Lyzee and I always play it straight, and if she wasn’t so tired, she’d know something was up.”

She was aware, but it should be her telling Elizabeth. They were best friends, partners, and she needed to soften the blow. This was going to be a shocker to her.


It shocked the hell out of her.

“I’ll tell her tonight when she stops in. We’ll sit down, and I’ll explain it all. Lyzee loves us. She’s going to be in our corner. It’s not like we waited weeks to tell her. It all happened so fast and today.”

“Promise?” he asked. “I don’t want her to get mad at me. Next to you, she’s all I have. I’ve always been honest with her, and she deserves to know. I feel like we’re cheating on her behind her back.”

She was aware.

He wasn’t the only one this was affecting. This was hurting her too. Elizabeth was her partner. They had a special bond that couldn’t be broken.

Or so she hoped.

This would be the test.

“Yes, I promise. Tonight, we’ll tell her together. We’ll share our good news and hope she doesn’t get angry that I’m quitting my job.”

It was all he could do.

“Let’s go, Livy,” he said, holding out his hand. When they were in his car, he pulled away from the curb, checking to make sure they were alone.

He didn't see anyone.

The coast was clear.


Or so he hoped.



























Thursday Night



They bunkered down at his place. Finally, that feeling of dread had abated enough for Gabe to think straight.

His home was in the older section of Georgetown, and it was relatively quiet. Gabe knew that as long as they stayed inside, until Elizabeth got there, Livy would be safe.

He had to believe that.

It was the only thing getting him through this mess. His body was stressed from the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He needed to calm down.

That’s probably why she offered to cook for him. His anxiety was likely all over his face.

As she made him dinner, using what foods he had available, he watched her move around his kitchen.

“You’re staring, Gabriel.”

“How many kids do you want?” he asked, needing to focus on something happy.

She glanced up at him. “Well, I’ve never put a number on it before. I only know that I want them. I think three is a really good number.”

Gabe wanted to rejoice. He owed Elizabeth big time. She’d been spot on with her information. As Livy talked about kids, her face lit up. She genuinely wanted to be a mother. Finding a Fed who wanted that wasn’t an easy task. Most of the agents he knew were focused on their jobs.

This was a miracle.

“I want more than three.” He knew it was a risk, but why not be one hundred percent honest with her? He’d been shocked she’d quit her job, so what did he have to lose?


He supposed he owed her a reason. “I was all alone growing up. I didn't have anyone to be my buddy. My mother and father had one child and they said it was more than enough. I want our kids to have lots of siblings. I want a house filled with laughter and happiness. I don’t want to come home to an empty shell of a home.”

She heard it in his voice. His parents had damaged him. Whether he knew it or not, they had.


“That’s it?”

She laughed. “As long as we can afford them, I don’t think it’s a problem, so why not? I’m going to be at home with them, so what are a few kids thrown into the mix?”



“It’s my lucky number. Our first date was on the sixth, your birthday is on the sixth, and it was my number in high school.”

She was intrigued.

“What did you play?”


“You don’t think we’re rushing this, do you?” she asked.

The smile on his face disappeared at her words. Livy watched his guard go back up. It broke her heart.

“Are you getting cold feet, Livy?” he asked. “For the first time in my life, I’m not questioning it. I’ll make a good husband, and I can be a good father. I know I can. I just need you to show me how to separate work from home.”

“I’m not getting cold feet, Gabriel. I just want to make sure this is really what you want.”

“It is. I didn't know it, but I want the entire package. I want to come home to you every night. I want to see you making dinner, and I want to tell you about my day. I want to build a fort in the back yard with my kids and infiltrate it with guns a blazing.”

She laughed. “Maybe we could cut back on the violence. What if we have girls?”

He laughed. “Nah! We’re going to have a house full of boys. I can tell.”

Livy smiled. Gabe’s guard was back down. He was smiling and looked at ease.

“Okay! Let’s start popping out kids.”



“I hope I don’t screw this up,” he admitted. “What do I know about keeping work and family separate? I’m marrying an agent, and my best friend is a Fed. We may be doomed.”

She wanted to sooth his rattled nerves.

“We aren’t. I can tell. I told you that I’d help you, and here’s the magic formula.”

He leaned forward, green eyes watching her. “What?”

“When you leave the office, work stays there. When you hit the doorway, you kiss your wife, play with your kids, and let the FBI sit until morning. It’ll be there the next day. I promise.”

He laughed. “Is it really that easy?”

“I think I can keep your mind occupied long enough to make you forget about work.”

“Oh, can you?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow. “How will you do that?”

She moved around the island and stood between his legs. “I happen to be excellent at seducing men, specifically my fiancé.”

He smiled. “I can’t argue with that.”

When she tugged his mouth down to hers, they both fell into the kiss. It was steamy.

When Gabe moaned, she set his mouth free.

“What were we talking about?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted.


He laughed. “Kiss me some more. I want to forget about this case.”

When her mouth sought his, her hands slid beneath his polo. Livy found herself lost in the feel of flesh against flesh.

Until his phone rang.


He stared at it on the counter. He really didn't want to answer it. In fact, he wanted to toss it into the garbage disposal.

That said a lot about the woman he was kissing.

“Damn it! I have to get that.”

She was aware. “Go ahead. We aren’t married yet. Once we are, there will be rules, Gabriel.”

He was more than okay with that.

Work stress or Livy’s mouth on his?

Yeah, it was a no-brainer.

Answering, his body went ramrod stiff as soon as he recognized the voice.

“Yes, sir. I know, sir.”

There was a pause as Livy watched Gabe morph back into the Fed. She knew it would always be like this. The only thing she could do was support him.

“Yes, sir. I’ll be there.”

He hung up and closed his eyes. Gabe knew he was screwed. There was no way he was going to be able to keep work and his personal life separate.

Here was the proof.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I have to go in. There’s a press conference, and since I’m running this mess, I have to do it.”


“I can’t go.”


He stared at her without saying a word.

“Well, then take me with you.”

He laughed. “If I do that, the media is going to see you with me. The killer will be watching. He’s sick like that. The second he spots you, he’s going to follow us back here. Then we’ll risk you. I can’t do that.”

“Okay, then leave me here. I’ll be fine. You said Elizabeth was heading this way, I have my gun, and I’m ready to kick some ass,” she said, smiling.

He didn't find it amusing.

“That scares the hell out of me.”

“Gabriel, go. I’ll be fine. Lock the doors, and I’ll hang out here cleaning up. Bachelors are messy. You know you can dust, right?”


“Go. You, yourself, said I was safe. Go do your press conference.”

He hesitated.


Gabe gave her a kiss. “You’re not to open the door. You don’t go outside even if someone’s yelling fire, and you keep your gun with you at all times, even if it’s to pee.”

She laughed.

“I’m serious.”

“Okay, Gabriel. I’ll call you later to talk dirty on the phone. It’ll be right before you go on.”

He laughed, the tension finally abating.

“I can’t wait.”

As he headed for the door, he looked back at her standing in his space. “I can’t wait to start a life with you, Olivia. You’re crazy, impulsive, and make my head spin.”

She blew him a kiss.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

He laughed as he locked the door.


Thank God.







* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *






He watched the brownstone.

The one Fed was leaving, and the woman wasn’t going with him.


While he planned on tormenting her with dead animals the next couple of days, this was going to work out even better than planned. He couldn’t believe his luck when he saw them leaving her house.

Who would have thought?

When he followed, he was led right to this place. Had it not been for sheer luck, he would have missed her.

Obviously, the universe was on his side.

Now the large Fed was leaving her behind. He didn't see anyone else showing up for protection duty, so the agent must be all alone.

This was his moment.

It wouldn’t get any better than this and he knew it.

As he looked around, he could see an open window on the top floor. All he had to do was get to the building beside this one, jump to the roof, and lower himself in.

It was easy as pie.

Oh, he was pretty sure she wouldn’t let him inside by the front door, and she’d never leave by herself, but this would be just as much fun.

He’d stalk her inside.

Then he could do everything he planned.

She had to die.

Just like his heart.


Now, it was time for payback.







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  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *





Across town





Elizabeth finally found the man’s home. He never opened his office that day, and he wasn’t answering the phone, so she had to take measures into her own hands.

Going to his house, she pulled the man out, threw him into her Denali, and drove him to his office.

She didn't care if he filed a report with her boss. She was sick of fooling around and chasing her tail.

“I need those files, and I need them now!”

“I’m calling your boss.”

She laughed, lifting up her blazer to show him her gun. “If you don’t give me your employment information, you’re going to need a trip to the ER first.”

He stuttered, but dug through the files.

“I have them.”

She was ready. “Let me have all the information. How long has Liam O'Boyle worked for you?”

“Three years.”

That didn't make sense. Seamus O’Brien told him months. Had he made a mistake?

“Is he in school?”

“No. He’s not a student. He works at a mall during the day. This is his weekend job. He’s really reliable.”

Well, shit.

Her BS radar was going off.

“How about Tony Bishop?”

“He’s worked at the booth for the last two years. He’s very reliable too. He’s my only full time employee.”

She made notes, but her head was buzzing.

It was coming together.

“What about Jerry Williams?”

“He’s been with me for three years.”

“And Seamus?”

The man laughed. “He’s a hoot. The boy just moved here, but he immediately wanted the night shift at the booth. He said he likes being in the silence. It helps him think.”

Yeah, she bet. In fact, Elizabeth suspected what he was thinking about too.

“How long has he worked for you?”

“Four months next week. I’m sure he’s not guilty of anything. He’s a hard worker, and always on time.”

It was a long shot, but she was going to take it. “He didn't move here from Boston did he?”

She held her breath.

“Yes, he actually did.”

Well, he lied about two things. When a person shoveled shit to a Fed, there was only one reason. Now she needed to clarify and lock it down.

“I appreciate your help.”

As she began walking out, he called after her. “How am I supposed to get home?”

Elizabeth ignored him. She had a call to make, and it could be life of death.





Outside, she tried to call the Boston business number, but it was busy.

How the hell was that possible?

Elizabeth’s luck sucked today.

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