Peaches 'n' Cream (5 page)

Read Peaches 'n' Cream Online

Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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Chapter Four

“Keep those fucking cats in the house,” a deep voice growled as Peaches walked into the long white barn. It was one of many, part of the breeding and training complex they had built up. On their way to Montana, the men had given her a history of the place, before and after they had been brought in as partners by Logan.

She ignored Logan. Roxie and Juno were single-file behind her. They ignored him, too. It was weird, but they had always struck her as more dog-like in their behavior. “I thought Damien was out here. Guess I was wrong.”

As her eyes grew used to the dim interior of the barn, Peaches looked over the huge man and the huge horse he was grooming. It appeared to be a cross of some kind. From the looks of him, he was a mix of Clydesdale and something hot-blooded and lighter in frame. The heavy stallion stomped the ground as she stopped, and then tossed his head, snorting. The animal had not kept the good nature of the Clydesdale. He eyed her with a gleam she didn’t like much.

“He’s an interesting horse. Looks like a warhorse. Are you planning on jousting?” Logan stared at her for a moment, and then laughed without humor. “I was thinking about it.”

“Dangerous activity, jousting.”

“Yeah, but it’ll be a hellava lot of fun.” He looked at the pistol holstered on her thigh.

“You know how to use that?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Got a permit?”

“I can carry it in several states. Did Damien tell you why I’m here?”

“Oh, other than being a buckle bunny?” Logan asked snidely, the expression in his eyes telling her silently how unwelcome she was in his corner of the world.

Obviously they had not told him about the reason behind her visit to his ranch. The man was trying to insult her. Let him try. She wasn’t the overly sensitive type. Leaning against the front of a stall, she watched as he ran the brush over the stallion’s glossy coat. He had winter growth, but it was clean and bright. The animal was all power. He had power and attitude, like his master.

“Now that’s something I hadn’t thought of. Buckle bunny. It’s kinda cute, in a slutty kind of way. A couple more weeks with Ryan and Damien, I’m sure I’ll have lived up to the title.

You got anything out here I can ride?”

“Can you ride? What’s your skill level?”

“I could ride your pretty pony there, sweetheart. I’m asking if you have something I can ride. I didn’t ask you to evaluate my skill level.” Antagonizing the man probably wasn’t the best way to his heart, but Peaches found doing so was all but irresistible.

“I evaluate anyone wanting to ride one of my horses. And Demon here would crush you into the ground, if you got too close to him. So stay away. If you want to ride anything on this ranch, you’ll have to prove yourself.”

Peaches straightened then, moving closer to him. Roxie and Juno remained sitting where she had left them, watching with crystal-blue eyes. She didn’t even look at Demon as she reached out and rested one hand on the bridge of his muzzle and the other hand on Logan’s 29

exceptionally wide chest, where the sheepskin coat gapped open to display it beneath a cham-bray shirt. It was quite exhilarating, touching two potentially dangerous animals at once.

“Just how do you propose I prove myself?” she asked silkily, peering up at him through her thick lashes. “Do I ride you? Or do I ride one of your horses?” She was toe to toe with him, the tips of her winter boots touching his leather cowboy boots. If he hadn’t been so damned tall, she would have gone nose to nose to him as well. His golden eyes gleamed like a wolf’s. He was all cunning predator, all alpha male. He didn’t like that she was standing up to him, being more than a little insolent.

The laugh that erupted from him was unexpected. It didn’t hold a lick of humor. “Honey, I know you couldn’t handle me.”

“Probably not at this moment,” she conceded. “I don’t have much experience with men.

But like I said, with a little more practice, I should get better at it.” Laughing again, Peaches stepped away from him, her expression telling him she had lost interest in the battle of wits. Well, she hadn’t, but she didn’t want him knowing that. Teasing and taunting him had made her hot right down to her toes. Let him think she wasn’t interested in him.

“You smell like sex,” he told her as she walked away, past the stallion and down the long aisle. “Shower afterward.”

“No. I like the smell of my men on me.”

There was a curse behind her and a smile on her lips Logan couldn’t possibly see. When she was halfway down the aisle her men joined her, telling her about each horse as they walked along together, the breeding behind them, the training and any accomplishments they could boast. Logan was responsible for most of their training, she learned. He was fully invested in seeing their horse breeding and training programs succeeding. They were already gaining respect in the horse world. Their last sale had been very successful, and they were hoping for greater success the following year.

“So, this is what you’ll be doing when you retire from riding those crazy bulls?”

“Yep.” Damien leaned back against the stall of a big chestnut quarter horse. The animal poked him with his muzzle and then rested his chin on a broad shoulder. Damien stroked the gelding affectionately, tugging playfully on the coarse hairs growing there “It won’t be long now. I feel my age more and more every year. Ryan here still has a few years left, but I’ll probably call it quits within the next two years. I’ll be able to help Logan more.” Ryan pressed close to her so she was forced against Damien. Peaches didn’t mind in the least. Lowering her head, she rested it against his chest. She could feel and hear his heart beating. It was strong, solid, giving her a sense of security. Closing her eyes, she listened. Ryan kissed the back of her head while Damien’s lips brushed her forehead.

“You guys are wonderful,” she whispered. “How did you ever become friends with fathead?”

Damien laughed. “Logan?” She nodded. “Hell, I don’t know. We’re as different as night and day. And I act like the buffer between him and numbnuts here. If anyone can irritate Logan, it’s Ryan.”

“I try,” Ryan stated smugly, nuzzling her neck. She almost purred under the sweet caress.

“He’s always so serious. I have to do something to get him to show some life.”

“Are you going to give him a chance, baby?”



Tipping her head back, she looked up at him, then down the aisle to where Logan was releasing Demon from the crossties. The chains dropped, slapping the walls on either side of the aisle. The two big beasts walked out of the barn, not looking back.

“I’m working on it. He’s going to be a tough nut to crack. Especially if he likes to be tough and macho all the time and thumping on his chest. I’m not some sweet, girly girl. I might not have what it takes to interest him.”

Both men laughed that time. “Baby, you’ve already got him interested. Hell, he hasn’t left yet. That’s a sure sign you’ve got something the others didn’t.”

“I think I’d have a better chance with him if I was tied down in the snow with a couple of raw steaks strategically placed.”

Both men roared with laughter, hugging her close. Peaches kissed both of them and then looped her arms through theirs as they made their way back up the aisle. Roxie and Juno trotted after them, obviously enjoying their new freedom, even if it involved snow and bitter cold.

All three of them were surprised when Logan announced that he would be joining them for supper. Though they hadn’t asked, the men were relieved when she offered to cook for them. Like most things in her life, when she attempted something she worked at it until she was skilled. Cooking was something she did for pleasure. It was a necessity, yes. Everybody had to eat. But she cooked for herself, making every meal an experience.

“Fuck, baby,” Damien growled after swallowing a piece of a perfectly prepared steak. It was close to two inches thick and covered in mushrooms and onions, with a tangy brown sauce. “You should be working in a restaurant.”

“Thank you. I love to cook. Actually, I did work in a restaurant for a little more than a year. After I got shot, I decided to do something a little less exhilarating for a while.”

“The scars on your stomach and thigh were where you were shot?”

“Yes. Took two in a shootout with a guy we were serving a warrant to. We took all the precautions, but he managed to slip out an upstairs window. When he was spotted, he opened fire.”

“You were a cop?”

“Five years.” She looked at Ryan. Her brown eyes gleamed with all sorts of naughty thoughts. “Did I tell you I have handcuffs and know how to use them?”

“How am I supposed to finish my supper with my cock about to rip my jeans?” he demanded, but grinned. “You have them with you?”

“I do.”

“You naked except for the gun and the handcuffs is a perfect fantasy. I’m all yours, baby.” Reaching out, Peaches patted the irrepressible Ryan on the cheek. The day’s growth of beard was rough under her fingers. She stroked it before pulling away. “Sorry, lover. Damien’s going to be giving me lessons tonight.”

“I am? What do you need lessons in?”

“Well, I need to work on how to give the most pleasure while I have a cock in my mouth.” There was a growl, but the three of them ignored Logan. Damien grinned and leaned closer. His green eyes were glittering like emeralds in his tanned face. It seemed he knew what she was doing and he would play along. “As I recall, you do real well. Except when you’ve got another cock shoved somewhere else. For you, it’s rather like rubbing your stomach and patting your head at the same time. Not a hellava lot of coordination.” 31

She nodded and poked the tines of her fork through a slice of steak she had tossed into some greens. “I can’t do that, either.”

They finished their meal in silence, with the exception of low moaning noises from Ryan, whose cock seemed to continue to torment him. Damien and Peaches grinned at one another as she got up to get the dessert. Ryan cleared the dishes and put them in the dishwasher while she dished out shortcake, covered with home-canned cherries and fresh whipped cream.

“If one of you is available, I’d like to go into town tomorrow.” They had told her a lot about the town of Silver while they traveled there. While it was isolated, it was hardly a back-water place. Currently it was experiencing an influx of tourists. The population nearly tripled during the winter months, when the wealthy arrived for skiing and other winter pursuits the area had to offer. “I’d like to rent a car so I don’t have to bother you guys. I know you have a lot to catch up on, now that you’re home.”

“What do you need a car for? You can borrow any of our vehicles when you need one.”

“Even that big, ugly, black SUV out there?” she asked tongue-in- cheek as she scooped up an equal portion of shortcake, berries, and whipped cream. Her gaze strayed to Logan, who was watching her with the intent of a hawk on a rabbit. Lifting the spoon of dessert to her mouth, she opened and then slowly inserted it, taking her time withdrawing it from between her lips.

“Shit, baby, are you trying to kill me?”

Laughing, Peaches shook her head, forgetting about teasing Logan. “No, hot stuff, I’m not trying to kill you. I was just thinking, maybe it would be better if you joined Damien and me tonight. What better way to practice my coordination skills? And bring the whipped cream.”

“Did you make enough?”

“How much could you possibly need?”


Damien interrupted their playful banter. “I still don’t know why you want to rent a car.

You’re more than welcome to use one of ours.”

“It’ll be hard to get one right now,” Ryan inserted. “All the tourists have them reserved months in advance.”

Sighing, Peaches leaned back and dropped the spoon in the empty dish. “I hadn’t wanted to say anything yet, but I believe I should stay in town.”

“I thought we already covered this. It’ll be easier to spot these bastards, if they come after you, if you’re out here. The town is full of tourists.” A frown dipped her brow. “Then it’s probably best if I just leave altogether. Darla told me that our picture was in the newspaper.” She had put her phone on speaker while she made supper. She and her friend had spoken for nearly an hour.

“You mean from when we met at the rodeo?” She nodded to confirm, her face grim.

Damien swore angrily.

“Yes, and from the store. Someone put two and two together. The story has been all over the news. It won’t be long before those creeps show up here.” Logan reminded everyone he was still there by slamming a massive fist on the table. “I want to know what the fuck you three are talking about. It seems like someone forgot to fill me 32

in on a few details concerning our guest here.” He looked from Damien, then to Ryan. Flames of anger were in his amber eyes.

Peaches looked at them as well, her brows dipping into a frown. “You didn’t tell him?”

“No. I thought to tell him tonight, after he’d been fed. He’s generally happier then.”

“Happier? What about content?” Ryan corrected, jumping up and out of reach when a massive fist came in his direction. “Okay, so we should have told you about the robbery. And about bringing Peaches with us so she could hide out here.”

“Tell me what happened. As briefly as possible,” he added when Ryan went to open his mouth. His gaze fixed on Peaches. “You,” he said, pointing a finger at her. “You tell me.” Peaches did so, as briefly as possible. Not because he had commanded her to do so, but because the two men involved in this tale seemed determined to either goad Logan or shield him from the facts. That was dangerous for all involved.

“I think it would be better for me to leave here altogether. The sooner the better.” Peaches thought it would kill her to go, tearing her heart from her chest, but she didn’t want anything to happen to any of these men. Not even to Mr. Grumpy.

Logan seemed little more than politely curious as he asked, “And where would you go?” Shrugging, she said, “It doesn’t really matter. Now that I’m in all this snow, skiing seems like something fun to do. I could head east. There’s excellent skiing in Vermont. Or I can take off for some Caribbean island. With the exception of going home, I’m not really limited. Dad says they’ve had some leads on the shooter who got away the other night, but none of them have panned out. It seems like they always just miss him.”

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