Penny Dreadful Multipack Vol. 1 (Illustrated. Annotated. 'Wagner The Wehr-Wolf,' 'Varney The Vampire,' 'The Mysteries of London Vol. 1' + Bonus Features) (Penny Dreadful Multipacks) (228 page)

BOOK: Penny Dreadful Multipack Vol. 1 (Illustrated. Annotated. 'Wagner The Wehr-Wolf,' 'Varney The Vampire,' 'The Mysteries of London Vol. 1' + Bonus Features) (Penny Dreadful Multipacks)
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   Thus terminated this
   When the baronet had taken his
departure, Mr. Greenwood summoned Lafleur, and said, " You need not
institute any inquiries relative to Miss Sydney, at Upper Clapton. My orders
relative to Mr. Markham remain unchanged; and mind that the fellow known as Tom
the Cracksman is here to-morrow evening at nine o'clock."
   Mr. Greenwood having thus
concluded his morning's business, partook of an elegant luncheon, and then
proceeded to dress for his afternoon's ride in the Park.




THE more civilization progresses, and the more refined becomes the
human intellect, so does human iniquity increase.
    It is true that heinous and appalling crimes are less
frequent; -but every kind of social, domestic, political, and commercial
intrigue grows more into vogue: human ingenuity is more continually on the rack
to discover the means of defrauding a neighbour or cheating the world;- the
sacred name of religion is called in to aid and further the nefarious devices
of the schemer;- hypocrisy is the cloak which conceals modern acts of
turpitude, as dark nights were trusted to for the concealment of the bloody
deeds of old; mere brute force is now less frequently resorted to; but the
refinements of education or the exercise of duplicity are the engines chiefly
used for purposes of plunder. The steel engraver's art, and the skill of the calligrapher,
are mighty implements of modern misdeed:- years and years are expended in
calculating the chances of cards and dice;- education, manners, and goal looks
are essential to the formation of the adventurers of the present day;- the
Bankruptcy Court itself is a frequent avenue to the temple of fortune; - and,
in order to suit this new and refined system of things, the degrees of vices
themselves are qualified by different names, so that he who gambles at a
gaming-table is a scamp, and he who propagates a lie upon the Exchange and
gambles accordingly, and with success, is a respectable financier. Chicanery,
upon a small scale, and in a miserable dark office, is a degradation;- but the
delicate and elaborate chicanery of politics, by which a statesman is enabled
to outwit parties, or deceive whole nations, is a masterpiece, of human talent!
To utter a falsehood in private life, to suit a private end, is to cut
one's-self off from all honourable society:- but to lie day and night in a
public journal - to lie habitually and boldly in print - to lie in a manner the
most shameless and barefaced in the editorial columns of a newspaper, is not
only admissible, but conventional, and a proof of skill, tact, and talent.
    Thus is modern society constituted:- let him deny the truth
of the picture who can!
    London is filled with Mr. Greenwoods they are to be found in
numbers at the West End. Do not for one moment believe, reader, that our
portrait of this character is exaggerated.
    In pursuing the thread of a narrative like this, there will
naturally be found much to alarm, to astonish, and to shock: but however
appalling the picture, it teaches lessons which none can regret to learn. The
chart that would describe the course to virtue must point out and lay bare the
shoals, the quicksands, and the rocks of vice which render the passage perilous
and full of terrors.
    With these few remarks, we pursue our history.
    At seven o'clock in the evening of the day following the one
on which we have seen Mr. Greenwood conducting his multifarious schemes and
transactions with the precision of a minister of state, Count Alteroni arrived
at that gentleman's house in Spring Gardens. He was shown into the elegantly
furnished drawing-room, where Mr. Greenwood received him. The count was,
however, the only one of all the financier's visitors who did not seem dazzled
by the proofs of wealth and luxury that prevailed around. The Italian nobleman
remarked these indications of great riches, and considered them the guarantees
of Mr. Greenwood's prosperous position in the world: but, apart from this view
of the splendour and sumptuousness of the mansion, he neither appeared
astonished nor struck with admiration. The truth was, that Mr. Greenwood's
abode, with all its magnificent decorations and ornaments, its costly
furniture, and its brilliant display of plate, was a mere hovel compared to the
count's own palace at Montoni, the capital city of Castelcicala.
    Mr. Greenwood and the count had not exchanged many words,
ere dinner was announced. The banquet, although only provided for the founder
of the feast and his one guest, was of a most magnificent description, every
luxury which London could produce appearing upon the table.
    At half-past eight o'clock, the clerk of Mr. Greenwood's
solicitor arrived, and was introduced into the dining-room. He had brought with
him a deed by which Greenwood bound himself to be answerable to Count Alteroni
for the sum of fifteen thousand pounds, which the latter had placed in the
hands of the former for the purpose of speculation in a certain Steam-packet
Company, Greenwood recognising his responsibility towards the count to the
above extent whether the Company should succeed or not, it having been
originally agreed that he (Greenwood) should incur all risks,  he had
undertaken the sole direction of the enterprise. This deed was signed by George
M. Greenwood, witnessed by the attorney's clerk, and handed to Count Alteroni.
    The clerk then withdrew.
    Mr. Greenwood ordered a bottle of the very best Burgundy to
be opened, and drank a bumper to the health of the Signora Isabella.
    Scarcely was this toast disposed of, when Lafleur entered
the room, and said, "A courier with despatches from your correspondents in
Paris, sir, has just arrived, and requests to see you Instantly. I have shown
him into the study."
    "Very good," exclaimed Mr. Greenwood, suddenly
assuming a business air. "Will you excuse me, count, for a few
    "I shall take my leave, since you are likely to be much
occupied," said the nobleman.
    "On the contrary - pray remain - I insist upon it! I
shall not be long with this messenger," cried Mr. Greenwood: "and we
must empty another bottle before I allow you to take your departure."
    The count suffered himself to be over-ruled; and Mr.
Greenwood repaired to his study, well-knowing
that, instead of a courier from
Paris, he should there find Tom the Cracksman.
    Nor was he mistaken. That individual was sitting very
comfortably in an arm-chair near the fire, gazing around him, and wondering,
amongst other things, where the master of the house kept his strong-box.
    "You are known, I believe," said Greenwood,
carefully closing the door, "as the Cracksman?"
    "That's my title, sir - for want of a better,"
answered the villain.
    "You are, perhaps, astonished that I have sent for you
here," continued Greenwood: "but I wish a certain service performed
this very night, and for which I will pay you liberally."
    "What's the natur' of the service?" demanded the
Cracksman, darting a keen and penetrating glance at Greenwood.
    "A highway robbery," coolly answered this
    "Well, that a plain enow," said the Cracksman.
"But first tell me how you come to know of me, and where I was to be seen:
because how can I tell but what this is all a plant of yours to get me into
    "I will answer you candidly and fairly. A few years
ago, when I first entered on a London life. I determined to make myself
acquainted with all the ways of the metropolis, high or low, virtuous or
vicious. I disguised myself on several occasions, in very mean clothes, and
visited all the flash houses and patter-cribs - amongst others, the boozing-ken
in Great Saffron-hill. There you were pointed out to me; and your skill, your
audacity, and your extraordinary luck in eluding the police, were vaunted by the
landlord of that place in no measured terms."
    "Well - this is singular - blow me if it ain't!"
cried the Cracksman. "Another person found me out jist in the same way
this wery morning, only, and
wants a little private job done
for him. But that's for to-morrow night. Howsomever, I never blab to one, of
what I have done or am going to do for another. You to-night - him to-morrow
night! Arter all, the landlord's a fool to talk so free: how did he know you
wasn't a trap in disguise?"
    "Because I told him that my object was merely to see
life in all its shapes: and I was then so very young I could scarcely have been
considered dangerous. However, I have occasionally indulged in such rambles,
even very lately; and only a few weeks ago I looked in at the boozing-ken
dressed as a poor countryman. There I saw you again; and I overheard you say to
a friend of yours whom you called the Buffer, that you were generally there
every evening to see what was going on."
    "All right! cried the Cracksman.. "Now what's the
robbery, and what's the reward?"
    "Are you man enough to do it alone?"
    "I'm man enow to try it on; but if so be the chap is
stronger than me —"
    "He is a tall, powerful person, and by no means likely
to surrender without a desperate resistance."
    "Well, all that can be arranged," said the
Cracksman, coolly. "Not knowing what you wanted with me, I, brought two of
my pals along with me, and they’re out in the street, or in the alley leading
into the park. If there'd been anythink wrong on your part, they would either
have rescued me, or marked you and your house for future punishment."
    "I am glad that you have your companions so near. Of
course they will assist you?"
    "In anythink. The Resurrection Man and the Buffer will
stick to me like bricks."
    "Very good. I will now explain to you what I want done.
Between eleven and twelve o'clock a gentleman will leave London for Richmond.
He will be in his own cabriolet, with a tiger, only twelve years old, behind.
The cab is light blue - the wheels streaked with white. This is peculiar, and
cannot be mistaken. The horse is a tall bay, with silver- mounted harness. This
gentleman must be stopped; and every thing his pockets contain - every thing,
mind - must be brought to me. Whatever money there may be about him shall be
yours; and I will add fifty guineas to the amount :- but all that you find
about his person, save the money, must be handed over to me."
    "I understand," said the Cracksman. "Does he
carry pistols?"
    "I should imagine not."
    "Never mind: the Resurrection Man has got a couple of
barkers. But supposing he shouldn't come at all - what then?"
    "You shall have twenty guineas for your loss of time.
Here are ten as an earnest."
    "That's business," said the Cracksman. "Any
more instructions?"
    "No. I need scarcely say that no unnecessary violence
is to be used?"
    "Leave all that to me. You will sit up and wait for me?
    "Yes. Give a low single knock at the door, and the same
servant who sought you out last night, and let you in just now, will admit you
    The Cracksman gave a significant nod and took his departure.
    Mr. Greenwood returned to the dining-room, where he had left
the count.
    "My news from Paris is of the most satisfactory
nature," he observed. "My correspondents in that city, moreover,
promise me their best support in our new enterprise."
  "I am delighted to hear that your letters have pleased you,"
said the count.
    The two gentlemen then broached another bottle of Burgundy;
and Mr. Greenwood conversed with even more sprightliness than usual. Indeed,
the count fancied that he had never found his host so agreeable and
    At eleven o'clock precisely, the count's cabriolet was
announced; and the nobleman took his departure, with the conviction, that,
under his present circumstances, Mr. Greenwood was the most eligible suitor for
the hand of Isabella that was likely to present himself.
    As soon as the count had taken his departure, Mr. Greenwood
rang for his slippers and dressing-gown, drew close to the cheerful fire that
burnt in the grate, and ordered Lafleur to make him a tumbler of the best
pine-apple rum-punch. This exhilarating beverage and a fragrant Havana cigar
enabled Mr. Greenwood to pass the time away in a most comfortable and
soul-soothing manner.
    And it was thus that he mused as he watched the pale blue
transparent smoke of his cigar wreathing upwards to the ceiling:-
    "I began the world without a shilling, and at an age
when I had no experience in the devious ways of society;- and what am I now?
The possessor of sixty thousand pounds! A few years ago I slept in
coffee-houses, paying eight-pence a night for my bed: I breakfasted for
three-pence halfpenny; dined for ten-pence; and supped for two-pence. Now the
luxuries of the four quarters of the world tempt my palate at every meal. At
the outset of my career, my transactions were petty rogueries: now I play my
false cards to produce me
thousands at a stake. I once purchased my coat for twelve shillings in
Holywell-street; there is not now a tailor at the west-end who will not give
credit to George Greenwood. My wealth purchases me every kind of pleasure. I
can afford to bestow a thousand guineas upon the woman, who, daughter of a
peer, and wife of a baronet, throws herself into my arms. One single scheme
produces me ten times that amount. And Isabella - beauteous Isabella shall be
my wife. I shall receive no dowry with her, it is true - because I have
obtained all her father's fortune in advance; - but I shall be proud to
introduce a lovely wife - the daughter of a Count, and descended from a long
line of ancestry, in that fashionable sphere to which I must henceforth belong.
I shall be a member of parliament: Lord Tremordyn can easily obtain for use a baronetcy
in due time; - and then, the peerage is not a height
difficult to aspire to! Oh! if with a coronet upon my brow, and
Isabella by my side, I can drive in my chariot to —"
    Lafleur entered the room at this moment, and handed a letter
to his master. Greenwood opened it, and read as follows:-

"I have done your bid ding in every particular up to the
present moment. Louisa set off this afternoon for Birmingham, having received a
letter stating that her only sister is at the point of death in that town. You
will of course understand by whom that letter was written. I have, moreover,
invented an excuse, relative to the date of the departure of the New York
packets from Liverpool, by which means I am enabled to remain In London without
exciting the suspicions of Eliza. I shall pass to-morrow evening with her. You
may rely upon being admitted at midnight."

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