Read Perfecting the Odds Online

Authors: Brenna St. Clare

Perfecting the Odds (17 page)

BOOK: Perfecting the Odds
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leaned forward; the knee-weakening smile returned, sending her into the familiar spiral of needy, panty-soaking arousal. “You are, by far, the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, without doing a damn thing.”

She narrowed her eyes
despite her heart beating wildly in her chest. His flattery seemed endless. “You must really be disillusioned with what I can offer you.” She cringed inwardly. She meant it to sound full of jest and torment, but somehow it sound pitiful.

Is that a challenge, sweetheart?”

Time to strengthen that spine of hers.
“Well, you’re all about throwing down the gauntlet. Let’s see how you handle it once you get your hands on it.”

Chapter 17


The heat of his body behind her melted her resolve as she walked through her front door. She turned quickly and stopped. She was but a few feet from all 6’2” of him, his hungry stare nearly made her drop the leftovers she was holding. Holy Hell.
How did she go from not wanting to date to teasing the man into having his nasty, delicious way with her? One word: Michael. He flashed
smile and those eyes, turning her into an even tighter coil of sexual tension.

You mentioned something about getting my hands on
. Where would you like my hands first, sweetheart?” He and his smug grin moved past her, brushing against her peaked nipples.

She rolled her eyes
to cover her nerves before she turned away from him, clutching the bag to hide the trembling. Was that a rhetorical question? What the hell was she supposed to say to that? Maybe she should have gone on a few dates to prepare for Michael? Yes, that’s exactly what she should have done--some serious sexual training. She groaned inwardly. She would definitely suck at

She felt his breath on
the back of her neck, and her knees nearly gave out before he gripped her waist, pressing his very hard, very thick, very long erection against her seam of her ass.
And I didn’t even need to work for that
, she thought, dumbfounded. When he turned her around slowly, his huge body shadowed hers, and she instinctively inched backward. He stepped toward her, and she clutched her food, the only barrier between them. She licked her suddenly dry lips.

You’re stalking me, Michael Finn.”

he last name too? I must be in some serious trouble, Karis Bennett.”

With a
gasp, she nearly tripped backwards as he took the back from her hands, placed it on the counter behind her, and took one more step into her.

Le--et’s take this slowly. I mean, I was trashed before…” Dear Lord. She was stuttering and whining now, sounding like a prom-night virgin. Both excited and intimidated by him, she swept her eyes over his body. Michael was the kind of man words couldn’t do justice. His degree of sexy could be measured only in moisture, moans, and convulsions. In his dark wash jeans and blue button down oxford shirt, his body and stance exuded a dangerous mix of pseudo safety and fiery determination. She was aware of every inch of skin as it prickled beneath her clothing. Her breasts grew unbearable heavy; her nipples tickled against her bra. She fisted her nails into her palms, anything to distract her from the throbbing between her legs. His eyes darted to her breasts then painstakingly slowly ran his tongue along perfect, white teeth
. Sweet Jesus, help me.

Are you saying you have to get drunk to kiss me?” He took two more steps toward her, grazing his chest against her nipples, and she whimpered.

“Uh, n-no that’s not what I’m saying. It’s just that I know I was all ‘I want you’ at the restaurant, but I...Michael…I think I got ahead of myself. I’m completely
ready for you…for this…for, for
.” With her admission, his face softened and his body relaxed. He placed both hands on her face and brushed his lips across hers.

“So soft,” he whispered
before pulling back. “Pressuring you will only have you pushing me out the door, right?” Karis nodded. “No pressure then.”

gnawed her bottom lip. “Crap. Intimidation isn’t all that bad. I’d be lying if didn’t make me kinda hot,” she whispered, now completely embarrassed by her unconcealed desire. “But I’m not ready for the…er…big stuff.”

Big stuff?” He gave her a mocking grin. “Trying to redeem yourself for that compensation jab about my truck?”

She giggled then frowned. “Stop teasing me. You know what I’m talking about,” she scolded

His brows drew together. “No
pe, I’m drawing a complete blank.”

“Michael,” she growled.

“Karis,” he growled back, his lips twitching.

“Sex! I’m not ready for it
...all of it…with you. And I know with your innumerable conquests, you may expect it tonight, but it’s too soon for me. I feel guilty…kind of… not really, shit, I don’t know--.” She palmed her forehead. “You know, kissing is fine…you have an amazing mouth, so—.”

But Michael cut off her thought. He tipped up her chin and
dipped to nibble her neck, allowing her to lean into the curve of his neck, into that delicious scent of his. She couldn’t resist inhaling deeply before peppering kisses along his perfectly set jaw. He should bottle that shit and call it Eau de Orgasm. She had zero control when he put his mouth on her. In no louder than a whisper, she breathed, “You taste as good as you smell.” She felt him shutter before a low groan escaped. She licked the line of his jaw and teased her lips right below his ear. She smiled when his breath hitched. Definitely one of his spots.

If you keep doing that—.”

“It’s just a little kiss.
I can
do kissing.” She pulled back to meet his eyes.

“So just mouths and hands?” But before she knew how to respond, he pressed his body to hers, placed one hand on her lower back, the other around the nape of her neck.

That’s a loaded question, Michael,” she rasped. He laughed then flicked his tongue down her neck, sending a shiver throughout her body. His palm lightly cupped her breast as he ran his thumb over her budded nipple. She released a drawn-out moan. His touch felt so unbelievably good, so natural and right. She wanted his hands on her skin. There was no time to prepare, no time to train for this.
Michael would never hurt you
, voiced from somewhere unknown. Thanking God that the lights were dim, she pushed back and lifted off her shirt, revealing her completely see-through bra.

e exhaled raggedly. His eyes wide with disbelief, they darted between each breast, trying to find a spot to settle. She then unclasped her bra and tossed it over his shoulder.  His jaw slackened, and he quickly shut his mouth. “Jesus, you’re perfect.”

Thank you,” Karis said as she took a step toward him, mimicking his own game.

Just mouths and hands,” he murmured, as if trying to remind himself of the rules. His tongue slipped out to moisten his lips as he stared obsessively at her erect, rosy nipples. Karis gulped then smiled to hide her anxiety. She almost escaped to grab her bra, but when he devoured her with those starving eyes, her hands clenched at her sides. She wasn’t sure she saw his hands move as he grabbed her hair and pulled back. She sucked in a quick shot of air, opening her mouth to him. “Karis,” he purred as he slanted his mouth over hers. The man said her name like an edict and touched her like he took a solemn vow to please her. His tongue rushed in and out, mimicking what she knew he could do with that hard cock pressing desperately against her belly. She lifted her hands to his chest, feeling his reeling muscles beneath his shirt.  She had to touch him, needed that contact, the comfort both his words and body always delivered. She fumbled with the buttons.

“Please, Michael
.” He pulled away so she could unbutton his shirt.

Once open, she
teased her fingers along his chest before she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. She couldn’t stand it. Her tongue craved his flavor. Her hands made finger-light paths along his shoulders and down to his rigid stomach, and he shuddered at the sensation. Bending down, he kissed the tops of each heaving breast then circled her nipple with his tongue.

His low moan spurred anoth
er gush of arousal. She hadn’t been this turned on in her life. “This one has been teasing me since that night you were Little Red.” She bowed in anticipation, panting shamelessly, allowing her eyes to shut and just feel. He pulled her nipple into his mouth, licking its perimeter, wetting it before blowing his cool breath over it to form a harder peak. “So fucking pretty.” She moaned at the absence of his warm mouth and arched her back to beg for more. Somehow Michael’s touch had her mind void of doubt and full of everything pleasurable.  “I can’t ignore the other one,” he whispered. Shit, she could definitely come undone if he continued feasting on her breasts like this. He then released the swollen nipple with a plop and cupped both breasts, rolling her nipples beneath his thumbs.

Too much,” she bit out. “Oh, God.”

“Just Michael is fine,”
he murmured against her lips. She choked on a giggle and smacked his shoulder playfully. Her laughter quickly morphed into a gasp as his hands went to the button of her pants. He kissed her lips once. “I can’t wait to taste you. I can smell your tangy sweetness, how much you want it, need it. Just hands and mouths, sweetheart” he said. Before she could protest, he had her jeans pulled down. “Fucking hell, you don’t wear underwear?”

She could barely hear his question over th
e blood thumping in her ears. “Panty lines suck.”

shut his eyes and inhaled deeply as his hand slid up her thigh, in between her legs, and skimmed over her damp pink folds. “Sweetheart, you’re soaked.” She shuddered as his finger dipped into her bringing some of the cream up to her swollen bundle of nerves. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment. This man was trying to literally annihilate her with his wicked mouth and hands.

oh, please,” she begged, not quite sure if she was pleading for him to stop or continue. It had been years since a man had touched her this way, and for a moment she thought perhaps she’d never been
so good before. As if she’d voiced her need, he lifted her as if she weighed nothing and carried her to the closest wall. Lowering one of legs to the floor, he knelt down and slug one leg over his shoulder. Thankful for the wall to hold up her quivering body, her head fell back and she exhaled loudly. Circling her clit with his thumb, he slowly slid one then two fingers in and out of her.

Oh, Michael, I need,” she moaned. She slapped the wall behind her and matched his rhythm, pushing her pelvis into his thrusting fingers. Each new thrust compounded the one before as he brought her to the cusp of her release.

I know, sweetheart. You’re so hot…wet…so fucking tight.” She could do no more than moan gratitude as she writhed uncontrollably. Pleasure circuits flashed from all points of her body. He caressed her belly with his hand, his mouth, his breath. She pressed her upper back hard into the wall as he circled her clit faster; the muscles in her stomach and thighs clenched, begging for relief.

ou’re body is lovely...but this“--He dropped his mouth to her throbbing heat--“ perfection,” he hummed over her lower lips.

“Oh, please” she gasped. He licked from entrance to cleft twice, achingly slow, wet laps. She sputtered a plea of nonsensical words. She needed him to make love to her, but what kind of woman would she be? A slut who gives herself to a man in the middle of date number one. Jesus, she’s losing her mind
. Mouth and hands
, she repeated over and over, reminding herself of her limits.

“Please what, sweetheart? Do you want me to stop?”

“Shit, no!” she yelled, and he laughed, vibrating against her swollen flesh, nearly setting her off. He nipped at her lips and quickened the tongue flicks then sucked her nub between his teeth, stopping only to demand, “Eyes on mine when I make you come.” And that was it. She flickered her eyes to his briefly before her release erupted into a violent surge of pleasure, forcing his name from her lips over and over.

“One more,
love.” Eyes still clamped shut, tears tumbled down her face. She barely heard his request.

You’ve got to be kidding! I can’t.” She lifted her head to look at him, and his eyes were dark, demanding. Okay, so he wasn’t kidding. He bent and began laving, sucking, and tugging at her lower lips, her clit. He then curved his fingers and pressed within her heat to new depths, building an undiscovered height of ecstasy. She fisted his hair as his fingers pistoned into her, seeking the hidden treasure. His expert fingers massaged that spot, and she swore she saw a vision of divinity. White flashes blinded her. He reached up and rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger twice, sending her into the next release. Trembling from the aftershocks, she melted into the crook of his neck as he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to her bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and stretched out beside her, caressing her cheek as she tried to slow her breathing.

BOOK: Perfecting the Odds
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