Submission Under the Mistletoe

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Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #Erotica, #erotic romance, #BDSM, #yvette hines, #multicultural erotica

BOOK: Submission Under the Mistletoe
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Submission Under the

Yvette Hines

Copyright © 2012 Yvette

All rights



This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as
real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in
print without written permission by the author.

Bear’s Gold

Copyright © 2012, Yvette Hines


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To the strong, confident and steadfast man in
my life for you love and support. Always to my readers who enjoy my
stories and continuously ask, “When is that next holiday BDSM story
coming out?” To my writing
Amy, thanks for cracking the whip and only saying 200 times,
“How long is this story supposed to be?” For my writing partner who
lets me text her at 5 a.m. and give my morning word count, here’s
to another one. Last but never least, to Master Pam and all those
in the community that allow me to share in their lives.























Previous Works

Santa’s Helper

Speed Dating

The Marriage Clause

Holiday Affair

Take This Man

Golden Treasure

Ho, Ho, Ho and a Dom

Bet on a Mistletoe

Making the Man

Lady Justice

Trusting St. Nick

Shot at Love

Internet Rebound

Secured Heart

On The Prowl

Rescued Mate

Heated Restraints

Arrested Heart

Prisoner of Desire

Holiday Fantasy*

Designed for Love (Reignited

We Go Together (Summer Loving

A Piece of Me

A Gentle Christmas*

The Club

What White Boyz

By Invitation

Cinnamon Buns

To Have and To


Stealing the Bride (Taken

Slightly Sinful

SASSE Sheets

Bound for

Pleasuring the

Bear’s Gold

Stir Sticks &
Stilettos Series



*Note: Two other books in this
series “Holiday Fantasy” and “A Gentle Christmas”




































Brad moved slowly around the room.
Unsure of what to call the place he was currently in. A basement,
warehouse…dungeon. He mentally shrugged. Maybe he should have
stayed at the hotel with his twin brother, instead of taking his
sister and her Doms, his two best friends, up on their offer to
attend a holiday event with them. A BDSM event at that. However, he
couldn’t deny that he’d been curious over the two years his sister
had been in her current

Mike, Josh and Alesha were in one
of the private rooms observing a show, they weren’t “playing”
tonight. Alesha, his sister was just barely four months pregnant,
and that had ended the singles cruise he and Brian, his twin would
normally be on. They’d decided to come visit their little sister
instead. Now, here he was, his impetuous self, loitering in an
environment that he didn’t understand at all. It wasn’t just the
fact his baby sister, had committed her life to two men, but she’d
committed herself to wearing those men’s collar for life, getting
spank and whatever else her

He shook his head, and tried not
to judge those around him, family and strangers. It amazed him how
the classic Christmas song
Baby it’s Cold
could be playing over head while
people where in various states of undress and strapped to objects
all over the room. There seemed to be some disconnect with what he
was hearing and what he saw. The snaps and popping of different
“tools” being administered to, what his best friend’s assured him
was willing flesh, accompanied by the screams and moans just added
to his holiday confusion.

Why any man wanted a woman to submit so fully to him
was beyond reason to him. Didn’t these women have wills of their
own? Desires of their own?

Lifting his cherry flavored soda to his mouth, he
sipped it pensively and thought about Alesha his sister, she wasn’t
anyone’s doormat. She was sweet, generous, but she also handled the
administrative part of the business and Mike and Josh listened to
her and considered her an equal part.

He sighed, unsure about any of this. The sound of a
man coming as the woman in green leather pants suit behind the man
used a long whip on his bare ass, was too much.

That’s enough for me.

Brad downed the rest of his drink
and wished he could have opted for something stronger. However, the
place didn’t have alcohol at the bar. Josh, one of his sister’s
Dominants had explained to him it had to do with using the
equipment and people having a clear mind in a scene. That
definitely wouldn’t have been him, so a rum and Coke would have
helped him handle what he was
. Placing his empty glass on
the tray of a person with some kind of ball in their mouth, he
moved toward the door.

Maybe it was best if he waited for his sister and
her men by Mike’s car. It was cold outside, but the crisp air was
possibly just what he needed. He headed to the door.


Unsure if someone was speaking to him, Brad turned
and saw a woman dressed in red high-waist underwear and stacked
heels moving toward him. The fact that the woman was nude from the
waist up didn’t give him pause, because he’d seen bare bodies all
night. But, she had an amazing body, all the sienna-brown skin and
pert nipples caused an instant reaction in the lower part of his
body. Allowing his gaze to travel up, he noticed her make-up had a
classic look, bold eye-shadow, long lashes and deep red lipstick.
Her brown hair was in tight pin curls around her head, reminding
him of women in the 1950’s.

The tight lines in her face halted
him in place.
Was she in

Hell, in a place like this, how would he know? Was
this some kind of role playing?

Stepping forward, he took her by the shoulders. “Are
you in trouble? Do you need—”

Hands went around his neck and her lips met his. Not
a light ‘greeting’ type of kiss. Fuck, no. This woman pressed her
body to his and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Being a red-blooded man, he didn’t resist when a
woman kissed him. So, he kissed her back. Palming the back of her
head, he took over the kiss. Circling her tongue, he forced it back
into her mouth and drove in deep, retreating and returning.

Everything around him vanished. All of his focus
zoned in on the woman, giving her pleasure. A woman he didn’t know,
his mind told him. Not that his body cared at all.

He felt the shivers course through the slight form
that was pressed to him. The small moan she emitted confirmed

China Doll, get away from that
man. Before I give your ass the punishment here and now that your
disobedience has earned.”

The angry male bark had Brad taking the woman’s arms
and pulling her way. Reluctantly, she allowed the space between
them. Brad didn’t miss the heavy rise and fall of her chest.
Glancing over the top of her head, even in high heels she barely
came to his chin, he spotted the balding older man behind her.

The Asian man wore all black and held cuffs linked
by a long chain dangling from one hand.

Shit, Mike and Josh had warned him not to touch the
women here because it was possible that they would be someone’s
sub. He’d done a little more than touch her. Rather, she’d started
the connection.

But you finished it.
His body taunted.

Sorry, man, is she with you?”
Brad asked.

Hell, yes! China Doll, get over

A crowd was beginning to gather. Brad normally
didn’t mind large groups, but when he was the center of attention
like this, he didn’t like it.

No… please.” The woman, the man
called China Doll, was clutching his shirt.

Brad stared down at her. “I don’t know the rules
here, baby doll. You’re going to have to help me out. ”

It’s over for us. He refuses to
understand that.”

Brad was captivated by the soulful amber eyes that
stared up at him. Unbuttoning his shirt, he placed it around the
woman’s shoulders. Even though she seemed perfectly comfortable
bare-chested, he had the overwhelming feeling of wanting to shield
her in some way from the ugliness of the blistering man eight feet
away from them.

Has he hurt you against your
will?” He asked. Even though he wasn’t clear how things worked in
these types of relationship. He wasn’t going to stand by and let a
woman get hurt.

Slipping her arms into his white shirt, she glanced
back at the man behind them. “He never takes my—”

She relinquished her will when
she submitted to me.” The man stepped forward as if he intended to
grab her.

Lifting a single eyebrow, Brad let the man know that
he wasn’t going to allow it until things were straightened out.

The man stopped, his lips pinched in anger. “You
have no right to interfere.”

If she no longer wants to be with
you I think someone should,” Brad countered.

What’s going on here?” A wide
shouldered man in a vest and armband stepped from the crowd and
addressed the angry Dom. “Reel?”

It’s China Doll. She took off her
cuffs and then let this man touch and kiss her.” Dom Reel spat out,
aiming a thick finger at the woman in Brad’s arms.

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