Authors: Stacia Kane
riting a book is hard. Writing a list of people for whose support I'm thankful isâ¦well, okay, still hard, but not as bad. We have the usual suspects first: My husband Stephen and our two little girls, who have always been more understanding than I could hope for when I spend hours crouched over the computer ruining my vision. My parents and my brother Ray should, of course be thanked, for putting up with me my whole life. My best friends, Corinne Knell and Anna J. Evans, without whose comments and suggestions this book wouldn't be what it is now. My good friend George Beliard. My favorite girl Ariana Chang. All of my fellow Reluctant Adults: Mark Henry, Anton Strout, Jill Myles, and Ilona Andrews. The wonderful Caitlin Kittredge. Carol Nelson Douglas, and my editor Paula Guran. Briana St. James, Miss Snark and the Snarklings, and her secret boyfriend Evil Editor and the Evil Minions. All of my blog friends and readers, you know who you are, and I continue to be amazed that you actually care what I say or think about anything.
Special thanks go to Heather Massey, for her invaluable information about therapy, psychology, qualifications, practice, and licensing. Any errors are of course mine and not hers.