Phantom Scars (7 page)

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Authors: Rose von Barnsley

BOOK: Phantom Scars
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Chapter 14 - That Thing


It had been two days, and Dr. Greyson had assured me that Emma's momma was safe. He had received a coded message, letting us know she'd arrived at her safe house. Where that was, we didn’t know. We had kept contact to a minimum, so as not to alert anyone to Emma's whereabouts. We didn't even let her momma know that Emma was alive. We thought it best that she appeared to be dead.

Dr. Greyson informed us that not only did he warn Paige of her impending abduction, but also the police, so they were able to set up a sting and capture the men who were attempting to kidnap Emma's momma. They had a female officer pose as Paige, and when the thugs went to kidnap her, it was all caught on tape. They were going down and would probably help take down others to get a lesser sentence.

It was just the first step in taking down the men who had hurt my wife, but it was an important one. I hoped they would be able to contact the local authorities soon and get rid of the lingering yahoos still here.

Emma wasn't happy about not telling her momma she was alive, but bald tattoo guy was still hanging around the area. We couldn't risk any slipups. I told my momma I would be staying with Emma out of sight in our apartment until he disappeared. Wayne Hewitt was still running around town as well. He had been down to public records more than once and came into the restaurant to eat several times. It was as if they were watching and waiting for something. Bald guy was joined by two others, and they all seemed to be keeping an eye on Wayne. I wished they would make him gator chow already and get the heck out of town.

Dr. Greyson would come for dinner at the restaurant, then come up and have our session in our living room. I think Emma actually felt more comfortable staying home for the sessions. She spent a lot of time writing in her notebook, and she allowed Dr. Greyson to read it all, now that it was out that she had been taken to be sold. She didn't, however, have Dr. Greyson reading it out loud. He read some of it out loud, but most of it was silent.

I could tell he was doing his best to keep his face neutral, but his eyes would water occasionally. I just hoped Emma would let me read it as well and let me know what had happened to her. She spoke softly to Dr. Greyson, and they went over what helped her sleep. She recalled the good night's rest she'd had on the floor with me, and Dr. Greyson suggested we change our sleeping arrangements. I was nervous about it, because I was a man, and sometimes my body reacted in ways I could not control.

I had pulled Dr. Greyson aside and tried to explain this to him, but he didn't seem to get that I didn't want to discuss it in front of Emma. He just turned to her and said, "Emma, you are aware that sometimes men have erections in the morning and have no control over it, correct?"

We both blushed furiously. "Doc!" I hissed at him.

He rolled his eyes at me. "I'm sure she's aware of the medical explanation for the cause of morning erections. It's perfectly normal for a man to get them, even when he's not necessarily sexually aroused."

"DOC!" I shouted at him, and I felt bad instantly, because my yelling caused Emma to jump. "Just...please stop talking about it already!" I pleaded.

I walked over to Emma, who was looking at the floor like it was very interesting. "Emma, honey, I don't think we should change our sleeping arrangements," I murmured to her and hoped Dr. Greyson's outburst on morning wood would be enough to deter her from changing sleeping arrangements as well.

"You don't want to sleep with me?" she asked softly, pouting at me.

I didn't want her to think I didn't want her. "I, um, no…well, yes…I just don't want you to feel…uncomfortable with me," I said more like a question, not sure if I wanted to discuss this with her.

"I don't feel uncomfortable with you," she said, looking into my eyes.

I frowned a little. "I want to keep it that way. I'm afraid if we shared a bed," I cleared my throat, "parts of me," I motioned downward, "would make you feel uncomfortable, and I’d never want you to feel that way. Do you understand?"

She let out a sigh and then stepped closer to me. "Because you're so concerned about this whole mess," she motioned downward like I did, "I know I'm safe with you. I won't let that thing scare me off."

I didn't think I fully believed her, since she referred to my package as “that thing,” but Dr. Greyson had overheard and taken it for agreement. I still was wary about it and figured I would find a way to keep myself from scaring her in my bed. I really didn't think this was a good idea.

I finally got her to agree to use some sleeping bags if we were going to sleep together. She looked at me sadly, but didn't protest. I later found out the next day, when Dr. Greyson came to visit, that it hurt her feelings that I wanted to keep so much distance between us.

My momma started coming up at lunchtime and telling me to go serve downstairs. She thought my sudden disappearance was causing Wayne to hang around. I went ahead and served him, and I might or might not have put extra chili powder in his food. It did say “spicy” on the menu. It took everything I had in me not to beat the crap out of him.

I even went so far as to give the bald guy a free coffee and asked him if he was going to introduce himself to Wayne, or would he like me to get him his number. He snarled at me, and I just backed up with my hands up. "Sorry, dude, but you do stare at him every day. I just thought maybe there was something going on with you two."

At that, he got up and stormed out of the restaurant, taking his two goons with him, who were both smirking behind bald guy's back.

"Man, how did you get rid of them?" Clayton asked me, as I went back to collect my next order. "I was about ready to deck a couple of those baboons for the way they were watching Jennifer."

I shrugged. "I asked bald guy if he wanted me to get Wayne's number for him."

Clayton burst out laughing. "That's rich. Maybe they can sell that bastard," he said and then glanced around to make sure momma wasn't around to hear him swear. "We should visit him when he's in prison and ask him how his butt buddy, Bubba, is doing."

"Can you say that five times fast, Clayton? That's a lot of B's."

"Butt Buddy Bubba, Butt Bubby Bubba…"

I started laughing, because Jennifer had just walked in with another order and was glaring at Clayton. "Say hi to your friend, Bubba," she said as she left, and Clayton punched my shoulder.

"You jerk!"

"Hey, I didn't know she was coming in."

She came back a moment later with another order, but handed it directly to Eli. He saw it and smiled, and I thought that was weird. Jennifer winked at him and walked out, leaving Clayton speechless and jealous.

I walked over and looked down at the order. It looked like any other. "What's with you and Jen?"

Eli looked up from the order and shook his head. "Nothing, get back to work," he snapped, pointing to a tray of food waiting for me to serve. I usually didn't work out front like this, but we needed me to be visible to the jerks after my girl.

When the order Jennifer gave Eli directly came up, I was sure to snag it, taking it to the table in question. I also noticed this was an extra-large helping and had fancy garnish on it shaped like a butterfly.

I was surprised to see the plate went to Faye Yates, the owner of the candy shop Clayton lived over down the boardwalk. "Hello, Ms. Faye," I said smiling, as I placed the dish in front of her. "Will you be needing anything else?"

She looked down at the plate and smiled widely. "Oh, Devin, you tell that sweet chef of yours that he's the best. I just wish I could get him to come out and meet me one of these days," she said pouting a little.

I looked back at the kitchen door. I knew now why Eli smiled. "He's shy, Faye," I said sliding in across from her. "Has Jen told you anything about him?"

She shook her head no. "Just that he’d noticed me one day getting a morning coffee and told Jen to take me one of his pastries on the house. I've tried to get him to come out to meet me, but he won't," she pouted and let out a sigh. "Every time I come here, he makes my order special," she said a little wistfully, as she poked at the pretty butterfly garnish. Eli had really outdone himself this time. He used different berries for designs on its wings. It really was beautiful, which just seemed to prove that he really was smitten with Ms. Faye.

"Ms. Faye, I'm afraid he hides in the kitchen, because he's afraid you won't like what he looks like."

"Oh, silly Devin, don't you know the best part of the candy is the center?" she said and gently ran her finger down the butterfly’s wing. "I can see his center is the sweetest in the world."

I wanted to introduce Faye to Eli, but if she flinched or looked away from him even once, he would be crushed. "Faye," I said low in a whisper, "He was burned pretty badly."

Her eyes watered. "Is he okay?"

"Yes, he's fine now, it happened a long time ago, but he doesn't like people looking at him," I explained.

She threw her napkin down and stood up. "You take me to him right now."

Jennifer glared at me. I suspected she knew what I was up to and thought Faye would be too shallow to love our friend like we did. I looked at the kitchen door and then back to Faye, trying to think of something to say. Before any words came to mind, she was marching through the kitchen door by herself.

I ran after her and saw Eli's shocked face at her appearance.

"I'm tired of waiting." She walked over to him and pulled him down. "Now give me some sugar," she demanded, kissing him full-on, shocking us all.

Eli dropped his spatula, and Clayton let out a whistle. When they finally pulled apart, Faye was smiling widely. "You're coming to my place for dinner tonight. It's time I returned the favor," she said and kissed his scarred cheek without hesitation.

"Yes, Ms. Faye," he answered her a little stunned.

She headed for the door, but then turned around last minute. "Back to work, my boy has a date he can't be late for," she said with a smile. "I'll see you at six o'clock, Eli, and bring an overnight bag," she winked at him and left.

Clayton was guffawing and slapping his knee. "You got your hands full with that one," he said laughing at Eli.

Jen walked by, glaring at Clayton, and Eli smirked, raising a brow at my brother. "Well, at least
my hands full."

Chapter 15 – Movements


It had been two weeks since Emma had last left the house. I was surprised she was doing so well, but then I remembered she had done well on the ship, never leaving my quarters, and that had been much smaller. She seemed to thrive in confined places, but I also noticed she always stayed far away from the windows. I didn't mention anything to her about it, because her staying away from the windows right now was a good thing. I just didn't want her to be afraid. I would never let anything happen to her.

She had been sleeping better, and I had been able to keep myself under control, thankful she hadn’t woken up and noticed anything. More than once, though, I had woken up to her wrapped around me and my hand cupping her backside inappropriately. This girl was killing me. I took cold morning showers as part of my normal routine now. When I made my way out of bed, I did my best to ignore how nicely her little body was filling out, now that she had put on some weight. Dang her and her distracting backside, my hands would just find it in our sleep of their own volition. I just knew one of these days she was going to find out what a cad I really was and tell me to take a hike. I knew my momma would let her move in with her if she asked.

I tried not to look at her inappropriately, but it never failed that when my momma brought lunch for us, she would point at her eyes and then motion for me to look up. I heard my momma clear her throat again. I quickly looked at her and smiled, kissing her cheek and pulling my eyes away from Emma once more.

I let out a sigh.

"What's on your mind, sugar?" momma asked.

I looked to Emma and then to my momma, "Um, nothing really, I just wish I could take out these jerks and be done with this already."

"I know, honey, but Warren is on top of it. He's been passing tips to the authorities, and they're listening. Just let them do their work, so we don't have to get our hands dirty. You know, I could go for a good hog boiling myself, but sometimes we have to let things play out and stick with peanuts instead of pig."

Emma looked at us both, thoroughly confused, not understanding a word my momma had said. It just made me smile. I leaned over and gave them both a kiss on the head.

I made my way downstairs and saw Clayton glaring at bald guy and his goons. Bald guy was watching Jennifer, and Clayton didn't like it. Neither did I. "Did Wayne come in today?" I asked.

"No, not yet, but I don't like those nasties over there looking at my girl."

I looked at him, raising a brow. "Nasties? Really?" That was an odd word choice. "I'll send Jen home."

"No, I want to keep her here, where I can keep an eye on her. I don't want her disappearing," Clayton insisted.

I let out a sigh. It was time we let Jen in on what was going on. I put on my apron and got to work. When Jen and I both happened to cross paths in the kitchen, I told her there was a meeting at my place after work. She looked at me confused and annoyed, but I insisted and reassured her that my momma would be there as well. I also invited Eli. He should know what a risk it was having his Ms. Faye come in. She was a very beautiful girl, too. There were known slave traders here, and it looked like they were looking for another mark.

For now, though, I would boil me some peanuts. I looked at the drink orders for the bald guy and the goons and got an idea. I prepared two of the drinks the way they were supposed to be, and to the third I added a little of the powerful laxative left over from my momma's colonoscopy prep, not enough to taste, but enough to get things moving. I served the drinks with a smile and gave a wink to the bald guy, so he would think I still thought him to be gay.

I took their order and was pleased to find the one who took the laxative-laced drink wanted something spicy, so I could give him extra chili pepper on his food and keep refilling his laxative-spiked drink, until I sent him running to the bathroom.

They were still eyeing Jennifer, and Clayton was getting mad. I let him in on my plan to give one of the guys the runs, and he decided to help by mixing a little of the laxative into the sauce for the guy’s food.

I was hoping if we sent one running, the rest would follow.

Clayton didn't like people messing with his girl. Not that Jen was his, but he had called dibs on her, and since he had the mentality of a first grader, it actually meant something to him.

The guy with the laxative drink finally took off running for the bathroom, and I walked over to the table, looking in the direction he had gone, and then I leaned down and whispered, "Did he drink the local water? It tends to upset the tourists," I said, "Even if they use it just to brush their teeth."

Bald guy growled, annoyed with me, and the other goon looked at the bathroom worried.

That's right, buddy, you're next.

We had a caramel chunk dessert on special, and I decided to give them a piece on the house to gum up their teeth with the chewy caramel I knew they would not be brushing off tonight. From the looks of their teeth, I would venture to guess they were going to be feeling some serious cavity-related pain later.

Clayton came out with a couple of shot glasses and looked over at the bathroom door. "Did they have the local whiskey?" he asked smirking. "You tourists never can handle our liquor."

Bald guy growled, "Give me a shot of your local shit. I can drink anyone under the table!"

I wondered what Clayton was up to, as he poured out the shots and lined up a couple for the bald guy, and then he pulled two more shot glasses out of his apron pocket. "Can't have you drinking alone," he said, pouring himself some from the same bottle. Clayton took his shot, and then bald guy took both of his in quick succession. Clayton took his last shot and smiled at the guy. "Looks like you can handle your own. My mistake," he said getting up. "Of course, our stash is the cheap local stuff, but if you want the
local stuff that can really burn a hole in your gut, you’ve got to go down to Sonny's bar and tell him you want a taste of the local flavor. He'll fix you right up," he said and started to head to the kitchen.

It took everything in me to keep a straight face, as Sonny's was the one and only gay bar in town, and there was no such thing as “local liquor,” so if he asked Sonny for a taste of the local stuff, I was sure he would get an interesting surprise.

I made it back to the kitchen and asked Clayton what the shots were. He just smirked and pointed to the laxative bottle.

"I may have put a teaspoon of that in each of his glasses before I went out there. I think he'll find the local whiskey rather hard to stomach in a few minutes."

Their buddy still had not come out of the bathroom yet. I overheard bald guy talking on his phone, as he started rubbing his rumbling gut. "No, the merchandise is not here. I'll see about picking up something to replace what we don't have," he said, and I saw him eyeing Jennifer. "I have something in mind I think will work well for the business. I'll let you know when I've procured it," he said, and then he looked over at his goon and nodded at him as he hung up.

Their buddy came back from the bathroom looking worse for wear, and all three of them stood up to go, throwing down their cash on the table like they did every day. They all filed past Jennifer, but the last goon reached out and grabbed her butt.

Of course, Jen would never stand for such behavior. Unfortunately for Mr. Goon, she was in the middle of refilling someone’s ice water out of a glass pitcher. She turned and busted it right over his head. "Keep your hands to yourself, you sap-sucking, yellow-bellied, lard bucket!" she snapped, slapping him with each syllable then kneed him in the nuts.

"Holy shit!" his buddy said, watching his friend crumble to the ground with a few nasty cuts and soaking wet with ice water.

Bald guy glared at the pair. "Get up, you idiot, you're making a scene!" he said, yanking soggy goon off the ground. "Just couldn't wait a day could you?" he hissed lowly, as he shoved him out the door, and that was all the confirmation I needed. I knew they were now planning to kidnap Jen.

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