Read Play Me Online

Authors: Katie McCoy

Play Me (17 page)

BOOK: Play Me
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My face blazed hot as
the words left my lips. I had never said something like that to a
man. I had never meant it before. But whatever embarrassment I had
felt was immediately gone as Jake’s lips came down on mine and
he lifted me up against him. His tongue was hot and wet in my mouth,
my own tongue seeking his like a missile, and when they met,
explosions began to go off behind my eyelids. God, nothing had ever
felt this good, and we hadn’t even done anything yet.

Jake spun me around and
I found my back pressed up against my door as his hand slid down my
side and back to cup my ass. My legs wrapped around his waist and as
the seam of my jeans met the seam of his, I threw back my head and
moaned. Oh god, he felt so good, so hard and ready, his hips already
rolling against mine.

His mouth found my
throat, his teeth and tongue finding the tender spot behind my ear
and I felt my eyes roll back in my head as he bit me there. Gently,
but not too gently. His hand gripped my ass, pulling me tight against
him, so I could feel every single inch that waited for me. All for
me. Just for me.

“Fuck,” he
groaned as I pressed back against him. “Oh baby, you feel so
fucking good.”

I never thought that
language like that would have turned me on, but oh my god, it did.
Just the rumble of Jake’s voice was enough, but now, whispering
naughty things to me, I went molten hot.

“Tell me,”
I purred, surprising myself. “Tell me more.”

The surprise on his
face quickly turned into wickedness.

“You want me to
tell you?” he growled, thrusting his hips against me with each
question. “You want me to tell you how hard I am for you? How
all I’ve thought about since I first saw you was sliding my
cock deep inside you? How I plan to make you come so hard you can’t
remember your name?”

I moaned and he claimed
my mouth again, his teeth catching my bottom lip, his tongue meeting
mine over and over again. His hands were all over my body, clutching
my ass, cupping my breast, tangling in my hair. If it weren’t
for my legs wrapped tightly around his waist and the door against my
back, I would have collapsed onto the floor with his first kiss.

Jake wrapped his hand in my hair and pulled, not hard, but not gentle
either. It forced my head back, my gaze meeting his. The expression
on his face was pure lust, pure desire. “Are you ready?”

I had never been more
ready for anything in my life.

“Yes,” I
breathed. “Oh god, yes.”

“Good,” he
groaned. “Because we are both overdue for a standing ovation.”

With that, he placed
both hands under my ass and spun me around. I held on tight, but his
steps didn’t even falter as he took long, even strides to where
my mattress lay on the floor. He took one look at it and shook his

“We need to get
you a real bed,” he told me and knelt down to the floor,
lowering me onto the mattress. My legs were still wrapped around his
waist, our bodies still intimately pressed together, and as he leaned
forward, my hips arched up towards him and he froze.

His voice was choked. “We’ve barely started the first
course and I don’t want to rush through dessert.”

But I couldn’t
resist and pushed against him again. I wanted him on top of me. I
wanted him inside me. And I wanted it now.

“But I like
dessert best,” I said in a husky voice I barely recognized. I
reached up and tried to pull him down towards me, but he kept himself
braced above me on his arms. Before I could try again, he captured my
hands and pinned them above my head with one of his hands.

“Greedy girl.”
He held on tight as he leaned back onto his heels, my hips sliding
away from him and onto the bed. Releasing my hands, he smoothed his
palms down the length of my body, skimming my arms, the sides of my
breasts, and the width of my hips.

“I do like these
jeans,” he told me, his fingers brushing across the waistband
until they came to the button. “But right now I’m more
interested in what you’re wearing underneath them.”

With a deft flick of
his wrist, he had the top button of my jeans undone. But instead of
unzipping them, he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to my
stomach, dropping hot kisses against that often untouched part of my

Everything inside me
burned for him, a delicious tension building between my legs. But
Jake was intent on torturing me. Instead of his kissing going
downward, they began to travel up, as he pushed my shirt higher and
higher until finally my new black lace bra was revealed.

Jake whispered, looking up at me, eyes blazing hot. “You wore

Then he whisked the
shirt off my head and flung it across the room. Before it could even
land on the floor, Jake’s mouth was on my breast.

Oh my god. While his
tongue and teeth teased one breast, his hand cupped my other breast,
his thumb sliding the thin lace across the pearled tip of my nipple.
I saw stars behind my eyes as he sucked and nibbled at my breasts
right through my flimsy bra. The tension was almost unbearable and my
hips strained upward, seeking Jake. Seeking relief.

Jake lifted his head to
give me a wicked grin.

“Eager to show me
your panties?” He drew a finger down my stomach until he
reached the zipper of my jeans and finally unzipped them. I lifted my
hips to help him ease the tight jeans down my body. They were as
quickly discarded as my shirt, and there I was, on my bed, in black
lingerie, in front of Jake.

He groaned.

“You are so
fucking gorgeous,” he said huskily, sliding his hands down my
bare legs. When he reached my knees, he barely had to touch them
before I let them fall open.

I was ready. I was so
completely ready.

His mouth found the
inside of my knee and I shivered. Then it found the inside of my
thigh and I shuddered. Then it found the center of me and I gasped.
He licked me through the thin lace, as hands clutched my ass, tilting
my hips up to meet him. He hooked his finger around the black lace
and pulled it aside, until nothing was between me and his hot mouth.

My hands grabbed the
sheets, my entire body aware of nothing but his tongue inside. I was
so wet, so ready, and when he slid his finger inside me, I moaned,
and his mouth moved faster against me, my hips arching up to meet
him, and I felt my entire body tense from the delicious build of
pleasure until it exploded inside me and I shuddered against his
mouth, my moans muffled behind my fingers.

I couldn’t move,
my entire body deliciously limp as Jake removed my panties and with a
single flick unhooked my front-hook bra, finally pushing all the lace

ovation?” He grinned down at me, his hand smoothing over my

“Uh huh,” I
barely managed.

He leaned forward and
kissed me, gently. Then I felt him hard against my leg and the
tension inside me began to build again. I kissed him back, my tongue
sweeping into his mouth.

wearing too many clothes,” I muttered, my hands reaching for
the hem of his shirt. Before I could grab it, though, Jake reached
back and with one smooth gesture pulled it up and over his head.

And then his chest, his
perfect, gorgeous chest was bare. And it was all mine. I smoothed my
hands over it, turning my body and pushing him down onto the bed. I
wanted to trace every line of ink on his body, but I settled for
dragging my tongue across his collarbone, where he tasted of salt and
sex. My hands fumbled for his belt, but he helped me with that as
well, deftly undoing his jeans and sliding them off, but not before
removing a condom from his back pocket. He was now stretched out
beside me, his gorgeous body clad only in soft gray briefs, his cock
straining against them.

many clothes,” I told him again, and with a wicked smile, he
removed those as well.

Oh. My. God.

Before I could stop
myself, I lowered my mouth and drew my tongue across the head.

Ella,” Jake moaned as I took more of him into my mouth.

I had never done
anything like this before. I was never this forward in bed, but I
loved the way he felt, the way he tasted. But it was only a few
moments before he escaped my grasp and I found myself on my back
again, with Jake between my knees. He rolled a condom onto to his
hard length.

“I want you so
bad,” he growled, his cock pressing against me.

I lifted my hips.

“What are you
waiting for?” I teased.

He closed his eyes and
I could see him grit his teeth. And then I felt him. So big, so hard,
and so perfect. He slid into me like we were made for each other. I
braced my feet on the bed as he buried himself inside me.

“Ooooh,” I
moaned as he pulled back slowly and then thrust forward.

“Oh, fuck,”
he groaned, even deeper inside me.

With each thrust he
filled me, starting slow and then going faster and faster. My hands
clutched at his arms, at his chest, pulling him tighter against me,
my legs going up and around his hips. Somehow he slid even deeper. I
could feel every inch of him, stroking me, and suddenly, without
warning, there was a crescendo inside of me and I exploded, my
fingers digging into his arms, my head thrown back as a cry of
pleasure burst from my throat.

But Jake didn’t
stop, he thrust again and again, the rhythm perfect and intense, as
his mouth found mine, his tongue matching the movement of his cock
inside me. His hands were everywhere, my ass, my breasts, my hair. I
couldn’t get enough of him. I wanted more. More.

Then, without warning,
he stopped.

Our bodies were slick
with sweat, and his arms shook as he held himself above me. He
grinned down at me, that wicked, wolfish grin.

“Are you ready
for dessert, baby?” he asked.

Before I could answer,
he gathered me in his arms and rolled over until I was on top of him,
straddling him. And he was deep, so deep inside of me. I moaned.

“Oh, fuck.”
Jake’s fingers dug into my hips.

He thrust upward and I
moaned again, the sound vibrating through my entire body.

Jake groaned, his hands sliding up to cup my breasts, his thumbs
finding my nipples.

I arched my back, my
hips rolling forward. Oh god, it felt so good. I did it again and I
again, rubbing my clit against him, his hips meeting my every stroke.
His hands moved down to my waist, one sliding even lower, touching me
just above where we were joined.

I threw my head back, my hips now undulating out of control as Jake’s
thumb stroked me until white lights exploded behind my eyes.

My body still
trembling, Jake pulled me against him and rolled us again, pinning me
to the bed as he thrust into me, deeper and deeper, faster and
faster. Through the haze of my own pleasure, I could see the cords in
his neck straining as his pace became frantic, animalistic. I felt
the incredible tension build again inside me and just as I fell for
the fourth time, Jake let out a shout of pleasure and thrust deep
inside of me.

Boneless with pleasure,
I felt him gather me up in his arms, our bodies slick and hot as we
were wrapped up in sheets and each other.


Chapter 23




“Your kitchen is
an embarrassment,” I informed Ella, standing in front of her
empty fridge. “How have you even survived this long without any
food here?”

soup in the cabinet,” she told me, stretched out on the bed,
draped only in a thin sheet.

And in that moment, I
couldn’t decide what I wanted to do more: feed her or fuck her.

Rationally I knew the
first option was the more necessary one, but damn if I didn’t
want her again. I had a feeling I would never get enough of her. The
way she felt, the way she tasted, and oh, fuck, the way she came. How
her entire body seemed to shake, her back arching off the bed, those
deep guttural moans escaping her lips. Fuck. I had better feed he—and
me—soon, because my cock was already gearing up for round two
and I needed to refuel first.

“Soup is not
food,” I argued.

“You seemed to
think it was fine when you were sick,” she reminded me.


“I was out of my
mind with fever,” I told her, not yet willing to admit defeat.

“You still
managed to make a pass at me,” she called from the bed.

“Well, yeah, I
was feverish, not dead.” I tossed her one of my most charming
smiles, but she just rolled her eyes.

I could look at her all
day. That ass, those breasts, those endlessly long legs, and that
hair. And all that black lace. Fuck.

I turned back to the
fridge and opened the freezer.

“Aha!” I
exclaimed. “Your kitchen isn’t a total loss at all.”
I pulled the ice cream from the freezer and grabbed two spoons from
her drawer. At least she had silverware. I definitely needed to do
something about her food situation. No wonder she was so skinny—she
had nothing to eat.

I headed back to the
bed, already imagining the kind of groceries I would buy her, and
then she sat up and her sheet slipped, showing me everything from her
shoulder to her navel, and my brain short-circuited.

“My ice cream.”
Ella pulled the sheet back up and reached for the pint.

I passed it over and
gave my head a firm shake as if that would help focus me. Ha. Fat
chance around this girl. Especially while she was naked.

Ella popped the top off
the ice cream and dug in.

“Mmm,” she
moaned as she took a bite.

trying to kill me, aren’t you?” I asked her. “You’re
going to kill me with sex and ice cream.”

She peered out at me from behind a curtain of hair and I caught a
glimpse of a mischievous smile. “Would you mind?”

BOOK: Play Me
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