Pleasure's Edge (18 page)

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Authors: Eve Berlin

BOOK: Pleasure's Edge
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She was naked underneath.

He groaned at the sight of her taut ass, the lips of her sex peeking out from between her thighs, pink and beautiful.

He tore his jacket off. His shirt came next. Then he grabbed the fine flesh of her ass with both hands, his fingers biting, leaving marks. He wanted that—to mark her.


He pul ed his hand away, paused, and she surged back, offering the sweet curve of her bottom to him. He let his palm come down hard, the sound echoing in the stil air. He smacked her again, and her body moved with the force of it. Her skin was pinking, welting.

Too fast. Moving too fast.

He ran a hand through his hair, watching her. She was panting.

So was he.



“Tel me.”

“Tel you what?”

He went down on his knees next to the sofa, put a hand on the back of her neck, under her hair. Her skin was hot, burning up. He was hard as steel. He let his fingers go into her hair, tightening in the long curls until he was grasping the back of her scalp. He pul ed her head up until her gaze met his.

“Do you want this? For me to be here. For me to touch you.

Spank you. Fuck you.”

“Yes. Yes . . . ”

Her voice was a whisper, but that was al he needed. He let go the control, simply let it al go. He fel on her—that was the only way to think about it—planting his mouth on her throat, licking the tender flesh there. His hands went to her breasts, kneading, pinching her nipples through the fine fabric. And she was moaning softly, her nipples going hard.

He let her go long enough to kick off his shoes, his jeans. She stayed perfectly stil while he did it, on her hands and knees, her nightgown in a bunch around her slender waist.

He could not wait.

He turned her over, pressing her down onto her back.

“Damn it. Condom.”

He let her go so he could pul one from his pocket, and rol ing it over his aching cock was pure torture. She watched him, her eyes gleaming silver in the light of the one lamp burning in the room.

She was so damn beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.

He bent over her, drawing in a breath as she lifted her nightgown, revealing her breasts.


She was perfect.

Her legs opened for him, and he looked at her, her long, beautiful body, the slippery pink slit between her thighs. His cock throbbed.

Then he lowered his body over hers, and there was nothing in the power play but the force of his need, overwhelming hers.

Overwhelming him. And when he slid into her, pleasure was an electric arc, burning him, shocking him.

He thrust into her, and she met his hips with hers. When she went to lace her arms around his neck, he took her wrists and held them over her head. He couldn’t stand for her to hold him. He couldn’t think about why. Now al he wanted was her body, the slick heat of her sex, burning him up. The sweet crush of her breasts against his bare chest. The scent of her skin. And he wanted her to come—wanted to make her come, over and over.


Yes, that was it, what he needed.

Don’t think. Just do it.

He pul ed out of her then, stil holding her arms over her head with one hand as he thrust the other between her thighs. He worked her clitoris mercilessly with his fingers, felt it swel beneath his touch.

He knew he was being rough with her. He knew she loved it as she writhed and panted beneath him. And as he pinched her clit, tugged on it, she came, her body arching up off the sofa.

“Ah, God, Alec . . . ”

She shivered with her climax, her thighs tensing. And he kept working her, his cock stil a hard, throbbing pulse between his thighs.

“Okay,” she muttered, her eyes closed. “Okay.”


“I . . . just give me a minute.”


He kept at her, his fingers pressing into her. She was burning hot, soaking wet. He pumped, angled his fingers, searching for her G-spot. He crooked his fingers until he felt that soft, spongy flesh, heard her whimper. And he pressed his thumb onto her clit at the same time.

“Alec . . . I’m . . . I’m going to come again.”

“Yes. Do it, Dylan.”

She started to shudder, inside and out, her breasts beautiful y flushed. Her eyes were screwed tightly shut, and she bit into her lip as she came once more, her arms pul ing against his tight grasp.


His cock was a solid ridge of need, hard and aching. But he couldn’t stop now.

“Again, Dylan.”

“God, Alec,” she panted, her eyes fluttering open.

Two dark crystals in her lovely face; they glowed in the light of the lamp, the cloud-dimmed moonlight coming through the window.

“I want you to look at me this time,” he told her.

She simply nodded her head.

He began again, his fingers delving into her wet sex. It was streaming with her juices, so damn lush and hot. He could smel her, that sharp, sweet scent of arousal, of female come.

Her clitoris was swol en, and he was certain she was sore.

He could not stop.

Her gaze was on his, and she was biting her lip again. He wanted to taste that plump, red flesh. But not yet.

Pure torture, to watch her like this. To deny himself what he real y needed—to bury himself in her body. To kiss her. He just wanted to fucking kiss her.


He pushed his fingers deeper inside her, circled her hard little clit with his thumb.

“Alec . . . it feels so good . . . but I don’t think I can do it again ...”

“You can. You wil .”

He let go of her wrists and she left her arms where they were, stretched over her head. She was in a state of abandon now, her arms limp.

He loved seeing her like this. Overpowered. Overcome. Under his hands.

He slipped his hand under her, his fingers sliding in her juices.

When they were wel -lubricated, he moved between her ass cheeks, and pressed a finger into that tight hole, knowing—loving

—that this did something to her, put her right into subspace, if she weren’t there already. Taking her even deeper now.

“Ah . . . Alec.”

He didn’t have to ask if it was good. He could see it on her face.

Her pupils were enormous, her cheeks flushed, her breath a panting rasp.

“Harder, Alec.”

“Yes, that’s what I need to hear. That’s how I need to give it to you, Dylan.”

He pushed his finger into her ass, began to pump, the other hand moving, fucking her pussy, rubbing her clit. And in moments she was coming again, her body clenching al over. She kept her crystal gaze on his, and it was like drowning in her pleasure.


Before she was done coming he was on her again, his stil -hard cock pressing right into her. And this time when her arms went around him, he didn’t try to hold her down. He couldn’t even think about it. He just needed to be inside her, needed to

He plunged into her body, latching on to her mouth, final y. Her lips were as sweet as he knew they would be. His tongue went into her mouth, tasting, demanding. And pleasure was like some sweet-edged knife, lancing into him: cock, bal s, bel y.

He thrust harder, needing it to hurt. Her. Him. Their hip bones were slamming together. But he
it, damn it. Needed to

His climax came down on him like a brick wal : that hard, col apsing over him, into him. In his head were a mil ion stars, going off like a solar flare. Fire and energy and a blazing bril iance.

He was shaking. Blinded. Covering her face with kisses.

He didn’t know what the hel was happening to him.

Al he knew was that there was some terrible, driving need inside him that had never been met before. Never recognized. And here it was, laid out before him. Before her.

For the first time in his life, he was scared.


Dylan final y caught her breath. Alec’s weight on her wasn’t helping, but she didn’t want him to move. She was sore al over.

Exhausted. Exhilarated.

What had just happened between them? This was different.

There was power play, no doubt about it. She’d felt taken over by him. Had sunk into it right away, her head emptying out the moment he’d pushed through the door. His hands on her had been rough, but she’d loved it.

Don’t think about it.

She didn’t want to think about what admitting al of that meant.

No, when she thought too much about it, the fear came back, swal owing the pleasure.


Yes, stop thinking and simply be there. With him.

She could smel him al over her. That male scent of ocean and forest, sweat and sex.

He smel ed

God, when had her thoughts taken this utterly girlish turn? It had been happening a little at a time, ever since she’d met him. But it was getting total y out of hand.

She was coming back to earth now. Becoming more aware of her body, the weight of Alec on top of her, the sound of his ragged breath. The texture of his skin beneath her hands. His goatee was a little rough against her cheek, his breath warm on her temple.

And as the idea passed through her head that she
wanted him to move, it came with a smal wave of panic.

She forced herself to hold stil to swal ow the panic down.

Alec lifted his head, looking at her. His eyes were the most bril iant shade of blue, making her breath catch in her throat. Or maybe that was the anxiety she was trying to hold back.

“Dylan? What is it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Your whole body just went rigid.”

“I . . . I’m fine. You’re a bit heavy . . . ”

“Ah, sorry.”

He pul ed out of her, and she felt it like a keen loss. That, and the heat of his body as he sat up on his knees. He was stil between her thighs, and she wanted to close them, to hold him there, to take him inside her once more.

Never enough.

She swal owed, emotion a hard lump in her throat.

What is wrong with you?

He was staring at her. But his usual piercing gaze was a little clouded over. The aftereffects of his orgasm, she supposed, but she was glad for it. He was too intuitive, and she didn’t want to talk right now about what was going on with her. She didn’t real y understand it herself.

He reached out and stroked a finger over her cheek, her jaw, across her lower lip, smiling at her, and she melted. Just went soft al over, her limbs warm and liquid. She didn’t know how to fight it.

She realized she didn’t want to.

Why should she?

The idea came as a shock: sudden, but clear. Why not simply explore this, without questioning her every thought, every sensation, every act of intimacy between them? Neither of them was looking to ride off into the sunset together. That should be enough to keep her safe.

Oh yes, Alec was dangerous. He looked dangerous. He smel ed dangerous. The way he kissed her was beyond dangerous. Never mind everything else: the sex, the BDSM play. Not that she considered herself a slut, but she’d been around, experimented.

She could handle this man. And whatever her time with him would bring.

Her pulse calmed as she caught her breath.

She could do this. As long as he didn’t back off from her again.

That she wasn’t sure she could take.



“I need to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“I didn’t expect to see you this soon. Or this late tonight.”

“I didn’t expect it, either.”

He lifted his hand and stroked her hair. And there was a warm surge in her chest, an ache that had nothing to do with the sex.

She closed her eyes a moment and al owed herself to feel it.

It doesn’t have to mean anything.

But it does.

Don’t think.

What did she want to ask him, anyway? Why he’d come over tonight? How he felt about her? That was ridiculous. She didn’t need to know. She didn’t know how she felt about

She opened her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows.

“Alec, have you eaten? I can make some tea, and I have some cookies you might like.”

He grinned. “And you baked them yourself, I assume?” She laughed. “I bought them at the gourmet grocery store down the street. Wil that do?”

“From what you told me, it’l have to. Is that what you wanted to ask me?”


He rol ed his eyes. “Women.”

She was relieved he was letting it go at that. She didn’t know what she’d say to him now. She wished she could just turn her brain off. The way she did when Alec was kissing her. Spanking her . . .

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