Poseidon's Bride (Olympians, Book One)

Read Poseidon's Bride (Olympians, Book One) Online

Authors: Marie Medina

Tags: #bdsm, #multiple partners, #mf, #light bondage, #anal play, #toy use

BOOK: Poseidon's Bride (Olympians, Book One)
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Poseidon wanted to blow off
some steam after a fight with his brother Zeus, but the fates had
something else planned for him. When he sees a beautiful woman on
the beach, he aches to touch her. She calls to him, the pull like
the song of a siren. She’s mortal, but he doesn’t care. He has to
have her. The ache in his body, and his heart, simply won’t be


Poseidon’s Bride

Olympians, Book



Marie Medina




Twisted E-Publishing,





Poseidon’s Bride

Olympians, Book One

Copyright © 2008, 2015 by Marie



Second E-book Publication: April 2015,

Previously Published in
Some Enchanted
anthology, December 2008


Cover design by K Designs

All cover art and logo copyright © 2015,
Twisted Erotica Publishing.


This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part,
without express written permission.


All characters and events in this book
are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is
strictly coincidental.



Poseidon’s Bride


Chapter One


Layla stretched out on the sand and
stared up into the night sky, letting the sea roll over her legs as
the tide moved in and out. Colin would have warned her she’d be
stung by a jellyfish lying there like that, but deep down, Layla
knew better. Nothing from the sea could ever harm her.

She kicked her feet a little,
splashing in the water as it moved back and forth across her legs.
The rhythm of the sea felt exquisite, caressing her body like a
lover, and she sighed because she felt freer than she had in
months. She’d finally made her life her own again.

She had gotten herself settled back in
after the high drama of having broken up with Colin. She’d seen the
light as clearly as any woman ever would and had succeeded in
completely breaking his hold over her. She had to admit she’d
enjoyed the lifestyle he offered her, but she could never have
loved him or been happy with him. He was handsome, unbelievably
sexy, and very successful, but they had no common interests and
always did what he wanted to do.

Because that was the way things went
in Colin’s world—everything was done the way he wanted it done.
He’d always known they had nothing in common, but he’d constantly
tried to draw her attention away from that. He would listen to her
talk about almost anything, but he always nodded in that way that
proved he wasn’t really listening. His parents hadn’t had a thing
in common but money, so he saw no flaws in his relationship with
Layla. He had a beautiful woman on his arm, a woman he thought was
so devoted to him she’d let him walk all over her, and that was all
he needed. The successful Colin Merrick needed a wife and heirs—no
room for anything else. He neither needed nor wanted love, and to
him sex was just that. Sex. Passion and intimacy meant absolutely
nothing to him. Emotions, at least the ones that usually brought
people the most pleasure, were things he simply didn’t have time

When she’d tried one last time to
explain how she felt to him, he’d actually had the nerve to tell
her that she’d never find another rich man who’d want to marry her.
According to his narrow, little worldview, all any woman wanted was
a rich man to take care of her. Thinking he was any girl’s dream
come true with his hot body and fat bank account, he’d just winked
at her and told her she’d always get whatever she wanted. He’d
genuinely thought telling her that would do the trick and she would
fall right into line with his plans and never complain again. He
thought money was the way to a woman’s heart. She’d thrown an
expensive glass of wine in his face, making sure it splashed on his
suit, before storming out of the restaurant. She hadn’t even
bothered telling him that he could never give her the only thing
she needed—love.

So now she was back in her little
cottage by the beach, unsure what her next move would be. But for
now, that was okay. She’d missed her long walks on the shore at
night, the waves lapping at her ankles, and the sound of the surf.
She loved the sea more than anything else, and everything felt
right when she was close to it. She sighed and stretched, staring
up at the sky as the waves soothed her.

She belonged there. She felt the most
peace and happiness by the ocean, even if she was alone. She didn’t
need a man to define her or make her happy. If she did meet the
right one someday, she’d know it. Nothing gave a girl clearer
vision than finally seeing how wrong someone else had been for

* * * *

As he watched the girl on the beach,
Poseidon began to feel playful. He’d been furious after an argument
with his brother Zeus over a girl who had rightfully been his, but
he felt his anger seeping away. Zeus could have the deceitful
trollop. This girl was voluptuous, all curves and long, auburn
hair. She wore a skimpy, black bikini and lay on the sand, staring
up at the stars. Poseidon’s body responded immediately as he
watched the sea lapping at the small piece of black material
between her legs. He briefly imagined her stripping her bikini off
and walking into the sea, seeking his embrace. She dove under the
water, then tossed her wet hair over her shoulder, salty water
running down her beautiful body as she rubbed her breasts, then let
her hand trail down between her legs. The water warmed and then
swirled around him as he moved closer to her with that image in his

She seemed completely at peace, and he
could feel her love of the sea, as though she were one with it,
just as he was. It was evident in the way she moved her legs, the
way her body welcomed the ocean’s wet caress. This girl was
special—she had something he had not felt in a long time, something
that called to him like the siren’s song. His eyes drank in every
inch of her. He moved closer and stretched his hand out. The water
that moved around her formed a hand, and when the tide rolled in
again the hand moved up her thigh to graze her sweet

* * * *

Layla sat up and looked down at her
legs. She didn’t see anything, but she was sure something solid had
brushed against her. It had actually felt like a hand—a big,
powerful hand. She scanned the beach, but saw nothing out of the
ordinary. She was completely alone. She pulled her legs closer to
her body and looked at the sea as it shifted back and forth in
front of her. She found nothing in the water, not even a strand of
seaweed or a stray shell.

She stretched her legs out again, not
willing to be scared away because something had touched her. She
might have even imagined it. She had, in fact, been thinking about
how long it had been since she’d had sex. Real, satisfying sex,
that is. It had only been a month since she’d last slept with
Colin, but the satisfying part of their nights together disappeared
long before that. He’d been amazing in bed at first, adventurous
and skilled, but once he felt she was hooked, their lovemaking had
become much quicker and turned into a much more one-sided affair.
That last time, a week before she’d broken up with him and moved
all her things out of his place, he’d only made the lamest attempt
at foreplay—tossing her on the bed and running his tongue over her
breasts for about thirty seconds—before fucking her roughly. The
next morning, she’d woken up sore in more ways than one. She shook
her head, but then sighed. She wasn’t going to keep thinking about

As she traced circles in the sand
beside her leg, she began to think more and more about how sexually
unfulfilled she’d been in recent months. She leaned back on her
elbows and closed her eyes, imagining a gorgeous man with olive
skin and jet-black hair lying beside her on the sand. The man in
her fantasy began to kiss her and caress her body, causing her own
hand to move down to her bikini bottom and slip inside it. As she
rubbed her clit, the water swirled around her legs. She lay back on
the sand completely and moved closer to the water, letting it move
between her legs again. The sea felt amazing against her, and she
smiled because she knew this was going to be the best orgasm she’d
had in a long time.

* * * *

As he watched the girl pleasuring
herself, Poseidon had to restrain himself from helping her. His
cock begged him to take her immediately, but he simply watched,
enjoying the pleasure on her face. He knew he could easily take her
at this moment, become one with her in the waves without her even
knowing it, but that wasn’t what he wanted. Not this time. He’d had
many beautiful young things in just this way, but he knew he would
want this girl more than once. He also wanted her to look into his
eyes and know who gave her such pleasure, the kind of pleasure that
would only come from a true and willing coupling. With one thought
he made the waves around her stronger, just a little bit, and he
enjoyed watching her writhe and arch under his power. Her wet
breasts heaved as she moved her head to the side, her mouth

He allowed himself one erotic treat,
stepping silently from the sea and lying down beside her, just
close enough to feel the heat coming from her body. His eyes
consumed her body and her face as she came closer to her climax.
One touch of his hand would make her his, and his own powers
coupled with her arousal would make their union so sweet, but still
he held back. Now was not the time. He wanted only to enjoy her
pleasure. He closed his eyes for a moment, and all his senses
became one with the sea. He licked his lips as he tasted her
sweetness, and then he smiled as he glanced back down at her. In
the next moment she fell apart, crying out, unashamed to let the
sea, and her unseen admirer, hear her pleasure.

As her body trembled and her shaking
hands moved up her body and over her breasts, he knew he needed to
leave. But the stubborn part of him wanted one last thing—to see
what color her eyes were.

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