Possessed by a Stranger (30 page)

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Authors: Jeny Stone

Tags: #erotica, #fate, #contemporary romance, #strong female, #alpha male, #dominate male, #99 cent book, #chance meeting

BOOK: Possessed by a Stranger
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His blood ran hot. He clinched his fist to
contain his anger. “I told you before I won’t tolerate you calling
yourself a whore.” The pain in her eyes twisted a knot in his gut.
She was long past reason ready for a showdown.

She pushed against his chest. Unable to push
him off her, she slammed him with the truth. “Oh, so it’s all right
to treat me like a whore as long as you don’t have to hear it.
Well, too damn bad … because that’s all I’ve been to you. A weekend
fuck … hidden away so you can date respectable women during the

“Hannah shut the hell up. You know that’s not
true.” He had broken her heart and she was retaliating by breaking
his. He had to win this battle. Both their lives depended on the

“I’m so sorry to offend you with my lies. So
let’s state the facts. I’m here alone because you had a previous
commitment. She’s sitting with your parents. I see your parents all
the time and they don’t know you’re fucking me every weekend in
secret. Why is that Garret? I’ll tell you … because I’m your whore
and you don’t want to be seen in public with someone below your
standards. Well, you won’t have to worry about that any more … I
stupidly fell in love with you … damn it. I knew going in you would
break my heart and now you’ve succeeded. Congratulations, you won.
Now, you can move on. Oh wait, you already have … so get the hell
out of my way.”

Hannah covered her face with her hands. She
was broken beyond repair. Her legs buckled and she started her slow
decent sliding down the wall to utter despair.

It took several seconds for Garret to react.
No, he hadn’t won, not yet. Nevertheless, he wouldn’t quit until he
did. He lifted her by her arms gathering her into his. He would
never let go of her. She belonged to him. He loved her. Oh God, he
loved her. He had inadvertently hurt her and he had to make it
right again. She cried in his chest from the pain that he caused
staining his heart with each tear. Several people attempted to
intervene but he warded them off with a nod or warning glare. One
person was kind enough to offer him some tissues, which he
accepted. He mouthed a thank you.

She reverted to sobs so he handed her the
tissues. He kept her in a firm grip. She wouldn’t escape him this
time. This time was too important, too final, if she did. He knew
he had to prove her wrong, prove his love before she would believe
his words.

“May I go now or have you thought of another
way to humiliate me?” She sobbed wiping the tears from her anger
stained cheeks. Her façade masked her face, voice and body stance
with determination.

“No.” He stated firmly as he swept her off
her feet into his arms. She gasped in shock grappling her arms
around his neck. He made a path through the tables, crowds of
staring people, and his shocked parents with her cradled in his
arms. He was on a mission to claim the woman he loved.

After already, making a fool of herself in
public Garret carried her through a startled crowd of people. None
more startled than her. She buried her head in his shoulder in a
useless effort to hide.

“Damn it Garret, put me down or I swear I’ll
start screaming. Why are you doing this to me?”

She should scream. It couldn’t possibly
embarrass her more than she already was. She was so far past
mortified dying in his arms was her next recourse. She realized
death by mortification could be imminent, superseding dying from a
broken heart, as he climbed the steps to the stage. She couldn’t
breathe. Her head spun dizzily tempting her stomach to empty.

He dropped her legs keeping her trapped with
his arm around her torso in the middle of the stage. He grabbed the
microphone off the podium testing it with several loud taps. She
buried her face in his chest wanting to disappear. She vowed to
murder the bastard if she lived through this horrific night, one
way or another.

“Excuse me … May I have everyone’s attention.
I know you heard Hannah Greer’s speech. I think we all can agree
she is a beautiful, successful businesswoman but there is one other
thing I want you to know about this woman … I love her … Yes, you
heard me right … I love her …”

She tilted her head to look in his eyes. He
added pressure to his hold afraid she might faint. He had won. He
saw it in her eyes.

“I’ve loved her from the first time I saw
her. It just took a while for me to realize she was the only woman
in world I’ll ever love the way I love her.” He flipped off the
microphone placing it back on the podium.

Garret gazed into her wide eyes teeming with
the love he previously dismissed. His hand soothed her cheek moving
to her neck. His thumb supported her chin preventing her from
disconnecting the soul-searching lock he held on her eyes.

“I love you Hannah. I didn’t think I was
capable of falling in love. Tonight, I realized you are the first
woman I’ve ever truly loved. I hate to admit this but I have more
in common with Jay than I knew. Lorraine didn’t break my heart she
bruised my ego. She is the woman I am with tonight. It’s not what
you think. I haven’t been with another woman since I met you. Her
husband is a good friend of mine and he’s in a wheelchair. I escort
her to dances occasionally as a favor to him. It’s a long story and
I’ll tell you every detail later. Right now, all you need to know
is when I compared what I had felt for her then and what I feel for
you now, the difference is astronomical. She’s a grain of sand and
you are my universe. I can’t live without you. Loving you is what
makes my heart beat. I’ll never let you go. I can’t. Tell me you
love me, Hannah.”

His grip tightened on her neck as he waited
to hear

His voice was low, slow, and seductive.
Hannah had left the stage the moment she heard “I love you“. She
may have passed out, she wasn’t sure. She may have actually died
for a brief moment. The rest of his passionate confessional had
echoed off the beat of her heart pounding in her ears. He loved
her. He truly loved her. The crowd of people no longer existed. She
stood staring into Garret’s love filled eyes with her and him as
the only two people on the planet. Nothing or no one else could
penetrate the world they created together.

“I’ve always loved you Garret … and I always

He fell on her lips oblivious to the crowd of
people. The taste of her kiss was sweeter, the velvety dance of
their tongues’ more stimulating, her body hotter and explosively
arousing beyond anything he could have imagined. This was love.
This was lust. This was two lost hearts beating as one. God, he
loved loving this woman.

Garret and Hannah remained on the stage for
hours. The music from the orchestra in ballroom surrounded them in
their private world. They danced, talked, kissed and held each
other professing their love.

They spent the weekend in Garret’s townhouse
making plans to share their future. On Sunday morning, on the front
page of the Society page in the newspaper, they were presented with
the perfect engagement photograph. Sometime during their private
ball on that stage a photographer had captured an exact replica of
the portrait hanging over Hannah’s bed. Luckily clothing was
included in the photo but more importantly so was the love that
would last forever.




There are questions in our lives that will
forever remain unanswered. Different theories have emerged to
explain our meager existence in the vast expanse of the universe.
Some people believe our lives are predetermined, mapped with
various paths referred to as choices. Completing the obstacle
course and fulfilling the task set forth in the grand scheme of
things is left to the discretion of each individual. Once your
domino is placed you are allowed to move forward into eternal
bliss. If you fail the quest, you are fated to re-travel your
journey until the preordained domino joins the universal map.

The theory can’t be
, only believed. Believing doesn’t
make it true just as disbelieving doesn’t make it false, so it
remains an unanswered question. Being blessed with the gift to
choose has given us an exaggerated sense of our importance. Even
when confronted with undeniable coincidences we find it easier to
dismiss the coincidences than to believe we are governed by fate.
We trudge through life more comfortable wearing blinders than
embracing a panoramic view of the unexplained.

Yet, there are many stories just like Hannah
and Garret’s. You be the judge.



Other books by Jeny






A key opened the bedroom door and the slight
sound of a creaking hinge made Emily open her eyes to see a shadowy
form entering the room. She wasn’t afraid. Instead she watched in
anticipation as the figure came closer to the bed. Freshly shaved
and dripping wet from a shower, wearing only a towel she saw those
inviting blue eyes sparkling in the moon light. He pulled back the
covers as she leaned up in the bed. She looked into his eyes and a
devilish grin crossed his face. She smiled longingly at him as she
reached for the towel to pull him closer

His warm damp body pressed close to her and
it felt like he was peering into her very soul. She started to
speak but his index finger gently touched her lips and she heard
“Shhhh” come from his sexy smooth lips. Propped up on his elbow he
slowly starts to undress her. Their eyes locked together. Her hands
found their way to his face, and her fingers tried to memorize
every inch of him. He gently removed her nightie, slowly making
sure to touch every place it had occupied.

She slid her hands down his neck to his
chest. She didn’t want to miss any part of this beautiful man.
Their eyes stayed locked as the electricity started to flow through
their hungry bodies.

He smiled and started to use his lips where
his hands had been. Soft, wet and gentle kisses set every cell in
her body on fire. She wanted to scream but not from the fear she
had felt before. Her body was telling her to scream for more. More
of everything he was doing and everything he was going to do.




Claimed by the



When Ashton walked into the house, the smell
from the kitchen awakened his empty stomach. He followed the
delicious aroma and saw Brie busy cleaning up. She looked up, just
seeing him caused her face to turn blood red.

“I’m starving. This smells great. What did
you fix?”

“You get a choice. I’m freezing meals for you
later. You can have deer chili, stew, lasagna, or a chicken
casserole.” She turned away never looking into his face or

He watched as she continued her busy work.
Knowing she was embarrassed, he decided to have some fun. “I’ll
taste them all. Seems to me you’re still mad I saw you naked.”

His flippancy sent her temper flaring. “It
wouldn’t be nearly so bad if you could refrain from your lewd

Ashton casually fixed a plate from all the
choices. “I haven’t made any lewd comments I’ve just stated facts.
I saw you naked… get over it. A lewd comment would be if I told you
in explicit details how fucking sexy you looked or how hard my dick
got when I ran my hands over your naked body.”

She glared directly in his eyes no longer
embarrassed since her anger left no room.

“Well tell me exactly how it made you feel to
take advantage of an unfortunate situation, just to cop a feel? Are
you that desperate for female companionship? Why don‘t I just give
you a twenty then you can go buy some whore.”

“First it felt pretty damn good. Second I’m
never desperate. And third, I don’t ever pay for a good fuck.
You’re just mad because I saw you and you haven’t seen me.
Remember, like your stupid game. Well, let me fix that right now.”
Ashton set down the plate and ripped his shirt off over his head.
Unfastening his belt and jeans he pulled his pants down around his

“Take a good look. Now we’re even.” He pulled
his pants up, sat down and started eating.

Brie was totally shocked. She couldn’t move.
It wasn’t from his brazen display; it was from the lustful surge
that electrified her. She had never in her life craved a man the
way she did him. When he stood there for those brief seconds with
all his glorious manhood exposed, she wanted to screw the life out
of him. The urge was animalistic and love wasn’t a necessity. She
stood motionless watching him eat, trying to get some part of her
to move.







“I have to get back and take care of a few
things. Lock the door and don’t let anyone in. I’ll call you when
I’m on my way back and will pick up anything you need.” He was
going out of his way and she suspected putting his career in
jeopardy. Trying to put past feelings aside and concentrate on the
now, she resigned to be reasonable.

“Thank you Marx. I’ll be fine and I do
appreciate everything.”

With a wink and a devilish sensual smile he
turned and left. A few seconds later there was a knock at the door
and she opened it.

Before she knew it, he grabbed her, pushed
his way into the apartment and pinned her against the wall. Holding
her by the wrist, her arms above her head, his body pressed against
hers as his lips grazed against hers when he spoke.

“Always look and ask before you open the
fucking the door. You never know what can happen if you don’t.”
Releasing her he turned and slammed the door.

She stood with weak knees trying to process
what had just happened. One minute she was in shock and the next
she was anxiously awaiting for him to take her then and there.

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