Possessed By The Wolf (Werewolf's Harem Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Possessed By The Wolf (Werewolf's Harem Book 3)
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Her breasts pressed against his tautly muscled chest, and Ella knew she needed to feel her skin against his. She leaned back, pulling her shirt up over her head and tossing it to the side.

Walker stilled for a moment. His eyes dropped first to her breasts, her hips, then traveled back up to her face. Conflict was written plain across his features.

“Ella,” he said, his eyes flitting to the flimsy divider that separated them from the cockpit.

“Are you modest now?” Ella breathed, grabbing one of his hands and dragging it up to cover her breast.

His eyes closed briefly, and his breathing grew heavy as he cupped her breast. He muttered a curse, eyes snapping open once more.

“I’m not worried about me,” he said, his tawny gaze piercing her.

“Don’t you want me?” she asked, rocking her hips against his.

His brows slashed down, angry. He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his cock, his stare defiant.

“I think that’s answer enough. I don’t want you doing this as some kind of, I don’t know… some kind of fucked-up thank you,” he insisted.

“Don’t be stupid,” she said, shaking her head. “I promise, that’s not it.”

“I can’t see why you’d want this, then. Unless you’re traumatized or something?”

She paused. Closing her eyes, she dipped her head to hide her face. She had to tell him her secret, but she didn’t want to see his reaction. Males were unpredictable when it came to females in heat. The chance of mate bonding increased exponentially, so most tried to avoid females in her condition. Which sucked, since females in heat grew maddened with lust. Just as Ella was, even now. Her skin burned, her breasts throbbed, and she was blatantly wet.

“I’m in heat,” she mumbled, bracing herself.

Walker was silent. He didn’t yell, or push her away. His hands dropped to her hips once more, and he stilled once more.

Ella opened her eyes, chancing a look at him. He was looking over her shoulder, out the window. There was no anger or resentment in his expression. He appeared to be weighing his options. When he finally looked back at her, she released a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding.

“Okay,” he said, simple as that. He cupped her face in his big hand, leaning in close for a kiss.

Ella’s heart soared, even as desire rocketed through her veins. Their mouths met, lips parting. Walker’s kiss was assertive, just like the man himself. His tongue sought hers, tasted her in bold strokes that made her tremble with need. His hand dropped down to her neck, strong fingers stroking the nape of her neck as his thumb brushed her collar bone.

The simple possessiveness of his touch delighted Ella’s wolf, the creature turning fierce with want. Walker broke the kiss, burying his head against her neck. He sucked in a long breath, inhaling her scent. He found the sensitive spot on her neck, just behind her ear, and kissed and nipped her until she groaned and rocked against him.

Walker ran his hands over her shoulders, skimming them down her ribs and waist to her hips. He pulled her shirt up and over her head, and Ella couldn’t miss the gleam of male appreciation when he leaned her back enough to see her bare body.

He framed her breasts in his hands, cupping and admiring them as if they were something precious. Walker tilted her back another inch, leaning down to nuzzle her petal-pink nipple.

Ella growled with satisfaction, and Walker gave her a smirk that said he was used to making women moan. A dimple flashed in his cheek, and Ella thought in that moment that she’d never known any male so deadly. He’d literally killed for her, and now he was driving her mad with his knowing glances and the certainty of his touch. Her hands balled into fists, a strange rush of fury urging her on. For a moment she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hit him, or to fuck him senseless.

Walker’s mouth found her nipple, and the anger washed away. The wet heat of his mouth sent sharp pulses of electric desire rippling down her belly. She felt warm, and full, and alive. His hands crushed her breasts, and he dragged his teeth over her achingly hard nipple.

Ella dragged one of his hands to her flat stomach, crazed with a need for more of his touch. A small voice told her she should be embarrassed, that she would normally never be this forward with anyone, but she was too far gone to listen.

“Touch me,” she whispered into his neck. She cringed at the breathless sound of her own voice, at the fact that she was begging for him to help her, to end her suffering. The desire was eating her up, burning her alive, suffocating her.

Walker sucked in another big breath, and his fingers teased her mons. He released her nipple and took her mouth once more, tongue sliding against her own in a seductive dance. Ella braced her knees on the bench, lifting herself from his lap to give him better access to touch her.

His fingers played over her slit, found her hot and wet and ready. A growl rumbled deep in his throat, the sound both approving and dominating at once. He flicked his fingertips back and forth, his touch too light to ease Ella’s need. His thumb sought her clit, circling softly.

“Fuck!” Ella cried out, breaking their kiss and grinding against his hand.

“Be patient,” he murmured into her ear.

“No,” she growled. His chuckle made the violent urge rise in her once more, but then he swirled a fingertip around the entrance to her aching channel and pierced her, sliding his finger deep inside her.

“Ahh,” she groaned, hands gripping his shoulders.

Walker pushed second thick finger inside her. His thumb teased her clit as his long fingers flexed in lazy, agonizing strokes. Her body heated, every nerve ending humming at his touch. She panted, rocking shamelessly into his touch. Tears pricked her eyes as the force of her need grew overwhelming.

“Walker…” she cried, her throat thick with the near-pain of her desire.

Ella pushed at him, hands clawing at his shirt. She pulled at the infuriating fabric, ripping the shirt as she bared his chest and arms.

“Yes,” she crooned, raking her nails down the rippling muscles of his neck and shoulders. His back was taut and sleek under her hands, and she couldn’t stop touching him. She ran her hands over his pecs, his perfect abs, the tight vee of muscle carved into his groin.

Her hand dropped to the heavy swell of his erection, breath catching as she explored his length and thickness through his pants. Her body tightened and tingled with anticipation, and her mouth actually watered.

“You’re huge,” she gasped, bracing herself for another of Walker’s smirks. When she glanced up at him, the darkness in his expression stilled her touch. His dark eyes were black, heavy brows slashing down in a grimace. He looked pained, and her desire-addled brain couldn’t understand.

Did he not want her, then?

“Ella,” he said, taking her hand and pulling it upward to his hip. His touch was surprisingly gentle, belying his fierce expression. “Let me finish you with my mouth, okay?”

Her lips parted to disagree, to tell him that she needed his cock inside her body. That she needed him to pull her hair and fuck her hard until they both shattered apart, screaming.

But then her eyes dropped to his mouth. He licked his lips, deliberately taunting her. She wavered, imagining the pleasure he could give her with his tongue.

“Please, Ella,” he said, leaning forward and brushing his lips over hers as he cupped her breast. He licked her bottom lip, dragging the wet heat of his tongue across it, and she relented. Her greedy brain knew the quickest route to gratification, and she couldn’t stop herself from agreeing.

“Yes,” she whispered against his lips. She gasped as Walker scooped her up and brought her to the helicopter’s cramped floor. She landed on soft cotton, one of their shirts cushioning her as Walker splayed her out. He kissed her lips, kissed and sucked at her breasts, nipped at her belly and thighs until she was soaked again and squirming with need.

As if sensing her growing desperation, Walker stopped teasing her. His strong hands parted her thighs, big fingers spreading her slit. He lowered his mouth, tongue flicking against her clit.

Cries of pleasure poured from Ella’s lips, tears rising as she writhed under Walker’s attentions. His tongue found a heavy rhythm, lips sealing around the taut bud. He licked and sucked her expertly, sliding his fingers deep into her body and stroking her with long pulls of his fingers.

Heat and tension built within her as she gasped for breath, her hips jerking against his lips and fingers. Hot tears slid from her eyes, sweat beaded on every inch of her body, and for a moment Ella thought she might die. Fade into black nothingness, cease to exist.

Then Walker sucked hard on her clit, stroking her inner walls with his strong fingers, and she exploded. Stars burst in her mind, eyes rolling back in her head. Her whole body locked up, spasms wracking her body from her core to her fingertips. Strangled cries thickened the air, but she was senseless to her own state. The sensation went on and on. Walker gently tongued her the whole while, milking her orgasm and wringing every last bit of pleasure from her too-sensitive flesh.

When Ella finally regained her senses, growing still and quiet, Walker placed soft kisses against her mons and her thighs. The tenderness of his touch after the violence of her need and release was too much, somehow.

Ella withdrew with a wrenching cry. Closing her legs and pushing at Walker’s shoulders, she rolled to her side and curled up. Misery swamped her, sobbing tears cramping her face, her chest, her stomach.

Ella could feel Walker’s baffled gaze, and shame seared her very soul. The things she’d just done with him, the way she’d behaved… he was a stranger, some male that she’d forced herself upon. He’d given her release with his mouth out of pity, and now she was ugly-crying in front of him, completely naked. She wanted to escape, or die, or…

Walker loomed over her, gathering her in his arms.

“Don’t!” she hiccuped, pushing at him weakly.

“Be quiet,” he commanded, picking her up and setting her on the bench. He bent to retrieve the oversized tee shirt she’d been wearing, and pulled in down over her head.

She bared her teeth, about to protest, but the quelling look on Walker’s face silenced her. Dominant, angry vibes rolled off him in waves, making her wolf want to roll over and show her belly. Ella shut her mouth and closed her eyes, trying to stem the tears sliding down her cheeks.

Walker dressed her, his movements tense and perfunctory. Shame rose ever higher within her, and Ella flinched when Walker scooped her up again. He settled on the bench once more, corralling her with his big arms. He pressed her head against his neck, holding her protectively on his lap.

Ella was bewildered. He hadn’t wanted to fuck her, but he’d still given her the release she’d obviously needed. Then she’d freaked out and started crying, and now he held her close to comfort her. It was almost as if the gruff and tough wolf gave a shit about her happiness. Like there was some kind of connection between them, pulling at him as it did her.

Except that was impossible. They were strangers, knowing nothing more about each other than their first names. Not only that, but Walker was magnificent. Proud, gorgeous, and kind. Noble, but with a cocky sense of humor. She’d learned that in less than an hour’s time. No way was he single.

A pang of guilt thundered through her mind. That was even worse. Not only had Walker not wanted to fuck her, but he probably had a female at home, eagerly awaiting his touch. Some lucky bitch had him locked down, without question, and Ella had basically just forced him to cheat. She didn’t know Walker that well, but she could guess that he was much too honorable for that kind of crap.

Ella shook herself, shutting down her tears and anxiety with cold logic. She was getting all tangled up, the hormones making her crazy. She hadn’t forced Walker to do anything, exactly. And he hadn’t fucked her, not really. Even if he had, it wasn’t Ella’s business whether he had a female at home or not.

A little voice in the back of her head disagreed, but she brutally shut it down.

“Ella,” Walker said. She jumped, startled out of her thoughts by the deep, soft rasp of his voice. He sounded strained, and she couldn’t help but wonder at the guilty tone of it.

“I have to make a call,” he said. “You don’t have to move.”

A call to the female whose life Ella had just ruined?

Not. Your. Business!
she scolded herself.

She nodded against his chest, trying not to think of the feel of his bare skin or the spicy, masculine scent that was pervading her senses.

He shifted, reaching for his pocket and producing a sleek smartphone. Moments later, he tucked the phone against his neck. Ella could hear the line ringing, and found herself holding her breath.

“Is she okay?” came a voice from the other end. A male’s voice, Ella realized with surprise.

“Yeah,” Walker said, his gaze sliding over to her face before snapping back to the window.

“What’s your ETA?” the man asked.

“I’m not sure. Maybe twenty minutes to the airport,” Walker said.

“You’re not sure?” the man asked.

“Yeah, I uh… I lost track of time,” Walker said. He sounded a little embarrassed, but his gaze stayed glued to the window this time.

“Uh. Okay. Well, I’ll have a car waiting for you. Is she in decent condition? Can you drive her to Asheville right away, or will you need a hotel room for the night?”

“We’ll drive,” Walker bit out.

“Cool. Okay.”

“Can you have some clothes for her in the car? Size…” Walker looked down at her, assessing. “Six?”

“Shirt, pants…” the man asked, curious.

“Shoes, everything. Get a room set up for her, too.”

“Right. There’s a spare room in Lucas’s wing.”

“No,” Walker said, scowling. “There’s an empty room on the third floor.”

“The one adjoining yours?”

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