Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Yes,” Bryn said, the word coming out as a hiss.

Bryn tightened her fingers in Des’s hair as his teeth bit a little harder. He used his tongue to rub over the tip, the roughness sending sparks down to her pussy. When those sparks met the tingles at her core, Bryn felt her body explode. Duke slowly brought her back down to earth, easing his finger from her as he slowed his suckling to a soft licking motion. Des had released her nipple, now spreading kisses up her neck and over her face.

“Are you ready for more?” Des asked, his breath caressing her face.

“I can’t.”

Bryn shook her head, pretty confident that she couldn’t handle more. She needed some time to recover. Apparently, they weren’t giving it to her, because Bryn heard the sound of a condom wrapper being torn. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see Duke situate himself in between her legs. She was about to protest when Des moved from the bed, but Duke’s cock pushing at her entrance grabbed her attention instead.

“Pull your legs up,” Duke ordered, his voice strained. “You’ll be able to adjust to me better.”

Bryn did as he asked. She felt him lean his hips into her. His cock slowly slid passed her opening, widening her muscle and stretching it further as he continued to push. Bryn started to pant, wondering exactly how thick he was.

“Pull your legs up higher.” Duke was looking down at her with green eyes so dark with desire they reminded her of a forest full of life. Bryn wanted to live within them, experiencing a passion beyond her imagination. “I need to be in you.”

Bryn could only nod. Duke thrust forward, sinking deep into her. He didn’t stop there. Pulling out, he drove forward one more time, ensuring she took every inch of his cock. Over and over—Duke didn’t stop. She climbed that wonderful vine that she imagined would be in his forest, swinging and enjoying the wind in her face without a care in the world. The vine broke and sent Bryn into a free fall. She heard Duke call out her name and felt him catch her, slowly bringing her down on a bed of leaves.

“I’m throwing out my vibrator,” Bryn whispered. Duke lay down beside her and chuckled. “I think I just underwent an out-of-body experience.”

“If you did, then I was right there with you,” Duke replied, rolling to his side. He held his head in his hand as he rested his elbow on the mattress beside her. “Maybe Des could take you back there.”

Bryn shook her head, knowing she was just daring them to prove their ability to make her come again. She wasn’t certain she could. Bryn’s body felt as limp as a noodle and more relaxed than she’d felt in a long time. That was, until something cold touched her anus.

“Oh!” Bryn yelped.

“Sorry,” Des said, sounding contrite. “I tried to warm up the tube.”

“Wait a second.” Bryn tried to sit up, but Duke had placed an arm over her breasts. “What are you doing?”

“If you want to take both of us, we’ve got to get you ready,” Des explained. He was on his knees in between hers. Judging by his smile, Bryn got the feeling he enjoyed getting a woman prepared. Remembering the size of the butt plug, Bryn’s doubts came rushing back. “Lift your legs.”

“You guys have a thing about me lifting my legs,” Bryn grumbled. “I don’t think anything I do is going to help get that plug inside of me. I was hoping that we would just try it—you know.”

Bryn felt Duke laughing, while Des was shaking his head. “Bryn, trust us. You’ll thank us, and in the meantime, we’ll make it feel good.”

“There is no way that gigantic piece of hard plastic is going to feel good in my—” Bryn broke off when Des placed the butt plug on her anus.

“Relax, Bryn,” Duke whispered against her ear. He reached for her nipple and slowly brushed the pad of his finger over the tip. Duke’s touch was so soft that at first she didn’t feel anything. Then, it was as if she’d caught on fire. “Let Des insert the plug. I could always tie you down. Des mentioned it earlier, but that is my favorite pastime.”

Bryn was so surprised to find that the slight pressure of the hard plastic felt good. It felt more than good, and she wondered if it had to do with Duke talking about bondage. The combination was rather heady. In an instant, she went from being tranquil to having adrenaline rush through her body. She felt her sphincter stretch around the tip of the plug, opening slowly as it slid deeper inside of her.

“That’s right, Bryn. Relax and let it fill you,” Des murmured.

Bryn looked into Des’s eyes and felt herself returning to that serene forest Duke had taken her to. This time, she was by a waterfall and Des was the one pouring the warm liquid over her body. Des pushed the plug farther inside of her, filling her in a way she’d never experienced before, plunging her into the deep end.

“Let’s try something,” Duke said, grabbing her sweatpants. Quickly, he wrapped the material around her wrists and then hung onto the loose part of one leg. Bryn had tilted her head to watch him, the opportunity to say no never crossing her mind. Feeling Duke’s cock harden against her hip, Bryn would have let him do anything he pleased. “If this makes you uncomfortable in any way, Bryn, tell me. This is all in fun. Nothing too serious that we would need a safeword.”

“Halfway in, Bryn. If only you could see your body accepting what I’m giving it,” Des said, his voice hoarse.

Bryn had to have misunderstood Des. He had said halfway. It would be impossible for her body to accept anything more. Duke chose that moment to stop caressing her nipple and, instead, pinched the hardened pebble in between his fingers and pulled up. Bryn cried out and arched her back, causing her lower half to push against the plug. It slid farther inside. Being unable to grab onto something only added to the pleasure. Did Duke really think that she wasn’t up to experimenting? With her inability to reach out and interfere with them touching her body, it only enhanced her arousal.

“Oh my, God!” Bryn was on the verge of coming, and Des pulling the plug out and then pushing it back in accelerated the feeling. “Again.”

Des drove the plug all the way inside. Bryn felt her muscle close around the base, astonished that she’d taken the entire plug inside her anus. Duke was still tugging on her nipple, although it wasn’t enough to send her over that waterfall. Again, Bryn reached her arms up toward Des only to find that she couldn’t. Her pussy shuddered.

“That’s right, Bryn. Your body has accepted it, now let your muscle adjust.”

Des quickly tore open a condom wrapper and rolled the latex over his cock. That was when Bryn took a second to think things through. With her back hole filled with a butt plug, what made her think that she could fit Des’s cock in her pussy?

“Des, wait,” Bryn cried out. “I don’t think—”

“You’re going to fit me like a glove, Bryn,” Des said, leaning over her. Even though Duke was lying beside her, Des placed both hands on either side of her arms that were above her head. Duke snuck his hand in between them, still playing with her nipples. It dawned on her that he was pulling her concentration away from the plug and onto other pleasurable areas of her body. “Pull your legs up high, like you did with Duke.”

Bryn did as he requested and was immediately rewarded with Des’s cock pushing into her pussy. While he’d been inserting the plug, her juices had dripped out and covered both her entrance and the plug beneath. Des eased his way in with a simplicity that astounded her. Bryn’s body accepted him as easily as a missing piece of a puzzle.

“I can’t believe you’re inside of me.”

Des started thrusting slowly. As with Duke, he made the climb to the top of a mountain effortless. Bryn’s body felt like an invisible wire was lifting it to the highest part of their waterfall. With every plunge of Des’s cock, the plug moved, inciting those nerve endings to come alive and help with the ascent. Duke’s simple twist of her nipple cut the wire, and she fell with the water, plunging into the warm river below.

Bryn let herself close her eyes and float, knowing that Duke and Des would take care of her. She would have to mention how much she loved the color of their eyes. The green color was her gateway to paradise.

Chapter Ten


“Thanks, Booth,” Duke said as he leaned against the counter in the kitchen. Booth King had been introduced to Bryn as their ranch foreman. Duke mentioned briefly that they’d just hired him away from another ranch in town, and it had been the best decision they’d made in years. No one said how he’d gotten the scar that ran down his right cheek or the black patch that covered his eye, and Bryn wasn’t about to ask. Booth didn’t come across as an overly friendly kind of guy.

“No problem,” Booth replied in a hoarse voice. It was obvious that his vocal cords had been damaged in whatever injury he had sustained to his face. Bryn felt a tug of sympathy for him, but it went away quickly when his dark gaze landed on her. With one look, he was able to convey he didn’t want her pity. “That meeting is set ten. I’ll take care of the ranch while you’re gone.”

It was going on eight o’clock in the morning, and Des had just finished cleaning up the breakfast that Duke had cooked. They had pancakes and bacon, along with fruit that Duke had cut into tiny pieces just for her. It touched her that they both went to so much trouble to make her feel comfortable, but Bryn was too irritated to tell them. Both had told her that she needed to keep the butt plug in for the day, although it was Duke who was adamant. Bryn shifted in her seat, hoping that Booth didn’t notice anything was amiss.

“Actually, if you could see things run smoothly for the rest of the week, we’d appreciate it,” Duke said. “I know that Des filled you in yesterday on what is going on with Bryn. Until this guy is caught, we’d rather be able to focus on protecting her.”

“How’s the shoulder?” Booth asked, placing his coffee cup in the sink.

“Worth every ounce of pain,” Duke answered, sending a smile her way. Bryn wasn’t about to reciprocate, considering the pain in her ass. Okay, Bryn thought, she wasn’t in pain. She wasn’t even in discomfort. She was horny and, if what Booth said was true regarding a ten o’clock meeting, not about to see any relief anytime soon. And Bryn was more than grateful for what Duke had done a couple nights ago. “If you need us, call one of our cell phones.”

“Will do,” Booth replied as he walked toward the door. “Bryn, it was nice meeting you. Spur, let’s go.”

“You, too.” Bryn waited while Booth and Spur walked out of the kitchen door before speaking to either Duke or Des. And what a beautiful kitchen it was, with its white cabinets against a warm sapphire blue. An island sat in the middle with white countertop chairs, which was where she was currently situated—with a butt plug up her ass. Bryn scowled. “I’m taking this thing out.”


Duke’s question stumped her. Really? They had to ask her why?

“In case you forgot, you left something rather large in my—you know,” Bryn said. She couldn’t figure out why she was stumbling over the word after what took place last night.

“Don’t you want to take us together, Bryn?” Des asked, coming up behind her and tugging on a strand of her hair. She found that whenever he was close, Des always played with her hair. It was endearing, like seeing a child rub the satin on a stuffed animal. That thought went by the wayside and was immediately replaced with lust when Des used his other hand to capture her chin and tilt her head up. Their eyes connected, and Bryn felt herself being taken back to that captivating forest. “I really want you to be able to accommodate our cocks.”

“Yes,” Bryn whispered, caught up in his spell. When she pushed up on the chair’s rung to kiss Des, the plug shifted and brought her slamming back down to earth. Her pussy was jealous. “Wait a minute! Yes, I want to take both of you, but this is torture.”

“Torture?” Duke asked, smiling. He pushed himself off of the counter by the sink and made his way over to them. Duke leaned across the granite, placing his right arm on the cold surface, reminding her that his left shoulder was still hurting. “As in sexual frustration? Because if that’s what you’re feeling, then it looks as if we are doing our job.”

“Why would you want me sexually frustrated?” Bryn said, unable to help herself from complaining. “I thought you’d want me the other way.”

“And what way would that be?” Duke asked.

“Satisfied.” Bryn smiled.


* * * *


Duke rubbed his right shoulder, although it was his left that was killing him. The dull ache in his old injury seemed like a tap of a finger compared to the punch of his new injury. He’d popped a few over-the-counter pain pills, hoping to ease the pain. It had taken the edge off enough to get him through this meeting.

“You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Winslow.”

Duke stood and shook hands with Brett Callahan. Des did the same. It had taken almost two hours, but over an early lunch, he and Des had been able to finagle a good price on some new tack gear for the ranch. While they were conducting business, Bryn had taken the booth in front of them. It allowed Duke and Des to keep an eye on her, while at the same time giving her privacy to make some phone calls regarding her business. Duke thought he’d heard her speaking with her mother and made a mental note to ask her if she had explained her situation yet.

“It’s good doing business with you, Mr. Callahan,” Des said. “We’ll tell our foreman to expect your delivery next week.”

They exchanged their good-byes. Duke and Des remained standing and were just about to join Bryn at her booth when Cyn Sherwood-Hightower and Elise Collins beat them to it. Cyn smiled up at them with her mischievous grin, and Duke knew trouble wasn’t far away. She was a really nice woman, but Duke still had trouble seeing the wealthy socialite settling down with Cooper and Brody Jackson. Cyn had yet to get into the culture of Triple and wear clothes that would be ideal in a ranching town. Instead, she favored her skirts and stiletto heels. Even Cyn’s updo hairstyle screamed
. Duke couldn’t help but like her, though. Her exultant spirit was contagious.

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