Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Do you know someone personally who’s experienced anal sex?”

“Well,” Bryn hesitantly replied, “no. But I thought toys were just to enhance sex, not to—oh!”

Des had brought his left hand behind her and nudged the butt plug, causing fire to spread throughout her lower region. Her hips moved involuntarily. Her pussy had opened, and her entrance was visible in the mirror, waiting to be filled.

“Toys can be used in a variety of ways, Bryn,” Des murmured in her ear. “I’m more of a hands-on kind of guy, but Duke—well, Duke loves his toys. But I say we see how well the plug has prepared you.”

Des tugged enough to allow the plug to pop free. As he slowly pulled it out and thrust it back in, Des used his fingers on his right hand to gather her cream and rub it over her clit. The neglected nub immediately filled and waited for that one caress to make it explode.

“A little harder,” Bryn said, her toes curling.

“Would you like me to take you in the ass, Bryn? Would you like to know what it feels like?”

“Yes,” Bryn said, the word coming out as a hiss.

Des removed her butt plug and placed it in the sink. He assisted her in lowering her leg and gently leaned her hips up against the sink. It was as if Des knew how affected her body was by his words and actions. Bryn felt her legs trembling and was grateful for the counter in front of her. Quickly yanking a drawer open, Des pulled out a tube of lubricant and a condom. When she could put more than two words together, Bryn would praise him on being such a boy scout. There was nothing better than being prepared.

Des sheathed himself with the condom as Bryn watched, loving how the latex practically poured itself over his cock. He then flipped the lid on the tube of lube and poured a healthy amount over his dick. Des used his hand to smear the gel over his cock and make sure every inch of it was covered. Her back hole now felt empty. How had she never known the pleasures of anal play? Bryn felt Des’s hand on the small of her back, bending her over the sink.

“Keep your eyes on me,” Des ordered, taking his place behind her.

Bryn felt the tip of his cock at her anus and couldn’t wait for him to fill her. Needing something to grab onto, Bryn wrapped her fingers around the faucet and hoped like hell that it was secure. She did as he asked, though, and kept her gaze connected with his. All at once, those numerous feelings started to stir in her chest, making it hard for her to breathe.

“I’ll go slow, Bryn,” Des said, using one hand to guide himself while using the other to hold on to her hip. “Just don’t tighten up. Relax and let me slide into you.”

The way Bryn was leaning up against the sink prevented her from tightening up her cheeks even if she wanted to. The tip of his cock pushed against her sphincter, and as it slowly permitted the invasion, Bryn was shocked at the difference she felt. Where the plug was cold and hard, Des’s cock was warm and like soft steel. Yet Duke and Des had been right. If she’d had taken their cocks before the plug, the sting would have been ten times worse. As it was, his cock still evoked a burn that incited an arousal she hadn’t known she was capable of.

“Des.” Bryn moaned his name.

Inch by inch, Des gradually inserted his cock into her ass. Bryn wasn’t sure how much more she could take, for it felt as if he’d grown to be ten inches wide instead of ten inches long. She started to pant and tightened her grip on the faucet. The dual sensations of needing more and wanting him to stop warred against each other.

“I’m halfway in, Bryn,” Des said, his voice a tad bit strained. Bryn could just imagine what hers would sound like right now if she tried to speak. “Push out against me.”

Right when Bryn was about to call a halt because the sting was now a full-blown fire, Des sank the rest of his cock inside of her. Neither moved for a few moments. Bryn could feel his sac against her pussy, which seemed to cultivate a deep requisite to come. She still had no air to give her the ability to speak, so Bryn moved her hips against the counter.

“Don’t move, Bryn,” Des murmured, taking his hand and rubbing her lower back. His tender touch was exactly what she needed at that moment. Des made such a carnal act into a loving, warm, and affectionate union. He added to it by leaning down and planting soft kisses down her upper back. “Let me savor this. I’m not going to last long.”

Neither was Bryn, which is why she wanted to move. Swiveling her hips, Bryn was able to feel his sac brush against her clit again. She did that a few times until he groaned and finally caved in, giving her what she wanted. Bryn cried out when he pulled halfway out and then slammed back in. The sting seemed to be burning out of control, yet it was the one thing that was carrying her toward that climb. Bryn felt the vines of the trees reach for her as she looked into Des’s eyes. That mesmerizing forest she had come to associate with their green eyes during this time drew her in and eventually let her body free-fall into a pile of leaves.

“That’s it, Bryn.” Des continued to pump his cock into her ass, not breaking his rhythm. “Come for me.”

The fresh, olive leaves welcomed her. Bryn loved how deep his green eyes became upon his release. She could feel his base expand as his seed filled the condom. Bryn opened her mouth to let out a cry or a scream, but nothing came out but an exhale. As Des slowed his cadence and eventually stopped, Bryn tried to remove her fingers from the faucet. It felt as if her knuckles had been glued into place.

“I take it the butt plug worked?” Both Bryn and Des looked up into the mirror to see Duke standing there with a smile. “That’s good to know, and as much as I would love to join you two, Willow just called. Your mother is at the diner.”

Chapter Twelve


Des watched in humor as Bryn flew around the bedroom putting on clothes. You would have thought Duke had just told them that the Queen of England had arrived. Bryn buttoned her jeans, which fit her like a second skin, and was now rummaging through her small suitcase looking for a pair of shoes. She placed one on the floor, not noticing that Spur snatched it up into his mouth.

“Bryn, it’s only your mother,” Duke said, lying on the bed with his back against the headboard. “You’re making it seem as if it’s a bad thing she cares about you. If I had a child, you can bet your damn ass I’d be around if they were in danger.”

“That’s what you’re not getting,” Bryn snapped, finding her other shoe. Des watched as she slipped it over her foot and then looked around for the other one. Giving up, Bryn turned and shot a glare over at Duke. “I never told her that I have a serial killer targeting me. For that matter, I never told her about the two of you!”

“I thought you said your mom knew you signed up for the dating website?” Des asked, leaning back against the dresser and crossing his arms. Spur lifted his head, looking at Bryn as she started his way. Spur crossed his legs over his treasure, as if hiding it from her eyes.

“She thinks I met up with one man,” Bryn said, looking as if she’d gotten caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She leaned down and snatched her shoe from Spur. Bryn made a face at the slobber he’d left on the leather. “I kind of left out the fact that I desire, well, that I want—you know!”

“A ménage.” Duke finished the sentence for her.

“Yes, a ménage,” Bryn retorted. She gave up wiping off Spur’s drool and slipped her second shoe on. Spur was standing by her, staring down at his lost fortune. “She’d never understand, and I didn’t want to hear a lecture.”

“So then what’s your plan?” Duke asked. His facial expression lost all traces of humor as he lowered his brow. “Because Des and I aren’t going to be a part of lie just because you’re afraid of your mother.”

“I’m not afraid of her,” Bryn said. She bit the inside of her lip and sat on the end of the bed. Des smiled, as Spur seemed to sense her frustration. The dog had gone over and sat next to her legs with his head on her knee. “Well, not exactly. She can be kind of scary though. My mother thinks she can steer my decisions to suit her needs. I can hear it now.
How am I going to explain two sons-in-law when I only have one daughter
?” Bryn had raised her voice to sound like her mother, but it came out more of a nasally tone. Then Des watched as her eyes widened upon figuring out what she’d just said. “I didn’t mean that you’d be her son-in-laws. That would make you my husbands and we’re just starting out. We’re compatible in bed, but what about day-to-day? Wait a minute. We are compatible in bed, right? Because I really enjoy being with the two of you, but I don’t want you two to feel pressured in any way. I should stop talking.”

“Yes, you should,” Des said, crossing the room and leaning down in between her legs. Taking her hands, he brought them to his lips. “Bryn, our days and nights have come alive with you in them. You never have to watch what you say around us. Let’s go to the diner. Duke and I will meet your mother and enjoy some conversation over dinner. After that, we’ll invite her here to the house and break the news to her about why we have a police car stationed outside of our house.”

Before Bryn could reply to him, their doorbell rang. Even up the hall and into his bedroom, Des could hear the banging on the door. Spur shot out of the room as if his dinner had magically changed to a steak. Duke was up and on his feet faster than Des would have imagined considering his shoulder was still causing him pain. Des stood up as well, pulling Bryn by the hands and tucking her underneath his arm.

“Oh, no,” Bryn said, pushing away from him. “You don’t think my mother came directly here, do you?”

“Bryn, trust me, that isn’t a woman banging on our door,” Duke said wryly. He made his way toward the door. “I’ll see who it is. Why don’t the two of you finish getting ready and meet me downstairs? We can head to the diner then.”

Duke walked out the door, while Des turned and gave his full attention to Bryn. She hurriedly walked over to the chair in the corner and nabbed her purse. Bryn rummaged through the bag and pulled out her hair tie. He watched as she went through the motions of securing her hair and then pulled out a tube of lip-gloss. Bryn applied a generous amount and smacked her lips together.

“Okay. I think I’m ready.”

Des laughed and shook his head. She was adorable. “Bryn, you’re not going to the guillotine. She’s your mother and loves you. Unconditionally, I might add.”

Des thought he heard her mutter something to the effect of wait until you meet her, but he was distracted when Duke yelled up that it was one of their ranch hands and he was needed over at the barn for a second.

“No problem,” Des bellowed back, holding his hand out for Bryn. “We’ll meet you in the car.”

“Do your ranch hands usually work this late?” Bryn asked, securing her purse over one shoulder and clasping his hand with her free one.

“It depends,” Des said. “But it’s technically still early in the evening. My bet is they were getting ready to head home when an issue popped up with one of our horses. It’s probably Daisy, one of our mares. She had an abscess under her hoof last week that we’ve been treating. If Booth has already headed home, maybe one of the hands just wants to give us an update.”

“Do you need to go as well?”

“Nah. Duke can handle it.” Des tugged on her hand and led her to the door. “Besides, this will give us time to go over how you want to introduce us to your mother.”

Des laughed when Bryn threw her head back, closed her eyes, and let out a moan. How had he and Duke gone so long without having her in their lives? Des couldn’t wait for Flynn to catch that scumbag, letting them move forward with their relationship. A little hiccup like meeting her mother would be a breeze.


* * * *


“Des, we’ve been waiting for over thirty minutes, and it’s getting dark,” Bryn said, looking over to where the one police officer was sitting in his car. The cop on duty had been watching them, waiting for them to get into Des’s truck and head into town. It was obvious he was ready to follow them and seemed confused as to why they were just standing in the driveway. “Why don’t we go get him?”

Bryn tried to keep her anxiety at bay when she saw Des look around the ranch. Dusk was settling, although the weather was a little stifling. Humidity was starting to set in, but the cool air of the evening hadn’t arrived yet. Bryn noticed that the barn seemed a bit dark for supposedly having people inside. Again, an unsettling feeling descended over her.

“The only truck I see is Dean’s.” Des nodded to the officer in the patrol car and then put his arm around Bryn’s waist, leading her toward the barn and corral. She didn’t have to worry about carrying her purse, as she’d stowed it in the cab of Des’s truck. “I wonder if something worse has happened to Daisy. Maybe the abscess is from something more major than her just stepping on a sharp rock.”

“Shouldn’t there be lights on or something?” Bryn asked. “It’s awfully dark. And where is Spur?”

“Booth mentioned the outside lights blew this morning and that he was going to replace it. Maybe he didn’t have time to do that today,” Des answered, following the path to the barn. “Spur’s probably with Duke. Spur thinks the horses are his responsibility, although he’s usually a hindrance.”

“Des, I don’t want you and Duke to neglect your responsibilities,” Bryn said. “I’m perfectly fine staying in the house and going over some designs that have been floating through my head for that Tucson job.”

“Not a chance in hell,” Des responded. They’d come up to the barn, and while the main part was open that faced the corral, the side door was closed. Des pushed open the door, and Bryn was grateful to see a light on toward the back of the barn. “We’re not leaving your side until this psycho is caught. Duke? What’s taking you so long?”

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