Read Power of the Fae Online

Authors: Ariel Marie

Power of the Fae (11 page)

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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“I can feel that your powers are increasing. What happened when you touched the amulet?” She looks at the amulet hanging in between my breasts. I recall the events that led to us magically appearing in Agslyae. She nods her head as I’m explaining what happened. Colin interjects on parts that I don’t remember.

“You are gaining all of your true powers, Arlina. You are going to need to learn how to harness them quickly.” She looks at me and then off to the side as if she’s listening to something that only she can hear.

“What do you mean, all of my true powers?” I ask, confused.

“The power of the Fae,” she says looking at me with her head turned to the side. Again, she’s listening to something only she can hear.

“But I have already mastered my powers from my Fae side.”

“No, you now have
the powers of the Fae.” She squeezes my shoulders and I’m stunned into silence.
No way
! No one is blessed to have all the powers of the Fae, or have control of all of the elements.

“You must hurry, it is time for you to go back! Trouble is on its way to Kaleema’s house and your brother will need you!” She grabs both of our hands and drags us out of the building.

“You can’t just tell me that I have all the powers of the Fae and get rid of me without explaining!” I exclaim as she pushes Colin and me back out into the gardens.

“How do we get back to the human realm?” I ask since it seems she is not going to explain my power questions.

“You two need to hold on to each other. Arlina, grab the amulet and flash you both back to where you came from. The amulet will get you back to your time period and where you were before you came here. You must wear it at all times. The amulet will help guide you. If it wants to take you somewhere you need to go, you will know it! To get your answer about all the powers, start with your mother!” she rushes to explain as she pushes our hands together.

“Now go!” she yells, waiving her hands. Colin wraps his arms around my waist, I think of the witch’s house and we disappear.

Chapter Sixteen

e reappear
in the witch’s spell room to shouting and banging on the locked door. We rush to the door as it unlocks on its own. Keegan, the Guardians, Reed and Alec burst through the door.

“Why the fuck didn’t you answer!” Keegan yells grabbing Lina by her arm.

My mate

Instincts take over, using my shifter speed to get over to Keegan, I throw him across the room. My wolf is coming to the forefront, I’m partially shifting as I rush towards him.

“Shit!” Alec yells out as he and Reed grab me and pull me back. I struggle against them to get to Keegan. He put his hands on my mate! No one threatens my mate! She’s mine! My wolf is furious and howling, trying to get loose.

“Keegan!” Lina runs over to Keegan as he gets up, grabbing a blade from his waist. Tarron and Vander grab Keegan holding him back so that he can’t get free. I’m overpowering Alec and Reed. They are not as strong as an Alpha. My wolf is pissed and wants blood.

“STOP!” Lina yells holding her hands out. She lets loose a power so strong that it throws everyone into a wall and holds us against the wall. No matter how hard I struggle, I can’t pull myself off the wall. She is breathing hard and her eyes are the size of saucers and she turns in circles looking at all of us pinned to the walls of the room.

“Lina, how in the hell are you doing this?” Keegan asks, eyes just as wide as Lina’s. She closes her eyes for a few seconds, shaking her head and trying to get herself under control.

“We don’t have time for this shit! Kee, we need to talk but right now is not the time! Now is not the time for us to be fighting each other. They are coming and we need to be on the same fucking side!” she yells looking at each man pinned to the walls. I can see she is pissed! Her eyes are the color of dark emeralds as she looks to each of us.

“Who is coming?” The second the words left Keegan’s mouth there was a large roar that shook the building.


We all are released from the wall and fall to the floor as Lina runs out the door and up the stairs with us trailing her.

We run through the kitchen and towards the front of the house. We stop in the living room and look out the front window. Demons litter the front yard. Demons of all shapes and sizes. A few more winged demons drop out of the sky to land in the front yard. There are some four-legged demons walking towards the house. A loud violent wail, so loud that it shook the building, comes from the backyard.

“Where the fuck are they coming from?” Reed yells over the howling and screeching coming from outside the house.

“Who knows, but we’re sending their asses back to the Underworld!” Lina growls as she pulls her katana out of the sheath on her back. The fierceness of her gaze is downright sexy. She may be little, but this Princess is deadly. I pity whoever meets the end of her blade.

Vander pulls his double short swords out of his sheaths on his back and the Guardian Tarron pulls two large axes from his waist. Both are waiting for Keegan to give his command.

“Vander and Tarron, take the backyard. Lina and I will take the front yard. Wolves wait to come out till we clear the entryway,” Keegan says taking charge, not looking at the wolves but out the window.

“You’re in charge of the Guardians, not the Legion. I’m their Alpha.” My voice comes out rough as I automatically move towards Keegan. Lina steps in front of me, with a ‘
don’t fuck with me’
look on her face.

“He’s right, Colin. We can flash out and clear the doorways. There’s no telling what is waiting above the doors. There are demons with wings out there. They could be on the roof.” She’s in her warrior princess persona and it’s sexy as hell. The Fae do have an advantage. I send him a look to let him know we will continue what was started downstairs. He glares right back at me.

“You have sixty seconds and then we’re coming out. Reed and Alec cover the back with the Guardians and I’ll take the front.” I look over my shoulder before staring down at Lina. Her emerald eyes have darkened to almost black. I can tell she’s blood thirsty and itching for a fight.

“Be careful out there, Princess,” I say to her before grabbing her chin and crushing my mouth to hers in a bruising kiss. She doesn’t hold back, returning the kiss. I break it off and she nods her head to me, her lips moist and swollen from the kiss.

“Let’s go, Lina!” Keegan growls by the window. He stares daggers at me. He doesn’t intimidate me at all. Lina walks over to her brother, looking at me once again before they flash outside.

Sixty seconds and I’m joining in the battle.

The demons will not stand a chance if one of them hurts Lina. I stand poised ready by the front door watching Keegan brutally killing demons left and right with his sword. His fighting style is flawless. He must have the Fae fire magic. Demons are falling to the ground around him, combusting in flames burning from the inside out.

Thirty seconds.

My eyes track Lina down and she’s holding her own against the Demons. Her katana flows swiftly cutting through Demons’ necks like butter. Her fighting style is similar to that of her older brother. She uses her flash capability to her advantage to get exactly where she wants to go to surprise her enemy. She looks to the roof of the house and raises her hand and waves it down to the ground and a demon slams to the ground and bursts into flames. A devilish grin crosses her face as she looks to me. She’s enjoying every bit of this battle. She nods her head signaling for me to come out.


I rip the door off the hinges rushing to get outside. Jumping off the porch, I shift mid-air, my clothes falling to the ground, shredded. My wolf lands surefooted, my growl is deep signaling my Alpha status. My black wolf is immensely larger than a regular wolf and he’s thirsty for blood. My lips curl back showing my deadly canines as I stalk towards the first demon. He is bald with skin as dark as night. His eyes are completely bloody red, his skin is scaly and he doesn’t have ear lobes. His claws are sharpened and his fangs are massive. He bares his fangs at me and begins to run towards me. I take off towards him.

Our bodies clash, my wolf is feral in our attack. My claws slash his skin, trying to cause fatal damage. There is a searing pain in my right shoulder from his claws. I’m able twist on top of him knocking him down, going for his throat. Blood sprays as I hit a major artery. I refuse to let go, tightening my grip on his neck. My large canines bite through the neck until both sides of my canines come together. His neck is hanging on by a few tendons. I take my claw and slash his neck the rest of the way until his head dangles at an odd angle.

These demons are stronger than the last set of demons that I fought with Lina. It’s almost like this attack was planned. I continue to slash my way through demons with my claws and canines. Beheading demons is one of the surest ways to make sure they die and return back to the Underworld. I reach out to Alec across our bond, looking at the carnage that litters the ground.

Leave one alive so we can question it
, I say to him.

Are you shittin’ me?
These bastards need to die,
he says back across our bond.

I focus back on the battle in the front yard. Keegan and Lina both are battling a demon each. Keegan is making quick work of the one he is battling with his sword. Lina doesn’t see the demon sneaking up on her from behind while she is battling another demon.


Dashing towards the other demon as fast as my shifter speed will let me, I pounce on him at the same time Lina beheads the one in front of her. My jaws are locked on his neck. I send a quick message to Alec to go ahead and kill them all because I have one in the front. He responds quickly letting me know he got my message.

“Let him go, Colin,” Lina says walking up to me. She holds her katana near his throat. I shake my head, not letting go of his neck.

“No, we need him alive so that we can question him,” Keegan says pushing Lina’s sword away from the demon’s neck. The Guardians, Vander and Tarron jog from the back yard to come over to where we are standing. They both are covered in dirt and blood. Alec and Reed come from the back of the house naked due to their clothes being shredded during their shift. They both start to walk over to the group. I let loose a growl when Lina’s eyes roam over both of their naked forms.

Get some fucking clothes on!
I growl to both of them across our bond. They both turn, grinning like idiots as they jog over to the truck.

“Vander, get the demon restraints from the truck,” Keegan says as the demon struggles against my grip on his neck. I tighten my jaw muscles not letting him go. Vander returns a few minutes later with Alec and Reed right behind him. They both have on jeans and long sleeve t-shirts. Alec brings over my duffle bag that I keep in the back of the truck. I let go of the demon as Keegan, Tarron and Vander flip him over and put valumite handcuffs on him. Valumite is one of the rare Fae elements that can hold a demon. They stand him up and literally drag him in the house with Lina following them.

I shift back to my human form and stand up as Alec tosses my duffle bag to me. I catch the bag with my left hand since my right shoulder is still pulsating from the demon claws. I throw on my clothes as quick as I can, running into the house. They have the demon in the kitchen strapped to a kitchen chair with his hands handcuffed behind his back. Lina has perched herself against the wall, her eyes glued on the demon. Keegan is pacing in the kitchen, Vander is standing in front of the basement doors with his arms crossed against his chest and Tarron is standing in front of the demon with a blade in his hand.

“We’re going to play a little game, Demon,” Tarron says.

“You’re going to kill me! What’s the point?” The demon responds.

“How about this, you answer the questions to our liking and we’ll kill you quick. We don’t hear what we want and your death will be slow and drawn out,” Tarron responds.

“She already knows why we are here.” The demon nods to Lina. Her eyes are narrowed as her hand caresses the blade in her hand.

“He can’t have her!” I roar jumping at the demon but Alec and Reed grab me. They struggle to keep me from the demon. My chest is filled with a rage so hot that I see red. Alec and Reed tighten their grip, keeping me from tearing the demon apart.

What the fuck
! Speak, Demon!” Keegan pushes Tarron out the way and draws his sword.

“The master wants the princess. He will stop at nothing to have her. There’s nothing you can do to stop him from coming to Earth! He has all that he needs to come; it’s only a matter of time before he’s here! He will destroy you and this realm! This realm is his! The princess will be his!” The demon screams as Keegan swiftly swings his sword and takes his head. The head drops and rolls to the floor and lands in front of Lina.

She lets out a scream and kicks the head. Keegan and Vander quickly jump out the way as the head flies through the kitchen window, breaking the glass, landing somewhere outside. She runs her hand across her face, looking at Keegan then at me.

“Melomouzor can try all he wants to get me, but I’ll be damned if he will lay a hand on me!” she says as she storms out of the kitchen and through the front door.

“What the fuck happened in the basement?” Keegan demands, stalking over to stand in front of me.

He’s pissed and I have to keep reminding myself that this is Lina’s brother who deserves to know. If I had a sister, I would go bat-shit crazy if something happened to her. I would lose my shit if something happened to Micheil or Devyn. I give him a brief rundown on what the Goddess Freya told us when we were in Agslyae. Curses fill the room as Keegan walks over to the wall and punches his fist threw it. He holds himself against the wall for a few seconds before he runs out of the house to find Lina. The other Guardians follow him.

“So what do we do?” Reed asks as we walk out of the house.

“We protect her. There is one thing that I do agree with Keegan on; she is not to be left alone. She is always to have someone with her. Apparently, Melomouzor has found a way back to the Earth’s realm. We need to prepare for him. Call Dante and tell him to go ahead and call in the entire Legion. This is a code red.”

y shoulder is almost healed
. I move the shower-head so that the hot water can hit the aching part. I tilt my head underneath the water to get it wet. It pained me to see Lina leave the witch’s house with Keegan. Today was a rough day for her and she shouldn’t be alone tonight. I’m tempted to call her. Reaching for the soap, the smell of apricots slowly fills the air. I pause, taking in a deep breath.
She’s here.
My Princess has come to me.

The door to the bathroom opens and she walks over to the shower stall. She steps into the shower naked. I step back to allow her to get underneath the water. She doesn’t say anything. Her green eyes are as big as saucers and I can sense she’s bothered by today’s events. I lather the washcloth up with soap and begin washing her back and shoulders. I run the cloth down her legs and have her turn so that I can wash the rest of her.

We don’t say anything. My wolf senses that she needs me to take care of her. I carefully wash and rinse every part of her. I hurry up rinsing the shampoo from her hair. I shut off the water and reach for a towel. I grab a large towel for her, wrapping her in it. I quickly dry myself off and throw the towel around my waist. I carry her into my room and lay her in the bed. I get in and pull the covers up over both of us.

“I don’t want to get your bed wet!” she mumbles trying to climb out of the bed. I grab her and pull her close to me.

“Shhh. It’ll dry, just lay here and rest.”

I draw her into the crook of my arm as she moves to get comfortable. Her warm breath flows across my neck. It evens out and she falls asleep. Staring down at her, I can’t help but realize that she’s perfect. The armor around my heart is cracking and this tiny wisp of a person is holding the hammer. My wolf is demanding I claim her. He wants to protect her. He feels that she needs him.

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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