Power of the Fae (12 page)

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Authors: Ariel Marie

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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This is not the time to be trying to take a mate. Melomouzor is making his way back to the realm and we have to stop him. There is too much to lose. Melomouzor cannot come back, he cannot have the realm and he certainly cannot have her. I squeeze her tight and kiss her on the forehead. A few minutes later, I fall into a blissful darkness.

Chapter Seventeen

here the hell am I
? I look down at myself and I’m dressed in a short, sexy, white see-through negligee. You can clearly see my dark areolas through the sheer material and the tiny G-string that I have on. I’m lying on a bed with black satin sheets and a dark grey fur comforter, propped up with at least ten fluffy pillows. My hair is flowing down my back. I look down at my toes and fingernails and notice that they are painted blood red.

The bedroom I’m in is humongous. It has vaulted ceilings with a diamond-encrusted chandelier. The room is lavishly decorated with at least a thousand candles lit all around the room. There are a few chests and dressers in the room that are covered with lit candles. The bed is big enough for at least ten people to sleep comfortably. There is a large ceiling to floor window to the right of the bed. Wherever I am, it must be nighttime because it looks to be dark outside. A door on the far left wall slowly opens.

A tall muscular blond haired man walks in the room. He is gorgeous, one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. His chiseled features and movie star blond hair is just mesmerizing. He has on an all-white tailored suit, the white shirt collar is open with no tie. His blue eyes zero in on me as he smiles.

“Hello, Lina, finally we meet.” His voice rumbles as he speaks. His eyes do not leave mine as he walks closer to the bed. He stands next to the bed, his eyes roaming over my half naked body.

“Beautiful,” he says.

“Who are you?” I ask. I can’t tear my eyes away from him. I just feel mesmerized by him. I can feel my breasts growing heavy as he stares at them.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“You know who I am, Lina,” he says as he stares into my eyes. The realization of who he is hits me like a brick.

“No, it can’t be!” I sit up scrambling to get off the bed. A force grabs me and pushes me back onto the pillows on the bed and holds me in place.

“There’s nowhere for you to run, Lina,” he says smiling, his blue eyes flash red for a millisecond.

“I’m sorry. Where are my manners? It would be considered rude of me not to formally introduce myself.” He steps back and gallantly bows. “My name is Melomouzor.”

How in the hell did I come to be here? The last thing I remember is being in the shower with Colin and falling asleep in his arms. I quickly look around the room for an escape route. As if sensing what I am thinking, he sits on the bed and grabs my chin and directs my face towards his.

“You are so worth the wait. I have been waiting a long time for you. You are quite exquisite, my dear.” I try to snatch my face away but he holds it still. “I will have you, my dear, and I’ll take great pleasure in it. You will be mine.”

He kisses the corner of my mouth then trails kisses to the left side of my neck. He nips my neck with what feels like a fang. I can feel a small trickle of blood run down my neck. I try to move my head but he has a death grip on my chin as he slowly licks the small amount of blood.

“Never!” I growl at him, struggling against the invisible restraints.

“Never say never, my dear. I’m sure by now you’ve heard of the prophecy. You are meant to be mine; our first child will rule the realms. They have kept me banished to the Underworld for long enough. They will all die for banishing me. Your brother and that wolf cannot protect you. It’s time for my demons and I to come up and play!” He laughs sadistically.

He trails his finger down my throat, across my chest and rubs my traitorous nipple. I try to jerk my body away, but he still has me pinned to the bed with his power. How dare my body betray me? My nipple hardens as he rubs it. I try to move my body again but he holds me in place with his power.

He grabs my left breast and I watch as my dark brown nipple disappears in his mouth. He suckles my breast through the negligee and a moan escapes the back of my throat. My mind knows that I don’t want him. I try to fight him but my body is totally betraying me.

What the fuck is wrong with me!

My legs open on their own accord as his other hand rips off the G-string. I can feel the wetness begin to seep out of my pussy as his finger starts rubbing on my hidden nub.

I moan again and this time, I can’t help myself from moving my hips towards his hand. I ride his hand as he continues to flick the swollen flesh; my eyes roll to the back of my head. He’s the enemy, I try to fight his power so I can move but he is stronger than me. I still haven’t learned how to use all of new my powers.

“You will be mine!” He growls as he pushes his two fingers in my moist channel and I almost come instantly. He slides his fingers in and out, I rotate my hips to the rhythm he sets. He rips the negligee down the middle and he switches to my naked right breast and suckles that one as my legs spread even wider so he can continue to finger fuck me.

He looks up at me and his eyes flash red. I can feel the pressure building up in me as he has me moaning and writhing in the bed. I try to speak but my thoughts are going out the window. When he pinches my tiny nub, it sends me over the edge screaming as I climax.

, wake up!! It’s just a dream!” I hear Colin’s voice as he shakes me awake. I sit up breathing hard, unable to catch my breath. I look around the room and recognize Colin’s room and I’m tangled in his sheets and my towel. I jump into Colin’s arms, shaking.

Goddess above, it was just a dream!

“Are you okay, you were screaming in your sleep?” he asks worried, pulling back and pushing my hair from my face.

“It was just a dream. It was a dream, just a dream.” I chant over and over out loud to myself.

What in the hell was that?

It didn’t feel like a dream, it all felt so real. The way my body responded to Melomouzor’s touches felt real. I shake my head, running my trembling hand through my hair. Melomouzor is coming.
I can feel it.
At least now I know what he looks like, even though I’m sure I was looking at his glamoured image.

“What did you dream about?” Colin asks as I turn to sit on the side of the bed. I can’t tell him the whole dream. He would go ballistic if I told him how Melomouzor was touching me in the dream.

“I was in a room I didn’t recognize. A tall, blond haired guy in a white suit comes in the room. It was Melomouzor.” Colin curses and gets out the bed. He paces in front of me.

“What did he say?” he asks bending down in front of me.

“He wants me and he’s coming for me. He says that you and my brother cannot protect me. He wants revenge for being banished from the realm.” He grabs me and holds me.

“He will not get you!
You’re mine
!” he growls.

He looks down at my neck and slowly turns my head while his eyes narrow. His mismatched eyes darken as a deeper growl resonates from his chest. His Alpha vibrations are rolling off of him. He’s pissed!

“He bit you?” he asks barely able to speak around his canines.

I reach up and rub my neck where Melomouzor bit me. I’m confused, was I really asleep when Melomouzor came to me? How can he really mark me if it was a dream? I look to Colin and his face is dark with rage. He grabs me by the neck and his mouth covers mine in a hard, dominating kiss. His kiss consumes me; he backs me up against the bed.

“You are mine,” he says in between kisses. He pushes me down on the bed and proceeds to show me how much I am his.

, wake up.” Colin gently wakes me up. I snuggle down deeper in the covers. He laughs quietly.

“Wake up, I want to show you around the house and feed you. I have to meet with the Legion members. I’ve called in representatives from all the regions and have a meeting with them in an hour.” He pulls the covers off of me. I stretch and kick my feet. He grabs my feet and tries to tickle them. I shriek and jump out of the bed on the other side away from him.

“Okay!” I say holding my hands up surrendering. “I’m up. Let me throw some clothes on and pee!”

“You have ten minutes.”

He’s fully dressed in a long sleeve black t-shirt with dark jeans on. His black hair is pushed back away from his face. His blue and brown eyes shine with laughter at me.

“Ten minutes and I’m coming in there!” he yells as I run in the bathroom carrying my overnight bag.

Nine and a half minutes later, I come out the bathroom, teeth brushed, faced washed, dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a bright pink t-shirt. I pulled my dark hair up in a high ponytail and I went light on make-up and lip-gloss. He laughs when he reads my t-shirt. It says, ‘
We all can’t be princesses, someone has to bow when I walk by
’. I love the sound of his laugh. It doesn’t seem that a week ago we were just meeting and at each other’s throats. My heart swells just looking at him.

He’s definitely growing on me.

He leads me down the stairs to the main part of the house. He explains to me how the Legion members in his pack all share this house and have their own private quarters similar to his. The house is immaculate. You cannot tell that this house is full of men. They must have a housekeeper, or two, with the size of this house. I cannot imagine seven guys living together and it being this clean.

It has the delicate touches of a woman here and there. He leads me into a large commercial style kitchen. It has an open concept to it. There is an island that divides the main part of the kitchen, a dining table that sits at least ten people placed in front a set of patio doors, then a family room with a couple of oversized couches and a flat screen television.

Alec and another wolf I have yet to meet are sitting at the table eating breakfast. I immediately smile at Alec when he looks up to see me. His eyebrows rise when he sees me coming from the living quarters with Colin. I feel my face warm slightly at his knowing grin. Colin grabs my hand and leads me over to the table.

“Lina, good to see you here so early!” He winks at me as he gets up and hugs me. Colin stiffens next to me when Alec hugs me. He pulls me away from Alec and introduces me to the other wolf.

“Lina, this is Gunnar Harwood. Gunnar, this is Lina Waldmar.” The sandy brown haired, brown-eyed Scot stands up and shakes my mind. He is slightly taller and muscular than Colin. He displays a warm smile as his large hand engulfs my smaller one.

“Good morning, Lina,” he says with a wink. Again, I feel my face warming.

“Nice to meet you, Gunnar.” I return his smile, feeling welcomed.

“And who do we have here?” A female voice says from the doorway.

Two female wolves walk into the kitchen. The older woman is short and curvy with dark brown hair with a few streaks of grey, cut in a short bob. She has round chubby cheeks and big brown eyes. The younger woman looks about my age or a few years older. It’s hard to tell since wolves age slowly. She’s tall and slim with long chestnut hair and hazel eyes. She’s extremely pretty and I’m sure she can have her picking and choosing of any of the wolves in their pack. Her eyes zero in on Colin’s hand holding mine.

“Winnie, this is Lina. Lina, this is Winifred Long, also known as Winnie, our housekeeper, cook, den mother, psychologist, referee, you name it, she does it around here!” Colin says introducing us.

Winnie laughs at the introduction. She comes over and shakes my hand smiling as we exchange pleasantries. She heads out of the kitchen claiming she needs to do some cleaning. Colin’s hand settles on the small of my back as he introduces me to the young lady.

“Lina, this is Malia Saunders. She’s a member of my pack. Malia, this is Lina Waldmar, Guardian of the Fae.” His body is tense as he introduces us.

I get the feeling that she’s been more than just a member of his pack, but I don’t say anything. I put a polite smile on my face as we shake hands. Her handshake is weak, as if she doesn’t want to touch me. Yup, something has gone on between her and Colin. We’re polite with the standard greetings.

I glance over at Alec and Gunnar and their eyes are glued to us as if waiting for something to happen. I smirk as I turn back to Colin while Malia reads my shirt.

“You’re the Princess of the Fae?” she asks. I nod my head. “So, why are you here?” she asks tilting her head slightly to the side. I could be childish and flaunt that I spent the night in Colin’s bed, but I won’t.

I know that she can smell Colin’s scent on me. I didn’t get a chance to take a shower when I woke up, he didn’t give me time to. Wolves have superior smelling senses. I’m sure she has put two and two together, but I have a feeling she just wants Colin to admit why I’m here. Colin’s body hasn’t relaxed yet. I’m convinced one hundred percent that there is or was something definitely going on between the two of them. Her loss.

“She’s here for the Legion meeting,” he answers for me.

I look at him but he’s shooting a death glare at Alec and Gunnar who are both snickering and coughing at the table. She glances from Colin to me with a strained look on her face then, she turns and walks out of the kitchen without another word.

“Well, I’m starving!” I say rubbing my flat belly looking around the kitchen.

Chapter Eighteen

, no, no, no!!
It should be me spending the night with Colin! He should be walking downstairs holding my hand, his scent all over me, not some short Fae Princess. Colin should be mine! I’ve been around for years. I’ve cooked, cleaned and helped out in this house! I’ve shared my body with him so many times over the years that I’ve lost count. I have been one of the only wolves that he has kept around to warm his bed. I know that he has slept with other women in the past but none of them ever meant anything.

He always comes back to me; I have always been his favorite! I am supposed to be the one he mates with and bear his pups. I am meant to be
Alpha’s mate. But he has never looked at the other women the way he looks at the
His eyes have barely left the Princess. Even his hands are always touching something on her.


I run out to my car after leaving Colin’s house and slam the door as I get in. I pull out my phone dialing a number that is saved. I never thought I would have to use this number. Desperate times call for desperate measures! The person answers the phone on the second ring.

“Hey, it’s Malia. I have a problem. You remember when you offered me that desire potion?” I pause so I can hear what the person on the other end of the phone call says.

“So what would you need from me?” I ask. The person on the other end answers. “You would just need some of my hair? Where and when do you want to meet and how much is this going to cost me?”


he Legion is divided
into seven regions that cover the whole United States. There are representatives from each division here for the meeting. Reshia, who is in charge of the Midwest Legion, is present, as is Shaun who is in charge of the Central Region. Ian represents the Southwest, Brodie, the Southeast, Malachy the North East and Kaven is in charge of the North West. We have all gathered in the conference room that’s located in the War Room for the meeting. I have included Lina as a representative of the Fae.

The room becomes silent as I move to the front of the group. The rest of my Legion members fill in the room. All eyes are on me, Lina is sitting in the back. I begin with telling everyone about the most recent witch disappearance, demon attacks, what we’ve learned so far about the demons and how Melomouzor may have found a way to come back. I share with the group the prophecy and how Melomouzor needs Lina.

“We can’t let him get her!” Shaun drawls out in his country twang. All heads in the room nod in agreement.

“What do we need to do?” Brodie asks.

“We are going to have to work together. The only way for us to defeat Melomouzor will be to work with the Fae and Witches. We’re going to have to reach out to the Vampires.” A few growls can be heard from around the room. I hold my hand up.

“I know there is bad blood between the Vamps and Wolves, but this is bigger than that!” I growl and let my Alpha vibe seep out. I look each member in the eye with most looking away. “We’re talking the end of the world as we know it. Don’t contact the Vamps in your area. We will make contact with their Master Vampire, Dorian.”

“My brother has already been in touch with his vampire contact to set up a meeting with Dorian. Keegan would like for you to be at the meeting Colin,” Lina says from the back of the room. She walks up to the front. She’s captivated every male’s eye. She stands next to me, the top of her head barely clearing my chest. She’s totally shifted into her Guardian persona.

“Since we are going to be working together. I feel I should share with you that Melomouzor has personally contacted me. He dream walked into my sleep last night.” Curses could be heard through the room.

“According to him, he has found his way to come back to the realm. He says that we cannot stop him. But I’ll be damned if I allow him to lay a hand on me,” she all but growled out, hands on her hips. “We need to rise up against him, band together against him. I know that Wolves and Vampires have a long standing feud but now is the time to set those differences aside.” She meets everyones eyes in the room, daring any of them to disagree with her.

“If and when he comes to the human realm, we’ll be ready and we will send him and his fucking demons back to the Underworld for good!” Her voice is strong as steel and does not waiver. Everyone’s eyes are glued to her. The look of respect is on every one of the wolves’ faces in the room. She will make an excellent Alpha mate.

eegan has summoned
Lina back to Azura’s house. According to Keegan, he has updated their father, the Prince of the Light Fae, of everything that has happened. Her father wants to speak to her immediately at Azura’s house. She wants me to come with her. I’ve heard of her father Vamir. He’s next in line to lead the Light Fae. His father, King Orist, is still alive, but no one has really seen him or his wife, Queen Allynna, in a while. Rumor has it, he is very ill and soon, Vamir will ascend to the throne. It is said that Vamir is even more ruthless than Keegan when it comes to protecting the Fae and Lina. Devyn is riding with us to Azura’s house.

Lina is quiet in the back seat. I know she doesn’t know what to expect with her father’s visit. She hasn’t had a chance to share with Keegan everything that the Goddess Freya shared with us. I look in the review mirror and see her staring out the window, unconsciously rubbing the amulet that she has yet to take off. Devyn turns the truck into the driveway and parks the truck in front of the house. I get out and open Lina’s door, she’s slow to get out the car. She grabs her duffle bag and heads up the stairs to the house. She flicks her wrist and the door unlocks and she pushes into the house.

“He’s here. Follow me.” She sets her bag down on the bottom stair and leads us to her grandmother’s study. We walk into the study, Azura is sitting on one of the sofas, and Keegan is sitting on the edge of Azura’s massive desk. A slightly older version of Keegan, with the same long blond hair, is standing in front of the windows. This must be her father. Vamir turns and his eyes soften when they lock on Lina.

“Daddy!” She grins, running to him. He catches her small frame in a strong embrace. He holds her for a second then grips her face in both hands and kisses her forehead. He says something in the language of the Fae, and she smiles and responds in the same language. Yeah, she’s a daddy’s girl.

“How is it I send you to the human realm to investigate and gather information and you end up with the world’s future literally on your shoulders?” he says in perfect English.

“Well, you know what they say, go big or go home!” Everyone chuckles.

“Colin, Devyn, please come in and make yourselves comfortable,” Azura says from where she’s perched on the couch.

Vamir’s smile disappears as his eyes lock on me. He pushes Lina to the side and stalks over to me. I hold my ground, neither he or Keegan intimidates me, they may be Fae, but I’m an Alpha. My wolf bristles at the challenge.

“So this is the wolf you’ve been spending time with?” Vamir asks Lina. We’re standing toe-to-toe, eyes locked on each other.

“This wolf has a name,” I growl not breaking eye contact with the Prince. Azura and Lina separate us. Devyn is behind me and I’m not sure when Keegan reached his father’s side.

“Gentlemen, please control yourselves,” Azura says looking at both of us. Lina pushes me off to the side, while Azura pulls Vamir over with her.

“Daddy, this is Colin McKenzie, Alpha of the Diamond Pack. Colin, this is my father Prince Vamir Waldmar, future King of the Light Fae,” Lina says making formal introductions.

“Where did you get that amulet?” Vamir asks staring at the amulet nestled between Lina’s breasts. He slowly walks over to her and reaches for it. He holds the amulet briefly; a look of sadness fleetingly passes his face then vanishes.

“That’s what I need to talk to you all about. A lot has happened in the last day and a half.” She looks around to everyone.

“You might as well have a seat, we might be here for a while.” She pushes me towards the closest couch and sits down next to me. Everyone takes a seat as she begins telling them the story of us going into the witch’s spell room and how we ended up in Agslyae speaking with the Goddess Freya.

“So you’re telling me the amulet was hidden in the new witch’s spell room?” Azura asks. I nod my head yes.

“It was like it called to me. I just knew where it was hidden,” Lina says. “The Goddess Freya showed up and she told me that I have gained new powers due to the amulet.”

“What new powers?” Vamir asks with a haunted look on his face.

“She says that I now have all the powers of the Fae,” Lina says slowly. Vamir pauses and slowly turns to Lina.

“Impossible,” he whispers staring at Lina. “No one has all the powers of the Fae. Having all the powers of the Fae would mean--”

“You would be the most powerful Fae ever,” Keegan finishes his father’s sentence. “
why Melomouzor wants you.”

“Freya spoke of a prophecy. She said that there are two versions of the prophecy and my actions will determine which one will come true,” Lina says with a strained look on her face.

“What do you mean, Lina?” Azura asks.

“According to Freya, my first born child will determine the outcome of the human realm.” She looks at everyone. Vamir and Keegan both curse. Azura doesn’t look shocked.

“What else did Freya say to you?” Azura asks.

“She showed us a wall that had hieroglyphs on it that depicted the ancients and Melomouzor, then it showed the twin prophecies that depicted Lina,” I interject. “One side showed Lina with a black wolf. We assumed that was me fighting Melomouzor. The other picture depicted Lina with Melomouzor. She also said that Lina was gaining her

“There is no way, you are hooking up with the Demon King, creating a fucking demon baby and destroying the human realm!” Keegan yells standing up to join his father in pacing. Vamir pauses and looks out the window again. Lina looks hurt by the accusation.

“You’re acting like I have already decided my future!” she yells. “She said that it
be the future! She wouldn’t fucking tell me how to make sure I don’t end up with Melomouzor!” I put my arm around her shoulders to try to calm her down.

“How do you know you were the wolf that was shown on the hieroglyphs?” Vamir asks me. I think of the hieroglyphs showing Lina with a baby. I growl at the thought of another wolf having pups with Lina.

“When we got there and Freya showed up, she said that she had been waiting for
. Meaning Lina and me.” My words end in a growl.

“Did she say anything about your mother?” Vamir looks to the ground. Azura looks sharply to Vamir, stands up quickly and walks over to him. They whisper fiercely to each other. With our wolf hearing, Devyn and I look at each other, we can hear every word that they are saying.

“Vamir, tell her! She has a right to know!” Azura is saying.

“I don’t think it’s time!” Vamir whispers back.

“She needs to know what her mother knew! What her mother died for! What
daughter died for!” Azura whispers back fiercely. They argue for another moment.

“What are they saying? I know you can hear them!” Lina leans over to whisper to me.

I shake my head. It is not my place to tell her. Her father and grandmother need to come clean. They need to come clean tonight. Lina needs to know everything that involves her and the prophecy. They turn to everyone in the room, as if they forgot they are not alone.

“Lina, my dear, your mother knew about the prophecy,” Vamir starts off. Lina begins shaking her head.

“Your mother and I had an argument the night before she died. She had been trying to convince me that you were the one that was prophesized to either save the human realm or help destroy it. This was the same argument that we have had since you were a toddler. I didn’t want to argue with her that night. She came to me with the amulet.” He came over to kneel in front of Lina and took her hands into his.

“Your mother put a spell on you to suppress your powers. She enchanted the amulet so that if you ever came into physical contact with the amulet, it would release your powers. That’s why the amulet called to you when you were in the witch’s house. She also had it spelled to help you when you’re in trouble.” Tears slowly stream down Lina’s soft cheeks. My wolf whined, sensing the sadness radiating from Lina and he wants to comfort her. She grabs my hand.

“Why did Kaleema have the amulet? Who was she?” Lina asks, looking over at Azura.

“I’m not quite sure, Lina. But then, I’m not sure if the witch’s name was really Kaleema. We’re going to have to look into her deeper to find out whom she really was.” Azura says.

“If you give us all the information that you have on her, we can have Nick look into her. Nick is our tech guy who is a whiz at finding information that people don’t want found,” Devyn suggests to Azura. Azura nods and says she’ll get them everything she has on Kaleema before we leave.

“We thought the amulet was lost in the explosion, the night your mother was killed,” Vamir says.

“What really happened the night mom died?” Lina asks.

Everyone’s attention was on Vamir. Devyn and I had been in the human realm and heard about the night the Fae were attacked. The news of their Princess, the future Queen of the Light Fae, dying was everywhere. Everyone from the Fae was tight-lipped about what really happened. Vamir closes his eyes for a brief second, pain flashing across his face as he looks at Keegan then back at Lina.

“The night your mother died, the demons had made it to Faery. They were after you but your mother was able to trick them into believing that you were in her spell room that was located in the tower she was in. Somehow Melomouzor figured out you were
one, he wanted to get you as early as he could. We knew that he was trying to reverse his banishment. We should have known that after that blatant attempt at getting to you, that he would continue to try to make a comeback to the human realm.”

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