Power of the Fae (15 page)

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Authors: Ariel Marie

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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“Play with your pussy,” I instruct her as I pull out to slowly thrust back in. She spreads her legs as wide as she can, her hand goes in between her legs rubbing and flicking her clit as I fill her ass up. I can feel the vibration from her playing with her pussy. Her ass is so tight that I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to last. The faster I thrust, the quicker she flicks her clit and rocks back on me, moaning. Her ass tightens as she reaches another orgasm, screaming.

Her ass clamps down on my cock; I grab her hair with one hand shouting as my seed releases in her. Her ass milks my cock dry. I just about lose my strength and try not to fall on her. I slowly pull my semi soft cock out of her, picking her up to carry her over to the couch. She’s as limp as a noodle as I lay across the couch with her across my chest. I look down and she’s fast asleep.

Chapter Twenty-Two

and his pack went on a run. Once word got out to more of the pack that was still up this late that they were going for a run, more people joined them. When they left it, had to be about thirty people shifting into their wolf form and taking off together into the night. It made me feel better knowing that it was a large group, knowing that Malia was with them. I don’t trust that wolf. Colin better talk to her. If I have to say something to her, it won’t be nice.

Be careful, Colin
. I speak to him telepathically.

He responds.

Once they are gone, I run up to Colin’s private quarters and take a quick hot shower. I found a t-shirt of his to wear to bed. While applying lotion everywhere, I notice the mark he left on the side of my neck. Wolves and their need to mark their territory! A smile appears on my face thinking of the way he took me in his office. Thank goodness for the telepathy that he shares with members of his pack or Devyn would have walked in the office with me spread out over Colin half naked and asleep. A shiver went down my spine at the possessiveness he showed. We will definitely have to repeat that in the future.

I walk out onto his deck and stare out into the night. The scene is absolutely breathtaking. No wonder he spends a lot of time out here. I love that he agreed to take things one day at a time, but deep down I want more. He has possessed my heart. I have fallen head first in love with this Alpha. I want to spend eternity with this man.

Even though he knows I can protect myself, he still feels the need to be protective of me, which makes me feel cherished. He’s sexy, and I know he cares for me. I know I don’t know everything about wolves but I thought that if they considered you theirs, then they would claim you by biting you to mark you as theirs. Colin keeps telling me I’m his, but he has yet to bite me. The mark he left can be seen, but it’s not a claiming mark. I guess it’s a small step in the right direction.

I’m not sure how long I stood there staring off into the night. Voices growing closer on the ground below catch my attention. Colin and Malia’s voices grow closer sounding as if they are arguing. I push myself back in the shadows so no one can see me. Peeking over the balcony, I can see them walking back to the house. They both are still naked from the run. Wolves have no issues with nudity since they have to take off their clothes so that they don’t shred everything they own. I don’t like the fact that he’s naked in front of her alone.

“Malia, it’s never been. You knew what the deal was. I never made you any promises,” Colin says.

“Colin, we’ve been together for years, how can you say that?” she whispers not too quietly.

“We weren’t together! You were someone I could turn to, to get off, nothing more!” Even I had to wince at that. That had to hurt.

“So this is because of that half-breed girl isn’t it?” I can hear her sniffle.

“It’s not just Lina. I am with her and only her,” Colin says quietly. I have to restrain myself at doing a dance at him admitting he is with me!

“You slept with me one day after she showed up!” I pause at that. That part he left out. We were at each other’s throats when we first met.

“Again, I used you to scratch an itch,” he says dryly, annoyance creeping into his voice.

“What are you doing?” he asks quickly. “Malia, stop. Get your hands off of my cock!”
What. The. Fuck?
I’m two seconds from flashing down to them and kicking her ass. That cock belongs to me now.

“It grows hard for me, Colin. How can you say I was just a scratch for an itch?” She sounds desperate now. There’s a gasp and I look over the balcony. Colin has her pinned with one hand to the building.

He growls, “Last time I fucked you, I was thinking about her the whole time!”

“I’m okay with that. Whatever I can get, I would be happy with!” she begs. He throws her to the ground and he stares down at her. I can’t see his face.

“Get out of here, Malia. Go find someone else. I won’t be as nice next time!” he says a little louder, his Alpha power flowing out of him. Malia sits on the ground bowing her head in submission as he walks into the house. Walking back into Colin’s room, I thought I heard the words ’
oh, you will be mine
’. I pause for a second. She can’t be that crazy. I continue into his room without a second thought.

wake up
, trapped under something warm and hard. I move my head and see that Colin has me wrapped up in his arms, asleep. I struggle to turn over since he has a tight grip on me. He’s beautiful as he sleeps. The more time I spend with him, the more I know that I’m in love with him. I know for him our relationship is a ‘let’s see where this goes’ thing but I’m heads over heels in love with him.

I think back to what he said to me in the office yesterday and smile. But my smile slowly fades as I think about my conversation with Keegan. I have to go back to Faery. I need to train and learn how to use my new skills. Just doing them by chance is not going to help us defeat Melomouzor. I need to know how to channel all of the powers the Goddess has blessed me with.

Hopefully, I won’t have to train for long. Maybe a month at the most, just to learn how to access my powers, then I can return to Earth. When I was younger, learning how to use my air element magic didn’t take me long. I have always been a fast learner. I don’t have that much time anyway so I have no choice but to learn my powers quickly. Once I learn to access them, then using them will come with much practice.

I look back to Colin and see a blue and a brown eye staring at me. I smile as he leans in and kisses me softly taking my breath away.

“Good morning,” I say softly when we break away. He pulls my naked body close to his. He would not let me in the bed with his shirt on. He stated that he sleeps naked, therefore I have to also. I think it is so he can cop a feel during his sleep. Twice he reached for me, waking me up with his tongue in the most delicious places. He begins rubbing small circles on my lower back, making me purr like a kitten.

“Sleep well?” he asks.

“Yes, I did. A certain gentleman made sure that he worked me until I was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.” I grin playfully.

“Well, I hope you thanked that gentleman properly.” He smiles playing along. I stroke his semi erect cock. He rolls on his back as I continue to stroke him, now rock hard. He is insatiable, three times last night and he’s already ready again.

“ I can probably think of a way I can thank him.” I slide down his body to where I’m eye level with his cock, licking the shaft and sucking the mushroom top into my mouth, tasting the drop of fluid that accumulated on the tip. I suck him all the way into my mouth as far as I can while encircling his cock with my hands and stroking it up and down in the same direction of my head. He moans and wraps his hands in my hair as I continue to suck and swallow his cock. I love when he puts his hands in my hair. There’s something about it that just makes me even hotter for him. I tug on his balls with my one hand and he moans my name.

“Shit, suck my cock!” he exclaims as I suck on it even harder. He calls my name. I can feel the wetness seeping out of my pussy. I love sucking his cock. There is nothing better to do first thing in the morning. He guides my head down with his hand as he thrusts his cock in my mouth, fucking my mouth. He gasps as he pushes it all the way to the back of my throat and I moan as I slip my hand to my folds and flick my clit. My pussy is so wet that my hand is drenched. As he continues to thrust his cock up in my mouth, I continue to flick my clit and push my two fingers all the way in my opening, clenching down on my own fingers.

“Ride my cock with your pussy. I don’t want to come in your mouth, I want to come in your pussy!” He quickly grabs me pulling me up as if I weighed no more than a feather. I straddle his waist, slowly impaling myself on his cock. He stretches me to where I feel full and complete. He’s buried deep. I start riding him as he thrusts up into my slick core. His eyes lock on mine. The emotions shining from his eyes take my breath away. An unfamiliar feeling reaches out and tugs on my heart. We’re connecting on a whole new emotional plane that I’ve never been on before. Somehow a new bond has been created between us.

Leaning back, I slide my hand down to play with my clit as my heavy breasts bounce up and down from his thrusts. A smile forms on my face watching his eyes switch from my breasts to my hand. A few more thrusts and we are both shouting as he’s shooting his seed into my quivering womb. I collapse on his chest, breathing hard.

“Did I thank him properly?” I ask out of breath.

“Oh, yeah, that was a perfect way to thank him. Just make sure you don’t thank anyone else like that!” We both laugh. A few minutes later, our breathing evens out. He rolls us on our side, not wanting to release me.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” I say, sitting up on my elbow looking at him. He looks at me with concern, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

“What is it?”

“I have to go back to Faery for training. There is someone that my father wants me to work with to help me learn to control my powers. According to my father, if I don’t learn how to control them it can be catastrophic. We also don’t want everyone to know that I have the power of the Fae; we don’t know how others will react knowing I’m the most powerful being.” He swallows, then nods and I continue. “The Dark Fae especially cannot learn that I have the power of the Fae.”

“Are we sure the Dark Fae is not involved with Melomouzor?”

“I’m not sure, but they would know that once he took over the human realm, Faery would be next. They want to rule all of Faery, and I can’t see them giving up control of Faery.”

“So will you come back?”

“Of course. I have to come back, not just for finding the victims but because I want you,” I say not knowing how he will answer.

“Before meeting you I refused to commit to someone because of the fear that something would happen to me. After meeting you, being with you, I’m willing to risk it. I want you too. You belong to me.” He takes his time kissing me softly, moving down to the mark he left on me. He kisses the mark too. “When do you leave and how long do you think it will take?”

“I’m not sure. I have to talk to Keegan. Since we think the demons are coming here through portals, we have to be careful when we open a portal to Faery. Hopefully I shouldn’t be gone longer than a month.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

, are you and Lina a thing now?” Alec asks while we are eating breakfast. Lina had showered, dressed and flashed over to her grandmother’s just like she told Keegan she would do. She even called him right before she did it so he would know when to expect her.

“Yeah, sort of. It’s complicated,” I answer around my mouthful of homemade pancakes that Winnie had made. She threw together a massive breakfast for us. Shifters tend to eat a lot, so she cooks to feed an army or two.

“What, the mighty Colin has committed?” Devyn jokes, holding a hand over his heart.

“I said it is complicated!” I scowl. I know they are just ribbing me. They know I don’t do relationships and have never committed to any particular female in the past so this is truly a first.

“Did I hear right, did you just say Colin and the word commitment in the same sentence?” We all look up quickly.

My younger brother Micheil walks through the kitchen door smiling. We all stand up laughing, hugging and shaking hands. Winnie quickly grabs a plate and starts piling food high on it. It’s not that often that he comes around the compound since he started his own medical practice.

After graduating from medical school and completing a surgical residency, he and his friend Dirk, opened up their own medical practice for paranormals. Dirk is the general medical internist of the practice while Micheil is the surgeon. They run a busy practice that they are in the process of expanding. Last we spoke, they were looking to bring in a couple more physicians and nurses to help with their growing practice and looking to buy a bigger facility.

“So who is the lucky lady?” Micheil says in between bites.

“Princess Arlina Waldmar, of the Fae,” Alec answers with a dramatic hand wave. I roll my eyes.

“Her name is Lina and she’s part Witch. She’s Azura’s granddaughter,” I explain to Micheil.

“Ok, boys! Don’t torment your
too bad!” Winnie says. Not her too! She grins as she wipes the stove down.

“So she’s the one that brought that ugly grin to your face?” he clowns. I love my brothers. We don’t get to spend enough time together. They continue to harass and heckle me when our mother walks through the door.

“Well, isn’t this a lovely sight.” Our mother, Anna MacKenzie, is all smiles when she comes through the door. Her tall, willowy frame does not reveal her age at all. Her brown eyes crinkle as she smiles when Devyn jumps up and scoops her up for a hug first. She makes her way around hugging and kissing all of us as if we are still teenagers.

“All of my boys in one place, laughing and joking, just what I need this morning!” Even though Alec is not her child, when his family moved here and joined our pack, we became fast friends and my mother just took him under her wing. She is like a second mother to him and he her fourth son.

“Here, mama, have a seat, I’ll make you a plate!” Micheil jumps up and starts putting a plate together for her. She sits next to me at the table.

“So there’s a rumor going around the compound,” she starts, looking at me with a twinkle in her eye. I groan, not her too! How does she do it? “I hear that you have moved on from Malia and have been having a new female come around and it’s serious.” She raises a single eyebrow at me and waits for me to respond.

“First of all, how can you hear rumors, Mama, living in the woods away from everyone?” I shake my head laughing. “Second, Malia and I were never an item.”

“That’s what you think and I hear plenty when I come out to visit friends and go to functions. Just because I want my peace and quiet when I am home, doesn’t mean I’m a hermit!” She bats at me.

“So, who is she?” She’s never going to let this go. Micheil places a plate in front of her and he sits on her other side. The guys laugh, knowing she’s not going to let it go.

“Yes, Colin, tell us about her. Alec and Devyn have had the chance to meet her,” Micheil instigates. I shoot him a glare. I give in and tell my mother and brother how Lina and I met and what’s been going on so far. Alec and Devyn both chime in on how Lina and I were at each other’s throats at first.

“Sounds as if you’ve found your mate, when are you going to claim her?” My mother asks softly rubbing my hand. I’m not even sure when she started holding my hand. I guess I was so wrapped up in telling her about Lina, that I didn’t notice her take my hand in hers. My mother has a way with her that she can calm down the most vicious wolf. She fell in love with my father and tamed him. That says enough!

“I’m not.” Everyone at the table draws silent. She squeezes my hand.

“Why not?” she asks with her eyebrows drawn together, her hand tightening on mine.

“I can’t have someone go through what you went through, Mama. I can’t have someone bond with me, start a family with me and then I’m taken away. Where does that leave her or any pups we have?” I look up at her and see tears in her eyes.

“Colin,” she starts as a tear escapes. “I have
regretted any of the time I had with your father. I thank the Gods every day for the time I did have with Goraidh! Your father was a strong Alpha, but he always made sure that I knew that he loved me, respected me and needed me. The Gods blessed your father and me with three beautiful healthy boys that he was able to see grow up. Your father loved all three of you. He would be so proud of the men you have become. A lifetime with your father would
have been enough! We will see each other again in the afterlife.” Tears are freely flowing down her face. Micheil rubs her back as Devyn hands her a tissue. Alec rubs his face to hide the tears that gathered in his eyes.

“Now I didn’t mean to turn this into a cry fest.” She laughs, wiping her face and looking at all of us.

“This goes to all of you. Don’t miss out on what I had with Goraidh. If you find your mate, grab her, hold on to her and love her for as long as the Gods let you!”

at Azura’s home as a large silver SUV is being packed with luggage. Lina called me and told me that her father wants to leave today to get her back to Faery so that she can start her training right away. They have agreed not to tell anyone that she has the power of the Fae.

As I step out of the truck, Lina comes out of the front door. She has a white short-sleeve V-neck t-shirt on, jeans with rips in the knees and ridiculously high-heeled shoes. That girl knows she can wear the hell out of heels. Her long black curly hair is flowing down her back and she runs down the stairs towards with me. She hands her large purse to a man who is dressed in a uniform packing the truck. I catch her as she throws her tiny self at me.

“I’ll miss you while I’m gone!” she says looking up with those big emerald eyes.

“Who is that?” I haven’t seen anyone around Azura’s house with that uniform on before.

“He’s one of the palace guards.” She dismisses the guard.

“I’ll miss you, too. It’s only a month, right? Right?” I hate to sound like a whiny teenager but my wolf does not like the idea of her away from us. She leads me to the side of the house where there is a bench that overlooks the gardens.

“Maybe you can come over and visit me in Faery.” I’m not even sure that the Fae would appreciate a shifter over there.

“I’m not sure about that.” I scratch my head at the thought.

“Have you ever been out of the human realm?” She asks with wide eyes. I shake my head no. She laughs. Nope, never left the beautiful planet called Earth.

“While you’re gone we’re going to be looking into the portals that the demons are using to come to the realm. Nick thinks he’s figured out how to tell where the previous portals have shown up and he’s trying to figure out if there is a pattern to predict the next places the demons may show up. Then we have some other issues that have come up that we still need to address.” She nods in understanding.

“You watch your back while I’m gone, wolf.” She smiles as she wipes an imaginary piece of lint off of my shirt.

“When you come back, we need to talk.” I look into her eyes. She raises an eyebrow.

“Why can’t we talk now? We should have a few more minutes before we leave.”

“This is important and we will need more than a few minutes.” My hand shakes a little as I reach up and brush a strand of hair from her face. This is a big step for me, making a commitment to a woman. After speaking to my mother, I’ve decided to claim her if she will have me. I can wait to claim her until everything is right in the realm, but at least everyone will know that she is mine when she comes back. I’ll introduce her to the pack so that they can get to know her before she becomes the mate of the Alpha.

“Okay.” She nods looking slightly confused. “You’re not trying break up with me are you?”

I shake my head no. “How long will it take you to get home?” I ask changing the subject.

“We’re going to drive a few hours away. We have to protect any portal that we create that leads to Faery. Once a portal is created, a strong witch can piggyback his or her magic off the remnants of our magic and can open their own portal to Faery. Once we get there, then I can open the portal tonight and then we will arrive in Faery. That’s the only thing about crossing over, the time difference. When it’s night here, it’s daytime there.”

To travel to different realms, such as going into Faery, requires the use of portals. For centuries, certain Witches have been protectors of the portals. This was part of the peace treaty between the Witches and the Fae. Faery demanded that only the most powerful of Witches guard the secret to get to Faery. Lina inherited her superior witch magic from her mother Loredana, who was just as powerful a witch as her grandmother Azura. Almost any creature of Faery can open portals to different realms.

“Keegan is staying here. A couple more Guardians are going to come. Please try not to kill each other while I’m gone.” She smiles as I roll my eyes. I’m not worried about the Fae Prince.

In the distance, Vamir calls out Lina’s name. She turns back to me with a sad look on her face. I grab her face and kiss her deeply. She melts into me as I pour my emotions into the kiss. We break apart panting.

“This is
goodbye, Lina.”

“I know. It just feels like it is.” Her emerald eyes look at mine as if trying to figure out what I’m thinking.

“You better come back to me!” I say, helping her up from the bench as her father calls her again. We walk towards the front of the house holding hands. When we round the front of the house, Vamir’s eyes zero in on our clasped hands. He nods his head to me before turning to the open back door the guard is holding open for him. Another guard gets in the driver’s seat.

I walk her over to the other back door. I wave the guard away so I can have a few more seconds with her. The guard gets in the passenger seat. I look down at her, grabbing her face, kissing her on her forehead, the tip of her nose and her lips.

“Call me when you can, okay?” She nods.

I open the door for her, helping her in. My eyes connect with Vamir and he nods his approval before I shut the door. I walk over to my truck and jump in. They drive down the driveway. My wolf whines, he doesn’t understand why she’s leaving us. I turn the key in my truck, throw it in gear and drive home.

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