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Authors: Ariel Marie

Power of the Fae (18 page)

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

, Keegan.” The latest dream has really shaken me to my core. After waking up from the dream, sleep did not come back to claim me. Tears gather in my eyes as my brother’s voice greets my ears through my phone. My lip quivers as I fight to keep the tears from spilling over. I quickly wipe my eyes to hide the wetness as if he can see me.

“What’s wrong?” He doesn’t return a greeting. His voice is as hard as steel as he detects the quiver in mine. I take a deep breath and exhale as I try to speak in a normal tone to hide my true feelings of despair of what I witnessed in my dream.

“He visited my dream again last night.” My voice comes out stronger. He doesn’t even have to ask who
is. He curses under his breath. There are voices laughing and talking in the background.

“What did he say? Are you okay?” I fill him in on the rest of the dream leaving out us going into Colin’s bedroom.

“He said that I am the key, that I am the one that will have to bring him over to the human realm.” I shift on my bed, not knowing how to truly answer that loaded question. My heart feels like it was ripped out of my chest. I can’t get the image of Malia in Colin’s room out of my head.

“The hell you will!” he roars. The voices in the background stop as he yells in the phone. “How do you even know that what he showed you was real?”

“I don’t, but it doesn’t matter. If I don’t help him, he is going to start killing everyone I love! I can’t risk that, Keegan! What am I supposed to do? In my dream, he has threatened you, Azura, Adela, even Colin! He’s too powerful!”

Without a thought, I jump out of the bed and pace the floor. “We have to find a way to stop him! He’s given me a week to come to free him or he’s going to start sending demons after our family!”

“Nothing is going to happen while me and the Guardians are here. We will make sure that Azura and Aunt Adela are well protected. From now on, you are not to go anywhere without one of the Guardians with you. I don’t even want you coming here with just a palace guard. A Guardian needs to be with you at ALL times! You are not going to fight me on this, Lina!”

I nod my head as if he can see me. There is no use in arguing or fighting him about this. His mind is set and he’s more stubborn than me. My heart is beating so fast in my chest that it feels like it’s going to leap out of it. It’s too much, having to deal with having my loved ones’ lives threatened, and living with the thought that the man I love, is no longer interested in me. I dare not say anything to Keegan about what I saw in the dream about Colin and Malia. He will go ape-shit crazy if he thinks that Colin has hurt me in any way. Matter of fact all the Guardians will.

“I have to come back to the human realm.”

“No, you’re not even close to being done with your training!”

“I have no choice, Keegan. He’s given me a one-week deadline. We need to come up with a plan to kick Melomouzor’s ass!” I have to go back to the human realm. There is no way that I will stay in Faery while Melomouzor makes his way to the human realm. I have to be there, even if it’s to sacrifice myself to save the realm.


time for me to check on these idiots in the laboratory. I need to see if these scientists are almost ready. They are close to making my super demon. The new generation of demons will be larger, intelligent, faster and ferocious as ever. I was told the formula that was created to enhance the demons, just needs a few more tweaks but everything is still running according to plan. The plan to break into the pharmaceutical company for supplies went horribly wrong. The shifters, Vampires, Witches and the Fae may be working together. They may have thought that they stopped me by defeating my demons at the pharmacy factory, but they were wrong.

The demon that led that raid has been dealt with for failing. His failure cost him his life. Failure is not tolerated under my command. So I appointed another demon to plan a raid for more supplies for the scientists in a smaller town and it was carried out without a hitch. I try not to get too attached to the demons due to constant fuck ups. There are a few that I trust to get jobs done. Demons that make mistakes, will pay for their mistakes.

They will wreak havoc on the human realm. Once I have crossed over, I will destroy all those who will try to stand in my way. The humans will be enslaved and I will rule their world. My second in command Bazin, is one of the only demons I truly trust. Bazin was just dispatched to Earth on my command. The witches that are under his command have been opening portals to allow demons to cross. Bazin crossed over with a few other demons.

A small smile touches my lips at the thought of dream walking into Arlina’s dream last night. That little raven-haired bitch will be mine! She has one week to bring me out of my banishment or her family will pay with their lives. She thinks that she can get away from me!
I am too strong for her. She is meant to be at my side. The prophecy says so. Her first-born child will determine the future, which will be me ruling the realm.

I can’t wait to get my hands on her, I’ll be glad to plant my seed there. That midnight hair and large green eyes will make it easy to bed her. Our first-born child will be the one to help me rule. She
be my Queen and she will bare me many offspring. The dream from last night creeps into my mind again making my cock twitch. I can’t wait to get my hands on her smooth skin in the real world.

Even if she is the one to have all the powers of the Fae, I will still be more powerful than her. Those powers of hers will belong to me. Once she’s my Queen, she will use those powers as I see fit. Maybe I’ll keep one of her family members around to keep her on a leash. That little Guardian is such a spitfire.

The rogue wolves I sent to Langdale to keep her Alpha wolf and his Legion members busy worked. There are plenty of people in the realm that are willing to follow me, and worship me when I invade the realm. Not only are there rogue wolves, but also rogue vampires, black magic witches, even some Fae, all waiting for me to come back to the realm. My power will be unmatched; there will be no one who can stop me.

I walk into the state of the art laboratory that houses all of the experiments that I hold dear. It has everything possible that the scientists and biomedical engineers my demons captured from the human realm would need. They are considered the top of their field. The demons were also able to pluck a few geneticists and a few physicians from Hell that I picked out. The best scientists are working on building my super demons. The brightly lit room housed high-powered computers, microscopes and other tools the scientist needed to complete their work.

I slowly walk past the holding cells that hold some of the witches, werewolves, vampires and fairies that are currently being worked on. They disgust me. They are filthy and malnourished. These are supposed to be the strongest of the supernaturals, descendants from the ancients. Not all of the descendants have survived their testing and experimenting. That’s why they need Arlina; she is the strongest descendant of the ancient Fae.

“Dr. Hamilton how goes our formula?” I ask walking up to the small, thin, balding scientist that was kidnapped from the human realm. Dr. Curtis Hamilton was the top gene-slicing specialist in the world before disappearing from the realm. He was the most renowned scientist who worked for the world renowned Genetech Laboratories. The world believes that his private plane, that was going to Germany for a speaking engagement, went down over the Atlantic.

He is the lead scientist on the demon-enhancing project. The smell of fear permeates from the scientist. His small beady eyes widen as I speak to him and signal for him to walk with me. Humans can be so weak.

“Your formula is on schedule, my lord.” The doctor’s voice trembles as he speaks. “We’ve taken all of the strengths from each supernatural, and infused it into the demons, my lord. The first set of demons that we transfused the formula in, all survived the transfusions, and are doing well. We are doing our final testing on them soon but so far, they seem to be faster, stronger and have grown larger.”

“So they will have all of their strengths, but none of their weaknesses,” I summarize.

“Exactly, my lord.” Dr. Hamilton’s head bobs up and down quickly.


We walk past the holding cells; there are a couple of the werewolves in their animal forms with pure silver neck shackles that will prevent them from shifting. The vampires are deprived of fresh blood, leaving them weak and vulnerable. The witches are deprived of the moon and nature, leaving them in a weakened state and the fairies wear bracelets made of quarlineum that will block their Fae powers.

Taking the strongest traits from the supernaturals and enhancing my demons, making my new breed of demons unstoppable will make conquering the realm easy. My team of experts will be working around the clock nonstop. Soon, very soon, I will rise and take the realm by force, and nothing will stop my demons.

“Dr. Hamilton, let’s put our new demons to the test.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

have to
!” My dad can truly try my nerves!

For the last fifteen minutes, we have been arguing about me going back to the human realm now. He argues that Keegan can handle everything, and that I must stay in Faery to continue to train, and be protected. I told him about the recent dream and he is forbidding me to go anywhere without a Guardian with me.

“You just told me that he said that you are the key and you are needed to bring him over! You are going to stay here in Faery where I can protect you!” My father strides over to me.

“I cannot let him get to Grandmother, Aunt Adela or the rest of the family! He is going to send demons for mom’s family! I have to do something!” He grabs me as I pace back and forth in his office.

“Do you really think that I, or your brother, will allow that monster to take you? To let him destroy the human realm? He will not lay one hand on you, Arlina!” My father’s face is hard as stone as his eyes flash with strong emotions. There’s a knock at the door. He releases me and stalks towards the door. He opens it and speaks quietly to the person on the other side. He looks over at me briefly, capturing my attention. Who could it be? He opens the door and Christian walks in the room.

Christian Zahir, master of fire magic, six foot six inches, blond hair, blued eyed elite Guardian and my
-boyfriend. He tried to claim that women were just naturally attracted to him and that he was the poor little victim. He swears up and down that he never cheated on me. Sure and I’m the Queen of the Universe! I can’t prove it but when you get that feeling something is going on, it probably is! I trust him with my life since we are both Guardians, but there is no way in hell I would ever trust him with my heart again. Two years I wasted on him! What in the hell was I thinking? But the past is the past. I’ve got bigger issues right now.

“What is he doing here?” I try but fail horribly to keep the anger and disgust out of my voice.

“Hello to you too, love,” He waltzes in with a smirk on his mouth that I want to drop kick off his face. He tries to kiss my cheek, but I dodge him and walk away from him. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

“With good reason, Christian.” I scowl at my father.

“You promised me that we could talk.” He crosses his arms across his large chest.

“Christian, is going to be your new body guard,” my father interjects as he walks over to his mini bar pouring himself a drink.

“What!” I rush over to my father. “You have got to be shitting me!”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Princess,” Christian says dryly.

“Shut up!” I yell over my shoulder turning back to my father. “Why him?”

“Not that I have to explain myself to you,
. I know you two have a history but Christian
the best at what he does. Lina, you need around the clock protection. I am not willing to risk your safety. You two need to leave your past in the past.”

“Thank you, your highness.” His gloating smile is just begging to be slapped. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Christian
one of the best Guardians and I can’t argue that fact. He’s a vicious fighter; he is a master of his Fae element fire and the bonus, his visions of the future. He is a weapons specialist; he is one of the best shots in Faery with a gun and a bow and arrow. He is the one who trained me to shoot both guns and bow and arrows. His main flaw is his cockiness, which gets on my nerves. Him guarding me around the clock, that will be a disaster.

“I’m not going to argue about Christian being the best, but why him? Why not, Nasir or Ralnor or even Almon?”

“I’ve made up my mind, Lina! Almon will remain here. While Keegan is gone, Almon is in charge. You want to go back to the human realm then Christian goes with you.” I can’t help but stare at my father as if he has lost his mind. Christian as my bodyguard?

Just great! I have a crazy lunatic Demon King trying to get out of the Underworld, to make me his Queen to take over the human realm, my current lover is probably cheating on me with
ex-lover and now my father attaches my ex-boyfriend to my hip. What the hell else can go wrong?


he hasn’t answered
her phone in two days. I haven’t spoken to her since the night she fell asleep on the phone. I’ve called her at least twenty times, and left just as many messages, and nothing. There is no way in hell I will call Keegan to find out why she is not accepting my phone calls. My wolf is whining, he misses her, wants to hear her voice, see her face and taste her lips. The phone on my desk rings, the caller ID showing a blocked caller.

“Hello?” My voice is gruff as I sit back in the office chair feeling frustrated.

“Colin, it’s Dorian.”

“Anything last night?” Dorian and his vampires have been helping with tracking the Demons who are slipping into the human realm. We’ve been following the demons, trying to figure out who has been helping them cross over. The vampires take most of the night observations due to their
sun allergy
and the wolves have been taking the daytime. Dorian and I will call each other to report off at the “shift change”.

“I think we caught a break this morning. Two of my vampires followed two demons to a house over on the west side. Looks like they were meeting with a few witches, they weren’t there long before leaving. My vampires didn’t follow them because of the sunrise but they gave me the address. I figured I would give it to you so you and your wolves could check it out this morning.”

“Great! We’ll head over there today and check it out. I’ll give Azura a call and notify her.” Grabbing a pen and notepad, I jot the address down. We hang up and I call Azura. She answers on the second ring.

“Hello, Colin.” Azura’s Romanian accent comes across the phone lines.

“I just got off the phone with Dorian, his vampires have traced the demons meeting with a few witches in a house on the west side of town.”

“When are you going to check it out?” she asks.

“As soon as I get off the phone with you, I’ll round up a team and head over there so we can check it out. We may have missed them since the Vampires couldn’t stay with the sun coming up. We can at least look around the house and see what we can find.”

“Lina should be here within the hour. She will need to be there. She will be able pick up any traces of the witches, if any spells were cast.”

“She’s coming back today?” I frown. Why didn’t she call and tell me? “I can come pick her up.” My heart speeds up at the thought of seeing her again, that she’s back earlier than expected.

I’m still a little confused on why she hasn’t answered my calls or called me back. I hear Azura speaking to someone away from the phone.

“Keegan said that she just crossed over back into the realm, give us the address and we’ll have her meet you there.” I give her the address and get off the phone.

I call out to my brother through our bond.

Yeah, what’s up?
he answers back quickly.

I need a team together to head out. Dorian called with a lead and we need to check out a house where the vamps witnessed the demons meeting with a few witches. Meet me down in the tech room with Nick.

No problem. See you in a few.

Nick’s domain in the lower level of the house, is computer Geek’s wet dream come true. Computers and gadgets are everywhere. There are a few over-sized recliners and chairs strewn around the room. One side of the wall is lined up with television screens that are monitoring the compound. Nick designed an elaborate security system that not only monitors the main house but the whole compound. He placed cameras around the compound, so that at one touch, he can tune in to any disturbances or suspicious activity on our grounds. Along with each Legion members taking turns patrolling the compound, it has created a safe environment for all members of the pack.

Nick is sitting at his desk with three monitors in front of him. His fingers are flying across the keyboard as his eyes are glued to one of the screens. I walk in the room and grab one of the recliners.

“What’s up boss?” He acknowledges me without looking at me.

“I need you to look up an address. I want you to find all that you can on the property. There were demons spotted meeting with witches early this morning, and we need to check into this place.” Devyn, Dante and Alec walk into the room. They scatter around the room as Nick works on the computers. He brings up a screen on the monitor on the wall over his desk where we all can see.

The house is located in a rough part of town. The neighborhood is rundown and many of the homes are boarded up and abandoned. The house looks like it used to be yellow, the brick steps are decimated and don’t look like they will hold much weight. The garage is tilting to the side, looking like a strong wind will finish knocking it over.

“The house was taken over by the bank about seven years ago. No one bought it of course and the bank just let it go. It used to be owned by an elderly couple, Tom and Nancy Carmichael. Looks like they passed away twelve and nine years ago respectively. Mr. Carmichael passed away first from a heart attack and the misses was put in a nursing home until she passed away nine years ago. Kids didn’t want the house and let it go.”

“So it’s just a random property,” Devyn comments. He must have updated the others on what’s going on.

“Yeah, looks like they picked this street since every house is abandoned and boarded up. This would be a perfect place to meet since there would be no witnesses.” Nick types a few more commands and a satellite view of the property comes up.

I walk over to the screen pointing out how we’ll approach the property. We’re not sure if someone will be there. I explain that we’ll be meeting Lina at the house since she’s back in the realm. Nick shoots us the coordinates of the property to our phones.

“We’ll go and check out the property now. We’ll access one of the other abandoned homes and set up surveillance there to keep an eye on the house. We’ll wait and see if they come back.” Everyone agrees with the plan and heads over to the weapons room preparing for the unexpected.

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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