Pretty Bitches (30 page)

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Authors: April Ezell Wilson

BOOK: Pretty Bitches
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“Of course. You don’t think I’m going to let you leave your new wife at home while you travel the world with beautiful women throwing themselves at you.” I said with marred incredulousness.


“Oh Gemma, there is but only one woman that will ever be throwing anything my way ever again and I can only pray it will be those fantastic nipple rings.” He finished with a wink.


My laugh was deep and husky as I replied, “Well, you’re in luck because they seem to be seasoned already. Whenever you speak they dance so I’m assuming they have pledged their allegiance.”


He stopped and placed his hands on his knees as he roared with laughter. “You are the only person on this earth that can get me every time, love. It makes me fall in love with you just a little bit more each time.”


We continued to the kitchen snorting with laughter. When we entered Lila was showing Alick how to clog. It was a sight. His huge feet were flailing about kicking every stool in their path. Lila was doubled over laughing and would place her hands on his hips every so often to correct his stance. Each time she did you could see the affect it had on the both of them. I was silently praying that it worked and equally praying that they didn’t even try because I knew it might end disastrous.


Cailen squeezed my hand and I saw the look of hope in his eyes when he watched them interact. I sighed. Neither of these men knows Lila like I do. Men are a revolving door and are good for one thing- pleasure.


Kincaid appeared to have abandoned the idea of the continued pursuit and seemed content to stand by the side and watch the story unfold.


Cailen poured us a drink and I looked over at Lila. “Hey bitch. Listen we are heading back to the city tomorrow. I can’t leave them hanging any longer. It’s just not fair. Do you want to go with us or what is your plan?”


She didn’t even hesitate before her mouth spurted, “I’m good. I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.”


Then she was back to Alick laughing and drinking.


I just rolled my eyes. I hoped I hadn’t unleashed a hurricane into Alick’s life because I had come to care about him and I would never want to see him hurt. Ever.


We sang terribly, danced worse and drank into the night. Before I was incoherent I claimed Cailen and called it a night. Flying for hours hung over is not on my list of favorite things to do.


Of course his overly sexed body devoured me when the door closed and battered my lady part until she cried out for reprieve.


The following morning I dressed quickly and packed a few things but left most everything. Everyone was still asleep when we made our way to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast.


We laughed as we ate excited about the trip but dreading the onslaught at work. An hour later we were in the car flying down the highway heading to the airport.


Since I sprung it on him so quickly we were forced to fly commercial and he grumbled the entire way through the terminals. A brief stop at the British Airways desk provided us with two first class tickets departing in an hour.


We made our way through security and settled into the worn fabric chairs at our departing gate. He continually stroked my hand and ran his fingers over my ring pulling a smile to his lips each time.


Finally our section was called and we made our way over to the boarding gate. The attendant checked our passes and smiled broadly as she gestured for the hallway.


We walked hand in hand reaching the planes door and were ushered to our seats. At least they were a bit sprawling and we had room to spread our legs. Cailen sighed when passing bags battered his shoulder and I grumbled every time he got a wink or a batted pair of eyelashes. It was ridiculous the amount of attention the man got.


When the doors finally closed and the attendant spoke cheerily of the emergency instruction, I laid my head back and gripped his hand. Flying had never been a friend of mine.


Cailen ordered two champagnes and two whiskies. I guess that would probably help with my “issue”.


Before long I was asleep on his shoulder dreaming about the way he had properly services me before we left.


I felt a hand stroke my face.


“Wake up, Gemma. We’re here.”


I fisted my hands in my eyes and blinked them into focus. The plane was inching down the tarmac heading for the gate.


“Wow, I can’t believe I slept the whole fucking flight.”


“Well, I did work you pretty hard before we left, love. I suppose you needed a little rest.” He said smugly smiling.


“Understatement of the century.” I mumbled.


He laughed and we gathered our bags from the overhead compartment and stood in the row to exit. Once we were off the plane we made our way through the terminals and headed for the car service.


When we reached the pick up area, men were standing around holding up papers with names scrawled in black ink.  A huge smile spread across my face when I took in Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael. I looked over at Cailen and he was smiling just as brightly.


     We intercepted the driver and followed him to the long line of cars parked out front. When we reached the town car Cailen lowered me in and turned back to place the bags in the trunk.


Then we waited for fucking ever to get in the only lane moving. Finally we were on the road and my familiar feeling of irritation and road rage bubbled to the surface.


Cailen sat back thoroughly entertained by my rants. By the time we made it to my house I had made three children cry and had been the receiver of four birds. Typical day.


Elliott greeted me on the curb and I shocked him with a genuine smile and a, “Hello, Elliott.”


He sputtered several words and I giggled as I walked up the steps. Marriett held the door and had a smirking grin playing on her lips.


I looked over at Cailen and smiled.


“Marriett, you remember my
, Cailen.”


Her mouth dropped and we finally stepped aside and made our way in. It took her several minuets before she was able to close her mouth. Then her eyes darted to my hand and when she spied the rock she howled with laughter and shocked me when she wrapped her arms around me chanting, “Congratulations!”


I blinked several times and smiled. “Th-thank you.” I sputtered.


Cailen offered his hand. “It is a pleasure to see you again, Marriett.” She batted her eyelashes and blushed to her hairline.


I just sighed and shook my head. I would need to get used to the attention he garners.


Cailen followed me to the bedroom where I changed into something more appropriate for work. When I was ready I looked at him. “Well, are you ready to face the executioner?” I teased.


He smirked. “Yes ma’am. My fate is sealed and I’m ready for my lashing.”


“I certainly hope so because these assholes will chew us up and spit us out.”


“They have no idea who they are up against, Gemma. It’s us against the world, babe.”


I smiled and grabbed his hand leading him out the door. Elliott offered a heartfelt congratulations as we slid into the car. I thanked him and leaned into Cailen’s side, my nerves bursting under my skin.


He sensed my unease and smoothed my hair against my back. The ride was long, as usual because the weather had warmed and brought out the tourists in droves. I would not miss NYC for that main reason.


When we pulled in front of the building Elliott opened the door and stood to the side with a stupid grin on his face.




Ed greeted me enthusiastically. “Well hello, Landon! It’s nice to see you’re back.” He spared a glance at Cailen. “Been spicing up the globe I see.”


I smirked. “You have no idea.” I said glancing at Cailen and winking. I turned back to Ed. “I guess you should get used to calling me by my new name now—Carmichael.” I smiled and watched as he bounced between our eyes and finally smiled like a devil.


“Well, congratulations lovely lady. I’m happy for you.” He smiled wide then turned to Cailen. “I hope you have a suit of armor under that fancy shirt because this one can lash you down with those eyes and that mouth. Verbal beat down I say.” He chuckled at himself and Cailen tilted his head back with musical laughter.


We entered the double doors and I sighed when the sign hit me in the face.


I noticed how everyone tried to avoid my gaze as we walked the hallways and I was instantly ashamed at my past behavior.


When the doors opened on the thirty-second floor I inhaled deeply and gripped his hand tight. To say that everyone stopped in mid stride would be completely accurate. It was as though the pause button had been pressed. Eyes followed every bit of our progress until we reached my office door.


Melanie looked up and blinked several times before she was able to speak. Mainly because she needed to wipe the drool from her mouth while she openly ogled Cailen.


“Hello Melanie.” I said curtly.


She slowly moved her eyes to my face and answered, “Miss Landon. It’s nice to have you back. Shall I run down your activities?” She asked moving her eyes back to Cailen.


I cleared my throat gaining her attention. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll only be here briefly while I gather a few things. Call up to Phil’s office and announce my arrival in thirty minutes.” She nodded and returned to her screen.


I turned the knob and opened the door, after Cailen walked in I stuck my head out. “Oh, and Melanie you should know it is extremely rude to stare at someone else’s husband. Especially mine.” I gave a wicked smile and watched recognition light up her eyes then shut the door.


I snickered to myself as I walked to the desk. “You are having fun with this, yes?” He asked grinning.


“God yes! It’s much better than I thought it would be, too.” I said rubbing my hands together.


He laughed. “Who is Phil, love?”


I sobered a bit. “Oh, yes. Well, he would be the president. It’s best if I do this as soon as possible and having you with me gives me a bit more strength.” I reached for his hand.


He made a face. “Love, are you sure this is what you want to do? I mean, you could wait a while and think about it. I don’t want you to think I expect you to do this and I certainly don’t want you to regret it and resent me later.”


“This is exactly what I want to do, Cailen. Since I met Alick and your friends and had a chance to sample your life, well that sealed the deal for me. I want to be where you are. There is nothing left here for me. You are my forever and my future.” I punched his arm. “Now let’s go have my ass handed to me on a dirty ashtray.”


He stared solemnly. “Em, I won’t let anyone treat you badly. Seriously, if you think that is the way it will go perhaps I need to wait here. I’m a fairly calm natured guy but I have rage inside that comes out when someone hurts a person I care about.”


I patted his arm and linked our fingers. “I can’t do this if you aren’t by my side, Cailen. I need you there.”


He stared at me for several moments and nodded offering a small smile.


I pulled gently on his hand and walked to the door. Melanie offered a nod and stared at our hands. We strolled through the office amid whispers and shocked breaths. I sighed. This was one conversation I wished I had on conference call.


Phil’s office door was ajar when the elevator doors opened. His secretary, Anita smiled when she saw me and gestured for me to go on in.


Phil was sitting, his chair turned against the door, talking on the phone. “I don’t give a god damn whose fucking idea it was fix it or don’t bother coming back.”


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