Promise Me Always (15 page)

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Authors: Kari March

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Promise Me Always
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“Ahhh fuck, Tess. I want to feel the back of your throat,” he groaned, propping himself up on one of his elbows while his other hand caressed my hair. “Keep your eyes on mine the whole time. I want you to see what you do to me.”

I guarded my teeth and I took him in my mouth. He was huge and before I could fit all of him in, he was hitting the back of my throat. I sucked and moved up and down, never taking my eyes off his face. His salty taste was intoxicating. I never really enjoyed giving head, but with Blake it was different. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him, even if I wanted to. I loved seeing what I was doing to him, how I was affecting him.

He threw his head back. “Oh fuck, baby girl! I’m going to come.” He started to pull away and I grabbed his hips and held him tight—wanting him to come undone in my mouth. I needed to savor him. He stared in my eyes as he started to twitch and then I felt his warm liquid shooting down my throat, our eyes never parting.

“Hmm, you taste good,” I said while I licked my lips and crawled back up his body so I was straddling him again.

“Holy shit! Do you have any idea how fucking sexy that was?” He reached under my shirt and took my nipples between his fingers, rolling the already formed buds and pulling on them, making me cry out in pleasure. I reached down and lifted my shirt over my head. Sitting up, he wrapped one arm around my waist. He took one of my peaks into his mouth, sucking and biting, while his other hand continued to pull the other. I swear he could make me come just by doing this. My shorts were soaked and I started rocking back and forth to relieve some of the throbbing.

“I need to feel you, Blake,” I panted. He grabbed my shorts and started to push them down. Standing up, I provocatively slid them down my legs.

“I need you to ride me
baby girl.”

As I lowered myself back down, he slid right into me.
Holy shit! He felt fucking incredible!
I had never felt anyone this deep inside me before. He was already hitting my G spot and I knew I wasn’t going to last very long. Sitting up straight with my hands on his chest, I started to move my body, quivering with every sway. I threw my head back as his hands found my breasts. I started to rock harder and faster—feeling him this deep in me was making me build up fast.

He moved his hands to my hips and assisted my movements, making me move even harder, his thumbs teasing the inside of my upper thighs.

“So close!” I cried. He lifted his hips, entering me further than any man had ever been, and I tightened around him as I screamed out his name.

“Yeah, that’s right! Come all over me, baby girl,” he shouted as he spilled everything he had into me. We both stared at each other while our orgasms took over. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him as our breathing calmed and we came back to Earth.

He pushed a piece of my stray hair away from my face and looked me in the eyes. “You are simply the most astonishing, flawless woman ever. I’m pretty sure you were made for me.”

Blushing, I looked down. “You ain’t so bad yourself.” We sat there in silence for a moment longer, just gazing in each other’s eyes. With everything that just happened, coupled with the words he just spoke, my heart was racing.

Suddenly, he smacked my ass. “Well, as much as I don’t want to get up, we have a breakfast date in about an hour. Do you want to jump in the shower first or should I?”

“Umm…how about we shower together?” I said as I wiggled my eyebrows in a playful manner.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted at him jokingly. He flipped me over onto my back and kissed me hard. “As much as I would love to take you again in the shower right now, I am pretty sure we would be late… if we even showed up at all. Plus, I’m starving, woman. You have depleted all of my energy.” He laughed and stood up. I watched him in all his glory as he walked across the room and disappeared into the bathroom.

As I waited for him to shower, I decided to check my phone. I had a text from Lexi, asking how my night went, and one from Palmer who was wondering the same thing. I shot them both back a quick text, saying I had a great time and I would call them later with details. I also had a missed call from a number that I didn’t recognize, as well as a voicemail. I hit play and listened to a muffled banging sound coming from the other end. Just before the message ended, I heard someone breathe into the line and then silence. Something about the message sent chills up my spine, but obviously it was just a wrong number.

I checked my Facebook account next. As soon as I met Cara, she wasted no time friending me and she had already tagged me in some photos. There were fun ones of the four of us dancing away, some of just me and her, and one perfect picture of Blake and me during dinner. I stared at the picture of myself and Blake and I started to feel my heart rate pick up.

As much as I wanted to let Blake take the reins on whatever this was between us, I still had an aching need to tell him how I was feeling. That was very strange for me—I usually kept things bottled up inside until they forced their way to the surface. The kicker was that they always seemed to emerge at the worst times. Anger was the only emotion I didn’t have issues with. Piss me off and you were going to hear about it, whether you liked it or not. I could thank my father for all of these emotional problems. I knew it was still way too soon to tell Blake anything because I didn’t even know what we were yet. But eventually, I knew I was going to have to say something and, knowing my luck, it would end up being the worst timing ever.

After breakfast, Blake dropped me off at my apartment and we made plans for the evening before he left. I didn’t want him to go, but I had some important business that needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later. I made some tea as I prepared for what had to happen. I got comfy on my couch and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts, looking for Jared’s number. Taking a deep breath, I hit “call.” With every ring, my heart beat thumped faster and faster. I was dreading this conversation. Jared didn’t give up easily and I knew he was going to put up a huge fight. As soon as he answered, my heart plummeted into my stomach.

“Hey, babe!” he said enthusiastically before I even had time to respond. “I am so glad you’re home. Can I come over? I really miss you,” he asked eagerly.

“Um…no, Jared. Look, I need to talk to you.” I really didn’t even know how to say it. I took a deep breath, hoping the words would come to me. I knew I was about to break his heart, but I couldn’t keep up with his games anymore. I knew I shouldn’t care about hurting him—he sure hadn’t given a damn about hurting me. But I couldn’t help it.

I closed my eyes and the words just came rushing out, “It’s over, Jared—forever this time.”

“What? No! Baby, wait… You can’t… You don’t mean that… I, I can’t lose you. You are my whole world.” His voice started to shake. “I love you. I’m so sorry for what I did, Tess! Please, let me come over. We need to talk in person,” he pleaded. I couldn’t let him come over—no matter what. As hard as this was, it would be even harder if he were standing in front of me. I needed to stay strong and just get through this. It had to be done.

“Don’t you dare come over here, Jared! I don’t trust you. You cheated on me twice, that I know of,” I added, rolling my eyes, “and you cannot fix it this time.”

“No… don’t do this, Tess! I can fix everything, I…”

“It’s over!” I shouted, cutting him off. The exasperation I was feeling was evident in my voice. There was complete silence on the other end of the line. Maybe he finally was going to give up. I didn’t mean to yell, but he was never going to get the point if I played nice.

I heard him take a deep breath. “Does this have anything to do with Blake?” His voice, originally broken and desperate, had quickly transformed—it was now laced with anger.

What the hell?

“No, Jared!” I responded quickly. “Blake has nothing to do with it! This has to do with the fact that you treat me like shit and you fucking cheated on me!” Now I was starting to get mad.
How dare he try to make me look like the bad guy?
The atmosphere of the conversation completely shifted. We were both irate, even though I was pretty sure I was the only one that had any reason to be angry.

“Tell me one thing, Tess, and you better tell me the truth,” he sounded calm, but daunting, as he spoke into the phone. The quietness of his voice made shivers run down my spine. “Did you fuck him last night?”

“That is absolutely none of your fucking business, Jared! And don’t even try to turn this around on me!” I was now beyond furious. “
are the reason this is happening.
were the one that couldn’t keep your dick in your pants!”

“Don’t fuck with me, Tess, and don’t lie,” he warned me. “I know what you did and what you have been doing. You never came home last night and I’m sure you wrapped your skinny legs around him more than once.” He was working very hard to keep me from seeing just how angry he was, but his fury was still dripping through the phone like venom. “Don’t forget this—you are still
and I don’t give up on what is
.” He sounded like a different person, not the Jared I knew, as his intimidating voice came through the speaker.

“I’m not yours, Jared! What the fuck is wrong with you?” He was starting to act like a crazy person. My hands started to shake as I heard what sounded like his fist hitting a wall.
He was losing it!

“I will say this one more time, Tessa. YOU…ARE…MINE…AND…ONLY…MINE!” A frightening chill snaked its’ way down my spine. Before I could respond, the line went dead.

I stared at my phone in shock.
What the fuck had just happened? Did he really just try to turn this around on me?

I got an eerie feeling as I set my phone down. Something about his voice and the way he spoke—I was terrified. I tried to replay the conversation back in my mind, but everything was kind of a blur. He was just so angry. I had known Jared for a few years now and I had never once heard him that enraged before. Everything inside me wanted this to be the end of Jared in my life. As I gazed out the window trying to gather my wits, I had a sick feeling in my stomach. Something told me that I was going to be hearing from Jared again, whether I wanted to or not.

The next week was one of the busiest and fastest weeks of my life. I was exhausted from making sure my portfolio was perfect. My hard work paid off because my professor told me it was stunning and I had a real future in photography.

I spent every free moment I had with Blake, which wasn’t helping with the exhaustion. We spent the majority of his days off tangled up in a mess of sheets. We couldn’t get enough of each other. It was like my body craved him. When he wasn’t around, there was always a dull ache deep down in my core and the only cure was his touch.

I was astonished at the fact that I had not seen or heard from Jared the entire week. The way our last conversation went, I was sure he was going to be persistent. I hoped to God that maybe he had come to his senses and given up. It wasn’t like him in the slightest to give up on what he wanted, but apparently he had come to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to cave this time.

There I sat, listening to my graduation commencement in my cap and gown, and I couldn’t help but think of the past week and Blake. The more time I spent with him, the more my emotions tumbled down, spiraling out of control. And there was nothing I could do to stop it. I had been living in a fantasy, floating in air, and I was waiting for gravity to kick in… and me to fall flat on my face. It was only a matter of time before something went wrong. It was just how my adult life had gone. One minute, I was on could nine and the next, I was descending into hell.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard my name being called over the loud system. I sprung up from my seat and made my way to the stage to get my diploma. I heard my family and friends screaming and cheering from the audience as I shook the dean’s hand and posed for a picture. I walked back down to my seat and stared at my diploma. I was finally a college graduate! I was so excited to start my internship and my career. Lucky for me, though, I had enough money saved to take a little time off. I was going to be free until just after the fourth of July. I needed this break before I jumped head first into being a real adult. I planned on many days lounging at the pool and many nights wrapped around Blake.

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