Public Enemies (95 page)

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Authors: Bryan Burrough

BOOK: Public Enemies
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in American Bank and Trust robbery
Audrey Dillinger’s correspondence with
background of
in Central National Bank robbery
in Chicago shoot-out
Dayton arrest of
death of
in East Chicago bank robbery
in escape from Crown Point jail
in escape from Lima jail
Estill’s photograph of
fame and legend of
family visit of
first bank robberies of
first murder of
in First National Bank robberies
Florida sojourn of
in Fostoria robbery
Frechette’s arrest and
Frechette’s relationship with
in gang reunion
grave of
Green’s capture
gunshot wound of
Hamilton’s death and
homosexual experience of
legacy of War on Crime and
manhunt for
media and
in Merchants National Bank robbery
as Navy deserter
Nelson’s envy of
Nelson’s partnership with
O’Brien-Mulvihill killing and
Piquett as attorney for
Piquett’s rift with
plastic surgery of
Polly Hamilton and
popular perception of
at Probasco hideout
Purvis on
Purvis-Sage conspiracy against
as role model for Clyde Barrow
in St. Paul shoot-out
in Security National Bank and Trust robbery
in South St. Paul shoot-out
Tucson arrest of
Dillinger, John Wilson
Dillinger, Mollie
Dillinger Days
Dillon, David
Dirty Dozen Gang
Dodd, Christopher
Dodd, Thomas
Donegan, T. J.
Doolin, Bill
Dowd, Ed
Doyle, Earl
Doyle, Jess
Duffy, Eddie
Dunkel, Helen
Dunlop, Albert
Dunn, William
Dunning, Milton
Durham, Clarence
Durkin, Martin
Dyer Act
Dyke, Stewart
East Liverpool
Eberle, Walter
Engel, Frank
Erwin, William
Esser, Mrs. A. R.
Estill, Robert
Eye, Charles
Eyman, Frank
Factor, Jake “The Barber”
Fanning, Mike
Farland, A. E. “Gyp”
Farmer, Elmer
Farmer, Herbert “Deafy”
Fashions of 1933
Fay, Frank X.
FBI Story, The
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
abuse of suspects by
Dillinger manhunt of
early history of
Frechette arrested by
G-man team and
Green confession and
Hanni’s criticism of
Hollywood depiction of
Hoover’s reorganization of
Kansas City Massacre investigation of
Kansas City Massacre and transformation of
Kelly captured by
Kelly pursued by
Little Bohemia debacle and
Ma Barker myth and
Mathias pursued by
public relations by
Scotland Yard as model for
secret office of
Underhill arrested by
Urschel kidnapping and
Van Meter’s death and
weapons-trained agents hired by
Federal Reserve robbery
Feeney, Al
Feller, Marvelle
Ferguson, Helen
Ferguson, Jim
Ferguson, Mildred “Ma”
Field & Stream
Fields, W. C.
First National Bank robberies
Fisher, Chuck
Fisher, Harry
Fitzgerald, Charles
Fitzgerald, Maurice
Fitzsimmons, Juliette
Fitzsimmons, Robert
Fletcher, Chapmon
Floyd, Bradley
Floyd, Charles Arthur “Pretty Boy”
background of
death of
description of
final hours of
grave of
Kansas City Massacre and
Karpis’s visit with
Killingsworth kidnapped by
media and legend of
in popular culture
Floyd, Jackie
Floyd, Ruby
Ford, Dallas
Fortenberry, S. L.
Fort Worth Star Telegram
Fostoria robbery
Francis, Roy
Francis, Mrs. Roy
Frankfurter, Felix
Frechette, Evelyn “Billie”
arrest of
background of
Dillinger’s relationship with
fate of
interrogation of
Freemuth, Frank
Fritsch, Roy
Fryman, Joe
Fultz, John H.
Galatas, Dick
arrest and interrogation of
Galatas, Elizabeth
Gallagher, William P.
Garrettsville train robbery
Gault, Manny
Geraghty, J. L.
Gibson, Clara
Gibson, Russell
Gilbert, Dan “Tubbo”
Gillespie, Robert G.
Gillis, Helen
Gillis, Joseph
Gillis, Lester,
Nelson, “Baby Face”
Gillis, Mary
Girardin, Russell
“gits” (getaway maps)
Gloeckner, Kirk
Glynn, Jack-35
Goetz, Fred,
Ziegler, “Shotgun George”
Goldstein, Grace
Good, Margaret
Goodman, Leona
Graham, Harold
Graham, William
Grapevine, The
Grayson, Ben
Great Crime Wave of 1933-34
“gits” used in
professionalism in
technology and
see also
War Against Crime;
specific criminals
Great Depression
Green, Beth
Green, Eddie
capture of
in First National Bank robbery
Green, Edward
Grey. E.
Griffin, Jack
Griffith, Walter L.
Grisso, Horace
Grooms, Bill “Red”
Gross, Charlie
Gross, George
Grossman, Reuben
Grubb, Maude A.
Guinane, Ed
Gunn, Joe
Hall, Clayton
Hall, Mrs. Clayton
Hall, Tex
Hamer, Frank
Hamilton, Floyd
Hamilton, Joe
Hamilton, John “Red”
in American National Bank robbery
in Central National Bank robbery
death of
in East Chicago Bank robbery
in First National Bank robbery
in Little Bohemia episode
in visit to Anna Steve
Hamilton, Polly
Hamilton, Raymond
Hamm, Theodore
Hamm kidnapping
Kansas City Massacre investigation and
Karpis and
police corruption and
Purvis and
ransom negotiations in
ransom payouts in-10
Touhy trial and
Hancock, Audrey,
Dillinger, Audrey
Hancock, Emmett
Hancock, Fred
Hancock, Mary
Hancock, Norman
Hanni, Werner
Hansen, Wilbur
Harder, Howard
Hardy, Sam
Hardy, Tom
Harmon, Paula
Harrison, Mrs. William
Harrison, Willie
Hartman, Al
Harvey, R. G.
Hauptmann, Bruno Richard
Hayes, George
Heberbrand, Art
Heller, Nate
Helmer, William
Henderson, Ray
Hermanson, Frank
Hermanson, Hobart
Hermanson, Mrs. Hobart
Herron, James
Hettrick, Sylvester J.
Higgins, Thomas
Highfill, George
Hillyard, Frances
Hinton, Ted
in Bonnie and Clyde ambush
Bonnie and Clyde pursued by
Hiss, Alger
Hoffman, John
Hole-in-the-Wall Gang
Holley, Carroll
Holley, Lillian
Hollis, Genevieve
Hollis, Herman “Ed”
death of
Homer, Leslie
Hoover, J. Edgar
after-the-fact memos of
appointed Bureau director
background of
Bremer kidnapping investigation and
Cowley promoted by
Dillinger manhunt and
Dock Barker’s arrest and
fate of
FBI reorganized by
firearms competency upgraded by
Floyd manhunt and
Kansas City Massacre investigation and
Karpis’s arrest and
legacy of
Little Bohemia debacle and
Little Rock raid and
Ma Barker myth and
management style of
preeminence of
public relations and
Purvis demoted by
Purvis’s relationship with
Roosevelt administration and
Senate testimony of
sexual orientation of
Urschel kidnapping investigation and
Van Meter killing reaction of
Houk, Kenneth “Butch”
Hovious, Beryl
Howe, John
Howe, Louis
Hudak, John
Hudiberg, Joe
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hughes, Vincent W.
Hull, Henry
Hunsicker, Horace
Hunter, Freddie
Huntington, Forrest
Hurt, Clarence
Indianapolis News
Indiana State Police
Internal Revenue Service
Irey, Elmer
Israel, Lon
Jackson, Lucy
James, Frank
James, Jesse
James, R. L.
James, Thomas R.
Jarrett, Walter
Jarrett, Mrs. Walter
Jenkins, Jim
Jenkins (prison inmate)
Johnson, Margaret
Johnson, Robert L.
Jones, Gus T. “Buster”
career of
Kansas City Massacre investigation and
Shannon raid and
Urschel kidnapping and
Jones, R. L. “Bob”
Jones, W. D.
Jordan, Glenn
Jordan, Henderson
Joyner, John
Justice Department, U.S.
Kansas City Journal Post
Kansas City Massacre
Comstock episode and
convictions in
FBI investigation of
Floyd and
Galatas’s arrest and
Hamm kidnapping and
Hoover and
immediate aftermath of
Karpis linked to
Kelly as suspect in
LaCapra’s confession and
Nash’s arrest and
police corruption and
shoot-out in
transformation of FBI and
Underhill’s arrest and
witnesses to
Kansas City Star
Kaplan, Abe
Karpis, Alvin “Ray”
arrest of
in Atlantic City shoot-out
autobiography of
background of
Bremer kidnapping and
Bremer ransom money and
cosmetic surgery of
Cuba sojourn of
Karpis, Alvin “Ray” (
fate of
in Federal Reserve robbery
first bank robbery of
Florida sojourns of
Floyd’s visit with
as fugitive
in Garrettsville train robbery
Hamm kidnapping and
Kansas City Massacre and
Little Rock raid and
Ma Barker and
Nitti and
in Warren payroll robbery
Karpis, Raymond
Keady, Burrhead
Keenan, Joseph
Keith, Hale
Keith, John
Keller, Art
Kelley, Erv
Kelly, George, Jr.
Kelly, George “Machine Gun”
arrest of
background of
death of
“G-man” term and
grave of
Kansas City Massacre case and
Urschel kidnapping and
Kelly, Kathryn Thorne
Kelly, Pauline
Kendale, Lester
Kidder, Bernice
Kidder, Ted
Killingsworth, Jack
Kinder, Mary
Kingman, Loyde E.
Kinkema, Edward
Kirkpatrick, E. E.
Klemperer, Otto
Koerner, Alvin
Krock, Arthur
Krueger, Fred
Krupp, Paul
Kuhlmann, Mildred
Kunkleman, H. C.
LaCapra, Michael “Jimmy Needles”
Lackey, Joe
Ladd, Mickey
Lake Weir shoot-out
Lamm, Herman K.
Lange, George W.
Lange, Mrs. George W.
Lansky, Meyer
LaPlumma, Nugent
LaPorte, George
LaPorte, Lloyd
LaPorte, Louis
Larson, William
Lazia, Johnny
Leach, Matt
Lee, Edwin W.,
Galatas, Dick
Leibman, Heinie
Lesly, Harry
Lester, Pres

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